COMCTL32 6.10 Ordinal-Only Exports

Ordinal Function
18 CreateCheckBoxImageList
165 DestroyPropsheetPageArray
174 CreateDUIPropertySheetPage
391 GetTitleFromPropSheetHeader
392 PremultiplyAlphaChannel
393 CreateSmallerIcon
395 Markup_Create

Functions Exported Also By Name

The following ordinals are assigned reliably in all known COMCTL32 versions 6.10 and higher to functions that are exported by name. The functions are therefore listed primarily as named exports and the list below is just for cross-reference. They seem likely to have been developed as ordinal-only exports, before a decision was taken to document some and to make the others more accessible.

Ordinal Function Versions that Export by Name
200 DrawSizeBox 6.10 and higher
201 DrawScrollBar 6.10 and higher
202 SizeBoxHwnd 6.10 and higher
203 ScrollBar_MouseMove 6.10 and higher
204 ScrollBar_Menu 6.10 and higher
205 HandleScrollCmd 6.10 and higher
206 DetachScrollBars 6.10 and higher
207 AttachScrollBars 6.10 and higher
208 CCSetScrollInfo 6.10 and higher
209 CCGetScrollInfo 6.10 and higher
210 CCEnableScrollBar 6.10 and higher
343 DSA_Clone 6.10 and higher
344 TaskDialog 6.10 and higher
345 TaskDialogIndirect 6.10 and higher
346 DSA_Sort 6.10 and higher
347 DPA_GetSize 6.10 and higher
348 DSA_GetSize 6.10 and higher
380 LoadIconMetric 6.10 and higher
381 LoadIconWithScaleDown 6.10 and higher
394 QuerySystemGestureStatus 6.10 and higher