The EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS is an enumeration whose values are intended as the first dword in the information buffer when the ZwQuerySystemInformation (or NtQuerySystemInformation) and ZwSetSystemInformation (or NtSetSystemInformation) functions are given the information class SystemPerformanceTraceInformation (0x1F).

Documentation Status

The EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration is not documented.

A few public disclosures are known from Microsoft, though not as any sort of plain-English documentation. One is that a previously unpublished header named NTETW.H was published in the original and Version 1511 editions of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows 10, and this header contains a C-language definition of the enumeration.

Were it not for this limited and possibly unintended disclosure of NTETW.H, a practical equivalent of the C-language definition (but missing comments, of course) would anyway be known from type information in symbol files. But this too has the look of an oversight. Type information for this enumeration has never appeared in any public symbol files for the kernel or for the obvious low-level user-mode DLLs. It has instead slipped out in symbol files for a smattering of higher-level user-mode DLLs, starting with Windows 8. For these few, the readily available symbol files actually are private symbol files and show that the unpublished NTETW.H was included when compiling the corresponding binaries. Type information also has been published in a statically linked library, named CLFSMGMT.LIB, which Microsoft distributes with the Software Development Kit (SDK) starting for Windows Vista.

Type information also has been published in a statically linked library, named CLFSMGMT.LIB, which Microsoft distributes with the Software Development Kit (SDK) starting for Windows Vista. This does not have the forensic quality as has type information in symbol files for the binaries that ship with an operating system, for although it is as accurate for when the library was built, there is no requirement that the library have been built with the operating system that it targets. There can be, and often is, some discrepancy, and there is anyway not always a fresh library for each service pack.


For the table that follows, Microsoft’s names are known for version 6.2 and higher from type information in symbol files and libraries, and from the limited publication of a C-language definition, as described above.

Of the many defined values, some can be used successfully only to query or only to set:

Value Name Versions Query Or Set
0x00 EventTraceKernelVersionInformation 6.0 and higher query
0x01 EventTraceGroupMaskInformation 6.0 to 6.1 query
6.2 and higher both
0x02 EventTracePerformanceInformation 6.0 and higher query
0x03 EventTraceTimeProfileInformation 6.0 and higher both
0x04 EventTraceSessionSecurityInformation 6.0 and higher query
0x05 EventTraceSpinlockInformation 6.1 and higher both
0x06 EventTraceStackTracingInformation 6.1 and higher both
0x07 EventTraceExecutiveResourceInformation 6.1 and higher both
0x08 EventTraceHeapTracingInformation 6.1 and higher query
0x09 EventTraceHeapSummaryTracingInformation 6.1 and higher query
0x0A EventTracePoolTagFilterInformation 6.1 and higher both
0x0B EventTracePebsTracingInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x0C EventTraceProfileConfigInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x0D EventTraceProfileSourceListInformation 6.2 and higher query
0x0E EventTraceProfileEventListInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x0F EventTraceProfileCounterListInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x10 EventTraceStackCachingInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x11 EventTraceObjectTypeFilterInformation 6.2 and higher set
0x12 EventTraceSoftRestartInformation 1607 and higher both
0x13 EventTraceLastBranchConfigurationInformation 1709 and higher set
0x14 EventTraceLastBranchEventListInformation 1709 and higher set
0x15 EventTraceProfileSourceAddInformation 1803 and higher set
0x16 EventTraceProfileSourceRemoveInformation 1803 and higher set
0x17 EventTraceProcessorTraceConfigurationInformation 1803 and higher set
0x18 EventTraceProcessorTraceEventListInformation 1803 and higher set
0x19 EventTraceCoverageSamplerInformation 1803 and higher both
0x05 (6.0);
0x0B (6.1);
0x12 (6.2 to 1511);
0x13 (1607 to 1703);
0x15 (1709);
MaxEventTraceInfoClass 6.0 and higher  

Though EventTraceSpinlockInformation is listed above for 6.1 and higher, it is not implemented in 32-bit Windows 7. The 64-bit kernel’s code for spin locks had been in C (or C++) from the start, i.e., for Windows Server 2003 SP1, but the corresponding code in the 32-bit kernel is still in assembly language in Windows 7. Its evolution from Windows NT 3.1 had gone as far as adding hypervisor notifications and, for Windows 7, the maintenance of performance counters in the KPRCB, but there it was left. Not until Windows 8 does 32-bit Windows trace events for spin locks.


In its role as the first dword of input in the information buffer for ZwQuerySystemInformation and ZwSetSystemInformation when given the information class SystemPerformanceTraceInformation, the EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS enumeration subdivides the behaviour of these functions—which is as well picked up here. This review takes as understood all the general points and shorthands that are noted in the separate attempt at documenting the functions, and takes as granted that the information class is SystemPerformanceTraceInformation and that the information buffer is at least large enough for an EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS.

If the EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS on input is not listed above as valid for the function, then the function returns STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED..

Each EVENT_TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS is associated with a structure that is at least the start of what the function produces as its output or expects as input. Mostly, the structure has no other purpose. Rather than have a separate page for each information class and then another for the corresponding structure, the remainder of this page gives for each information class a brief description of the general behaviour, and then the meaning of whatever the function puts in the structure or inteprets in it is taken up, if at all, in the separate documentation of the structure.

A unified presentation of these cases is very much the sort of thing that isn’t well settled until all the cases have been examined. Of necessity this is a bit of an open-ended project, and commercial imperatives may mean the project must be abandoned. Please beware that the draft colour signifies rough notes and tentative thoughts that I offer only on the basis that they may (or may not) be better than nothing.

EventTraceKernelVersionInformation (0x00)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_VERSION_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceGroupMaskInformation (0x01)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_GROUPMASK_INFORMATION structure.

EventTracePerformanceInformation (0x02)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structure.

Beware that Microsoft’s NTETW.H has a single-line comment to say of this information class, in parentheses, that it is “private, subject to change”. Comments are rare in this header. Perhaps this one means something.

EventTraceTimeProfileInformation (0x03)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_TIME_PROFILE_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceSessionSecurityInformation (0x04)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_SESSION_SECURITY_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceSpinlockInformation (0x05)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_SPINLOCK_INFORMATION_V1 or EVENT_TRACE_SPINLOCK_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceStackTracingInformation (0x06)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_SYSTEM_EVENT_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its HookId array.

When setting information, the excess over the bare minimum must provide exactly a whole number of array elements, else the function fails, returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

EventTraceExecutiveResourceInformation (0x07)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_EXECUTIVE_RESOURCE_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceHeapTracingInformation (0x08)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_HEAP_TRACING_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceHeapSummaryTracingInformation (0x09)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_HEAP_TRACING_INFORMATION structure.

EventTracePoolTagFilterInformation (0x0A)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_TAG_FILTER_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its Filter array.

When setting information, the excess over the bare minimum must provide exactly a whole number of array elements, but no more than 4, else the function fails, returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

EventTracePebsTracingInformation (0x0B)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_SYSTEM_EVENT_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its HookId array.

If the excess over the bare minimum does not provide exactly 0 or 1 array element, the function fails, returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER. Moreover, if an array element is provided, it must be 0x00000524.

If executing for a user-mode request, the caller must have SeSystemProfilePrivilege, else the function fails, returning STATUS_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD.

EventTraceProfileConfigInformation (0x0C)

The event buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_PROFILE_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its ProfileSource array.

EventTraceProfileSourceListInformation (0x0D)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_PROFILE_LIST_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceProfileEventListInformation (0x0E)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_SYSTEM_EVENT_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its HookId array. If the excess over this bare minimum does not provide a whole number of array elements, the function fails, returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.

EventTraceProfileCounterListInformation (0x0F)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_PROFILE_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its ProfileSource array.

EventTraceStackCachingInformation (0x10)

The information buffer must provide exactly an EVENT_TRACE_STACK_CACHING_INFORMATION structure.

EventTraceObjectTypeFilterInformation (0x11)

The information buffer must provide at least an EVENT_TRACE_TAG_FILTER_INFORMATION structure up to but not including its Filter array. If the excess over the bare minimum does not provide exactly a whole number of array elements, but no more than 4, the function fails, returning STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER.