Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
It is not remarked upon in every report on Clampi, but the installer has two distinct modes of operation. In the more widely known mode, the installer extracts from itself a program which it runs immediately but which it also sets up to be run automatically whenever the same user restarts Windows. In the other mode, the installer tries copying itself to the Startup directories of other users so that they too will get Clampi installed when they next start Windows. In both modes, the installer ordinarily deletes itself when done.
Running the installer always creates an event, named 12345, to guard against running multiple instances concurrently: if the event already exists, the installer terminates immediately (and does not delete itself). Note that creating this event in advance would provide a security product with a very simple means of inoculating a computer against Clampi, at least until new versions of the installer test a differently named event.
Given that the installer can continue, the choice of mode depends entirely on its command line. If it is run with exactly one command-line argument (as parsed by the CommandLineToArgvW function), then copy mode applies, else extract mode.
The copying to multiple locations has a guard against being done redundantly. The installer tries to create the registry key:
Key: | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\9593275321 |
As an aside, the registry key that gets created if running on Windows Vista may actually be
Virtualised Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\9593275321 |
due to registry virtualisation if the current user does not have sufficient access rights to the intended key. (You may need to know this if you want to find the key using the Registry Editor.) Whether virtualised or not, if this key cannot be created as a new key, as opposed to being opened as an existing key, then the copying is abandoned. Creating this key in advance would be a simple method of inoculating a computer against the installer’s copy mode (though it wouldn’t surprise me to find that some anti-virus products already interpret the key’s existence as a sign of infection rather than defence).
If the installer can read its own file, it attempts to locate the Startup directory for each user and to copy itself there under the name “uninstall.exe”. Its algorithm for this is the first sign that the Trojan pre-dates Windows Vista—or, at least, that it is written without regard for behaviour that’s new for Windows Vista, meaning specifically the new arrangement of directories in user profiles. The installer first obtains the default path for the current user’s Startup directory (meaning the shell folder denoted by CSIDL_STARTUP). This will typically be
The installer then assumes that this path has the username between the fourth last and third last backslashes. If the path cannot be discovered or does not contain (at least) four backslashes, then copying is abandoned. Otherwise, the installer identifies all non-hidden directories at the same level as the presumed username. Each such directory whose name does not begin with a period or with “All” is substituted for username in the current user’s Startup path to produce a location to which the installer tries to copy itself.
When the installer is run with no command-line argument, or with too many, its job is to extract the persistent program, set it up in the registry and run it.
Extraction is abandoned if the English name of the country for the user’s default locale begins with R. Since Rwanda is not known for its high-tech industry, the country that is intended to be exempt is presumably Russia or perhaps Romania. Some reports go as far as suggesting eastern Europe as the malware’s origin, but perhaps they have information from outside the code.
The preferred location for the extracted executable is the current path for the current user’s AppData directory (meaning the shell folder denoted by CSIDL_APPDATA). This will typically be
The installer has a default for when this path can’t be determined, e.g., on very old Windows versions that haven’t had their Windows functionality upgraded by installing Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher. This fallback location is simply the directory which Windows recommends for temporary files (as reported by the GetTempPath function).
The filename for the extracted executable is chosen randomly from among a dozen hard-coded possibilities. All are plausible-looking names for Windows components. The extracted executable is set up in the registry so that it should be run automatically at startup:
Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run |
Type: | REG_SZ |
The value is chosen to match the filename:
Value | Data |
svchosts | path\svchosts.exe |
Taskmon | path\taskmon.exe |
RunDll | path\rundll.exe |
System | path\service.exe |
Sound | path\sound.exe |
UPNP | path\upnpsvc.exe |
lsass | path\lsas.exe |
Init | path\logon.exe |
Windows | path\helper.exe |
EventLog | path\event.exe |
CrashDump | path\dumpreport.exe |
Setup | path\msiexeca.exe |
To strengthen the extracted executable’s appearance as a Windows utility, its Date Created and Date Modified times are set to the Date Created of the KERNEL32.DLL file in the Windows system directory.
Also extracted are several configurable parameters that the extracted executable will need. The installer knows nothing of the eventual interpretation. It just sets each registry value to have the corresponding binary data, however much of it there is.
The first to be set—indeed, it is set before the executable is extracted—is an identifier. The extracted program will regard this as invalid unless it is exactly four bytes.
Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings |
Value: | GID |
Type: | REG_BINARY |
In the copy studied for this report, the data is 0x00 0x00 0x02 0x0E. No meaning is discernible just from the extracted program. Since it is reported to the controller and no provision exists for changing it, a reasonable inference is that it identifies the package. However, it may be more specific. The extracted program has its own version number which the controller can learn. Provided that the means of learning is the same across all versions (and assuming that the authors avoid redundancy), the GID would be left as identifying just the installer. Yet all that persists from the installer, except for the extracted program, are these few registry settings. Since the two settings that specify an RSA public key (discussed soon) are used before the GID is sent to the controller, it may be that the GID is intended only as a quick identifier of what the installer has provided as the initial data for the other setting.
This other setting is a list of Internet resources, apparently called gates, which the extracted program is to communicate with. I don’t mean to generalise from the one sample that I have for inspection, but perhaps the G in GID stands for Gate.
Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings |
Value: | GatesList |
Type: | REG_BINARY |
The extracted program will interpret the binary data from the GatesList value as single-byte characters organised into pairs of null-terminated strings. The first in each pair names the host. The second names an object to post to at that host. Together, they make a URL. The copy studied for this report has two URLs:
Provision exists for the extracted program to receive a new list from a controller, and save it as new data for this value. Since the program will by then have received an identifier to use in subsequent exchanges, the controller can remember what list it has sent. It is unsurprising then that no provision exists for asking the program what list it has. However, if a controller wanted to learn what list the program started with, the GID value is the only possible means. A catalogue of Clampi variants could help settle this speculation.
The remaining registry settings that need to be set up for the extracted program specify an RSA public key. No provision exists for changing this public key. Its only use is when the extracted program first contacts a controller. The program sends the controller a randomly generated Blowfish key that both will use to protect their communications. To protect the Blowfish key, the program encrypts it with the RSA public key, which is known to the program from separate registry values for the modulus and public exponent.
Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings |
Value: | KeyM |
Type: | REG_BINARY |
The KeyM value provides the modulus, i.e., the product of two large prime numbers. The extracted program does not formally require a size for this modulus but does assume the modulus is large enough for encrypting a 0x38-byte message. The copy studied for this report has 0x0100 bytes, i.e., 2048 bits, of binary data for this value.
Key: | HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Settings |
Value: | KeyE |
Type: | REG_BINARY |
The KeyE value provides the public exponent, i.e., the power to which a plain-text message is raised to produce the cipher text. In the copy studied for this report, the binary data for KeyE is the well-known prime 0x00010001.
Successful installation requires that all file and registry operations succeed. With everything set up, the extracted program is set to run automatically whenever the same user starts Windows, but it is also run immediately. There is no command line and the program’s windows are to be hidden by default.
Incidentally, this first execution is done by calling WinExec without putting the pathname in quotes. On many Windows installations therefore, this first attempt at running the extracted program would be defeated if a harmless program named Documents.exe were placed in the root directory. Indeed, such a program might usefully be not just harmless but defensive, since it could use its command line to locate the malware and alert the user.
In both operating modes, the installer has the job of deleting itself, even if the copying or extraction was unsuccessful. The only exception in ordinary practice is when the installer terminates immediately for believing that another instance is already running.
Self-deletion is complicated because the system does not ordinarily permit the deletion of a running executable. The installer’s particular way around this is to start a hidden Command Prompt and then exit. The Command Prompt does the deletion after a delay that more or less ensures that the installer is not still running:
%ComSpec% /c dir /s %SystemRoot%>nul && del "installer"
On Windows Vista, with its numerous side-by-side assemblies in the WinSxS subdirectory, the recursive directory listing can easily take 10 seconds even on a high-spec machine, which has the happy side-effect of prompting the alert user to notice that something strange has just happened.