Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst
Symbol files that Microsoft has published since Windows 8 tell of both user-mode and kernel-mode code that is compiled with the NTRTL_X.H header at
This NTRTL_X.H file is not in any generally released Windows Driver Kit (WDK) or Software Development Kit (SDK) or even in any old Device Driver Kit (DDK). Its existence has some public sign in plain text as a comment in IP2STRING.H, which says the latter was “Splited from ntrtl_x.h”, apparently in 2006. (The misspelling is Microsoft’s.)
Different symbol files have LF_UDT_SRC_LINE (0x1606) or even LF_UDT_MOD_SRC_LINE (0x1607) records for different selections of user-defined types (meaning classes, structures, unions and enumerations). The table below aggregates.
Many of the types that are known to be defined in NTRTL_X.H are also defined in one or another standard header from the WDK or SDK. The line numbers on the left are from the unseen NTRTL_X.H for the original release of 32-bit Windows 10, as known from symbol files. Those on the right are from the indicated headers, as readily available in the WDK or SDK for the same release.
Line Number | Type | WDM.H | NTDDK.H | NTIFS.H | NTOSP.H | WINNT.H |
129 | union _SLIST_HEADER | 10527 | 190 | |||
257 | union _RTL_RUN_ONCE | 1860 | ||||
332 | struct _RTL_BARRIER | 18178 | ||||
348 | unnamed struct for DUMMYRESERVEDSTRUCTNAME
in unnamed union in _RTL_BARRIER |
370 | union _RTL_ELEVATION_FLAGS | 218 | ||||
1047 | enum _TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT | 1936 | ||||
1058 | enum _RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS | 1947 | ||||
1181 | struct _RTL_BALANCED_LINKS | 2070 | ||||
1198 | struct _RTL_AVL_TABLE | 2087 | ||||
1611 | struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS | 2500 | ||||
1985 | struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE | 2874 | ||||
2270 | struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY | 3159 | ||||
2303 | struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_CONTEXT | 3192 | ||||
2309 | struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE_ENUMERATOR | 3198 | ||||
2318 | struct _RTL_DYNAMIC_HASH_TABLE | 3207 | ||||
2660 | struct _RTL_HEAP_PARAMETERS | 2076 | ||||
3067 | struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE | 11367 | ||||
3334 | struct _RTL_LFG_RNG_STATE | |||||
4542 | struct _GENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT | 2799 | ||||
4633 | struct _PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY | 2888 | ||||
4642 | struct _PREFIX_TABLE | 2897 | ||||
4703 | struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE_ENTRY | 2958 | ||||
4713 | struct _UNICODE_PREFIX_TABLE | 2968 | ||||
4810 | struct _COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO | 3065 | ||||
5987 | struct _TIME_FIELDS | 12718 | ||||
6501 | struct _RTL_BITMAP | 13054 | ||||
6689 | struct _RTL_BITMAP_RUN | 13242 | ||||
7561 | struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY | 18398 | ||||
7569 | struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK | 18406 | ||||
7575 | struct _MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA | 18412 | ||||
7793 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOEX2A | |||||
7808 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOEX2W | |||||
7834 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOA | 13633 | 18417 | |||
7843 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOW | 13642 | 18426 | |||
7861 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXA | 13660 | 18444 | |||
7874 | struct _OSVERSIONINFOEXW | 13673 | 18457 | |||
8244 | struct _RTL_UMS_CONTEXT | |||||
8324 | struct _RTL_UMS_COMPLETION_LIST | |||||
8350 | enum _RTL_UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS | 18588 | ||||
8361 | enum _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON | 18599 | ||||
8381 | struct _RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_STARTUP_INFO | |||||
8529 | enum _APPCONTAINER_SID_TYPE | |||||
8831 | enum _OS_DEPLOYMENT_STATE_VALUES | 14055 | 18715 |