
IID_ITaskConditionCombiner {D65AC459-1187-4C71-8882-DE0947239529}

The TaskConditionCombiner interface has the following methods (as ordered in the virtual function table after the ITaskCondition methods):

Offset Method
0x10 AddCondition
0x14 SetIsAnd
0x18 SetInvert

with prototype:

HRESULT AddCondition (ITaskCondition *);
VOID SetInvert (BOOL);


The only known implementation is for the CTaskConditionCombiner class in SHELL32. The only known use made of this implementation by Microsoft is to support the Control Panel, but the class is creatable through COM and is therefore open to wider use.


The ITaskConditionCombiner interface is implemented in the SHELL32.DLL version 6.00 from Windows Vista, and higher.

Though new for Windows Vista, this interface is not documented by Microsoft in the January 2007 edition of the Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows Vista.