Most Viewed in December 2010

This site had at least 18,416 visits in December 2010. A precise count is not known since the server crashed on Christmas Eve, losing the preceding day’s statistics, and confusion with the hosting service about restoration of content lost another two days of logs and statistics. There had been 11,338 unique visitors by the end of the day before the crash.

There follows a list of pages that the available statistics show as having each been viewed at least 100 times in December 2010. The faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents to another. Two of these index pages are just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction. The rank in brackets is from the previous month.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Licensed Memory in Windows Vista 8,290
2 (2) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 1,689
3 (3) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 1,351
4 (5) Win32 488
5 (6) Kernel 448
6 (4) The First Run Page in Internet Explorer 444
7 (8) The Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 360
8   Boot Options: numproc 345
9 (9) Notes 333
10 (13) Visual C++ 311
11 (14) NTDLL Functions 296
12 (7) HAL Versions 285
12 (11) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 285
14 (15) Shell 261
15 (10) Installed License Values 257
16 (12) Licensed Processors in Windows Vista 249
17 (36) LINK /COMMENT 228
18 (28) BCD Elements 227
19 (24) Boot Options: detecthal 225
20 (17) Internet Explorer 209
21 (31) The Boot Status Data Log 198
22 (30) The Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider 193
23   SHELL32 Functions 190
24 (16) ZwQueryLicenseValue 188
25 (23) Install a Boot Logo for Windows XP 185
26 (21) Boot Options: pae 174
27 (20) What’s New? 167
28 (25) Boot Options: nx 150
29 (19) C1XX Errors 147
30 (22) Feature Control in Internet Explorer 145
31 (29) Get More from the Windows Boot Menu 140
32 (26) Windows Kernel Exports 138
33 (27) About This Site 136
34 (39) LINK /IGNORE 131
34   SVCHOST 131
34 (18) Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure 131
37 (33) Viewing the Firmware Memory Map 130
38   BCD Objects 127
39   Software Analysis By Reverse Engineering 115
40   Boot Options: truncatememory 106
41 (34) Kernel Versions 104