SHLWAPI 6.0 Ordinal-Only Exports

Ordinal Function Remarks
255 EventTraceHandler retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
478 IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO  
479 IUnknown_UIActivateIO  
481 IUnknown_HasFocusIO  
482 SHMessageBoxHelpA retired in 6.1 and higher
483 SHMessageBoxHelpW retired in 6.1 and higher
484 IUnknown_QueryServiceExec  
485 MapWin32ErrorToSTG  
486 ModeToCreateFileFlags  
487 SHLoadIndirectString exported also by name;
documented as requiring “version 5.5 or later”
488 SHConvertGraphicsFile retired in 6.1 and higher
491 SHGetShellKey  
492 PrettifyFileDescriptionW retired in 6.1 and higher
493 SHPropertyBag_ReadType  
494 SHPropertyBag_ReadStr  
495 SHPropertyBag_WriteStr  
496 SHPropertyBag_ReadLONG  
497 SHPropertyBag_WriteLONG  
498 SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOLOld retired in 6.1 and higher
499 SHPropertyBag_WriteBOOL  
505 SHPropertyBag_ReadGUID  
506 SHPropertyBag_WriteGUID  
507 SHPropertyBag_ReadDWORD  
508 SHPropertyBag_WriteDWORD  
509 IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS  
510 SHLockSharedEx  
511 PathFileExistsDefExtAndAttributesW  
512 IStream_ReadPidl exported also by name in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher;
documented with “Windows Vista” as minimum operating system
513 IStream_WritePidl exported also by name in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher;
documented with “Windows Vista” as minimum operating system
514 IUnknown_ProfferService  
515 SHGetViewStatePropertyBag exported also by name iin 6.0 from Windows XP SP1, and higher;
documented as requiring “version 5.0 or later”
516 SKGetValueW  
517 SKSetValueW  
518 SKDeleteValueW  
519 SKAllocValueW  
520 SHPropertyBag_ReadBSTR  
521 SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL  
522 SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTL  
523 SHPropertyBag_ReadRECTL  
524 SHPropertyBag_WriteRECTL  
525 SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS  
526 SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTS  
527 SHPropertyBag_ReadSHORT  
528 SHPropertyBag_WriteSHORT  
529 SHPropertyBag_ReadInt  
530 SHPropertyBag_WriteInt  
531 SHPropertyBag_ReadStream  
532 SHPropertyBag_WriteStream  
533 SHGetPerScreenResName  
534 SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOL  
535 SHPropertyBag_Delete  
536 IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag  
537 SHBoolSystemParametersInfo  
538 IUnknown_QueryServiceForWebBrowserApp  
539 IUnknown_ShowBrowserBar  
540 SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenu  
541 SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenu  
542 GetUIVersion  
544 QuerySourceCreateFromKey  
545 SHForwardContextMenuMsg  
546 IUnknown_DoContextMenuPopup  
547 DelayLoadFailureHook exported also by name in 6.0 before Windows Vista;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
548 SHAreIconsEqual  
549 SHCoCreateInstanceAC  
550 GetTemplateInfoFromHandle retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
551 IShellFolder_CompareIDs retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
552 SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate begins in Windows XP SP2;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
553 SHGetPrivateProfileInt Windows XP SP2 and SP3 only
IsInternetESCEnabled begins in Windows Server 2003;
exported also by name
554 SHGetPrivateProfileSection begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetAllAccessSA Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
555 SHGetPrivateProfileSectionNames begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
556 SHGetPrivateProfileString begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHCoExtensionAllowed Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
557 SHGetPrivateProfileStruct begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHCoCreateExtension Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
558 SHCoExtensionCollectStats begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
559 SHGetSignatureInfo begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
560 SHWindowsPolicyGetValue begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
561 AssocGetUrlAction begins in Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1
562 IsInternetESCEnabled begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003
SHGetPrivateProfileInt Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
563 SHGetAllAccessSA begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileSection Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
564 SHCoExtensionAllowed begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileSectionNames Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
565 SHCoCreateExtension begins in Windows XP SP2, excluding Windows Server 2003;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileString Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
566 SHGetPrivateProfileStruct begins in Windows Server 2003 SP1;
retired in 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
567 SHPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name
568 IStream_Copy begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name
569 DelayLoadFailureHook begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name
571 SHInvokeCommandWithFlagsAndSite begins in Windows Vista
573 IShellFolder_ParseDisplayNameC begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
574 IWebBrowser_Navigate begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
575 IWebBrowser_Navigate2 begins in Windows Vista
577 SHPropertyBag_ReadULONGLONG begins in Windows Vista
578 SHPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG begins in Windows Vista
580 ConvertDIBSECTIONToThumbnail begins in Windows Vista
581 CalculateAspectRatio begins in Windows Vista
582 FactorAspectRatio begins in Windows Vista
583 CreateSizedDIBSECTION begins in Windows Vista
596 IStream_ReadStr begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name
597 IStream_WriteStr begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name
598 SHGetUserToken begins in Windows Vista;
601 SHSafeQueryInterface begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
602 IUnknown_QueryServiceQueryStatus begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
603 StrIsCanonicalEqualNA begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
604 StrIsCanonicalEqualNW begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
605 StrIsCanonicalEqualA begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
606 StrIsCanonicalEqualW begins in Windows Vista;
retired in 6.1 and higher
611 IUnknown_RemoveBackReferences begins in Windows Vista
613 SHPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey begins in Windows Vista
614 SHPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey begins in Windows Vista
615 SHCreateThreadWithHandle begins in Windows Vista;
exported also by name in 6.1 and higher
616 SHClearViewStatePropertyBag begins in Windows Vista
617 DupWideToAnsi begins in Windows Vista
618 SHWindowsPolicy begins in Windows Vista
621 SHCreatePropertyStoreOnXML begins in Windows Vista
626 SHCreatePropertyBagOnCachedProfileSection begins in Windows Vista
627 SHCreateStreamOnDllResourceW begins in Windows Vista
628 SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW begins in Windows Vista
629 SHRegGetValueFromHKCUHKLM begins in Windows Vista
630 SHRegGetBoolValueFromHKCUHKLM begins in Windows Vista
631 SHRegSetValue begins in Windows Vista
632 SHGlobalCounterGetValue begins in Windows Vista;
documented as new for Windows 7
633 SHGlobalCounterIncrement begins in Windows Vista;
documented as new for Windows 7
634 SHGlobalCounterDecrement begins in Windows Vista;
documented as new for Windows 7
635 SHGetShellKeyEx begins in Windows Vista
636 SHPropertyBag_ReadUnknown begins in Windows Vista
637 SHPropertyBag_WriteUnknown begins in Windows Vista
638 IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorGlobal begins in Windows Vista
639 SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenuEx begins in Windows Vista
640 SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenuEx begins in Windows Vista