Thread Flags in the KTHREAD

Reorganisation of the KTHREAD for the build of version 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, presumably in anticipation of 64-bit Windows, seems to have been very concerned about economy of space. A notable feature of that build is that it moves numerous small KTHREAD members into “spare” space in larger members. Perhaps as part of this exercise, this build also made bit fields of what had been two booleans. Later versions brought more booleans from the KTHREAD, and even a ULONG, and also moved bits to and from another set of flags.

The ThreadFlags member, which is an integral type for simultaneous access to all the bits described below, was first placed within the Timer member, using space that the KTIMER structure left undefined because of its 8-byte alignment in 64-bit builds. A reworking of the KTIMER for version 6.1 removed the saving and the ThreadFlags merely followed the Timer. Version 6.2 moved the ThreadFlags forward in the KTHREAD, and they have remained there since.

Type Version Offset (x86) Offset (x64)
LONG late 5.2 and higher 0xA0 0xF4
LONG volatile 6.0 0xB0 0xF4
6.1 0xB8 0x0100
6.2 and higher 0x5C 0x78

Note that the ThreadFlags, as the integral type, are volatile in version 6.0 and higher. Versions 6.0 and 6.1 have the individual bit fields as volatile too.

Bit Fields

Mask Definition Versions Remarks
ULONG BamQosLevel : 2;
1709 to 1903 next as 8 bits in ThreadFlags3 (x86);
next as 8 bits in ThreadFlags2 (x64)
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 2;
2004 and higher  
0x00000001 (late 5.2 to 1703);
LONG AutoAlignment : 1;
late 5.2 only previously BOOLEAN
ULONG AutoAlignment : 1;
v. late 5.2 only  
ULONG volatile AutoAlignment : 1;
6.0 to 6.1  
ULONG AutoAlignment : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000002 (late 5.2 to 1703);
LONG DisableBoost : 1;
late 5.2 only previously BOOLEAN
ULONG DisableBoost : 1;
v. late 5.2 only  
ULONG volatile DisableBoost : 1;
6.0 to 6.1  
ULONG DisableBoost : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000004 (6.0 to 1703)
ULONG volatile EtwStackTraceApc1Inserted : 1;
6.0 to 6.1 widened, see below
ULONG UserAffinitySet : 1;
6.2 to 6.3  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare0 : 1;
10.0 to 1607  
ULONG BamEppImportant : 1;
1703 only  
0x00000008 (6.0 to 1703);
ULONG volatile EtwStackTraceApc2Inserted : 1;
6.0 to 6.1 widened, see below
ULONG AlertedByThreadId : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000010 (6.0)
ULONG volatile CycleChargePending : 1;
6.0 only  
0x00000020 (6.0);
0x00000010 (6.1 to 1703);
ULONG volatile CalloutActive : 1;
6.0 to 6.1 previously BOOLEAN;
next in MiscFlags
ULONG QuantumDonation : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000040 (6.0);
0x00000020 (6.1)
ULONG volatile ApcQueueable : 1;
6.0 to 6.1 previously BOOLEAN;
next in MiscFlags
0x00000080 (6.0);
0x00000040 (6.1);
0x00000020 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG volatile EnableStackSwap : 1;
6.0 to 6.1 previously BOOLEAN
ULONG EnableStackSwap : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000004 (v. late 5.2);
0x00000100 (6.0);
0x00000080 (6.1);
0x00000040 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG GuiThread : 1;
v. late 5.2 only  
ULONG volatile GuiThread : 1;
6.0 to 6.1  
ULONG GuiThread : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000100 (6.1)
ULONG volatile UmsPerformingSyscall : 1;
6.1 only next in MiscFlags
0x00000080 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG DisableQuantum : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000100 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG ChargeOnlyGroup : 1;
6.2 only  
ULONG ChargeOnlySchedulingGroup : 1;
6.3 and higher  
0x00000200 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG DeferPreemption : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000400 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG QueueDeferPreemption : 1;
6.2 and higher  
0x00000800 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG ForceDeferSchedule : 1;
6.2 and higher previously in MiscFlags
0x00001000 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG ExplicitIdealProcessor : 1;
6.2 only  
ULONG SharedReadyQueueAffinity : 1;
6.3 and higher  
0x00002000 (6.2 to 1703);
ULONG FreezeCount : 1;
6.2 and higher previously ULONG
0x00004000 (6.3 to 1703);
ULONG TerminationApcRequest : 1;
6.3 and higher  
0x00008000 (6.3 to 1703);
ULONG AutoBoostEntriesExhausted : 1;
6.3 and higher  
0x00010000 (10.0 to 1703);
ULONG KernelStackResident : 1;
10.0 and higher previously in MiscFlags
0x00020000 (10.0 to 1607);
0x00060000 (1703);
ULONG CommitFailTerminateRequest : 1;
10.0 to 1607  
ULONG TerminateRequestReason : 2;
1703 and higher  
0x00040000 (10.0 to 1607);
0x00080000 (1703);
ULONG ProcessStackCountDecremented : 1;
10.0 and higher  
0x00080000 (1607);
0x00100000 (1703);
ULONG RestrictedGuiThread : 1;
1607 and higher  
ULONG VpBackingThread : 1;
1709 and higher  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 5;
10.0 to 1511  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 4;
1607 only  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 3;
1703 only  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare : 1;
1709 to 1903  
ULONG ThreadFlagsSpare2 : 1;
2004 and higher  
0x003FC000 (6.2);
0x00FF0000 (6.3);
ULONG EtwStackTraceApcInserted : 8;
6.2 and higher collected from two single bits, see above
LONG ReservedFlags : 30;
late 5.2 only  
ULONG ReservedFlags : 29;
v. late 5.2 only  
ULONG volatile ReservedFlags : 23;
6.0 to 6.1  
ULONG ReservedFlags : 10;
6.2 only  
ULONG ReservedFlags : 8;
6.3 only