Most Viewed in December 2011

This site had 13,972 visits in December 2011, from 10,625 unique visitors. This continues a sharp decrease on previous months, apparently accountable by the site’s very nearly complete disappearance from search results at Google. December’s revision of the site’s scripts may return me to Google’s favour in the New Year.

There follows a list of pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in December 2011. The faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents to another. Two of these index pages are just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction. The rank in brackets is from the previous month.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Licensed Memory in Windows Vista 7,773
2 (2) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 1,778
3 (3) Win32 437
4 (6) Installed License Values 336
5 (4) Kernel 331
6 (5) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 309
7 (7) Notes 237
8 (9) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 193
9 (10) Visual C++ 190
10 (25) BCD Elements 183
11 (12) Licensed Processors in Windows Vista 164
12 (11) LINK /COMMENT 161
13 (15) ZwQueryLicenseValue 159
14 (18) Boot Options: pae 146
15 (13) Shell 145
16 (14) Internet Explorer 143
17 (19) About This Site 125
18   Boot Options: nx 116
19 (20) What’s New? 114
20   Viewing the Firmware Memory Map 113
21 (17) The Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 110
22 (22) The Windows Explorer Command Line 105