The SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_STATE_INFORMATION structure is expected as input to ZwSetSystemInformation or NtSetSystemInformation when given the information class SystemCrashDumpStateInformation (0x22).

Documentation Status

The SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_STATE_INFORMATION structure is not documented.

Microsoft does publish the practical equivalent of a C-language definition as type information in public symbol files, though not for the kernel, where the structure is prepared, nor even for low-level user-mode DLLs that interpret the structure, but for various higher-level user-mode DLLs such as URLMON.DLL and only then starting with version 6.2.


The SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_STATE_INFORMATION is four bytes in both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 10.

Offset Definition

While the SYSTEM_CRASH_DUMP_CONFIGURATION_CLASS enumeration seems to be used nowhere else, it may as well be presented here: