
Reads an Internet Explorer registry setting that’s defined to have a type suitable for interpretation as a boolean.


IERegGetDw (
    UINT uSetting,
    BOOL *pbData);


The uSetting argument is an index that identifies the setting. For a list of supported settings, see the general notes on the Internet Explorer Registry API.

The pbData argument provides the address of a variable that is to receive a boolean interpretation of the setting’s data.

Return Value

The function returns zero for success, else an error code.


If pbData is NULL, the function cannot do anything useful, and fails (returning E_POINTER).

Interpretation of the data depends on the type that is defined for the setting. Presumably by oversight, the function does not first check that the given index is supported: a value sufficiently far out of range will crash the process by inducing the function to read from an invalid address.

If the setting is defined as having REG_DWORD data, the function reads the setting as if for the IERegGetDw function, but returns TRUE or FALSE via pbData according to whether data for the setting is non-zero or zero.

If the setting is defined as having REG_SZ data, the function reads the setting as if for the IERegGetWz function, into a buffer sufficient for 8 characters. It returns TRUE via pbData if the case-insensitive string data is YES, TRUE or 1, or FALSE for NO, FALSE or 0.

Possible error codes from either registry search are:


The IERegGetBool function is exported from IERTUTIL as ordinal 166 in version 8.0 and higher.