PROPSYS 6.0 Ordinal-Only Exports

The original PROPSYS also exports nearly two dozen functions only by ordinal. The only two that are documented are also exported by name, presumably because a decision to document them was made late in pre-release development.

Ordinal Function Remarks
400 PSCreatePropertyProvider  
402 InitPropVariantFromDateVector  
403 MakeTreeValueCanonical  
404 PropVariantToSystemTime  
405 PSApplyPropertiesToPropertyStore  
406 PSApplyPropertyChangeToStore  
407 PSCreateMemoryPropertyStoreFromSerializedData  
408 PSCreatePropertyKeyStore  
409 PSGetNamedPropertyFromPropertyStorage also exported by name
410 PSGetPropertyFromPropertyStorage also exported by name
411 InitPropVariantFromStreamAsBlob  
412 PropVariantToStreamObjectAsBlob  
413 PSCreateAdapterFromObject  
414 PSCreateAdapterFromObjects  
415 PSCreateAggregatePropertyProvider  
416 PSCreatePropertyDescriptionList  
417 PSCreateItemStoresFromDelegate  
418 GetDefaultVisibleInForExtension discontinued in 7.0 from Windows 7;
ordinal reused for GetDefaultKindsForExtension in 7.0 from Windows 7, and higher
420 PSFormatDateTimeW  
421 PSStrFormatByteSizeW  
422 PSStrFormatKBSizeW  
423 PSStrFormatByteSizeEx begins in Windows Vista SP1;
ordinal reused for PSGetCanonicalValue in 7.0 from Windows 7, and higher