Bug Check From User Mode By Profiling

Two simple coding errors in the Windows kernel can each cause the same buffer overflow. Both can be directed from user mode without privilege to crash Windows. One can occur only by supplying invalid parameters. It is in all known Windows versions before Microsoft fixed it in 2017. The other can occur even with correct parameters. It dates from Windows 8 and Microsoft fixed it in 2018.

Contrived misuse of the NtCreateProfile and NtCreateProfileEx functions can reliably crash Windows from user mode in all versions up to and including Windows 10 before 2017. Astonishingly, a second coding error allows that the very same crash can occur without misuse, though still with difficulty, in Windows 8 and higher. By crash, I mean that the kernel is brought to a Stop, referred to technically as a bug check and showing as what is commonly called a Blue Screen Of Death. No privilege is required. Even a low-integrity user-mode program can bring Windows down.

The defect that allows this crash to be arranged by misuse can be seen in a Windows NT 3.1 kernel from 1993, which means it has been present from the very beginning of the Windows that is its own operating system. At the other end of the time scale, I say only that the defect persists at least to the 1607 release of Windows 10 but is corrected in the 1703 release (if not also in updates of earlier releases). This is consistent with Microsoft’s having learnt of the bug via email from me in late December 2016. I do not know from Microsoft which precise build is the first to correct this defect and I have better things to do than download and inspect updates in the hope of finding out by myself.

Please don’t get me wrong on this. As a service to my readers, I would happily cite a Microsoft Security Bulletin as credibly definitive, except that I can’t divine just from their text which (if any) bulletin corresponds to this defect. I’m glad, of course, that Microsoft fixes its software when told of sufficiently alarming defects such as crashing all known versions of Windows from a simple user-mode program with no privilege. I tolerate that Microsoft dishonestly allows the perception that the discovery, if not also the fix, was Microsoft’s own work unless whoever reports it goes along more or less completely with Microsoft’s programme of Coordinated Disclosure. What I can’t abide is that the industry as a whole tolerates—and is even grateful for—disclosure that is more accurately (though still generously) described as deflection. We don’t truly have responsible disclosure—or any sort of disclosure that’s worth having—while Microsoft describes defects too obscurely to be recognised even by the reporter. In this case, surely the very least to expect by way of plain description by Microsoft is something like “a coding error in the kernel’s parameter validation for profiling allows that an unprivileged user-mode program can crash Windows.”

This isn’t the first time that a defect with such consequences has escaped attention for so long and it won’t be the last. But cases that survive from the very beginning must by now be extremely rare, such that survival is of itself arguably more interesting than is the dramatic outcome. It’s not as if this bug is in code that’s so obscure it has been ignored all the while. No, the code evidently has been reviewed by Microsoft several times through the decades, and changed, including specifically to improve security. And the second means of causing the crash exists only because relevant code was changed.

The second path to the same buffer overflow is a side-effect of some reworking, plausibly intended as a simplification, for Windows 8. It persists at least to the 1803 release of Windows 10 but is corrected in the 1809 release. This is consistent with Microsoft’s having overlooked it in my description from 2016 but taken notice when I told them of it a second time in June 2018. Again I do not know from Microsoft which precise build is the first to correct the second bug and neither have I any reference from them to cite.

Something distinctive about both bugs is that all the relevant functionality—for a long-established diagnostics technique known as profiling—is undocumented. Though there evidently have been eyes on the code, defects have not been exposed by the harsh light of widespread, general use. Though the relevant functions can be called successfully by any user-mode program, the intended practice seems to be that they are called only by specially written diagnostics tools—which, naturally, don’t misuse the functions. Even in the recent versions that allow the crash without misuse, the necessary circumstances are so very thin that they plausibly never have occurred by accident in ordinary use of the expected tools. Indeed, for both coding errors, the circumstances are so thin and the “moving parts” just complicated enough and unusual enough that neither defect might ever have been found by the sorts of automated methods that are typical of searches for security vulnerabilities.

A Profiling Primer

Although profiling is well-known, at least as functionality that’s operated through more or less standard tools, the underlying API functions arguably count as obscure. That I was documenting those functions for their constructive use by programmers in general is how this way to crash Windows was found. The research for such documentation and then the writing up is, of course, a very much larger project than the search for a security vulnerability. Even the relatively few pages of documentation that have yet resulted from that project far exceed what you will want to know for understanding the defect that allows this bug check from user mode. Still, you will need at least a summary.

The NtCreateProfile and NtCreateProfileEx functions—henceforth, I’ll use just the former to stand for both—are undocumented NTDLL exports that ask the kernel to prepare for a statistical sampling of the computer’s execution. The sampling is done via a recurring hardware interrupt which the successful caller of NtCreateProfile starts and stops by calling NtStartProfile and NtStopProfile. As these interrupts recur, the kernel, in a function named KeProfileInterruptWithSource, looks at where each is to return to and builds a frequency distribution. This is the profile. It counts how many times the computer was found to be executing here versus there.

The user-mode caller of NtCreateProfile gets to specify what execution to sample and where to put the results. Three parameters are specially relevant. First is a range of address space, here referred to as the profiled region, that is all the caller wants to get execution counts for. Second, because the profiled region may be very large, e.g., when taking in an overview, it is impractical in general to keep execution counts for each address in the profiled region. Anyway, because most instructions are larger than one byte, most byte-by-byte execution counts would wastefully be zero. Granularity is introduced by treating the profiled region as an array of buckets, whose size the caller specifies. Third, the frequency distribution has to go somewhere. The caller supplies an output buffer that must be large enough to receive one 32-bit execution count for each of the buckets that span the profiled region.

On proceeding to NtStartProfile, hardware interrupts start to occur. For each one whose return address is within the profiled region, the kernel’s KeProfileInterruptWithSource computes which bucket in that region contains the return address and it increments the corresponding execution count in the output buffer. Vitally important background here is that although the user-mode caller naturally provides a user-mode address for the output buffer, NtStartProfile will have locked that buffer into physical memory and mapped it into system address space, and it is this mapped address that KeProfileInterruptWithSource uses when incrementing an execution count.

Defect (Ancient)

You can perhaps guess now what goes wrong. The defect is in the first instance a slackness in parameter validation by the shared implementation of the NtCreateProfile and NtCreateProfileEx functions. The misuse that is meant by this article’s opening sentence is that a caller specifies a profiled region that is spanned by more buckets than are allowed for in the output buffer. The implementation in all known versions before 2017 defends against this incorrectly. Though flagrant excess gets rejected, not all excess does. A given size of buffer allows for only so many execution counts. Each whole ULONG in the buffer supports one bucket for the profiled region. Take that maximum number of buckets that are supported by the buffer, multiply by the bucket size, and you have a maximum size that can safely be permitted for the profiled region. Instead, the defective parameter validation lets a mischievous caller sneak past with a profiled region that exceeds that maximum by as much as one byte less than a quarter of a bucket.

With that done, the mischievous caller of NtCreateProfile can trigger this exotic buffer overflow simply by calling NtStartProfile and then executing code, over and over, in that fragment of a bucket at the end of the profiled region. Eventually, an interrupt occurs that has its return address in this fragment and KeProfileInterruptWithSource then increments a ULONG execution count that lies at least partly beyond the output buffer.

As with many a buffer overflow, there’s a good chance that nothing much will happen just from the overflow. It can easily be that the invalid increment changes nothing that matters to anyone. Even if the invalidly incremented ULONG is in some sort of use, its corruption will most likely be a problem only for the user-mode caller. Where it becomes a kernel-mode problem is when there is no valid address beyond the buffer. Remember, the kernel uses a mapping into system address space. This is where contrivance comes in. If the user-mode caller supplies a buffer that ends on a page boundary, then the buffer’s mapping into system address space may be followed by some other mapping into system address space, including for some other process, but will most likely be followed by nothing. When KeProfileInterruptWithSource is induced to try incrementing an execution count immediately beyond the buffer, it in effect jumps off a cliff and takes Windows with it.

The bug check to expect will be IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (0x0A). There’s some predictability to it because the increment causes a page fault from trying to write to an address that truly is invalid and there’s anyway no hope of doing anything about it since it happens while handling a hardware interrupt. A tell-tale sign of this bug check’s occurrence without contrivance would be that the second bug-check argument will be the distinctive IRQL of a profile interrupt. This is chosen by the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and communicated to the kernel, and so might in principle be variable. On x64 builds, however, it is reliably PROFILE_LEVEL (0x0F). For x86 builds, Microsoft defines PROFILE_LEVEL as 0x1B, but all known 32-bit HALs since at least Windows Vista choose 0x1F.

Code Review

The odd—indeed, awkward—phrase “one byte less than a quarter of a bucket” as the excess that can be sneaked past the parameter validation perhaps hints that some non-trivial discrete arithmetic has gone wrong or even that the arithmetic as coded is too clever for its own good.

For explanation and assessment, some representation similar to source code—here claimed as fair use for critical comment—seems unavoidable. The parameter validation is at the start of NtCreateProfile before version 6.1 but of an internal routine named ExpProfileCreate in later versions. Microsoft is known, from a declaration in ZWAPI.H from an Enterprise edition of the Windows Driver Kit for Windows 10, to use the following as arguments:

Live with the confusion that the argument named BucketSize is not the size but its logarithm. Then the following will be very like what Microsoft has in its source code up to and including the faulty arithmetic:

ULONG segment = 0;

if (BufferSize == 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_7;     // A

#if defined (_X86_)

if (BucketSize == 0
        && ProfileBase < (PVOID) 0x00010000
        && BufferSize >= sizeof (ULONG)) {                  // B

    segment = (ULONG) ProfileBase;
    ProfileBase = NULL;

    ULONG numbuckets = BufferSize / sizeof (ULONG);
    BucketSize = Log2 (ProfileSize / numbuckets - 1) + 1;   // C

    if (BucketSize < 2) BucketSize = 2;

#endif  // #if defined (_X86_)

if (BucketSize > 0x1F || BucketSize < 2) {

if (ProfileSize >> (BucketSize - 2) > BufferSize) {         // D

Here, Log2 is hypothesised as an inline function that computes a logarithm base 2, the details of which are irrelevant to present purposes. What is relevant is that the lines I label A and B are not from the original code. They were added for Windows NT 4.0 SP4. This service pack of Windows NT 4.0 tightened a lot of parameter validation throughout the kernel, with the obviously welcome effect of closing off many of the easy pickings for crashing the earliest Windows versions. See that before the addition of B, a mischievous user-mode caller could choose BufferSize to cause the division at C to fault.

Whatever it was that prompted someone to examine this code and add the checks at A and B, it apparently didn’t cause them to rethink the check at D. The fault with this check also escaped attention in a review for Windows 8, which only a few statements further on adds code to check that the ProfileSource argument is one that the HAL supports. After that is an addition for Windows 7, to check the caller’s specification of processors through the GroupCount and AffinityArray arguments to what was then the new function NtCreateProfileEx. Further beyond, as parameter validation starts to give way to the meat of the implementation, comes an addition for Windows 8.1, specifically to tighten security, so that restricted callers cannot profile kernel-mode execution.

None of this is to say that any programmer who revised the code at any time in all these years ought even to have been looking at D, let alone that they were negligent not to notice the defect. It is to say, however, that this bug’s long life is not a case of surviving in code that nobody cared about.

Yet survive it has, and there is at least the possibility that reviewers left it alone because they mistakenly thought it was clever and correct. Indeed, if we look outside Microsoft for a moment, we can find not just possibility but suggestion, for the open source code for NtCreateProfile in ReactOS not only shares the defect but introduces it with a comment:

/* Make sure that the buckets can map the range */
if ((RangeSize >> (BucketSize - 2)) > BufferSize)
    DPRINT1("Bucket size too small\n");

Whether its author devised this arithmetic independently of Microsoft, or reproduced it and thought it correct, or had doubts but never got round to expressing them, we may never know. I, for one, have no interest in quizzing anyone about something they wrote long ago very probably as free work for public benefit. But I am fascinated to see exactly the same coding error for exactly the same purpose in two supposedly independent places and I have to wonder if the reason it survived all these years is that something about its coding actually is natural for a clever programmer but is easy to get wrong and is then just as easy for source-code reviewers to overlook.

Cleverness comes in because of the attempt to have one bit-shift deal with both the configurable size of the bucket and the fixed size of the 32-bit execution count. There certainly is optimisation to be found on this point and good reason to seek it. When the time comes that KeProfileInterruptWithSource finds that the interrupt’s return address is in the profiled area, it is highly desirable that the assignment of this return address to a bucket and the incrementing of the corresponding execution count in the output buffer be done with the highest possible efficiency. With ProfileBase, BucketSize minus two, and Buffer remembered from arguments that were given when creating the profile, the algorithm for locating the correct execution count is simply:

  1. from the interrupt’s return address, subtract ProfileBase (to get the byte offset of the return address within the profiled region);
  2. shift right by BucketSize minus two;
  3. clear the low two bits (to get the byte offset of the 32-bit execution count within the output buffer);
  4. add to Buffer (to get the address of the execution count).

The optimisation that keeps BucketSize minus two (instead of keeping BucketSize and subtracting two on each occurrence of the interrupt) is as efficient as can be. In the different circumstance of parameter validation, however, it’s arguably no optimisation at all. Shifting in the other direction, as with

if (ProfileSize > (ULONGLONG) (BufferSize & ~0x03) << (BucketSize - 2)) {

gives the correct protection, but has a price. If the source code is not to be complicated by checking that BufferSize is not so large that the shift left overflows, then the shift must be widened to 64 bits, which Microsoft’s 32-bit compiler has long made clumsy by tending to involve the C Run-Time helper _allshl. Shifting right, as actually coded, may have seemed simpler but is only deceptively so. It misses that the output buffer must provide for an extra execution count if the profiled range is not a whole number of buckets. Accounting for this, while still shifting by BucketSize minus two, seems unavoidably clumsy, e.g.,

SIZE_T needed = ProfileSize >> (BucketSize - 2);
if (ProfileSize & ((1 << BucketSize) - 1)) {
    needed += sizeof (ULONG);
    if (needed < sizeof (ULONG)) return STATUS_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW;
if (needed > BufferSize) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

Better is to keep the one-time subtraction of two as the interrupt-time optimisation but to keep to very pedestrian coding for the parameter validation:

ULONG bucketcount = ProfileSize >> BucketSize;
if ((ProfileSize & ((1 << BucketSize) - 1)) == 0) bucketcount ++;
if (bucketcount > BufferSize / sizeof (ULONG)) return STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL;

This is very nearly what Microsoft changed to for the 1703 release of Windows 10 to fix this ancient defect in the parameter validation. How the defect came to be, let alone that it’s from someone being too clever for their own good, can only be speculated now and from outside Microsoft. It amuses me, if only me, to imagine a programmer, who might in other circumstances easily be me, devising an optimisation where it’s time-critical but sticking with it for parameter validation which isn’t time-critical, only to get it wrong though its correctness is critical. There’s something cautionary about that, as there must be one way or another about any bug that survives for so very long.


A small console application that demonstrates this bug check from user mode by abusing the profiling API is compressed into zip files for easy distribution:

That said, since there’s just the one source file and one header, they may as well be presented directly:

The executables are built for execution on Windows Vista and higher.


Simply run the program, preferably while Windows is not doing anything that matters to you.

That said, to see the program make 64-bit Windows crash you will need to run the 64-bit build. This is not a necessary constraint for triggering the bug. It’s just a side-effect of my opting for calling NtCreateProfile with simple arguments to keep the demonstration’s source code small.

If you run the demonstration on a version of Windows 10 that validates the NtCreateProfile parameters correctly, as do the 1703 and later releases (if not also some updates of earlier releases), then run from a Command Prompt and expect to be told (almost instantly)

Error 0xC0000023 creating profile object 

as the program’s unvarnished complaint that its call to NtCreateProfile failed for being given too small a buffer (in this case, relative to the profiled region).


So that the demonstration is very nearly self-contained, it has just the one source file and a separate header of declarations and definitions that might ordinarily come from Microsoft’s headers except that the functionality is low-level and undocumented. A good proportion of the source file is commenting. It really is a very simple program!

As is natural for a low-level Windows programmer—in my opinion, anyway—the source code is written to be built with Microsoft’s compiler, linker and related tools, and with the headers and import libraries such as Microsoft supplies in the Software Development Kit (SDK). Try building it with tools from someone else if you want, but you’re on your own as far as I can be concerned.

WDK Build Tool

Perhaps less natural for user-mode programming is that the makefile is written for building with the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), specifically the WDK for Windows 7. This is the last that supports earlier Windows versions: remember that the defect that’s demonstrated is as old as any Windows version. It is also the last WDK that is self-standing in the sense of having its own installation of Microsoft’s compiler, etc. Better yet, it has the merit of supplying an import library for MSVCRT.DLL that does not tie the built executables to a particular version of Visual Studio. If only for me, this merit is so substantial that I’m not about to give it up lightly for any project!

For this particular project, the WDK for Windows 7 also helps by supplying an import library for NTDLL.DLL. Though Microsoft’s kits for user-mode programming do nowadays ship with an NTDLL.LIB, they haven’t always. Use of the import library spares the code from being cluttered with declarations of function pointers and calls to GetProcAddress for using the several undocumented functions that the demonstration relies on.

To build the executable, open the WDK build environment for the Windows version you want to target, change to the directory that contains the source files, and run the WDK’s build tool.

Visual Studio

Try porting the project to an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio if you want. I would even be interested in your experience if what you get for your troubles is in any sense superior.

Command Line

Alternatively, ignore the makefile and the IDE: just compile the one source file from the command line however you like, and link however you like. The only notable extra that I expect you to need, even from an old Visual Studio and SDK, is the NTDLL.LIB import library. If you don’t have this already, you can get it from any old driver kit. If you encounter a problem from rolling your own build via the command line, then please write to me with details of what combination of tools you used and what errors or warnings they produced, and I will do what I can to accommodate.

But Wait, There’s More

One of the intellectual pleasures of studying software is also its greatest frustration when writing up the results. By this I mean the tendency of one topic to lead to another that leads to another and so on. This applies especially to kernel-mode software for operating systems, which tends much more than application software to implement multiple functionalities that are somehow both largely distinct yet densely interconnected, while allowing numerous entry points from simultaneous callers with competing interests.

Profiling turns out to have much of this to it, with rich interconnectedness between the kernel and HAL, not just for interrupt handling and for timing in general, but for such specific points as power management and of course the HAL’s use of the processor’s performance monitoring counters as sources of profile interrupts. There is also that Windows has long provided for two styles of profiling. In the style described above, the kernel quickly builds frequency distributions of execution that’s detected in profiled regions specified from user mode. The other has the kernel react to every profile interrupt by tracing an event so that a record of all execution detected anywhere can be controlled and consumed through Event Tracing For Windows (ETW).

The preceding paragraphs might be just my rationalisation of the sprawl that dogs my attempt at documenting all the functions that are involved in profiling, but I also mean them as reintroducing the KeProfileInterruptWithSource function as a point of interconnection with other functionality, notably with the ETW style of profiling. The function is called by the HAL to tell the kernel that a profile interrupt, whose recurrence the kernel set up earlier, has occurred. The kernel then gets to do whatever it is that the kernel wanted the profile interrupt for, without the HAL having to care what or why. Over the years, the kernel found more and more to do. The extras all look to have been added individually to the code until the function got a rewrite for Windows 8. Would you believe that this rewrite brought a second simple coding error into play as a second way to cause this same bug check from user mode?

Defect (New)

Remember that although the buffer overflow starts with parameters that a user-mode caller gives to NtCreateProfile, the buffer overflow does not occur inside that call. Indeed, the buffer that overflows doesn’t exist in system address space until the user-mode caller proceeds to NtStartProfile. Even after that, the buffer isn’t written to until someone executes code that satisfies the conditions that are remembered from those parameters. Even then, only when that code happens to get interrupted does KeProfileInterruptWithSource write to the buffer.

For present purposes, the primary condition for KeProfileInterruptWithSource to test is that the interrupt is to return to an instruction that lies inside what was specified as the profiled region. This is described by the user-mode caller in terms of ProfileBase and ProfileSize arguments which are respectively the region’s start address and its size in bytes. For efficiency while handling the interrupt, the profiled region is remembered by its start address and its non-inclusive end address, the latter being the start address plus the size.

All known versions remember the profiled region this way, as an inclusive start and non-inclusive end. Before Windows 8, KeProfileInterruptWithSource increments an execution count for the interrupt’s return address only if this address is greater than or equal to the start and is less than the end:

if (start <= p && p < end) /* increment */

The rewrite for Windows 8 incorrectly inverted this test, such that KeProfileInterruptWithSource skips the increment if the interrupt’s return address is less than the start or greater than the end:

if (p < start || p > end) /* skip */

If you’re still pondering the significance, you’re at least in company with Microsoft’s kernel-mode programmers. In Windows 8 and higher, the profiled region is remembered as an inclusive start and non-inclusive end, as in all earlier versions, but KeProfileInterruptWithSource now misinterprets the end as inclusive. If the interrupt’s return address is exactly—and I really do mean exactly—at the non-inclusive end of the profiled region, it gets counted for the profile by mistake and an execution count gets incremented where no execution count is provided for. The practical effect is that not only has this bug check from user mode survived from ancient times but Windows 8 and higher allow a second way to get to it!

And that’s not all. See that although the first way to this buffer overflow exists because of an error in validating the parameters that are given to NtCreateProfile, this second way is a sort of opposite: it requires that the parameters be correct.

The two paths to making KeProfileInterruptWithSource go wrong are similar. Both require a call to NtCreateProfile, and then a call to NtStartProfile, and then enough execution in just the right place until caught by a profile interrupt. Both require that the output buffer’s size be matched closely to the sizes of the profiled region and bucket. Both require that the output buffer ends at a page boundary. The old path to the bug exploits some slack that NtCreateProfile allows in the matching of sizes. The new path does not need to misuse NtCreateProfile. It is enough that the sizes of the profiled region, the bucket, and the output buffer make an exact fit. As if to compensate, however, although the execution that induces the invalid increment could in theory occur by accident in real-world use, it is in practice much harder to arrange: the interrupt on which it goes wrong must be returning to an instruction that begins exactly at the non-inclusive end of the profiled region.

Either way, the result is the same bug check at the same place in KeProfileInterruptWithSource. The difference is just in which simple coding error is the cause: in NtCreateProfile or in KeProfileInterruptWithSource itself. It’s thankfully rare that any coding error with this consequence goes undetected for so long, but it must be truly special that a second gets added with exactly the same consequence.

But Wait, There’s (Even) More

Yes, you read that right: I can think of nothing better than to repeat this cliché of a heading as my way of stressing the absurdity that this bug’s life goes on and on. Inspection today, 10th June 2018, confirms that although the 1703 release of Windows 10 fixes the ancient parameter-validation error that is shared by NtCreateProfile and NtCreateProfileEx, it does nothing for the newer error in KeProfileInterruptWithSource. This second error persists at least to the 1709 release, which is presently the latest that I have downloaded and installed.

How does it happen that Microsoft can be told of something as rare as a Bug Check From User Mode that not only has been there forever but has a second cause in new versions, yet gives the problem insufficient attention to ensure that both coding errors get fixed?


One reason may be that I didn’t spell out the independence of the two coding errors by providing two demonstrations. I simply didn’t think of the second as anything more than the sort of ungraceful twiddle that any sufficiently interested reader would try for themselves but which didn’t warrant distracting from the basic demonstration. I never even thought to formalise it for publication until June 2018. Perhaps if I had, and had sent it to Microsoft with an early version of the first in 2016, then the second coding error would have been fixed in 2017 along with the first. But how much hand-holding and spoon-feeding does the mighty Microsoft Corporation need?

To show both coding errors explicitly, the demonstration now has a little clutter for command-line parsing. Run the program as procrash 1, which is the default, to demonstrate the ancient coding error by mischievously asking to profile execution in a region that is too big relative to the buffer that’s provided for receiving the execution counts. Running the program as procrash 2 makes no such mischief. It just arranges conditions that could occur by chance (but which are admittedly so unlikely to occur by chance that they plausibly never have for anyone anywhere in the whole history of Windows). In Windows 8 and higher, this contrivance exposes that the kernel may profile more execution than it’s asked to and thus write an execution count where it has no good cause to.

To labour the clarification: the two command-line options, 1 and 2, demonstrate separate coding errors that produce the same bug check from the same place. Before Windows 8, procrash 2 causes no fault. In Windows 8 and higher, the two coding errors coexist until until at least the 1607 release of Windows 10. Starting with the 1703 release, if not also some updates of earlier releases, procrash 1 causes no fault. Starting with the 1809 release, and again perhaps some updates of earlier releases, procrash 2 also causes no fault.

Coordinated Disclosure As Deflection

I can’t help wondering if Microsoft has in this case been caught by its own deflections. As noted above, when I read through Microsoft’s own bulletins or through the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) lists that seem to be most security researchers’ reference of choice, I cannot tell just from their text which notifications from early 2017 and mid-2018 correspond to the coding errors that I describe above.

Of course, it could be that there never was either a Microsoft Security Bulletin or a CVE for fixing either coding error. If the defect was assessed as being not exploitable, it might reasonably get fixed just in the ordinary course of what seem now to be roughly bi-annual releases. Perhaps faulting the kernel from user mode, let alone from a low-integrity process, just doesn’t reach the threshold for disclosure as a security vulnerability. Beyond its obvious nuisance value for stopping a computer in mid-use and possibly losing data, it arguably isn’t much help to an attacker except in combination with some other exploit that converts the kernel’s fault into an escalation of privilege or avoids the fault so that the kernel is instead induced to corrupt memory that has been mapped into system address space for some other process. How feasible such exploitation is, I might imagine but can’t know with confidence: I am not a security researcher and am far from convinced that it would be anything but unhealthy to think like a malware writer.

Still, I look at the occasional security issue and I look on in despair. Microsoft’s programme of coordinated disclosure of coding errors and security vulnerabilities that Microsoft only learns about from the work of others looks to be a very good deal for Microsoft. It may also be good for Windows users at large, if indeed it does lessen the opportunity for exploitation before protection is developed and distributed. Protection of unsuspecting users certainly is to my mind the one defining merit of coordinated disclosure. The only other merit I can think of is the simple one that since we all make mistakes in our work it’s nothing but decent to allow some opportunity to correct mistakes away from the pressures of public embarrassment and the glare of accusation. This, however, doesn’t speak for anything like coordinated disclosure, just for some advance notice with a bit of empathy. With coordinated disclosure, the imperative of protecting unsuspecting users turns naturally into leverage over the publication timetable and less naturally into influence over how the problem is eventually perceived. Disclosure is not just deferred in the hope of some public benefit. It gets neutered because the earliest and most prominent descriptions in public are controlled by Microsoft and are shall-we-say oblique.

Co-ordinated disclosure risks being as much about delay and deflection as about truly confronting the problem. The more it veers to the former, the worse a deal it is for everyone.