
IID_IWebBrowserEventsService {54A8F188-9EBD-4795-AD16-9B4945119636}

The IWebBrowserEventsService methods are (as ordered in the virtual function table after the IUnknown methods):

Offset Method
0x0C FireBeforeNavigate2Event
0x10 FireNavigateComplete2Event
0x14 FireDownloadBeginEvent
0x18 FireDownloadCompleteEvent
0x1C FireDocumentCompleteEvent

with prototypes:

HRESULT FireBeforeNavigate2Event (SHORT *);
HRESULT FireNavigateComplete2Event (VOID);
HRESULT FireDownloadBeginEvent (VOID);
HRESULT FireDownloadCompleteEvent (VOID);
HRESULT FireDocumentCompleteEvent (VOID);


The IWebBrowserEventsService interface is implemented in the SHDOCVW version 6.0 from Windows Vista only, and in IEFRAME version 7.0 and higher.

This interface is not documented by Microsoft in the January 2007 edition of the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK).