MSHTML Classes: COpsProfile

Instances of the COpsProfile class are created by reading the opsProfile property of the navigator object.


coclass: COpsProfile {3050F402-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B}


The table below lists the interface members that the COpsProfile class exposes as properties through its string table.

Properties that Microsoft does not list in the HTML and DHTML Reference are highlighted yellow. Properties that are listed but not as applying to the userProfile object are shaded yellow. The separate documentation of the IHTMLOpsProfile interface says that these are “not currently supported”.

Property Interface Member
addReadRequest IHTMLOpsProfile addReadRequest
addRequest IHTMLOpsProfile addRequest
clearRequest IHTMLOpsProfile clearRequest
commitChanges IHTMLOpsProfile commitChanges
doReadRequest IHTMLOpsProfile doReadRequest
doRequest IHTMLOpsProfile doRequest
doWriteRequest IHTMLOpsProfile doWriteRequest
getAttribute IHTMLOpsProfile getAttribute
setAttribute IHTMLOpsProfile setAttribute