URLMON 7.0 Ordinal-Only Exports

With ordinal-only exports left alone until one was added in version 6.0, there was no holding back for version 7.0. It adds over a hundred functions that are exported only by ordinal. A little more than half duplicate functions that are exported by name from PROPSYS.DLL.

Ordinal Function Remarks
101 CoInternetIsExtensionsOff  
102 CoInternetSetExtensionsOff  
103 CoInternetExtensionAllowed  
104 CoInternetCreateExtension  
105 CoInternetExtensionCollectStats  
106 CoInternetExtensionNeedsApproval  
107 CoInternetApproveExtension  
108 IsInternetESCEnabledLocal  
109 SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand forwarded to SHLWAPI;
discontinued in 8.0
111 IsProtectedModeURL  
112 IsProtectedModeIUri  
113 IsFileInSpecialDirs  
114 SkipBrokerCheckForURL  
115 IEIsProtectedModeURLInternal  
304 IECompatLogEventWithUrl  
305 IECompatLogPopupMgr  
306 IECompatLogMkAndViewSource  
307 IECompatLogMimeHandling  
308 IECompatLogBlockedControl  
309 IECompatLogObjCache  
310 IECompatLogWindowRestriction  
311 IECompatLogBinaryBhvr  
312 IECompatLogIDNNavigation  
313 IECompatLogSSLNavBlock  
314 IECompatLogRedirectUrl  
315 IECompatLogScriptUrl  
316 IECompatLogAntiphishingUrl  
317 IECompatLogManageAddons discontinued in 8.0
318 IECompatLogZoneElevation3  
319 IECompatLogZoneElevation4  
320 IECompatLogSubframeNavigate  
321 IECompatLogFileDownloadWithSrcUrl  
322 IECompatLogCSSFix  
323 IECompatLogUIPIBlockedExtension  
324 ResetWarnOnIntranetFlag  
325 PSCreateMemoryPropertyStore also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
326 PSCreatePropertyStoreFromObject also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
327 PSCreateAdapterFromPropertyStore also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
328 VariantCompare also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
329 VariantToGUID also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
330 VariantToStringWithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
331 InitPropVariantFromBuffer also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
332 InitPropVariantFromCLSID also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
333 InitPropVariantFromFileTime also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
334 InitPropVariantFromString also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
335 InitVariantFromBuffer also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
336 InitVariantFromStrRet also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
337 PropVariantGetElementCount also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
338 PropVariantToBoolean also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
339 PropVariantToInt32 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
340 PropVariantToUInt32 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
341 PropVariantToInt64 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
342 PropVariantToUInt64 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
343 PropVariantToBooleanWithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
344 PropVariantToInt32WithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
345 PropVariantToUInt32WithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
346 PropVariantToInt64WithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
347 PropVariantToUInt64WithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
348 PropVariantToBuffer also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
349 PropVariantToFileTime also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
350 PropVariantToGUID also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
351 PropVariantToStringAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
352 VariantToBoolean also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
353 VariantToBooleanWithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
354 VariantToPropVariant also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
355 PropVariantToVariant also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
360 ClearVariantArray also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
361 InitVariantFromFileTime also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
362 InitVariantFromGUIDAsString also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
363 InitVariantFromResource also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
364 PropVariantToStringWithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
365 PropVariantToString also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
366 VariantToBuffer also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
367 VariantToDouble also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
368 VariantToDoubleArray also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
369 VariantToDoubleArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
370 VariantToFileTime also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
371 VariantToInt16 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
372 VariantToUInt16 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
373 VariantToInt32 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
374 VariantToUInt32 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
375 VariantToInt64 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
376 VariantToUInt64 also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
377 VariantToInt16Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
378 VariantToUInt16Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
379 VariantToInt32Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
380 VariantToUInt32Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
381 VariantToInt64Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
382 VariantToUInt64Array also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
383 VariantToInt16ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
384 VariantToUInt16ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
385 VariantToInt32ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
386 VariantToUInt32ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
387 VariantToUInt32WithDefault also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
388 VariantToInt64ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
389 VariantToUInt64ArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
390 VariantToString also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
391 VariantToStringArray also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
392 VariantToStringArrayAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
393 VariantToStringAlloc also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
394 VariantToStrRet also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
395 PropVariantToBSTR also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher
396 PropVariantChangeType also named export from PROPSYS 6.0 and higher