Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
The taskbar, ordinarily at the bottom of the desktop, has an area to its right which is nowadays called the notification area but is sometimes still referred to as the system tray. The notification area serves as a standard location for any sort of item that the user might like to be aware of, especially without having to take special action, but might not think deserves as much prominence as a taskbar button. The visual presentation of such an item is a small icon, which can change appearance to convey a small amount of information, but otherwise sits unobtrusively unless the user indicates some interest in it by moving the mouse over it or clicking on it. The clock is the original and perhaps still the best example, though it is in fact an internal implementation of the Windows Explorer. An example that is added by other software is the power meter, which gives users of portable computers an immediately visible estimate of the remaining battery power.
Inevitably, the notification area gets abused. Some software manufacturers think that what their product has to tell the user is so important that it should claim space in the notification area whether the user wants it there or not. Perhaps in reaction to this, the notification area has become highly configurable. Since Windows XP, users can specify that icons should be hidden if the user hasn’t for some time done anything to indicate that the icon is wanted. Users can even express a preference that particular icons should never be shown or should always be shown even if inactive. Administrators are empowered to defeat all this, of course, and can even specify that the notification area doesn’t show at all or that it may contain only the clock.
Icons that are expected in the notification area sometimes do not appear. This is not because of any configurability such as described above. The missing icon is not among the hidden icons. It hasn’t been disabled, even inadvertently. It was present in the notification area during the previous Windows session and may be there in the next. It just didn’t appear in this session.
Neither is the problem confined just to when the Windows Shell starts, for although this is typically when most items are added to the notification area, it is not the only time. A good example, though admittedly one that is fading quickly from relevance and which anyway does not apply to Windows Vista, is the addition of a network icon when a user activates a dial-up connection to the Internet. This case is especially annoying because without the icon in the notification area, the user has no very easy way to disconnect when finished.
A distinctive feature of this problem is that when you check the relevant program for its option of whether the icon is supposed to show in the notification area, you find that the program believes the icon is enabled. Disabling the option and then re-enabling it may or may not make the icon appear.
Another distinctive feature is a perception that the problem is timing-related and in particular that Windows has seemed unusually busy at the time the icon was expected to appear. The Internet has numerous accounts of the problem, along with many supposed solutions that I expect do work for their proposer but only by avoiding the timing-related stimulus in ignorance of the problem’s cause.
The notification area, being part of the taskbar, is implemented in the Windows Explorer, running as EXPLORER.EXE. A program that adds an item to the notification area loads SHELL32.DLL into its own process space and calls a SHELL32 function named Shell_NotifyIcon. To tell EXPLORER about the proposed new icon for the notification area, this function sends a window message to the taskbar window and waits for a reply. Sending a message to another process’s window can take some time and can even go wrong. Since Windows 2000, SHELL32 has put conditions on the delivery. First is a timeout of 4 seconds, raised to 7 in Windows Vista. Second is that delivery is aborted if the target process seems hung. According to Microsoft’s documentation, this means that the target hasn’t been seen to pick up any messages for at least 5 seconds. If either of these delivery conditions is frustrated, Shell_NotifyIcon fails and the proposed notification-area item, of course, does not appear.
As noted above, you may get a satisfactory outcome, if only for yourself, by identifying whatever it is that has kept EXPLORER too busy to receive the message in the allowed time. If it can then be disabled, or made to act either before or after the addition of notification-area icons, then you will escape the problem.
However, the only true solution is to patch the problem away. Who’s to know what the SHELL32 programmers were thinking but the timeout they chose is much too short in practice. Experiments with Windows XP confirm that the taskbar window can be busy for more than a minute during startup, most notably because of network discovery. On some such occasions, the signs would be obvious even to novice users, e.g., because the cursor changes to an hourglass when moved over the taskbar and stays as an hourglass for an inconveniently long time.
In an ideal world, or even one in which problems like this receive perfunctory treatment from those who cause them, Microsoft would by now have introduced configurable options, both for the timeout and for whether to abort sending the message if EXPLORER seems hung. Even if users were left to set these by hand in the registry if they’re sufficiently troubled by the problem, many would be satisfied. However, Microsoft is peculiarly uninterested. At least until January 2007, Microsoft’s documentation of Shell_NotifyIcon didn’t even mention that the function is capable of failing for a non-trivial reason such as expiry of a timeout.
This matters because of the design of the function. If the function returned a handle that the caller would need for later access to the icon, then programmers would naturally enough check for success or failure, as part of ensuring that they have received a handle. However, the function is not designed like this. Instead, the caller supplies its own identifiers for the proposed icon and EXPLORER has the job of remembering. It is just inevitable that unless programmers are warned clearly and directly that failure is a real possibility, then since they don’t have anything to get from the function, they have no expectations of it and they will not check that it actually has succeeded. They will treat the function as another of those for which failure is merely academic.
There will exist by now a large body of code which just does not check whether
Shell_NotifyIcon succeeds or fails. Good evidence
of this is provided by Microsoft itself. The notification-area items
are all Microsoft’s work as standard features of Windows. Yet not for adding any
one of them does the responsible DLL, named STOBJECT.DLL, check
Shell_NotifyIcon for success or failure. This is
even true of code that has been added to STOBJECT for Windows Vista.
All opportunity to leave SHELL32 alone but fix the problem in the callers is long gone. There is no general way to induce a caller to redo its attempted addition of a notification-area icon. Even if there were, then since the problem typically involves the caller having not noticed that its first attempt failed, it would be unrealistic to trust that the caller will even think it has anything to redo.
For an example with no programmatic solution, consider the power icon (or battery meter) in Windows XP. There are several ways to get STOBJECT to reassess whether the icon should be enabled in the notification area, but all lead to the one algorithm.
If the option to “Always show icon on the taskbar“ is active, e.g., is checked on the Advanced tab of the Power Options Properties, or if the machine is running on batteries, then the power icon is supposed to be enabled. If STOBJECT believes the icon is not yet enabled, it adds the icon, i.e., calls the NIM_ADD subfunction of Shell_NotifyIcon. Otherwise, it modifies what it believes is already there, i.e., calls the NIM_MODIFY subfunction. Whether the add or modify succeeds or fails, STOBJECT then believes the icon is enabled. With the “Always show icon on the taskbar” option off and the machine on AC power, there is to be no power icon in the notification area. STOBJECT deletes whatever icon might be enabled, i.e., calls the NIM_DELETE subfunction, and thereafter believes the icon is not enabled.
Thus, if the icon did not appear because EXPLORER never got the message about adding it, you can get the icon back only by first persuading STOBJECT to delete the icon and then persuading it to add the icon again. This means putting the machine on AC power and clearing the “Always show icon on the taskbar” option (and applying this change), and then either restoring the option or pulling the plug.
Aside from being bizarre, and perhaps even impossible at the time (there being presumably some reason that you are working on batteries), putting the machine back on AC power is not something you can program.
The good news about patching SHELL32 for this problem is that the patch sites are easy to locate. The timeout and the direction to abort if hung are both constants that are pushed onto the stack as arguments to a function (SendMessageTimeout). A push of a constant has an efficient coding that compilers can’t improve upon unless the same constant happens to be used elsewhere in the function. It is therefore very plausible that if you have a SHELL32 version that is not listed below, the instructions that must be patched will be coded the same way and you will be able to find the patch sites by following general directions. Indeed, someone with sufficient will and public spirit might even devise a program that automates the patch.
The aim is to find the bytes of the following two instructions:
Opcode Bytes | Instruction |
68 A0 0F 00 00 |
push 4000 |
6A 03 |
push 3 |
in that order, with at most a few bytes separating them. If there are multiple instances, you will need to determine which one belongs to Shell_NotifyIcon. However, all known builds of SHELL32 from Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 have only three instances of the first instruction and only one of these is soon followed by the second. In all known builds from Windows 2000, there is a separation of three bytes. In all known builds of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, the instructions are contiguous.
The 0x68 in the first instruction is the opcode for pushing a 32-bit immediate value that actually is stored in the instruction as 32 bits. The four bytes that follow, encoded with the least significant first, give the timeout in milliseconds. To extend the timeout to 1 minute, you would change 0xA0 0x0F to 0x60 0xEA. In my experience with this patch in everyday use of Windows XP SP1 on a desktop and occasional use of the same version on a notebook, I found after about 10 months that a timeout of 1 minute had not sufficed. I raised the timeout further and never saw the problem again. (I applied the patch in January 2007, having been irritated by the problem for many years, but only then having got round to my list of things to look into some day. I replaced the desktop in July 2008.)
For the second instruction, the 0x6A is the opcode for pushing a 32-bit immediate value that is sign-extended from 8 bits. The byte that follows is interpreted as bit flags, in which 0x02 is what Microsoft documents as SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG. To clear this bit, change 0x03 to 0x01.
In my everyday experience of Windows Vista for roughly six months and occasional experience for longer, I find much that frustrates but I have not observed notification-area icons to go missing. (They occasionally show the wrong icon, but that is another story.) I do sometimes observe EXPLORER to be busy for minutes, with a wait cursor and completely unresponsive Start button and taskbar. It’s just that this has not yet happened at a time when anyone has been adding icons to the notification area. The timeout conditions are still in the code and though they are not triggered in my practice, they may be in someone else’s. Should you need to find the relevant instructions, they are slightly different in Windows Vista because the timeout is increased to 7 seconds:
Opcode Bytes | Instruction |
68 58 1B 00 00 |
push 7000 |
6A 03 |
push 3 |
These instructions are contiguous, but especially with an eye to future versions or to builds that are downloaded for you by Windows Update, you should beware that there are two instances, one for Shell_NotifyIcon and another for the new function SHQueryUserNotificationStatus. Whether the latter ought also to be patched is beyond the scope of these notes.
The code for version 5.50, i.e., for Windows Me, differs significantly. The two instructions are instead:
Opcode Bytes | Instruction |
6A FF |
push 0xFFFFFFFF |
6A 02 |
push 2 |
The first instruction pushes what Microsoft represents symbolically as INFINITE, so that there is no timeout and no need to patch this first instruction. Note the change of opcode since the constant is generated by sign-extending from one byte. To clear SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG in the second instruction, change the 0x02 to 0x00.
The following table lists the SHELL32 versions from various Windows releases, as obtained from MSDN discs, and gives the file offsets for the two instructions, i.e., to the 0x68 and the 0x6A. The separate study of the Windows Shell has more details on the SHELL32 Versions.
Version | Package | File Offsets |
5.0.2920.0 | Windows 2000 | 0x0001D3D0, 0x0001D3D8 |
5.0.3103.1000 | Windows 2000 SP1 | 0x00009D43, 0x00009D4B |
5.0.3502.5436 | Windows 2000 SP3 | 0x0001D592, 0x0001D59A |
5.0.3700.6705 | Windows 2000 SP4 | 0x00016FD0, 0x00016FD8 |
5.50.4134.100 | Windows Me | 0x0003F264, 0x0003F269 |
6.0.2600.0 | Windows XP | 0x00042FFE, 0x00043003 |
6.0.2800.1106 | Windows XP SP1 | 0x000543D9, 0x000543DE |
6.0.2900.2180 | Windows XP SP2 | 0x000771C5, 0x000771CA |
6.0.3790.0 | Windows Server 2003 | 0x0005B04A, 0x0005B04F |
6.0.3790.1830 | Windows Server 2003 SP1 | 0x0007CED2, 0x0007CED7 |
6.0.3790.3959 | Windows Server 2003 SP2 | 0x00060A1D, 0x00060A22 |
6.0.6000.16386 | Windows Vista | 0x00041A3A, 0x00041A3F |
6.0.6001.18000 | Windows Vista SP1 | 0x0005BD36, 0x0005BD3B |
If you are not completely certain how to interpret file offsets, to check the bytes and to edit them, then do not try to patch the file. Even if you think you know what you are doing, please take care to work on a copy. Use some such command as fc /b to compare your patched copy with the original, and verify that you have changed only the expected bytes.
The bad news about patching SHELL32.DLL as a solution to this problem is that, apart from what many may see as a highly technical exercise of patching any file, there is a practical difficulty with getting Windows to use the patched copy. Recent versions of Windows ordinarily protect sensitve executables from corruption, so that they are automatically restored from a cache (or from your installation media, which you may be asked to insert). You can disable this feature and copy your patched SHELL32.DLL to both the Windows system directory and the cache, but I recommend strongly that you do not. For one thing, you may live to regret not having the original in the cache.
The best way to install a patched executable that is otherwise subject to Windows File Protection is to copy it into place using another operating system. If you do not already have another Windows installation in a multi-boot configuration, then boot the Recovery Console. This is available on your Windows installation media, but you might do well to install the Recovery Console onto your hard disk, as a multi-boot option. If you do not know how to work the Recovery Console and cannot make sense of Microsoft’s directions, e.g., in Windows Help and Support, then do not try using it.
As far as I can tell from searches at Microsoft’s website and at Google, Microsoft does not acknowledge this problem directly, e.g., in the Microsoft Knowledge Base. It is simply not believable that nobody at Microsoft knows of the problem. After all, many users will have noticed the problem from the day that they first switched on their new machine and very many more will have noticed not long after. For ordinary users, reporting bugs to Microsoft is at best an exercise in losing time, but can it really be that none of Microsoft’s own users or its army of pre-release testers ever reported this problem through channels that ordinarily get results? Of course not, so where is Microsoft’s acknowledgement of the problem and its advice at least on mitigating the effect?
What is known is that some time since January 2007 and before January 2009, Microsoft has updated its Shell_NotifyIcon documentation to observe that the function can fail because of timing out. As noted above, this is needed as much for Microsoft’s own programmers as for anyone. To tell programmers that a properly prepared call to Shell_NotifyIcon can fail is certainly necessary. To do it first in 2007 or 2008, the best part of a decade too late, is not nearly good enough: this horse has long since bolted.