DUMPBIN Input Files

Any file may be presented to DUMPBIN as an input file simply by putting a pathname for the file as one of DUMPBIN’s command-line arguments.

Any number of input files may may be specified, including none. DUMPBIN processes each in turn, using a form-feed character to separate the output for successive files. Each input file is announced with text starting “Dump of file” and continuing with the full pathname. This announcement is unusual in that DUMPBIN writes it to standard error if the /map option is active. Otherwise, the dump is written to the file named in the last /out option, else to standard output. (Errors and warnings are written to standard output.)

DUMPBIN recognises the following types of input file:

If an input file is not recognised, DUMPBIN raises a warning (LNK4048) that the file has an invalid format, and thereafter ignores the file.