ATL Attributes: db_table

Opens an OLE DB table


    define_attribute = "db_table",
    argument_list = {
    argument_type ("bulk_fetch") = eIntegerValue,
    required_arguments = "db_table",
    default_value ("bulk_fetch") = "1",
    help_string = "Opens an OLE DB table",
    help_string ("db_table") = "Name of an OLE DB table",
    help_string ("name") = "Name of a generated variable",
    help_string ("source_name") = "Database or session on which the command executes",
    help_string ("hresult") = "HRESULT of this database command",
    usage = eClassUsage | eCoClassUsage | eStructUsage,
    group = eDBConsumerGroup,
    shipping = true,
    variable_args = true

Documentation Error

The product documentation neglects to mention the bulk_fetch argument.