MSHTML Classes: CButton

An instance of the CButton class is created for each BUTTON tag. For reasons unknown, this class has a string table but no class descriptor.


dispinterface: DispHTMLButtonElement {3050F51F-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}


The table below lists the interface members that the CButton class exposes as properties (methods, collections, etc) through its string table in addition to the very many properties that are common to all elements.

Properties that Microsoft does not list in the HTML and DHTML Reference are highlighted yellow. Properties that are listed but not as applying to the button object are shaded yellow.

Property Attribute Interface Member
appendChild   IHTMLDOMNode appendChild
attributes   IHTMLDOMNode get_attributes
childNodes   IHTMLDOMNode get_childNodes
cloneNode   IHTMLDOMNode cloneNode
createTextRange   IHTMLButtonElement createTextRange
dataFld   IHTMLDataBinding get_dataFld
dataFormatAs   IHTMLDataBinding get_dataFormatAs
dataSrc   IHTMLDataBinding get_dataSrc
firstChild   IHTMLDOMNode get_firstChild
form   IHTMLButtonElement get_form
hasChildNodes   IHTMLDOMNode hasChildNodes
insertBefore   IHTMLDOMNode insertBefore
lastChild   IHTMLDOMNode get_lastChild
name same IHTMLButtonElement get_name
nextSibling   IHTMLDOMNode get_nextSibling
nodeName   IHTMLDOMNode get_nodeName
nodeType   IHTMLDOMNode get_nodeType
nodeValue   IHTMLDOMNode get_nodeValue
ownerDocument   IHTMLDOMNode2 get_ownerDocument
parentNode   IHTMLDOMNode get_parentNode
previousSibling   IHTMLDOMNode get_previousSibling
removeChild   IHTMLDOMNode removeChild
removeNode   IHTMLDOMNode removeNode
replaceChild   IHTMLDOMNode replaceChild
replaceNode   IHTMLDOMNode replaceNode
status   IHTMLButtonElement get_status
swapNode   IHTMLDOMNode swapNode
type same IHTMLButtonElement get_type
uniqueID   IHTMLUniqueName get_uniqueID
uniqueNumber   IHTMLUniqueName get_uniqueNumber
value   IHTMLButtonElement get_value