IERTUTIL 7.0 Ordinal-Only Exports

All but one of the functions that are exported from the original IERTUTIL are exported only by ordinal. The only ones that are known to be documented are copied from COMCTL32.

Ordinal Function Remarks
10 InitCustomerFeedback discontinued in 8.0
11 DeinitCustomerFeedback discontinued in 8.0
12 LogSqmEvent discontinued in 8.0
13 SqmAddExtensionClsid discontinued in 8.0
14 SqmOptedIn discontinued in 8.0
16 IECompatLogEvent  
17 IECompatLoggingEnabledInternal  
18 IECompatLogLMZL1  
19 IECompatLogLMZL2  
20 IECompatLogZoneElevation1  
21 IECompatLogZoneElevation2  
24 IECompatLogFileDownload  
25 IECompatLogURICreationFailure  
26 HTMLEncodeString  
27 IsControlOnNGBList  
28 IEGetSignatureInfo  
29 ScheduleSqmTasksInIdleThread  
30 IEStubIsLuaEnabled  
31 LaunchIEInProtectedMode  
32 IsProtectedModeProcess  
33 CreateProtectedModeRegistry  
34 IsProtectedModeCOMCaller  
35 GetProcessIntegrityLevel  
37 SetProtectedModeFolders  
38 SetupLowFolderPath  
39 SetFileHandleIntegrityLevel  
40 RegGetDwordValue  
41 Shim_CoGetClassObject  
42 IsProtectedModeEnabled  
43 IsProtectedModeEnabledForIE  
44 IsElevatedProcess  
45 IEIsLowIntegrityFile  
46 IERunsAsDifferentUser  
47 IERunsOnDefaultDesktop  
48 GetProcessSid  
49 GetUserSid  
50 SetKernelHandleToLowIL  
51 Shim_CoCreateInstance  
52 SetKernelHandleIntegrityLevel  
53 SetRegistryKeyIntegrityLevel  
54 IsMICLowProcess  
55 GetLowIntegrityToken  
56 IsBrowserProcess  
60 DSA_Clone also in COMCTL32 6.10 and higher
61 DSA_Create also ordinal 320 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
62 DSA_DeleteAllItems also ordinal 327 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
63 DSA_DeleteItem also ordinal 326 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
64 DSA_Destroy also ordinal 321 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
65 DSA_DestroyCallback also ordinal 388 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
66 DSA_EnumCallback also ordinal 387 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
67 DSA_GetItem also ordinal 322 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
68 DSA_GetItemPtr also ordinal 323 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
69 DSA_GetSize also in COMCTL32 6.10 and higher
70 DSA_InsertItem also ordinal 324 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
71 DSA_SetItem also ordinal 325 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
72 DSA_Sort also in COMCTL32 6.10 and higher
73 DPA_Clone also ordinal 331 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
74 DPA_Create also ordinal 328 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
75 DPA_CreateEx also ordinal 340 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
76 DPA_DeletePtr also ordinal 336 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
77 DPA_DeleteAllPtrs also ordinal 337 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
78 DPA_Destroy also ordinal 329 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
79 DPA_DestroyCallback also ordinal 386 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
80 DPA_EnumCallback also ordinal 385 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
81 DPA_GetPtr also ordinal 332 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
82 DPA_GetPtrIndex also ordinal 333 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
83 DPA_GetSize also in COMCTL32 6.10 and higher
84 DPA_Grow also ordinal 330 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
85 DPA_InsertPtr also ordinal 334 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
86 DPA_LoadStream also ordinal 9 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
87 DPA_Merge also ordinal 11 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
88 DPA_SaveStream also ordinal 10 in COMCTL32 4.71 and higher
89 DPA_Search also ordinal 339 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
90 DPA_SetPtr also ordinal 335 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
91 DPA_Sort also ordinal 338 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
92 Str_GetPtrA also ordinal 233 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
93 Str_GetPtrW also ordinal 235 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
94 Str_SetPtrA also ordinal 234 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
95 Str_SetPtrW also ordinal 236 in COMCTL32 3.50 and higher
100 DoWPCLogging  
110 IEGlobalCounterGetValue  
111 IEGlobalCounterIncrement  
112 IEGlobalCounterDecrement  
120 IESqmGetSession