IEFRAME Functions

The table on this page is this study’s master list of functions that appear in the export directory of any known 32-bit build of IEFRAME. It gives for each function just brief summaries of the applicable IEFRAME versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation (not that there’s much to say on this point, given that Microsoft documents no more than a handful). Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
AddFeedToFavoritesBar (257) 8.0 and higher  
AddUrlToFavorites 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented in 2004-2006 (SHDOCVW)
CDDEAuto_Navigate (162) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
ClearAutoSuggestForForms (211) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
ClearDestinationList (212) 8.0 from Windows 7, and higher  
ClearExtensionRecordsBlockReason (234) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
CreateShortcutInDirW (103) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
CreateShortcutInDirEx (105) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
CShellUIHelper_CreateInstance2 (152) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
DeleteFrameIconCache (258) 8.0 and higher  
DetectAndFixAssociationsNoPrompt (235) 7.0 and higher  
DisplayUrlParseError (199) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
DllCanUnloadNow 7.0 and higher (documented)
DllGetClassObject 7.0 and higher (documented)
DllGetVersion 7.0 and higher (documented)
DllInstall 7.0 and higher (documented)
DllRegisterServer 7.0 and higher (documented)
DllUnregisterServer 7.0 and higher (documented)
DoAddToFavDlg 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented in 2004-2006 (SHDOCVW)
DoAddToFavDlgW 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
DoFileDownload 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
DoOrganizeFavDlg 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented in 2004-2006 (SHDOCVW)
DoOrganizeFavDlgW 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
DoPrivacyDlg 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented (SHDOCVW)
EnableSuggestedSitesDialog (241) 8.0 and higher  
EnsureSubscribedUrl (321) 8.0 and higher  
GetExtensionRecordBlockReason (233) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
GetExtensionRecords (232) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
_GetIEHTMLImageIndex (143) 7.0 and higher  
_GetStdLocation (150) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
ExportCookieFileByProcessW 8.0 and higher  
HlinkFindFrame 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
HlinkFrameNavigate 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
HlinkFrameNavigateNHL 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IEAssociateThreadWithTab 7.0 from Windows Vista SP2, and higher documented
IECancelSaveFile 7.0 and higher documented
IECreateDirectory 8.0 and higher documented
IECreateFromPathCPWithBCW (222) 7.0 and higher  
IECreateFile 8.0 and higher documented
IEDeleteFile 8.0 and higher documented
IEDisassociateThreadWithTab 7.0 from Windows Vista SP2, and higher documented
IEEditPFOptInDlg (236) 7.0 and higher  
IEFindFirstFile 8.0 and higher documented
IEGetFileAttributesEx 8.0 and higher documented
IEGetProtectedModeCookie 8.0 and higher documented
IEGetWriteableFolderPath 7.0 and higher documented
IEGetWriteableHKCU 7.0 and higher documented
IEInPrivateFilteringEnabled 8.0 and higher documented
IEInvalidateImageList (141) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IEIsInPrivateBrowsing 8.0 and higher documented
IEIsProtectedModeProcess 7.0 and higher documented
IEIsProtectedModeURL 7.0 and higher documented
IELaunchManageAddOnsUI 8.0 and higher  
IELaunchURL 7.0 and higher documented
IEMapPIDLToSystemImageListIndex (142) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IEMoveFileEx 8.0 and higher documented
IEParseDisplayNameWithBCW (218) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IERefreshElevationPolicy 7.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
IERegCreateKeyEx 8.0 and higher documented
IERegSetValueEx 8.0 and higher documented
IERegisterWritableRegistryKey 8.0 and higher documented
IERegisterWritableRegistryValue 8.0 and higher documented
IERemoveDirectory 8.0 and higher documented
IESHQueueUserWorkItem (316) 8.0 and higher  
IESaveFile 7.0 and higher documented
IESetProtectedModeCookie 8.0 and higher documented
IEShowSaveFileDialog 7.0 and higher documented
IEShowSearchSettingsDialog (237) 7.0 only  
IEUnregisterWritableRegistry 8.0 and higher documented
IEWSChangeNotify (244) 8.0 and higher  
IEWSChangeNotifyProcessEntries (245) 8.0 and higher  
IEWSCrawl (246) 8.0 and higher  
IEWSSetEnabledProviders (247) 8.0 and higher  
IEWinMain (101) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IEZoneCheckHost (313) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckHostEx (314) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckPathA (305) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckPathW (306) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlA (307) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlExA (309) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlExCacheA (311) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlExCacheW (312) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlExW (310) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneCheckUrlW (308) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneComputePaneSize (303) 8.0 and higher  
IEZoneConfigureW (304) 8.0 and higher  
ImportCookieFileByProcessW 8.0 and higher  
ImportPrivacySettings 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented (SHDOCVW)
IsFileUrl (135) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IsIEDefaultBrowser (167) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IsResetWebSettingsRequired (224) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IsURLChild (153) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
IURLQualify (172) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
LCIEDisableFrameMergability (317) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEStartAsFrame (250) 8.0 and higher  
LCIEStartAsTabProcess (251) 8.0 and higher  
OpenURL 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
ParseURLFromOutsideSourceW (170) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
PathIsFilePath (137) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
PFVerifySiteDialog (240) 7.0 and higher  
PromptBrowseInNewProcess (102) 7.0 and higher  
RecordExtensionCreation (231) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
RegisterDefaultAcceptHeaders (302) 8.0 and higher  
ResetProfileSharing (164) 7.0 only;
earlier in SHDOCVW
ResetWebSettings (223) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SetQueryNetSessionCount 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHAddSubscribeFavorite 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHCreatePropertyStoreOnMemory (300) 7.0 and higher  
SHDoesComCatCacheExist (253) 8.0 and higher  
SHEnumClassesImplementingCATID (252) 8.0 and higher  
SHGetShellKey (315) 8.0 and higher  
SHIsGlobalOffline (174) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHIsRestricted2W (160) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHMirrorIcon (301) 7.0 and higher  
SHRestricted2A (158) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHRestricted2W (159) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
SHWriteImplementingClassesOfCategory (254) 8.0 and higher  
SoftwareUpdateMessageBox 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
documented (SHDOCVW)
TLSAddRef (319) 8.0 and higher  
TLSRelease (320) 8.0 and higher  
TLSSetAsDevTBThread (318) 8.0 and higher  
TLSSetIsPersistLoad (323) 8.0 from Windows 7, and higher  
URLQualifyA 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
URLQualifyW 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
URLSubRegQueryA (151) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
URLSubRegQueryW (238) 7.0 and higher  
URLSubstitution (165) 7.0 and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW
UpdateFavoriteIcon (322) 8.0 and higher  
WinList_GetShellWindows (243) 8.0 from Windows 7, and higher;
earlier in SHDOCVW



Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the IEFRAME.DLL executable, wherever possible. For functions that are not exported by name (i.e., are exported only by ordinal) from any known IEFRAME version, names are inferred from symbol files that Microsoft supplies for customer support. If a function is known as an ordinal-only export from at least one IEFRAME version, then the ordinal is given in brackets immediately after the function’s name.


The IEFRAME versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of known releases, making reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all (released) builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known.

Many functions exported from IEFRAME exist earlier as exports from SHDOCVW. The applicable versions include the annotation “earlier in SHDOCVW”. Refer to the list of SHDOCVW functions for details. In Windows Vista, many but not all of these functions are exported from SHDOCVW only as forwards to IEFRAME.

Documentation Status

Except where otherwise stated, the reference version for Microsoft’s documentation is the January 2007 edition of the Windows Vista Software Development Kit (as distributed by Microsoft on MSDN Disc 3667). There is no one section for IEFRAME functions. That a function is not marked above as “documented” (or is marked on other pages as “undocumented”) does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

A few functions are not documented specifically as exports from IEFRAME but fit some general cases. These are indicated by enclosing the documentation status in brackets.

A few functions are shown as documented but with “SHDOCVW” in brackets. Strictly speaking, these are undocumented as IEFRAME functions. Each has an earlier implementation as an export from SHDOCVW and it is this earlier implementation, not the one in IEFRAME, that Microsoft documents. Some of these functions predate the January 2004 edition of the MSDN Library on CD (which was the previous reference version for a separate but related study of the Windows Shell) and were not documented therein, but have got documented since. These are labelled as “documented 2004-2006”, this being as much precision as I happen to know.