WININET Functions

The table on this page is this study’s master list of functions that appear in the export directory of any known 32-bit build of WININET. It gives for each function just brief summaries of the applicable WININET versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation. Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
??4AUTO_PROXY_HELPER_APIS@@QAEAAV0@ABV0@@Z 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02 only  
?GetIPAddress@AUTO_PROXY_HELPER_APIS@@QAEKPADPAK@Z 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02 only  
?IsInNet@AUTO_PROXY_HELPER_APIS@@QAEHPAD00@Z 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02 only  
?IsResolvable@AUTO_PROXY_HELPER_APIS@@QAEHPAD@Z 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02 only  
?ResolveHostName@AUTO_PROXY_HELPER_APIS@@QAEKPAD0PAK@Z 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02 only  
AuthenticateUser 4.70 only  
CommitUrlCacheEntryA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
CommitUrlCacheEntryW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
CreateMD5SSOHash 6.0 and higher documented
CreateUrlCacheContainerA 4.71 and higher declared
CreateUrlCacheContainerW 4.71 and higher declared
CreateUrlCacheEntryA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
CreateUrlCacheEntryW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
CreateUrlCacheGroup 4.71 and higher documented
DeleteIE3Cache 4.71 and higher declared
DeleteUrlCacheContainerA 4.71 and higher declared
DeleteUrlCacheContainerW 4.71 and higher declared
DeleteUrlCacheEntry 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
DeleteUrlCacheEntryA 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteUrlCacheEntryW 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteUrlCacheGroup 4.71 and higher documented
DeleteWpadCacheForNetworks 8.0 and higher  
DetectAutoProxyUrl 5.0 and higher documented
DispatchAPICall 7.0 and higher  
DllInstall 4.71 and higher (documented)
DoConnectoidsExist (101) 5.0 and higher declared
ExportCookieFileA (109) 5.0 and higher declared
ExportCookieFileW (111) 5.0 and higher declared
FindCloseUrlCache 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FindFirstUrlCacheContainerA 4.71 and higher declared
FindFirstUrlCacheContainerW 4.71 and higher declared
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryExA 4.71 and higher documented
FindFirstUrlCacheEntryExW 4.71 and higher documented
FindFirstUrlCacheGroup 5.0 and higher documented
FindNextUrlCacheContainerA 4.71 and higher declared
FindNextUrlCacheContainerW 4.71 and higher declared
FindNextUrlCacheEntryA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FindNextUrlCacheEntryW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FindNextUrlCacheEntryExA 4.71 and higher documented
FindNextUrlCacheEntryExW 4.71 and higher documented
FindNextUrlCacheGroup 5.0 and higher documented
FindP3PPolicySymbol (118) 6.0 and higher declared
ForceNexusLookup 6.0 and higher  
ForceNexusLookupExW 6.0 and higher  
FreeP3PObject (122) 6.0 and higher declared
FreeUrlCacheSpaceA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FreeUrlCacheSpaceW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
FtpCommandA 4.0, then 5.0 and higher documented
FtpCommandW 4.0, then 5.0 and higher documented
FtpCreateDirectoryA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpCreateDirectoryW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpDeleteFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpDeleteFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpFindFirstFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpFindFirstFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpGetCurrentDirectoryA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpGetCurrentDirectoryW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpGetFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpGetFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpGetFileEx 5.0 and higher  
FtpGetFileSize 5.0 and higher documented
FtpOpenFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpOpenFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpPutFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpPutFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpPutFileEx 5.0 and higher  
FtpRemoveDirectoryA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpRemoveDirectoryW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpRenameFileA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpRenameFileW 4.0 and higher documented
FtpSetCurrentDirectoryA 4.0 and higher documented
FtpSetCurrentDirectoryW 4.0 and higher documented
GetDiskInfoA (102) 5.0 and higher declared
_GetFileExtensionFromUrl 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher declared
GetP3PPolicy (121) 6.0 and higher declared
GetP3PRequestStatus (123) 6.0 and higher declared
GetUrlCacheConfigInfoA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
GetUrlCacheConfigInfoW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExA 4.71 and higher documented
GetUrlCacheEntryInfoExW 4.71 and higher documented
GetUrlCacheGroupAttributeA 5.0 and higher documented
GetUrlCacheGroupAttributeW 5.0 and higher documented
GetUrlCacheHeaderData 4.71 and higher declared
GopherCreateLocatorA 4.0 and higher documented
GopherCreateLocatorW 4.0 and higher documented
GopherFindFirstFileA 4.0 and higher documented
GopherFindFirstFileW 4.0 and higher documented
GopherGetAttributeA 4.0 and higher documented
GopherGetAttributeW 4.0 and higher documented
GopherGetLocatorTypeA 4.0 and higher documented
GopherGetLocatorTypeW 4.0 and higher documented
GopherOpenFileA 4.0 and higher documented
GopherOpenFileW 4.0 and higher documented
GopherSendDataA 4.0 only  
GopherSendDataW 4.0 only  
HttpAddRequestHeadersA 4.0 and higher documented
HttpAddRequestHeadersW 4.0 and higher documented
HttpCheckDavCompliance 5.0 and higher declared
HttpCheckDavComplianceA (104) 5.0 and higher declared
HttpCheckDavComplianceW (105) 5.0 and higher declared
HttpEndRequestA 4.71 and higher documented
HttpEndRequestW 4.71 and higher documented
HttpOpenRequestA 4.0 and higher documented
HttpOpenRequestW 4.0 and higher documented
HttpQueryInfoA 4.0 and higher documented
HttpQueryInfoW 4.0 and higher documented
HttpSendRequestA 4.0 and higher documented
HttpSendRequestW 4.0 and higher documented
HttpSendRequestExA 4.71 and higher documented
HttpSendRequestExW 4.71 and higher documented
ImportCookieFileA (108) 5.0 and higher declared
ImportCookieFileW (110) 5.0 and higher declared
IncrementUrlCacheHeaderData 4.71 and higher declared
InternalInternetGetCookie (346) 7.0 and higher declared
InternetAlgIdToStringA 5.0 and higher declared
InternetAlgIdToStringW 5.0 and higher declared
InternetAttemptConnect 4.70 and higher documented
InternetAutodial 4.71 and higher documented
InternetAutodialCallback 4.71 and higher  
InternetAutodialHangup 4.71 and higher documented
InternetCanonicalizeUrlA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetCanonicalizeUrlW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetCheckConnectionA 4.71 and higher documented
InternetCheckConnectionW 4.71 and higher documented
InternetClearAllPerSiteCookieDecisions 6.0 and higher documented
InternetCloseHandle 4.0 and higher documented
InternetCombineUrlA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetCombineUrlW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetConfirmZoneCrossing 4.70 and higher documented
InternetConfirmZoneCrossingA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetConfirmZoneCrossingW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetConnectA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetConnectW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetCrackUrlA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetCrackUrlW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetCreateUrlA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetCreateUrlW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetDebugGetLocalTime 4.70 to 4.72 only declared
InternetDial 4.71 and higher documented
InternetDialA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetDialW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA 6.0 and higher documented
InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW 6.0 and higher documented
InternetErrorDlg 4.0 and higher documented
InternetFindNextFileA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetFindNextFileW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetFortezzaCommand 5.0 and higher declared
InternetGetCertByURL 4.70 and higher  
InternetGetCertByURLA 5.0 and higher  
InternetGetConnectedState 4.71 and higher documented
InternetGetConnectedStateEx 5.0 and higher documented
InternetGetConnectedStateExA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetGetConnectedStateExW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetGetCookieA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetGetCookieW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetGetCookieExA 6.0 and higher documented
InternetGetCookieExW 6.0 and higher documented
InternetGetLastResponseInfoA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetGetLastResponseInfoW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionA 6.0 and higher documented
InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionW 6.0 and higher documented
InternetGetSecurityInfoByURL 7.0 and higher declared
InternetGetSecurityInfoByURLA 7.0 and higher declared
InternetGetSecurityInfoByURLW 7.0 and higher declared
InternetGoOnline 4.71 and higher documented
InternetGoOnlineA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetGoOnlineW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetHangup 4.71 and higher documented
InternetInitializeAutoProxyDll 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.02, and higher documented
InternetLockRequestFile 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.01, and higher documented
InternetOpenA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetOpenW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetOpenServerPushParse 4.71 and 4.72 only  
InternetOpenUrlA 4.0 and higher documented
InternetOpenUrlW 4.0 and higher documented
InternetQueryDataAvailable 4.0 and higher documented
InternetQueryFortezzaStatus 5.0 and higher documented
InternetQueryOption 4.0 only documented
InternetQueryOptionA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetQueryOptionW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetReadFile 4.0 and higher documented
InternetReadFileExA 4.71 and higher documented
InternetReadFileExW 4.71 and higher documented
InternetSecurityProtocolToStringA 5.0 and higher declared
InternetSecurityProtocolToStringW 5.0 and higher declared
InternetServerPushParse 4.71 and 4.72 only  
InternetSetCookieA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetCookieW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetCookieExA 6.0 and higher documented
InternetSetCookieExW 6.0 and higher documented
InternetSetDialState 4.71 and higher documented
InternetSetDialStateA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetSetDialStateW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetSetFilePointer 4.0 and higher documented
InternetSetOption 4.0 only documented
InternetSetOptionA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetOptionW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetOptionExA 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetOptionExW 4.70 and higher documented
InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionA 6.0 and higher documented
InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionW 6.0 and higher documented
InternetSetStatusCallback 4.0 and higher documented
InternetSetStatusCallbackA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetSetStatusCallbackW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetShowSecurityInfoByURL 4.71 and higher declared
InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLA 5.0 and higher declared
InternetShowSecurityInfoByURLW 5.0 and higher declared
InternetTimeFromSystemTime 4.70 and higher documented
InternetTimeFromSystemTimeA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetTimeFromSystemTimeW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetTimeToSystemTime 4.70 and higher documented
InternetTimeToSystemTimeA 5.0 and higher documented
InternetTimeToSystemTimeW 5.0 and higher documented
InternetUnlockRequestFile 4.70 from Internet Explorer 3.01, and higher documented
InternetWriteFile 4.0 and higher documented
InternetWriteFileExA 4.71 and higher declared
InternetWriteFileExW 4.71 and higher declared
IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA (116) 6.0 and higher declared
IsDomainLegalCookieDomainW (117) 6.0 and higher declared
IsHostInProxyBypassList 4.71 and higher declared
IsProfilesEnabled (112) 5.0 and higher declared
IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredA 5.0 and higher declared
IsUrlCacheEntryExpiredW 5.0 and higher declared
LoadUrlCacheContent 4.71 and higher declared
MapResourceToPolicy (120) 6.0 and higher declared
ParseX509EncodedCertificateForListBoxEntry 4.70 and higher declared
PerformOperationOverUrlCacheA (103) 5.0 and higher declared
PreAuthenticateUser 4.70 only  
PrivacyGetZonePreferenceW 6.0 and higher documented
PrivacySetZonePreferenceW 6.0 and higher documented
ReadGuidsForConnectedNetworks (401) 8.0 and higher declared
ReadUrlCacheEntryStream 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
ReadUrlCacheEntryStreamEx 8.0 and higher  
RegisterUrlCacheNotification 5.0 and higher declared
ResumeSuspendedDownload 5.0 and higher documented
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFileA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryFileW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
RetrieveUrlCacheEntryStreamW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
RunOnceUrlCache 4.70 and higher declared
SetUrlCacheConfigInfoA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
SetUrlCacheConfigInfoW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
SetUrlCacheEntryGroup 4.71 and higher documented
SetUrlCacheEntryGroupA 5.0 and higher documented
SetUrlCacheEntryGroupW 5.0 and higher documented
SetUrlCacheEntryInfoA 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
SetUrlCacheEntryInfoW 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
SetUrlCacheGroupAttributeA 5.0 and higher documented
SetUrlCacheGroupAttributeW 5.0 and higher documented
SetUrlCacheHeaderData 4.71 and higher declared
ShowCertificate 4.70 and higher  
ShowClientAuthCerts 4.70 and higher declared
ShowSecurityInfo 4.71 and higher declared
ShowX509EncodedCertificate 4.70 and higher declared
UnloadAuthenticateUser 4.70 only  
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFile 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileA 5.0 and higher documented
UnlockUrlCacheEntryFileW 5.0 and higher documented
UnlockUrlCacheEntryStream 4.70 and higher;
earlier in URLCACHE
UpdateUrlCacheContentPath 5.0 and higher declared
UrlCacheValidate 4.70 to 4.72 only;
earlier in URLCACHE
UrlZonesDetach 5.0 and higher  


Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the WININET.DLL executable, wherever possible. For functions that are not exported by name, i.e., are exported only by ordinal, from any known WININET version, names are inferred from symbol files that Microsoft supplies for customer support. The ordinal is given in brackets immediately after the function’s name.

It perhaps must be stressed that a function’s presence in the export directory does not mean that the function is implemented non-trivially or that it will work satisfactorily if called, just that it can be imported from other modules, and be called, for better or worse. That a function is exported from some version does not mean that Microsoft supports its use in that version.


The WININET versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of known releases, making reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all released builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known.

This study refers to applicable products and service packs in ascending order of versions and build numbers. Be aware that this is not chronological order.

Some functions exported from WININET exist earlier as exports from a URLCACHE.DLL which is known only from Internet Explorer 3.00. These functions are indicated above by the annotation “earlier in URLCACHE”.

Documentation Status

This study’s reference version of Microsoft’s documentation is the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.51 Service Pack 1, apparently released in August 2009. The build date shown on the opening pages of this documentation is 22nd June 2009. That a function is not marked above as documented (or is marked on other pages as undocumented) does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

Choosing one reference edition is not ideal for all purposes. Functions inevitably will be added for versions released afterwards, and will typically not be listed above as documented until a new reference edition is adopted. There is also a loss of history. Of interest to many is that Microsoft sometimes does not document new functions immediately and even not until years have passed. That a function is marked above as documented does not mean it has always been documented, only that it is documented in the chosen reference edition. Of interest perhaps only to historians is that even documented functions are sometimes discontinued, meaning specifically that later versions do not export them. Do not rely on me to have searched old editions of the SDK or MSDN Library to find whether discontinued functions ever were documented.

Rather many WININET functions that are not formally documented are at least declared in an SDK header file (named WININETI.H). These are indicated above by the annotation “declared”.