
IID_ITravelEntry2 {ED4F9ADD-3CC4-46B7-A416-2FF54D7156BB}

The ITravelEntry2 methods are (as ordered in the virtual function table after the IUnknown methods):

Offset Method
0x0C AddEntryFlags
0x10 RemoveEntryFlags
0x14 GetEntryFlags

with prototypes:

HRESULT AddEntryFlags (DWORD);
HRESULT RemoveEntryFlags (DWORD);
HRESULT GetEntryFlags (DWORD *);


Only one implementation is known, specifically for a class that Microsoft’s published symbol files name as CTravelEntry. This class exists only to support another, CTravelLog, some of whose methods create, manipulate or give access to instances of CTravelEntry. One way to obtain an instance of the CTravelLog class is by calling the GetTravelLog method of an IBrowserService interface. Starting with Windows Vista, instances of CTravelLog are creatable from a CLSID. (For more, see notes on the TravelLog class).


The ITravelEntry2 interface is implemented in IEFRAME version 7.00 and in the Windows Vista build of SHELL32 version 6.00.

This interface is not documented by Microsoft in the January 2007 edition of the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Vista.

That said, the interface is not completely undocumented. As often for interfaces, the corresponding IID symbol is defined in the UUID.LIB library, even though it is not declared in any header—at least, not any that Microsoft distributes with the SDK.