
Queries an Internet Explorer setting that is a registry value, with an allowance for placeholders in the setting’s key and value.


GetExtValue (
    REFGUID Guid, 
    TYPE Type, 
    BOOL Expand, 
    PBYTE pData, 
    ULONG cbData, 
    PBYTE *ppData, 
    ULONG *pcbData, 
    UINT ArgCount, 

in which TYPE is an enum in the SettingStore namespace.


The Guid argument specifies the setting to work on.

The Type argument specifies the type of data that is wanted. Refer to the general notes for supported cases.

The Expand argument is FALSE if environment variables in the data are not to be expanded, else is TRUE.

The pData and cbData arguments provide the address and the size in bytes, respectively, of a buffer that is to receive the data. If the pData argument is NULL, the ppData and pcbData arguments provide the addresses of variables that are to receive the address and size in bytes of a buffer that contains the retrieved data. The caller must subsequently release this buffer from the process heap using HeapFree. The ppData argument can be NULL if only the size is wanted.

The ArgCount argument specifies how many placeholders are provided as remaining arguments. Each placeholder is a PCWSTR.

Return Value

The function returns zero for success, else an error code.


The GetExtValue function is exported from IERTUTIL as ordinal 651 in version 8.0 and higher.