The MOVESIZEDATA structure is what WIN32K.SYS—and before it, WINSRV.DLL—keeps while moving or sizing a window.

Documentation Status

The MOVESIZEDATA is not documented. Though symbol files for WIN32K.SYS in Windows 8 and higher name the MOVESIZEDATA in the C++ decorations of internal routines, type information for the structure is present only in symbol files for Windows 7—not before and not since.


Originally, the MOVESIZEDATA was nested in the THREADINFO. Version 3.51 instead formed it on the stack and pointed to it from the THREADINFO. Since version 4.0, it is in per-session paged pool. The following changes of size are known:

Version Size (x86) Size (x64)
3.10 0x7C  
3.51 0x68  
4.0 to 6.0 0x74 0x78
6.1 to 6.2 0xDC 0xF0
6.3 0xF0 0x0108
10.0 0x012C 0x0140



Offset (x86) Offset (x64) Definition Versions Remarks
0x00 0x00
WND *spWnd;
0x04 0x08
RECT rcDrag;
0x14 0x18
RECT rcDragCursor;
4.0 and higher  
0x24 (6.1) 0x28 (6.1)
RECT rcPreview;
6.1 and higher  
0x34 (6.1) 0x38 (6.1)
RECT rcPreviewCursor;
6.1 and higher  
0x14 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x24 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x44 (6.1)
0x28 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x48 (6.1)
RECT rcParent;
0x24 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x34 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x54 (6.1)
0x38 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x58 (6.1)
POINT ptMinTrack;
0x2C (3.10 to 3.51);
0x3C (4.0 to 6.0);
0x5C (6.1)
0x40 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x60 (6.1)
POINT ptMaxTrack;
0x34 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x44 (4.0 to 6.0) ;
0x64 (6.1)
0x48 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x68 (6.1)
RECT rcWindow;
0x74 (6.1) 0x78 (6.1)
RECT rcNormalStartCheckPt;
6.1 and higher  
0x44 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x54 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x84 (6.1)
0x58 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x88 (6.1)
INT dxMouse;
0x48 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x58 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x88 (6.1)
0x5C (5.2 to 6.0);
0x8C (6.1)
INT dyMouse;
0x4C (3.10 to 3.51);
0x5C (4.0 to 6.0);
0x8C (6.1)
0x60 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x90 (6.1)
INT cmd;
0x50 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x60 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x90 (6.1)
0x64 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x94 (6.1)
INT impx;
0x54 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x64 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x94 (6.1)
0x68 (5.2 to 6.0);
0x98 (6.1)
INT impy;
0x58 (3.10 to 3.51);
0x68 (4.0 to 6.0);
0x98 (6.1)
0x6C (5.2 to 6.0);
0x9C (6.1)
POINT ptRestore;
0x60 (3.10 to 3.51)   unknown pointer 3.10 to 3.51  
0x64 (3.10)  
BOOL fInitSize;
3.10 only next as bit in Flags
0x68 (3.10)  
BOOL fmsKbd;
3.10 only next as bit in Flags
0x6C (3.10)   unknown BOOL 3.10 only  
0x70 (3.10)   unaccounted four bytes 3.10 only  
0x74 (3.10)  
BOOL fTrackCancelled;
3.10 only next as bit in Flags
0x78 (3.10)  
BOOL fForeground;
3.10 only next as bit in Flags;
last member in 3.10
0x64 (3.51);
0x70 (4.0 to 6.0);
0xA0 (6.1)
0x74 (5.2 to 6.0);
0xA4 (6.1)
union {
    ULONG Flags; 
    struct {
        /*  bit fields, follow link  */
3.51 and higher last member in 3.51 to 6.0

Appended for Windows 7

Offset (x86) Offset (x64) Definition Versions Remarks
0xA4 (6.1) 0xA8 (6.1)
MONITOR *pStartMonitorCurrentHitTarget;
6.1 and higher  
0xA8 (6.1) 0xB0 (6.1)
6.1 and higher  
0xAC (6.1) 0xB8 (6.1)
MONITOR *pMonitorCurrentHitTarget;
6.1 and higher  
0xB0 (6.1) 0xC0 (6.1)
6.1 and higher  
0xB4 (6.1) 0xC4 (6.1)
6.1 and higher  
0xB8 (6.1) 0xC8 (6.1)
POINT ptHitWindowRelative;
6.1 and higher  
0xC0 (6.1) 0xD0 (6.1)
POINT ptStartHitWindowRelative;
6.1 and higher  
0xC8 (6.1) 0xD8 (6.1)
POINT ptLastTrack;
6.1 and higher  
0xD0 (6.1) 0xE0 (6.1)
ULONG ulCountDragOutOfTopTarget;
6.1 and higher  
0xD4 (6.1) 0xE4 (6.1)
ULONG ulCountDragOutOfLeftRightTarget;
6.1 and higher  
0xD8 (6.1) 0xE8 (6.1)
ULONG ulCountSizeOutOfTopBottomTarget;
6.1 and higher