Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
PDB files that Microsoft publishes for the kernel, NTDLL and others do not have private symbols, but they have more than just the public symbols. They also have type information.
These files might be partially stripped from private to public, perhaps by some undocumented tool or switch. Instead, the files are fully stripped and then the type information is added by a particular use of the compiler and a separate source file.
The difference is not without consequences for which types show in the public symbol files and even for whether their type information is correct. That this is Microsoft’s technique seems to have evaded publication for two decades.
The Program Database (PDB) file has been the supplier of symbolic detail for all debugging in Windows for two decades. To go by Microsoft’s documentation, a PDB can be full or stripped. To go by the PDB files that Microsoft publishes to the world as debugging support for Windows, whether in packages of symbol files for all Windows binaries or downloaded individually from Microsoft’s public symbol server, there’s something between full and stripped. The public symbol files for the kernel, NTDLL.DLL and increasingly many Windows binaries have more detail than is expected of a stripped PDB even though they have nothing like the detail of a full PDB. They seem to have been stripped only part-way, specifically so that they retain type information.
This started for the Windows kernel in Windows XP, chronologically, but in Windows 2000 SP3 if ordering by version numbers. It was concurrent with a reworking of Microsoft’s debuggers around a common Debugger Engine (DBGENG.DLL). The point to the type information is that it frees debugger extensions from needing built-in knowledge of the debugging target’s user-defined types (meaning classes, structures, unions and enumerations).
Imagine a debugger extension that would helpfully report all instances that the target presently has of some structure, as Microsoft’s !process command does of all the kernel’s EPROCESS structures. With just the DBG symbol files of the first few Windows versions and even with the stripped PDB files that Microsoft supplied with the original Windows 2000, the debugger extension can locate the named variable that is the head of some list of these structures, but even just to follow the list requires knowledge of where in one structure is its link to the next—which these symbol files do not provide. Offsets of important members of important structures were instead hard-coded into the debugger extensions.
This close coupling of debugger extensions to particular builds of the debugging targets will have had wide-ranging effects, all unwelcome and all avoidable. After all, the names of structures, and the names, types and offsets of their members, are in the full PDB. The only problem is that so is much else that “you would not want to ship to your customers.” This quote is how Microsoft has put it in documentation of the linker’s /pdbstripped switch since 2001. Microsoft’s solution is a stripped PDB that somehow retains just enough about the user-defined types so that debugger extensions can get those names, types and offsets from the PDB instead of needing them to have been built in.
Now, I could easily be missing something, but it seems to me twenty years later that nobody has ever explained in public how Microsoft creates these PDB files that look like they’re only partially stripped. It may even be a revelation that they actually are stripped, fully, and that their type information is added (back) in. This article tells how it’s done.
More precisely, this article tells how you can do it for your binaries and the symbol files you create for them. I can’t know with complete certainty how Microsoft does it for the Windows kernel or for anything else. I don’t have any of their source code or makefiles except for what they publish as programming samples, none of which (as far as I know) have ever shown how to create anything other than full or stripped PDB files. Everything I say here for how Microsoft does it is inferred from information that Microsoft leaves behind in—wait for it—stripped PDB files. The evidence and the inference trail are presented separately and are linked to after this page presents the technique.
To be clear: that type information can be added to PDB files is not news. The technique will have been known to plenty of low-level programmers for decades and has occasionally been presented in public. For instance, an OSR thread from as long ago as 2007 deals with a particular instance of Your debugger is not using the correct symbols by giving quick directions that “will add the type _LIST_ENTRY which !process apparently needs.” What may be news is only that this technique is not just for desperate hacking but is on a larger scale what Microsoft has used all along for the public symbols to have any types at all.
Let’s first work through the creation of full and stripped PDB files, and the problems of each, and then how I think Microsoft creates the public symbol files. For these purposes, it suffices just to have as our debugging target a very simple console application that does something barely non-trivial with a user-defined type. We’ll never run the program but we will pretend that we’ve deployed it somewhere and that we support debugging it to follow what data the program works with. We’ll build our source code in a directory named build and we’ll deploy the executable and symbol file to a directory named deploy. To be minimally realistic, let’s have a header named TEST.H that defines one user-named type and declares some routines for working with this type:
typedef struct _TEST { int x; } TEST; TEST *CreateTest (void); void DestroyTest (TEST *);
Also minimally realistic is that these routines are implemented in a separate source file. Since the immediate cause of this article is about type information in symbol files for the kernel specifically, and since almost all of the kernel is written in C (even in 2020), let’s have our implementation in C too, as TEST.C:
#include <windows.h> #include "test.h" void InitialiseTest (TEST *Test) { Test -> x = 0; } TEST *CreateTest (void) { TEST *p = (TEST *) HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, sizeof (TEST)); if (p != NULL) InitialiseTest (p); return p; } void DestroyTest (TEST *Test) { HeapFree (GetProcessHeap (), 0, Test); }
For our program, MAIN.C does nothing but create an instance of our simple type just to destroy it:
#include "test.h" void __cdecl main (void) { TEST *p = CreateTest (); if (p != NULL) DestroyTest (p); }
This is all we need for a binary that we can easily load into a debugger and is just far enough from trivial for making some useful observations. Compile and link to taste, but remember that switches are needed for creating a PDB and that Whole Program Optimization is better avoided for so slight a demonstration because it might easily leave too little to see:
cd build
cl /c /Gy /Oxs /W4 /Zi main.c test.c
link /debug /incremental:no /opt:ref /out:test.exe /release main.obj test.obj
This gets us a full PDB. But, wait, this is too silly even for a small demonstration: despite the optimisations, the executable is nearly 300KB and the PDB is over 5MB. Talk about bloat! Since we have no need to bring in so much material from the statically linked C Run Time (CRT), add the /MD switch when compiling. Now the executable is more like 10KB and the PDB is down to mere hundreds. Sadly, it’s still silly because for all of Microsoft’s talk of a Universal CRT what Visual Studio gives us is an executable that will run only on computers that have the right version of Visual Studio installed (or at least of its redistributables), but that story’s for another time.
To simulate deployment, copy test.exe and test.pdb from the build directory to the deploy directory. To simulate what a debugger extension might tell of a larger program’s use of data, load deploy\test.exe into WinDbg and try some commands.
First see that dt test!TEST lists what we defined for our TEST structure. A debugger extension clearly would have what it needs. But the price is that the debugger tells of too much else. Typical output of x test!*Test shows not just the addresses of all three routines that work on TEST but also the types of their arguments. With the optimisations I chose, the InitializeTest routine exists in the binary only as inlined instructions, but the debugger helpfully shows where. Similarly, dt test!CreateTest shows the return type, u test!CreateTest reports the line number and source file, and dv /i /t /v test!CreateTest tells the name and type of the routine’s local variable even though its value never leaves the eax register that it’s returned in by HeapAlloc.
Such detail is all very well for our own debugging—and many programmers would be all at sea without it—but it’s much too much to reveal to the world. If you’re concerned about your program being reverse-engineered to be ripped off, then you may begin to sense that publishing a full PDB is not much different from publishing your source code. What we want for our debugger extension is a PDB that tells less about the routines but keeps what this full PDB shows for the structure.
A stripped PDB goes too far. To see, let’s rebuild but also make a stripped PDB. Ideally, we build both: a full PDB for our private use and a stripped PDB to publish. If we had a full PDB already and needed a stripped PDB later, we could use some such tool as BINPLACE (long supplied with the DDK) or the relatively new PDBCOPY (from the Debugging Tools for Windows). Even if freshly building the full PDB, we might still find such tools convenient, perhaps for needing less editing of makefiles. Whatever our method, create subdirectories build\private and build\public for the two PDB files. For this simple demonstration, if not always, the easiest method by far is to build the two in the one execution of the linker. Just change the command ever so slightly to:
link /debug /incremental:no /opt:ref /out:test.exe /pdb:private\test.pdb /pdbstripped:public\test.pdb /release main.obj test.obj
This gets us a full PDB in the private subdirectory and a stripped PDB in the public subdirectory. Note that the stripped PDB is very much smaller: barely 100KB. To simulate deployment, copy test.exe and public\test.pdb to the deploy directory. Now load deploy\test.exe into WinDbg and retry those commands. We do indeed give away very little about our code. The x test!*Test command shows the addresses and names of the two instantiated routines but adds that it has “no parameter info”. The inlined routine doesn’t show at all. Unassembly doesn’t show line numbers or reveal anything about our source tree. So far, so good, but we also have nothing about the structure:
dt test!TEST
Symbol test!TEST not found.
How can we—how does Microsoft—stop the stripping from going so far?
The answer is that we don’t. What we do instead is deceptively simple. We create the type information independently and then stuff it in to the stripped PDB. Write TYPEINFO.C as a separate source file that knows the structure from the header and which uses it in some simple way:
#include "test.h" TEST test;
The particular way we use the definition doesn’t matter, as long as it’s enough that the compiler needs the type. Here, the otherwise useless variable that has TEST as its type will never waste space in any executable because we’ll never build an executable from this source file. All we do is compile it:
cl /c /Fdpublic\test.pdb /Gy /MD /Oxs /W4 /Zi typeinfo.c
The key, of course, is that we don’t leave the compiler to its default for the PDB output. Neither do we tell it to create a PDB just from this compilation. Instead, we have it merge the PDB output from this compilation into the stripped PDB that already exists for the executable. I leave it to you to ponder whether Microsoft’s documentation says the compiler’s /Fd switch can do such merging.
To see what we get from our gymnastics, overwrite the deployed test.pdb with this new public\test.pdb, reload deploy\test.exe into the debugger and retry those commands. The public symbols in the stripped PDB haven’t changed and so the commands that use them give the same minimal outcome as before, just as we want. All that’s new is the type information from compiling the separate source file. The dt test!TEST command behaves just as it did with the full PDB. That this is now what we get from the less-than-full PDB is again exactly what we want.
The PDB from the preceding demonstration is undeniably a mongrel. On one side of its ancestry are public symbols from compiling and linking the executable. On the other, its type information is the private output of a separate compilation.
Note the implication: type information in public symbol files can be wrong. Even if rare, which indeed it is for public symbols from Microsoft, being wrong would have consequences. Programmers (outside Microsoft) and reverse engineers (for good and bad) all treat the public symbol files for the kernel as gospel for what is built into the kernel and actually is used by the kernel in real-world execution. Belief in this is more reason than faith, if the public symbol files are build products from compiling and linking the kernel. If instead the public symbol files are the build products of a separate compilation, then it becomes possible that they are based on definitions that are not exactly what was used for the real compilation. It all seems a little suspect. Can it—or anything like it—really be how Microsoft builds the public symbol files?
The answer is certainly yes. Microsoft’s technique is a tiny bit more elaborate and there are some fine points that don’t look to be knowable with certainty, but the demonstration has the essence of what Microsoft does for both the Windows kernel and other binaries.
Sufficient clues are left behind in the public symbol files for Windows 8 and higher as a side-effect of improvements for Visual Studio 2012. In particular, the symbol files that have any type information at all each have in their PDB stream 4 a record with leaf index LF_BUILDINFO (0x1603) that describes the compilation of this separate source file. What the demonstration has as TYPEINFO.C is instead named ntsym.c when building type information for the Windows kernel. It’s named differently for other binaries, e.g., halsym.c for the HAL and syminfo.c for NTDLL. All these names have been in plain sight for years, just waiting for someone to realise what they mean and take the trouble to write about it.
Curiously enough, none of these names turn up with any obvious relevance in the plain sight of an Internet search with Google. I am perhaps too close to seeing the subject only from how I myself have arrived at it, but I’d have thought that since these files are evidently central to how Microsoft gets type information into public symbol files, anyone who has yet written on the subject surely would have mentioned at least one of these filenames. Yet the only pages that Google finds today, 22nd November 2020, for “ntsym.c” in quotes and which are obviously on this subject are two of mine (from earlier in the year when I first started writing about what the public symbols tell of Microsoft’s source code). For “syminfo.c” Google finds some leaked source code for Windows XP. Presumably, Microsoft had the foresight to remove these files from the Windows Research Kernel (WRK), else they’d show in very many more searches and their role in how the public symbol files have type information would be widely circulated folklore (the WRK, though distributed for non-commercial academic research and teaching, having been widely copied and depended on, typically without citation, for work that plainly is commercial, not academic).
I myself confess to having not known until recently that this is Microsoft’s technique for getting type information into the kernel’s public symbols. That I can write about it now is because I resolved in late 2020 to commit time to a careful review of what exactly Microsoft’s public symbol files tell the world about such things as the layout of Microsoft’s source code, which structures are defined in which headers and how widely those headers are used. Only when I got into the meat of this review did I realise that new information in PDB files for Windows 8 and higher not only tells new things about the Windows Kernel Header Files but also can answer two things that had puzzled me, off and on for many years, about the type information in public symbol files.
Broadly speaking, I see two such puzzles.
First, as already noted, type information in Microsoft’s public symbol files for the kernel and similar binaries is sometimes wrong. For some structures, offsets of some members as given in the symbol file do not match what the code in the matching binary shows of the structure’s use. This first came to my attention in the type information for such structures as PROCESSINFO and THREADINFO, as revealed in the public symbol files for the Windows 7 WIN32K.SYS.
Second, Microsoft’s public symbol files sometimes have too much type information. For instance, the public symbol files for a user-mode binary may tell about kernel-mode structures that the binary has no possible access to, as for NTDLL.DLL and the KPRCB.