Each member of the RESTRICTIONS2 enumeration is an ID that selects a registry value. The defining interpretation is by the SHDOCVW function SHRestricted2. The selected registry value is sometimes referred to as an Internet Explorer restriction. Each is in the same key relative to either or both of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER, the former having precedence. The DWORD of data from this registry value is returned as the value of the restriction. All restrictions default to zero.

Incidentally, since neither the enumeration nor the function is yet documented by Microsoft, the name RESTRICTIONS2 and the notion of an “Internet Explorer restriction” are invented in the pattern of what Microsoft eventually disclosed for the SHELL32 function SHRestricted and its enumeration RESTRICTIONS.

That said, Microsoft does document some of the registry values. Those that are highlighted in the lists below are the ones that are not in the list that Microsoft presents in the Knowledge Base article The restrictions that are available to Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1. Others may be documented elsewhere, of course, but an article with such a title doesn’t have much point except as a complete record of what Microsoft means to disclose.

The IDs nowadays form three distinct series. Each is associated with one registry key, such that the values in the series are all in that key or some subkey:

IDs beginning from 0x00000001 Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
IDs beginning from 0x50000001 Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery
IDs beginning from 0x60000001 Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

The original implementation, for version 4.71, has only the second series. Perhaps it starts at 0x50000001 to distinguish it better from the RESTRICTIONS enumeration which had by then settled into a series starting from 0x40000001. This original series was extended in late builds of version 4.72, for Internet Explorer 4.01 SP2, but only temporarily. A rethink for version 5.0 saw the introduction of the other two series. Restrictions that version 4.72 added to the original series were relocated to the new series. That incompatibilities from this were experienced in everyday use seems at least plausible but is not known.

Development of SHDOCVW is frozen at version 6.0 from the last service-pack releases of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Starting with the version 6.0 from Windows Vista, the SHRestricted2 function continues to be exported from SHDOCVW but only as a forward to IEFRAME. Where the lists below give version numbers without naming a DLL, they are SHDOCVW version numbers but with the understanding that SHDOCVW version 6.0 continues to IEFRAME version 7.0. Note anyway that IEFRAME version 8.0 adds no restrictions.

Windows Explorer Restrictions

The key for this series is Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies, but it happens that all values are in one subkey: Explorer.

This lowest-numbered series dates from version 5.0, but note that one of them was earlier selected by a different ID. This series has been very stable, with one addition in version 5.50 and another for version 6.0, until four more for Windows Vista (which is still version 6.0).

ID 0x00000001
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoToolbarCustomize
Availability 5.0 and higher

The NoToolbarCustomize restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable customizing browser toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000002
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoBandCustomize
Availability 5.0 and higher

The NoBandCustomize restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable customizing browser toolbars” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000003
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value SmallIcons
Availability 5.0 and higher

The SmallIcons restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000004
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value LockIconSize
Availability 5.0 and higher

The LockIconSize restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000005
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value SpecifyDefaultButtons
Availability 5.0 and higher

The SpecifyDefaultButtons restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000006
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Back
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Back restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Back button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000007
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Forward
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Forward restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Forward button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000008
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Stop
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Stop restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Stop button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000009
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Refresh
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Refresh restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Refresh button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000A
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Home
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Home restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Home button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000B
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Search
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Search restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Search button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000C
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_History
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_History restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show History button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000D
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Favorites
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Favorites restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Favorites button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000E
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Folders
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Folders restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Folders button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000000F
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Fullscreen
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Fullscreen restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Fullscreen button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000010
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Tools
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Tools restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Tools button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000011
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_MailNews
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_MailNews restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Mail button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000012
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Size
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Size restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Font size button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000013
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Print
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Print restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Print button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000014
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Edit
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Edit restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Edit button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000015
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Discussions
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Discussions restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Discussions button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000016
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Cut
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Cut restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Cut button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000017
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Copy
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Copy restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Copy button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000018
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Paste
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Paste restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Paste button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x00000019
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Encoding
Availability 5.0 and higher

The Btn_Encoding restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Show Encoding button” among the options for “Configure toolbar buttons” in the Toolbars category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x0000001A
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoInstrumentation
Availability 5.0 and higher

The NoInstrumentation restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Turn off user tracking” in the “Start Menu and Taskbar” administrative template. It is there said to require “at least Microosft Windows 2000”.

ID 0x0000001B
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoWindowsUpdate
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for the NoWindowsUpdate restriction has other programmatic support:

The NoWindowsUpdate restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Remove links and access to Windows Update” in the “Start Menu and Taskbar” administrative template. It is there said to require “at least Microosft Windows 2000”.

ID 0x0000001C
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoExpandedNewMenu
Availability 5.0 and higher

The NoExpandedNewMenu restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x0000001D
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value NoFileUrl
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction has other programmatic support:

The NoFileUrl restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x0000001E
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_PrintPreview
Availability 5.50 and higher

The Btn_Preview restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x0000001F
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Media
Availability 6.0 and higher

The Btn_Media restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000020
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Panning
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

The Btn_Panning restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000021
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Feeds
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

The Btn_Feeds restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000022
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Page
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

The Btn_Page restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x00000023
Key Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Value Btn_Help
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

The Btn_Help restriction has no known user-interface support.

Infodelivery Restrictions for Internet Explorer

The key for this series is Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery, but again all values happen to be in one subkey: Restrictions.

This series is the original, dating from version 4.71. Once the many new values that were added for Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 2 were reassigned and three more added for Internet Explorer 5.0, the series was unchanged until four additions for Windows Vista.

ID 0x50000001
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoChannelUI
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoChannelUI restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable channel user interface completely” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000002
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoAddingChannels
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoAddingChannels restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable adding channels” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000003
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoEditingChannels
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoEditingChannels restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x50000004
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoRemovingChannels
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoRemovingChannels restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable removing channels” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000005
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoAddingSubscriptions
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoAddingSubscriptions restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable adding schedules for offline pages” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000006
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoEditingSubscriptions
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoEditingSubscriptions restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable editing schedules for offline pages” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000007
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoRemovingSubscriptions
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoRemovingSubscriptions restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable removing schedules for offline pages” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000008
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoChannelLogging
Availability 4.71 and higher

This restriction is subject to URL-specific evaluation (see below).

The NoChannelLogging restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable offline page hit logging” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000009
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoManualUpdates
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoManualUpdates restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x5000000A
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoScheduledUpdates
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoScheduledUpdates restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable all scheduled offline pages” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x5000000B
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoUnattendedDialing
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoUnattendedDialing restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x5000000C
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoChannelContent
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoChannelContent restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x5000000D
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoSubscriptionContent
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoSubscriptionContent restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable downloading of site subscription content” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x5000000E
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoEditingScheduleGroups
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoEditingScheduleGroups restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable editing and creating of schedule groups” in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x5000000F
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxChannelSize
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxChannelSize restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x50000010
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxSubscriptionSize
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxSubscriptionSize restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Maximum size of subscriptions in kilobytes” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000011
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxChannelCount
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxChannelCount restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x50000012
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxSubscriptionCount
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxSubscriptionCount restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Maximum number of offline pages” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000013
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MinUpdateInterval
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MinUpdateInterval restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Minimum number of minutes between scheduled updates” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000014
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value UpdateExcludeBegin
Availability 4.71 and higher

The UpdateExcludeBegin restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Time to begin preventing scheduled updates” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000015
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value UpdateExcludeEnd
Availability 4.71 and higher

The UpdateExcludeEnd restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Time to end preventing scheduled updates” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000016
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value UpdateInNewProcess
Availability 4.71 and higher

The UpdateInNewProcess restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x50000017
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxWebCrawlLevels
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxWebCrawlLevels restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Maximum offline page crawl depth” among the options for Subscription Limits in the Offline Pages category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x50000018
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value MaxChannelLevels
Availability 4.71 and higher

The MaxChannelLevels restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x50000019
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoSubscriptionPasswords
Availability 4.71 and higher

The NoSubscriptionPasswords restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x5000001A
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserSaveWebComplete
Availability 5.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoFileOpen, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000001.

The NoBrowserSaveWebComplete restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “File menu: Disable Save As Web Page Complete” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x5000001B
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoSearchCustomization
Availability 5.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoFileNew, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000002.

The NoSearchCustomization restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Search: Disable Search Customization” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x5000001C
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoSplash
Availability 5.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoBrowserSaveAs, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000003.

The NoSplash restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable showing the splash screen” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x5000001D
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoSearchBox
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoBrowserOptions, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000004.

The NoSearchBox restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Prevent the Internet Explorer search box from displaying” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x5000001E
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value NoChangeDefaultSearchProvider
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoFavorites, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000005.

The NoChangeDefaultSearchProvider restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Restrict changing the default search provider” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x5000001F
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value AddPolicySearchProviders
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoSelectDownloadDir, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000006.

The AddPolicySearchProviders restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Add a specific list of search providers to the user’s search provider list” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x50000020
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Infodelivery\Restrictions
Value UsePolicySearchProvidersOnly
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

Late builds of SHDOCVW version 4.72 use this ID for NoBrowserContextMenu, which version 5.0 reassigns to 0x60000007.

The UsePolicySearchProvidersOnly restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Restrict search providers to a specific list of providers” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

Discontinued IDs Not Yet Reused

Late builds of version 4.72 use the following IDs for restrictions that were soon reassigned. The discontinued IDs have not yet been reused.

0x50000021 NoBrowserClose
0x50000022 NoToolbarOptions
0x50000023 NoOpenInNewWnd
0x50000024 NoFileUrl
0x50000025 NoTheaterMode
0x50000026 NoFindFiles
0x50000027 NoViewSource
0x50000028 RestGoMenu

URL-Specific Evaluation

The usual registry values, as listed above, need not count for restrictions 0x50000002 to 0x50000008 inclusive. For these, if the SHRestricted2 function is given a URL, it lets the Internet Security Manager evaluate the restriction according to the security zone, if any, that applies to this URL. The relevant actions, for the ParseUrlAction method of the IInternetSecurityManager interface, are:

All are annotated as “Reserved” in Microsoft’s documentation. If a URL policy permission is successfully obtained, the restriction evaluates as true if the policy is anything other than to allow (e.g., to disallow or query). If no URL policy permission is successfully obtained, SHRestricted2 falls back on the ordinary registry value as if no URL were given.

Internet Explorer Restrictions

For this series, each value is in a subkey of Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer.

This series dates from version 5.00, but note that the originals had a slightly earlier life with different IDs. Significant extensions were made even while still in version 5.0, starting for Windows 2000. Version 6.0 brought three additions, with three more for Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1. Windows Vista adds one and takes two away.

ID 0x60000001
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoFileOpen
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001A in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoFileOpen restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “File menu: Disable Open menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000002
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoFileNew
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001B in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoFileNew restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “File menu: Disable New menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000003
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserSaveAs
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001C in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoBrowserSaveAs restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “File menu: Disable Save As... menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000004
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserOptions
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001D in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoBrowserOptions restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Tools menu: Disable Internet Options... menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000005
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoFavorites
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001E in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoFavorites restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Hide Favorites menu” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000006
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoSelectDownloadDir
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x5000001F in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoSelectDownloadDir restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable Save this program to disk option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000007
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserContextMenu
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000020 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoBrowserContextMenu restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable Context menu” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000008
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserClose
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000021 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoBrowserClose restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “File menu: Disable closing the browser and Explorer windows” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000009
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoOpeninNewWnd
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000023 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoOpenInNewWnd restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable Open in New Window menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x6000000A
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoTheaterMode
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000025 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoTheaterMode restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “View menu: Disable Full Screen menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x6000000B
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoFindFiles
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000026 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoFindFiles restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Search: Disable Find Files via F3 within the browser” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x6000000C
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoViewSource
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000027 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoViewSource restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “View menu: Disable Source menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x6000000D
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value RestGoMenu
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000028 in late builds of version 4.72.

The RestGoMenu restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x6000000E
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbars\Restrictions
Value NoToolbarOptions
Availability 5.0 and higher

The registry value for this restriction is supported with the ID 0x50000022 in late builds of version 4.72.

The NoToolbarOptions restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x6000000F
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoHelpItemTipOfTheDay
Availability SHDOCVW 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoHelpItemTipOfTheDay restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Help menu: Remove 'Tip of the Day' menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x60000010
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoHelpItemNetscapeHelp
Availability SHDOCVW 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoHelpItemNetscapeHelp restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Help menu: Remove 'For Netscape Users' menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “only Internet Explorer 5.0 and Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x60000011
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoHelpItemTutorial
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoHelpItemTutorial restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Help menu: Remove 'Tour' menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “at least Internet Explorer 7.0”.

ID 0x60000012
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoHelpItemSendFeedback
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoHelpItemSendFeedback restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Help menu: Remove 'Send Feedback' menu option” in the “Browser menus” category of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “at least Internet Explorer 5.0”.

ID 0x60000013
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value AlwaysPromptWhenDownload
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The AlwaysPromptWhenDownload restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000014
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoNavButtons
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoNavButtons restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000015
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoHelpMenu
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoHelpMenu restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Turn off displaying the Internet Explorer Help Menu” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “at least Internet Explorer 7.0”.

ID 0x60000016
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoBrowserBars
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoBrowserBars restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000017
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbars\Restrictions
Value NoToolBar
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoToolBar restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000018
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbars\Restrictions
Value NoAddressBar
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoAddressBar restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000019
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbars\Restrictions
Value NoLinksBar
Availability 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher

The NoLinksBar restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000020
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoPrinting
Availability 6.0 and higher

This restriction seems intended to have started with version 5.50, but the lookup table gives the ID as 0x00000020. In the earliest build, for Windows Me, 0x00000020 will not be found since SHRestricted2 will have rejected this already as being out of range. Later builds, for Internet Explorer 5.50 and its Service Packs, relax the check, as if something has been noticed as wrong but the programmers have not yet realised that the defect is in the table. For these later builds, it looks as if the new restriction would be found using 0x00000020 as the ID.

The NoPrinting restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000021
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value No_LaunchMediaBar
Availability 6.0 and higher

The No_LaunchMediaBar restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Disable the Media Explorer Bar and auto-play feature” among the options for “Configure Media Explorer Bar” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components). It is there said to require “Only Internet Explorer 6.0”.

ID 0x60000022
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value No_MediaBarOnlineContent
Availability 6.0 and higher

The No_MediaBarOnlineContent restriction has no known user-interface support.

ID 0x60000023
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoCrashDetection
Availability 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher

The NoCrashDetection restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Turn off Crash Detection” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000024
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoExtensionManagement
Availability 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher

The NoExtensionManagement restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Do not allow users to enable or disable add-ons” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000025
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoPopupManagement
Availability 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher

The NoPopupManagement restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Turn off pop-up management” in the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).

ID 0x60000026
Key Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions
Value NoDefaultTextSize
Availability IEFRAME 7.0 and higher

The NoDefaultTextSize restriction has user-interface support through the Group Policy Object Editor, as “Prevent users from choosing default text size” in the “Display settings” category (under Internet Settings) of the Internet Explorer administrative template (displayed under Windows Components).