URLMON Functions

The table on this page is this study’s master list of functions that appear in the export directory of any known 32-bit build of URLMON. It gives for each function just brief summaries of the applicable URLMON versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation. Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
AsyncGetClassBits 4.71 and higher  
AsyncInstallDistributionUnit 4.71 and higher documented
BindAsyncMoniker 1.0 and higher  
CDLGetLongPathNameA 4.71 and higher  
CDLGetLongPathNameW 4.71 and higher  
CleanBrowserEmulationCache (451) 8.0 and higher  
ClearSessionBasedEmulationData (452) 8.0 and higher  
ClearVariantArray (360) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
CoGetClassObjectFromURL 1.0 and higher documented
CoInstall 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetApproveExtension (107) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetCanonicalizeIUri 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetCombineIUri 7.0 and higher documented
CoInternetCombineUrl 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetCombineUrlEx 7.0 and higher documented
CoInternetCompareUrl 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetCreateExtension (104) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetCreateSecurityManager 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetCreateZoneManager 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetDomainNeedsApproval (116) 8.0 and higher  
CoInternetExtensionAllowed (103) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetExtensionCollectStats (105) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetExtensionNeedsApproval (106) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetFeatureSettingsChanged 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
CoInternetGetBrowserEmulationMode (449) 8.0 and higher  
CoInternetGetBrowserProfile (446) 8.0 and higher  
CoInternetGetProtocolFlags 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetGetSecurityUrl 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetGetSecurityUrlEx 7.0 and higher documented
CoInternetGetSession 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetIsExtensionsOff (101) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
CoInternetIsFeatureEnabledForIUri 7.0 and higher documented
CoInternetIsFeatureEnabledForUrl 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
CoInternetIsFeatureZoneElevationEnabled 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
CoInternetParseIUri 7.0 and higher documented
CoInternetParseUrl 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetQueryInfo 4.71 and higher documented
CoInternetSetBrowserEmulationMode (450) 8.0 and higher  
CoInternetSetBrowserProfile (447) 8.0 and higher  
CoInternetSetExtensionsOff (102) 7.0 and higher  
CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
CompareSecurityIds 6.0 and higher documented
CompatFlagsFromClsid 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
CopyBindInfo 4.71 and higher documented
CopyStgMedium 4.71 and higher documented
CreateAsyncBindCtx 1.0 and higher documented
CreateAsyncBindCtxEx 4.71 and higher documented
CreateBindProtocol 1.0 to 4.72 only  
CreateBrowserEmulationFilter (442) 8.0 and higher  
CreateFormatEnumerator 1.0 and higher documented
CreateIETldListManager (457) 8.0 and higher  
CreateIUriBuilder 7.0 and higher documented
CreateReadOnlyBrowserEmulationFilter (443) 8.0 and higher  
CreateUri 7.0 and higher documented
CreateUriFromMultiByteString 7.0 and higher documented
CreateUriPriv 7.0 and higher  
CreateUriWithFragment 7.0 and higher documented
CreateURLMoniker 1.0 and higher documented
CreateURLMonikerEx 5.50 and higher documented
CreateURLMonikerEx2 7.0 and higher documented
DeinitCustomerFeedback (401) 8.0 and higher  
DeleteBrowserEmulationUserData (448) 8.0 and higher  
DllCanUnloadNow 1.0 and higher (documented)
DllGetClassObject 1.0 and higher (documented)
DllInstall 4.71 and higher (documented)
DllRegisterServer 4.70 and higher (documented)
DllRegisterServerEx 4.70 and higher  
DllUnregisterServer 4.70 and higher (documented)
Extract 4.70 and higher  
FaultInIEFeature 5.0 and higher documented
FindDomainOrHostFromUri (420) 8.0 and higher  
FindMediaType 4.70 and higher documented
FindMediaTypeClass 4.70 and higher documented
FindMimeFromData 4.71 and higher documented
FlushUrlmonZonesCache (455) 8.0 and higher  
GetAddSitesFileUrl 6.0 from Windows Server 2003, and higher  
GetClassFileOrMime 4.70 and higher documented
GetClassURL 1.0 and higher documented
GetComponentIDFromCLSSPEC 5.0 and higher documented
GetIDNFlagsForUri 7.0 and higher  
GetIESqmMutex (421) 8.0 and higher  
GetIUriPriv 7.0 and higher  
GetLabelsFromNamedHost 7.0 and higher  
GetMarkOfTheWeb 5.0 and higher  
GetPortFromUrlScheme 7.0 and higher  
GetPropertyFromName 7.0 and higher  
GetPropertyName 7.0 and higher  
GetRunTimes 4.71 and 4.72 only  
GetSecMgrCacheSeed (453) 8.0 and higher  
GetSoftwareUpdateInfo 4.71 and higher  
GetSQMUrl (432) 8.0 and higher  
GetUrlmonThreadNotificationHwnd 8.0 and higher  
HlinkGoBack 4.70 and higher documented
HlinkGoForward 4.70 and higher documented
HlinkNavigateMoniker 4.70 and higher documented
HlinkNavigateString 4.70 and higher documented
HlinkSimpleNavigateToMoniker 4.70 and higher documented
HlinkSimpleNavigateToString 4.70 and higher documented
IECompatLogAntiphishingUrl (316) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogApplicationProtocolDialog (434) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogBinaryBhvr (311) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogBlockedControl (308) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogCSSFix (322) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogEventWithUrl (304) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogFileDownloadWithSrcUrl (321) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogIDNNavigation (312) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogManageAddons (317) 7.0 only  
IECompatLogMimeHandling (307) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogMimeSniffImageNotUpgraded (437) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogMimeSniffUnsafe (436) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogMkAndViewSource (306) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogNavigationRestricted (435) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogNoCompression (439) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogObjCache (309) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogPopupMgr (305) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogProxyContentManaged (438) 8.0 and higher  
IECompatLogRedirectUrl (314) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogScriptUrl (315) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogSSLNavBlock (313) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogSubframeNavigate (320) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogUIPIBlockedExtension (323) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogWindowRestriction (310) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogZoneElevation3 (318) 7.0 and higher  
IECompatLogZoneElevation4 (319) 7.0 and higher  
IEInstallScope 8.0 and higher  
IEIsProtectedModeURLInternal (115) 7.0 and higher  
IESqmGetSession (407) 8.0 and higher  
InitCustomerFeedback (400) 8.0 and higher  
InitPropVariantFromBuffer (331) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitPropVariantFromCLSID (332) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitPropVariantFromFileTime (333) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitPropVariantFromString (334) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitVariantFromBuffer (335) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitVariantFromFileTime (361) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitVariantFromGUIDAsString (362) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitVariantFromResource (363) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InitVariantFromStrRet (336) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
InstallFlash 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
IntlPercentEncodeNormalize 7.0 and higher  
IsAsyncMoniker 1.0 and higher documented
IsClientCertSuppliedInProcess (458) 8.0 and higher  
IsDWORDProperty 7.0 and higher  
IsFileInSpecialDirs (113) 7.0 and higher  
IsInternetESCEnabledLocal (108) 7.0 and higher  
IsIntranetAvailable 7.0 and higher  
IsJITInProgress 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
IsLoggingEnabledA 4.71 and higher documented
IsLoggingEnabledW 4.71 and higher documented
IsProtectedModeIUri (112) 7.0 and higher  
IsProtectedModeURL (111) 7.0 and higher  
IsSQMOptionEnabled (430) 8.0 and higher  
IsStringProperty 7.0 and higher  
IsValidURL 4.70 and higher documented
LCIEGetEffectiveConnLimit (440) 8.0 and higher  
LCIELowerConnLimit (433) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmAddToAverage (415) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmAddToStreamDWord (416) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmAddToStreamString (417) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmBits (410) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmBool (409) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmDWord (408) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmIfMax (412) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmIfMin (413) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmIncrement (414) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmSetString (411) 8.0 and higher  
LogSqmUXCommandOffsetInternal (423) 8.0 and higher  
MapBrowserEmulationModeToUserAgent (445) 8.0 and higher  
MapUriToBrowserEmulationState (444) 8.0 and higher  
MkParseDisplayNameEx 1.0 and higher documented
NotfDeliverNotification 4.71 and 4.72 only  
ObtainUserAgentString 4.71 and higher documented
PrivateCoInstall 4.71 and higher  
PropVariantChangeType (396) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantGetElementCount (337) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToBoolean (338) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToBooleanWithDefault (343) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToBSTR (395) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToBuffer (348) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToFileTime (349) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToGUID (350) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToInt32 (339) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToInt32WithDefault (344) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToInt64 (341) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToInt64WithDefault (346) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToString (365) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToStringAlloc (351) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToStringWithDefault (364) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToUInt32 (340) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToUInt32WithDefault (345) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToUInt64 (342) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToUInt64WithDefault (347) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PropVariantToVariant (355) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore (327) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore (325) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject (326) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
PSPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc (397) 8.0 and higher  
PSPropertyBag_WriteDWORD (398) 8.0 and higher  
QueryAssociations 7.0 and higher  
QueryClsidAssociation 7.0 and higher  
RegisterBindStatusCallback 1.0 and higher documented
RegisterFormatEnumerator 1.0 and higher documented
RegisterMediaTypeClass 4.70 and higher documented
RegisterMediaTypes 1.0 and higher documented
ReleaseBindInfo 4.71 and higher documented
ReleaseIESqmMutex (422) 8.0 and higher  
ResetUrlmonLanguageData 7.0 and higher  
ResetWarnOnIntranetFlag (324) 7.0 and higher  
RevokeBindStatusCallback 1.0 and higher documented
RevokeFormatEnumerator 1.0 and higher documented
ScheduleSqmTasksInIdleThread (406) 8.0 and higher  
SeedSecMgrCache (454) 8.0 and higher  
SetSoftwareUpdateAdvertisementState 4.71 and higher  
SetSQMOption (431) 8.0 and higher  
ShouldDisplayPunycodeForUri 7.0 and higher  
ShouldShowIntranetWarningSecband 7.0 and higher  
ShowTrustAlertDialog 6.0 from Windows Server 2003, and higher  
SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand (109) 7.0 only  
SkipBrokerCheckForURL (114) 7.0 and higher  
SqmAddExtensionClsid (403) 8.0 and higher  
SqmOptedIn (404) 8.0 and higher  
StgGetIFillLockBytesOnFile 1.0 only documented (OLE32)
StgGetIFillLockBytesOnILockBytes 1.0 only documented (OLE32)
StgOpenAsyncDocfileOnIFillLockBytes 1.0 only documented (OLE32)
URLDownloadA 4.70 and higher  
URLDownloadW 4.70 and higher  
URLDownloadToCacheFileA 4.70 and higher documented
URLDownloadToCacheFileW 4.70 and higher documented
URLDownloadToFileA 4.70 and higher documented
URLDownloadToFileW 4.70 and higher documented
UrlMkBuildVersion 1.0 and higher  
UrlMkGetSessionOption 4.71 and higher documented
UrlMkSetSessionOption 4.70 and higher documented
Urlmon_CleanIETldListCache (456) 8.0 and higher  
UrlmonCreateInstance (441) 8.0 and higher  
URLOpenBlockingStreamA 4.70 and higher documented
URLOpenBlockingStreamW 4.70 and higher documented
URLOpenPullStreamA 4.70 and higher documented
URLOpenPullStreamW 4.70 and higher documented
URLOpenStreamA 4.70 and higher documented
URLOpenStreamW 4.70 and higher documented
VariantCompare (328) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToBoolean (352) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToBooleanWithDefault (353) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToBuffer (366) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToDouble (367) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToDoubleArray (368) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToDoubleArrayAlloc (369) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToFileTime (370) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToGUID (329) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt16 (371) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt16Array (377) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt16ArrayAlloc (383) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt32 (373) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt32Array (379) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt32ArrayAlloc (385) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt64 (375) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt64Array (381) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToInt64ArrayAlloc (388) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToPropVariant (354) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToString (390) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToStringAlloc (393) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToStringArray (391) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToStringArrayAlloc (392) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToStringWithDefault (330) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToStrRet (394) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt16 (372) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt16Array (378) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt16ArrayAlloc (384) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt32 (374) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt32Array (380) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt32ArrayAlloc (386) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt32WithDefault (387) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt64 (376) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt64Array (382) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
VariantToUInt64ArrayAlloc (389) 7.0 and higher documented (PROPSYS)
WriteHitLogging 4.71 and higher documented
ZoneMappingToRegKey (100) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
ZonesReInit 4.71 and higher  


Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the URLMON.DLL executable, wherever possible. For functions that are not exported by name, i.e., are exported only by ordinal, from any known URLMON version, names are inferred from symbol files that Microsoft supplies for customer support. The ordinal is given in brackets immediately after the function’s name.


The URLMON versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of known releases, making reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all released builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known.

This study refers to applicable products and service packs in ascending order of versions and build numbers. Be aware that this is not chronological order.

Documentation Status

Except where otherwise stated, the reference version for Microsoft’s documentation is the January 2007 edition of the Windows Vista Software Development Kit (as distributed by Microsoft on MSDN Disc 3667). There is no one section for URLMON functions. That a function is not marked above as documented (or is marked on other pages as undocumented) does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

A few functions are not documented specifically as exports from URLMON but fit some general cases. These are indicated by enclosing the documentation status in brackets.

Some functions are shown as documented but with PROPSYS in brackets. Strictly speaking, these are undocumented as URLMON exports. Each has a contemporaneous implementation as an export from the Windows Shell module PROPSYS.DLL and it is this implementation, not the one in URLMON, that Microsoft documents.