Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
The CCurrentStyle class is the internal implementation of what MSHTML exposes for scripting as the currentStyle object.
coclass: | HTMLCurrentStyle | {3050F3DC-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} |
dispinterface: | DispHTMLCurrentStyle | {3050F557-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} |
The table below lists the interface members that the CCurrentStyle class exposes as properties (methods, collections, etc) through its string table.
Properties that Microsoft does not list in the HTML and DHTML Reference are highlighted yellow. Properties that are listed but not as applying to the currentStyle object are shaded yellow.
Property | Interface | Member |
accelerator | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_accelerator |
backgroundAttachment | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundAttachment |
backgroundColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundColor |
backgroundImage | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundImage |
backgroundPositionX | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundPositionX |
backgroundPositionY | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundPositionY |
backgroundRepeat | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_backgroundRepeat |
behavior | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_behavior |
blockDirection | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_blockDirection |
borderBottomColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderBottomColor |
borderBottomStyle | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderBottomStyle |
borderBottomWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderBottomWidth |
borderCollapse | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderCollapse |
borderColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderColor |
borderLeftColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderLeftColor |
borderLeftStyle | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderLeftStyle |
borderLeftWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderLeftWidth |
borderRightColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderRightColor |
borderRightStyle | IHTMLCurentStyle | get_borderRightStyle |
borderRightWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderRightWidth |
borderStyle | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderStyle |
borderTopColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderTopColor |
borderTopStyle | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderTopStyle |
borderTopWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderTopWidth |
borderWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_borderWidth |
bottom | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_bottom |
clear | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_clear |
clipBottom | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_clipBottom |
clipLeft | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_clipLeft |
clipRight | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_clipRight |
clipTop | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_clipTop |
color | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_color |
cursor | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_cursor |
direction | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_direction |
display | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_display |
filter | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_filter |
fontFamily | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_fontFamily |
fontSize | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_fontSize |
fontStyle | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_fontStyle |
fontVariant | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_fontVariant |
fontWeight | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_fontWeight |
getAttribute | IHTMLCurrentStyle | getAttribute |
hasLayout | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_hasLayout |
height | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_height |
imeMode | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_imeMode |
isBlock | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_isBlock |
layoutFlow | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_layoutFlow |
layoutGridChar | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_layoutGridChar |
layoutGridLine | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_layoutGridLine |
layoutGridMode | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_layoutGridMode |
layoutGridType | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_layoutGridType |
left | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_left |
letterSpacing | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_letterSpacing |
lineBreak | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_lineBreak |
lineHeight | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_lineHeight |
listStyleImage | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_listStyleImage |
listStylePosition | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_listStylePosition |
listStyleType | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_listStyleType |
margin | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_margin |
marginBottom | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_marginBottom |
marginLeft | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_marginLeft |
marginRight | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_marginRight |
marginTop | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_marginTop |
maxHeight | IHTMLCurrentStyle4 | get_maxHeight |
maxWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle4 | get_maxWidth |
minHeight | IHTMLCurrentStyle3 | get_minHeight |
minWidth | IHTMLCurrentStyle4 | get_minWidth |
msInterpolationMode | IHTMLCurrentStyle4 | get_msInterpolationMode |
overflow | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_overflow |
overflowX | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_overflowX |
overlowY | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_overflowY |
padding | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_padding |
paddingBottom | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_paddingBottom |
paddingLeft | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_paddingLeft |
paddingRight | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_paddingRight |
paddingTop | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_paddingTop |
pageBreakAfter | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_pageBreakAfter |
pageBreakBefore | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_pageBreakBefore |
right | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_right |
rubyAlign | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_rubyAlign |
rubyOverhang | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_rubyOverhang |
rubyPosition | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_rubyPosition |
scrollbar3dLightColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbar3dLightColor |
scrollbarArrowColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarArrowColor |
scrollbarBaseColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarBaseColor |
scrollbarDarkShadowColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarDarkShadowColor |
scrollbarFaceColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarFaceColor |
scrollbarHighlightColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarHighlightColor |
scrollbarShadowColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarShadowColor |
scrollbarTrackColor | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_scrollbarTrackColor |
styleFloat | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_styleFloat |
tableLayout | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_tableLayout |
textAlign | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textAlign |
textAlignLast | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_textAlignLast |
textAutospace | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textAutospace |
textDecoration | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textDecoration |
textIndent | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textIndent |
textJustify | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textJustify |
textJustifyTrim | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textJustifyTrim |
textKashida | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textKashida |
textKashidaSpace | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_textKashidaSpace |
textOverflow | IHTMLCurrentStyle3 | get_textOverflow |
textTransform | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_textTransform |
textUnderlinePosition | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_textUnderlinePosition |
top | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_top |
unicodeBidi | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_unicodeBidi |
verticalAlign | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_verticalAlign |
visibility | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_visibility |
whiteSpace | IHTMLCurrentStyle3 | get_whiteSpace |
width | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_width |
wordBreak | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_wordBreak |
wordSpacing | IHTMLCurrentStyle3 | get_wordSpacing |
wordWrap | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_wordWrap |
writingMode | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_writingMode |
zIndex | IHTMLCurrentStyle | get_zIndex |
zoom | IHTMLCurrentStyle2 | get_zoom |