SHLWAPI 6.0 Named Exports

Function Remarks
AssocGetPerceivedType begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
AssocIsDangerous begins in Windows XP SP1;
documented as requiring “version 6.01 or later”
IsCharSpaceA begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc begins in Windows Vista
PathMatchSpecExA begins in Windows Vista;
documented as requiring “version 7.0 or later”
PathMatchSpecExW begins in Windows Vista;
documented as requiring “version 7.0 or later”
SHCreateThreadRef begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
ShellMessageBoxA begins in Windows Vista
SHRegGetValueA begins in Windows XP SP2
SHRegGetValueW begins in Windows XP SP2
StrCatChainW documented as requiring “version 5.5 or later”
StrCmpLogicalW documented as requiring “version 5.5 or later”
StrFormatByteSizeEx begins in Windows Vista SP1
StrRetToBSTR documented as requiring “version 5.5 or later”
StrToInt64ExA documented as requiring “version 5.0 or later”
StrToInt64ExW documented as requiring “version 5.0 or later”

Functions Also Exported By Ordinal

Some functions that are exported by name in all known retail builds of version 6.0 have persistent ordinals, out of sequence from the auto-numbering of functions exported by name, as if they had previously been exported only by ordinal and perhaps actually were for some time during development.

Function Ordinal Remarks
DelayLoadFailureHook 547 before Windows Vista
569 begins in Windows Vista
IsInternetESCEnabled 553 begins in Windows Server 2003
IStream_Copy 568 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_ReadStr 596 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_WriteStr 597 begins in Windows Vista
SHLoadIndirectString 487  
SHPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc 567 begins in Windows Vista

The IsInternetESCEnabled function has two entries in the export directory of the build from the original Windows Server 2003, one by name and one by ordinal. The builds for Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher, have one entry for ordinal 553, and this entry is also for exporting by name. In the builds from Windows XP SP2 and SP3, the function is exported only by ordinal, but the ordinal is different (562).

Functions Previously Exported Only By Ordinal

Function Ordinal First Availability Versions that Export By Name
ConnectToConnectionPoint 168 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
GetAcceptLanguagesA 14 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
GetAcceptLanguagesW 15 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
IsCharSpaceW 29 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
IsOS 437 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_Read 185 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_ReadPidl 512 6.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_Reset 213 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_Size 214 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_Write 212 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IStream_WritePidl 513 6.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_AtomicRelease 169 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_GetSite 256 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_GetWindow 172 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_QueryService 176 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_Set 199 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
IUnknown_SetSite 174 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
MLFreeLibrary 418 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
MLLoadLibraryA 377 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
MLLoadLibraryW 378 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
ParseURLA 1 4.70 begins in Windows Vista
ParseURLW 2 4.70 begins in Windows Vista
QISearch 219 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHAllocShared 7 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
SHAnsiToAnsi 345 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHAnsiToUnicode 215 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHCreateMemStream 12 4.71 begins in Windows Vista
SHCreateViewStatePropertyBag 515 6.0 begins in Windows XP SP1
ShellMessageBoxW 388 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHFormatDateTimeA 353 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHFormatDateTimeW 354 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHFreeShared 10 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
SHIsChildOrSelf 204 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHLockShared 8 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
SHMessageBoxCheckA 186 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHMessageBoxCheckW 191 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHRegGetIntW 280 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand 467 5.0 from Windows 2000 begins in Windows Vista
SHSendMessageBroadcastA 432 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHSendMessageBroadcastW 433 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHStripMneumonicA 203 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHStripMneumonicW 225 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHUnicodeToAnsi 217 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHUnicodeToUnicode 346 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
SHUnlockShared 9 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
StrCmpCA 155 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
StrCmpCW 156 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
StrCmpICA 157 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
StrCmpICW 158 4.71 begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
StrCmpNCA 151 4.71 begins in Windows Vista
StrCmpNCW 152 4.71 begins in Windows Vista
StrCmpNICA 153 4.71 begins in Windows Vista
StrCmpNICW 154 4.71 begins in Windows Vista
UrlFixupW 462 5.0 begins in Windows Vista
WhichPlatform 276 5.0 begins in Windows Vista

The named export ShellMessageBoxW in Windows Vista and higher is the ordinal-only export ShellMessageBoxWrapW in earlier versions.