The /rawdata option enables or disables the dumping of raw data, and sets parameters for the formatting.



The optional unit argument may be a number or a keyword. The permitted numbers are 1, 2, 4 and 8 (each as a single decimal digit only). The permitted keywords are bytes, shorts, longs (which are effectively aliases for 1, 2 and 4 respectively) and none. Anything else is a fatal error (LNK1117).

The optional count argument must be a number in decimal notation, with a sign prefix permitted, but evaluated as an unsigned integer truncated to 16 bits. It is a fatal error (LNK1117) to provide a comma, as if to introduce the count argument, but not follow with a suitable number. There need be no unit between the colon and the comma. White space is permitted between the comma and the count. Non-numerical characters immediately after the count are ignored without complaint.


All /rawdata options, with and without arguments, enable the dumping of raw data, except that if unit is none the dumping of raw data is disabled.

For each applicable input file, for each eligible section (as determined by the /range and /section options), if the /rawdata option is active, then DUMPBIN lists the section’s contents as raw data. If a range has been specified with /range, then the dump is limited just to that part of the section that fits the range.

The style of listing is affected by the unit and count arguments. The unit argument is 1 (or bytes), 2 (or shorts), 4 (or longs) or 8 to tell DUMPBIN to dump data in 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit or 64-bit units respectively. The count argument is the number of these units that DUMPBIN is to emit per line.

The default unit is 1, for dumping bytes. The default count is 16, 8, 4 or 2, depending on whether unit is 1, 2, 4 or 8, respectively.

Each /rawdata that supplies a unit overrides any unit set by any preceding /rawdata. In general, each /rawdata that supplies a count overrides any count set by any preceding /rawdata. However, if any /rawdata option sets count as zero, even if a subsequent /rawdata sets a non-zero count, then once DUMPBIN has processed all its options, it resets count to the default and raises a warning (LNK4038).

A /rawdata:none, with or without a count, disables the dumping of raw data. It leaves in place the unit from the last preceding /rawdata option that set a unit. A /rawdata:none without a count leaves in place the count from the last preceding /rawdata option that set a count. A /rawdata with no arguments enables the dumping of raw data, using whatever unit and count applied before (including before an earlier /rawdata:none).

Documentation Status

The keywords bytes, shorts and longs are not documented in the January 2004 edition of the MSDN Library on CD. They are however documented in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 177429. Inspection of an old DUMPBIN version 3.00.5270, from Visual C++ 4.0), confirms that these keywords, rather than the numerical values, are the originals.