
This function locates an export from either the kernel or the HAL.


PVOID MmGetSystemRoutineAddress (PUNICODE_STRING SystemRoutineName);


The SystemRoutineName argument names the exported function or variable whose address is sought.

Return Value

The function returns the address of the exported function or variable, if successful, else NULL.


All exports by name are known to their modules as ANSI strings. The given name is converted to ANSI in temporary memory. Such conversion is highly unlikely to fail, but not impossible. Perhaps because the function has no way to report such failure as different from discovering that SystemRoutineName is not exported, failure to convert the given name to ANSI is not failure for the function. Instead, failed conversion is retried after a small delay (presently 10ms), repeating until a conversion succeeds.

Exports are sought from the kernel and the HAL, which are in turn located by looking through the list of loaded modules. For each loaded module whose case-insensitive module name is either “ntoskrnl.exe” or “hal.dll”, but stopping once two such modules have been identified, the function searches for the given case-sensitive name in that module’s export directory. If the module has an export directory and an exported name matches the given name, the function returns the address of the corresponding function (or variable).


The preceding description is of the implementation in versions 6.0 and 6.1. Several variations are known. Most are very slight, but it is as well to list them all not only for the usual goal of completeness but also because they show the code was revised, even to correct a bug of no practical consequence, without attending to a coding error that can cause a bugcheck in ordinary usage.

In most versions, the function protects the list of loaded modules against concurrent access by working inside a critical region and with the loaded-module resource (known symbolically as PsLoadedModuleResource) acquired for shared access. The version 5.0 from the original Windows 2000 defends differently, by holding a mutant object (known symbolically as MmSystemLoadLock) that synchronises the loading and unloading of system images.

When version 5.0 prepares to search a module’s export directory, it does not check that the module actually has an export directory. Of course, all known kernel and HAL versions do have export directories. Debug builds of version 5.0 guard the case by breaking to the debugger (as an assertion failure).

Before the version 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, the function assumes the export directory has a non-zero number of names. This assumption is, of course, satisfied by all known kernel and HAL versions. This inconsequential error appears to be a side-effect of the serious error that is described next. Fixing the serious error for Windows Server 2003 SP1 also fixed this one. However, the version 5.1 from Windows XP SP3 fixes the serious error differently and leaves this inconsequential error unfixed.

Coding Error (Binary Search)

The function assumes the export directory is sorted by name such that a binary search is suitable. This search is coded defectively in all versions up to and including the version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2 and also in the version 5.2 from the original Windows Server 2003. The error is essentially from confusion of signed and unsigned types for indices in the search. At each iteration, the function tests an index half way into the current search area. If comparison of names directs that the search’s next iteration be constrained to the lower half of the current search area, the high index for the new search area is to be one less than the tested index. If the indices are unsigned, this computation of the high index for the lower half is an underflow if the search is already constrained just to the first name in the export directory. In the defective versions, this underflow is not defended and some subsequent indexing into the names will typically be invalid. The coding details of this Binary Search Bug are presented separately.

When running on any of the affected versions, the MmGetSystemRoutineAddress function is unsafe to use if the SystemRoutineName argument is alphabetically lower than the alphabetically higher of each module’s alphabetically lowest exported name. In practice, this means that if the given name is lower than ExAcquireFastMutex and happens not to be exported from either the kernel or HAL as loaded at the time, then the function will fault at an address in a subroutine named MiFindExportedFunctionByName.

The bug is correctable either by noticing the underflow as a sign that the search has failed or by changing to signed variables. Microsoft’s attempts at one or the other show as several variations in the code. That something was wrong with using unsigned indices seems to have been at least suspected at Microsoft in time for version 5.1, whose first builds introduce a signed comparison in code that otherwise retains unsigned indices and remains defective. The version 5.1 from Windows XP SP3 leaves the indices as unsigned but explicitly defends against the underflow. In the builds of version 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2, the indices are always treated as signed. Versions 6.0 and higher have both changes: the underflow is defended even though the indices are signed.


Note that the bugcheck cannot safely be defended by exception handling. There is cleaning up to do, but the caller of this function is in no position to attempt it. Losing the temporary memory that holds the ANSI representation of the given name would be inconsequential in practice, but leaving the list of loaded modules inaccessible to other threads certainly would not be.

Programmers who would call this function for a SystemRoutineName that is alphabetically less than ExAcquireFastMutex simply have no choice but to work around this defect unless they can be reasonably sure their code will not run on an affected version. For instance, the bug can safely be ignored by a driver that will always be built with Windows Vista as the least version the driver can load on. It can also be ignored in all x64 builds known to this study (the earliest of which is the version 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1). Otherwise, programmers are arguably best to test the current Windows version in something like the following elimination:

Note the dependence on someone’s collation of which Windows versions export which names. There is, of course, Microsoft’s documentation to rely on. This study’s own lists of Kernel Exports and HAL Exports show which versions are known to export which functions, whether documented or not.

An alternative for working around the defect is to write (or find) code to locate the kernel and HAL modules and search their export directories. For arbitrary modules, such code would be problematic for lack of synchronisation with other access to the list of loaded modules—remember, kernel-mode drivers can be loaded and unloaded—but the load addresses of the kernel and HAL may reasonably be thought stable. Even so, highly cautious programmers will at least pause for thought about whether the synchronisation of access to the list of loaded modules is meant to extend to those modules’ export directories. If only in principle, the kernel looks to be free to relocate a module’s export directory and perhaps overwrite whatever was at the old position. The affected versions do no such thing, so although roll-your-own code for the work of MmGetSystemRoutineAddress looks inadvisable as a general proposition, there seems no reasonable objection to having it just for use in versions for which the kernel’s own implementation is defective.

Coding Error (Forwards)

In all known versions, the function assumes that a name found in the export directory of a module actually is exported from that module. If the export is instead implemented as a forward to another module, the function returns the address of an ANSI string that names where the export is forwarded to. This affects three functions, on x86 builds only, starting with the version 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1:

A twist to this is that debug builds of the MmGetSystemRoutineAddress function end by breaking to the debugger (as an assertion failure) unless the returned address lies outside the export directory, i.e., does not represent a forward. That will have been a reasonable defence in the days when neither the kernel nor HAL forwarded any exports. That it has not been elevated from a debug-only check suggests that nobody at Microsoft has yet realised that forwards can now be encountered by this function in ordinary use.


It must be said in mitigation that programmers have no need to call MmGetSystemRoutineAddress for any of these three functions, which are all ancient. Addresses for these three functions can be imported through an import library without fear of making the driver unloadable on any known Windows version.


The MmGetSystemRoutineAddress function is exported by name from the Windows kernel in version 5.0 and higher, i.e., starting from Windows 2000. It has long been documented but was not immediately so. In particular, it is not mentioned in either the Windows 2000 DDK or the Windows 2000 IFS Kit.

The function is implemented in paged code and is to be called only at PASSIVE_LEVEL.