ATL Attribute Provider Error ATL2007

Message Text

Requires inclusion of header header.h.


The cited ATL attribute has been used without having included the corresponding header. The following ATL attributes require the following ATL headers:

aggregates atlcom.h
com_interface_entry atlcom.h
db_accessor atldbcli.h
db_column atldbcli.h
db_command atldbcli.h
db_param atldbcli.h
db_source atldbcli.h
db_table atldbcli.h
implements_category atlcom.h
perfmon atlperf.h
perf_counter atlperf.h
perf_object atlperf.h
rdx atlplus.h
registration_script atlplus.h
request_handler atlstencil.h
requires_category atlcom.h
support_error_info atlcom.h
synchronize atlbase.h
tag_name atlstencil.h