Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
The large table on this page attempts to show how widely (or not) the functions exported from SHLWAPI.DLL get used by other executables that ship with Windows. The reference edition is Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 1a (as supplied on MSDN Disc 1847.1), meaning that:
A colour-coding scheme is applied as a quick aid to knowing the documentation status of each function, particularly for assessing which functions one might think Microsoft ought to have documented as Settlement Program Interfaces. Functions that were documented explicitly for the settlement are shaded red. Functions for which I could not find documentation in the January 2004 edition of the MSDN Library on CD, i.e., already a year after Microsoft’s supposed compliance, are highlighted yellow, with a downgrade to being shaded yellow if I notice that Microsoft has documented them since. If in doubt (and scripting is enabled), hover the mouse cursor over the function’s name and read the tooltip.
Function | Imported By |
AppendMenuWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
AssocCopyVerbs | shell32.dll |
AssocCreate | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, netshell.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, srchui.dll |
AssocIsDangerous | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyA | |
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyW | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationA | |
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationW | |
AssocMakeProgid | shell32.dll |
AssocMakeShell | |
AssocQueryKeyA | |
AssocQueryKeyW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
AssocQueryStringA | |
AssocQueryStringW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, wiashext.dll, wmplayer.exe |
AssocQueryStringByKeyA | |
AssocQueryStringByKeyW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shell32.dll, wmpshell.dll |
CallMsgFilterWrapW | browseui.dll, webvw.dll |
CallWindowProcWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
CharLowerWrapW | iedkcs32.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll |
CharLowerBuffWrapW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
CharLowerNoDBCSA | |
CharLowerNoDBCSW | |
CharNextWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
CharPrevWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
CharToOemWrapW | mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll |
CharUpperWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, mshtml.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll |
CharUpperBuffWrapW | msmom.dll, msxml3.dll |
CharUpperNoDBCSA | |
CharUpperNoDBCSW | shell32.dll |
ChrCmpIA | iedkcs32.dll |
ChrCmpIW | msnmetal.dll, rstrui.exe, shdocvw.dll |
CLSIDFromProgIDWrap | dxtrans.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, urlmon.dll |
CLSIDFromStringWrap | dxtrans.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll |
ColorAdjustLuma | |
ColorHLSToRGB | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
ColorRGBToHLS | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
CompareStringWrapW | cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll |
CompareStringAltW | mshtml.dll |
ConnectToConnectionPoint | browseui.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW | mshtml.dll |
CopyFileWrapW | cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW | mshtml.dll |
CreateAllAccessSecurityAttributes | explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, wininet.dll |
CreateColorSpaceWrapW | dxtmsft.dll |
CreateDCWrapW | browsewm.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
CreateDialogIndirectParamWrapW | |
CreateDialogParamWrapW | browseui.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
CreateDirectoryWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, mshtml.dll, msident.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
CreateEventWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, dxtmsft.dll, dxtrans.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, proctexe.ocx, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
CreateFileWrapW | admparse.dll, autodisc.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
CreateFontWrapW | browseui.dll, sapi.cpl, shell32.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
CreateFontIndirectWrapW | admparse.dll, dxtrans.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
CreateICWrapW | iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll |
CreateMetaFileWrapW | shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
CreateMutexWrapW | browseui.dll, msdbx.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
CreateProcessWrapW | ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcpl.cpl, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
CreateSemaphoreWrapW | browseui.dll, dxtrans.dll |
CreateURLFileContentsA | url.dll |
CreateURLFileContentsW | shdocvw.dll |
CreateWindowExWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
DdeCreateStringHandleWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
DdeInitializeWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
DdeQueryStringWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
DefWindowProcWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
DelayLoadFailureHook | |
DeleteFileWrapW | autodisc.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll |
DeleteMenuWrap | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll |
DestroyMenuWrap | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
DialogBoxIndirectParamWrapW | |
DialogBoxParamWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msident.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msrating.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
DispatchMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
DllGetVersion | (not an API function) |
DoesStringRoundTripA | |
DoesStringRoundTripW | shell32.dll |
DragQueryFileWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
DrawTextWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
DrawTextExWrapW | inetcomm.dll |
EndDialogWrap | |
EnumFontFamiliesWrapW | |
EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW | inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, spsrx.dll |
EnumResourceNamesWrapW | |
EventTraceHandler | browseui.dll |
ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW | iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, plustab.dll |
ExtractIconWrapW | cdfview.dll, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
ExtractIconExWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, mshtml.dll |
ExtTextOutWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msoe.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
FDSA_DeleteItem | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
FDSA_Destroy | browseui.dll |
FDSA_Initialize | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
FDSA_InsertItem | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
FindFirstFileWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
FindNextFileWrapW | cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
FindResourceWrapW | browsewm.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
FindWindowWrapW | browseui.dll, msimn.exe, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
FindWindowExWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
FixSlashesAndColonA | |
FixSlashesAndColonW | shell32.dll |
FormatMessageWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
GetAcceptLanguagesA | |
GetAcceptLanguagesW | mshtml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetCharacterPlacementWrapW | mshtml.dll |
GetCharWidth32WrapW | mshtml.dll |
GetClassInfoWrapW | inetcomm.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, webvw.dll |
GetClassInfoExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
GetClassLongWrapW | |
GetClassNameWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW | browseui.dll, dxtrans.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
GetDateFormatWrapW | iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
GetDlgItemTextWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetEnvironmentVariableWrapW | |
GetFileAttributesWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
GetFileVersionInfoWrapW | mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
GetFileVersionInfoSizeWrapW | mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
GetFullPathNameWrapW | msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetLocalInfoWrapW | |
GetLongPathNameWrapA | shdocvw.dll |
GetLongPathNameWrapW | urlmon.dll |
GetMenuItemInfoWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, msieftp.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetMenuPosFromID | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
GetMenuStringWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll |
GetMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetMIMETypeSubKeyA | |
GetMIMETypeSubKeyW | |
GetModuleFileNameWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, msrating.dll, mstime.dll, netplwiz.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, spsrx.dll, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll |
GetModuleHandleWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msnspell.dll, msrating.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll |
GetNumberFormatWrapW | |
GetObjectWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, dxtrans.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
GetOpenFileNameWrapW | ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetPerfTime | browseui.dll, explorer.exe |
GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW | ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW | admparse.dll, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetPrivateProfileStructWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
GetProfileStringWrapW | |
GetPropWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetSaveFileNameWrapW | inetcomm.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetShellSecurityDescriptor | shell32.dll |
GetShortPathNameWrapW | mshtml.dll, msnspell.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
GetStringType3ExW | |
GetStringTypeExWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll |
GetSystemDirectoryWrapW | dxtmsft.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
GetTempFileNameWrapW | autodisc.dll, ieakeng.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetTemplateInfoFromHandle | shell32.dll |
GetTempPathWrapW | autodisc.dll, ieakeng.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcpl.cpl, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
GetTextFaceWrapW | mshtml.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
GetTextMetricsWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, dxtrans.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
GetTimeFormatWrapW | iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
GetUIVersion | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
GetUserNameWrapW | iepeers.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
GetWindowLongWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msrating.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll |
GetWindowTextWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
GetWindowTextLengthWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
GlobalAddAtomWrapW | mshtml.dll |
GlobalFindAtomWrapW | mshtml.dll |
GUIDFromStringA | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
GUIDFromStringW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, fldrclnr.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
HashData | mshtml.dll, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll |
IConnectionPoint_InvokeWithCancel | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IConnectionPoint_OnChanged | |
IConnectionPoint_SimpleInvoke | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IContextMenu_Invoke | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
InsertMenuWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
InsertMenuItemWrapW | browseui.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
IntlStrEqWorkerA | |
IntlStrEqWorkerW | shell32.dll |
IsBadStringPtrWrapW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, wininet.dll |
IsCharAlphaWrapW | dxtrans.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, mstime.dll, msxml3.dll |
IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW | mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, mstime.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll |
IsCharBlankW | mshtml.dll |
IsCharCntrlW | |
IsCharDigitW | dxtrans.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll |
IsCharLowerWrapW | mshtml.dll |
IsCharPunctW | |
IsCharSpaceW | mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, mstime.dll, urlmon.dll |
IsCharUpperWrapW | msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll |
IsCharXDigitW | mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll |
IsDialogMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
IShellFolder_CompareIDs | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IShellFolder_EnumObjects | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, shell32.dll |
IsOS | admparse.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, control.exe, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, filemgmt.dll, fontext.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcpl.cpl, localsec.dll, logon.scr, msgina.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msrating.dll, mydocs.dll, netshell.dll, ntshrui.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, printui.dll, rshx32.dll, runonce.exe, sapi.cpl, sapi.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shmgrate.exe, shsvcs.dll, spsrx.dll, sysdm.cpl, taskmgr.exe, themeui.dll, umandlg.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiashext.dll, wininet.dll |
IsQSForward | browseui.dll |
IStream_Read | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IStream_ReadPidl | explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
IStream_Reset | explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
IStream_Size | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IStream_Write | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IStream_WritePidl | explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_AtomicRelease | autodisc.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeIndirect | shell32.dll |
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam | |
IUnknown_CPContainerOnChanged | shdocvw.dll |
IUnknown_DoContextMenuPopup | shell32.dll |
IUnknown_EnableModeless | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_Exec | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_GetClassID | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, desk.cpl, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
IUnknown_GetSite | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_GetWindow | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, netplwiz.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll |
IUnknown_HandleIRestrict | browseui.dll |
IUnknown_HasFocusIO | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_OnFocusOCS | shdocvw.dll |
IUnknown_ProfferService | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_ProfferServiceOld | |
IUnknown_QueryService | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, netplwiz.dll, pchshell.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll |
IUnknown_QueryServiceExec | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_QueryServiceForWebBrowserApp | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag | shell32.dll |
IUnknown_QueryStatus | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_Set | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cscui.dll, desk.cpl, explorer.exe, netplwiz.dll, pchshell.dll, plustab.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, wiashext.dll, zipfldr.dll |
IUnknown_SetOwner | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_SetSite | browseui.dll, desk.cpl, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe |
IUnknown_ShowBrowserBar | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorOCS | shdocvw.dll |
IUnknown_UIActivateIO | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
LoadAcceleratorsWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
LoadBitmapWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll |
LoadCursorWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
LoadIconWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
LoadImageWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, mshtml.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
LoadLibraryWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, dxtrans.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msrating.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll |
LoadLibraryExWrapW | browsewm.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
LoadMenuWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
LoadStringWrapW | admparse.dll, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, dxtrans.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll, zipfldr.dll |
MapWin32ErrorToSTG | shell32.dll, zipfldr.dll |
MayExecForward | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
MayQSForward | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
MessageBoxWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
MessageBoxIndirectWrapW | browseui.dll, iepeers.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
MIME_GetExtensionA | |
MIME_GetExtensionW | shdocvw.dll |
MLBuildResURLA | |
MLBuildResURLW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |
MLClearMLHInstance | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msrating.dll, occache.dll, shdocvw.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll |
MLFreeLibrary | browseui.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
MLGetUILanguage | browseui.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, msrating.dll, shdocvw.dll |
MLHtmlHelpA | |
MLHtmlHelpW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
MLIsMLHInstance | comctl32.dll |
MLLoadLibraryA | |
MLLoadLibraryW | browseui.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msrating.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
MLSetMLHInstance | |
MLWinHelpA | urlmon.dll |
MLWinHelpW | mshtml.dll |
ModeToCreateFileFlags | shell32.dll |
ModifyMenuWrapW | |
MoveFileWrapW | iedkcs32.dll, msdbx.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll |
NextPathA | |
NextPathW | shell32.dll |
OemToCharWrapW | |
OpenEventWrapW | browseui.dll |
OutputDebugStringWrapW | iedkcs32.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll |
PageSetupDlgWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
ParseURLA | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll |
ParseURLW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
PathAddBackslashA | cabview.dll, inetcomm.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, mspmsp.dll, oeimport.dll |
PathAddBackslashW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, ehtray.exe, ehuihlp.dll, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, moviemk.exe, msident.dll, msmqocm.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, mspmsp.dll, mssap.dll, mydocs.dll, pdialog.exe, rshx32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, tabletoc.dll, uihelper.dll, wbemcntl.dll, wuv3is.dll |
PathAddExtensionA | |
PathAddExtensionW | browseui.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, journal.exe, moviemk.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, shell32.dll, shmgrate.exe, uihelper.dll, wiashext.dll |
PathAppendA | migwiz_a.exe, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msppcnfg.exe, shell32.dll, url.dll |
PathAppendW | aclui.dll, appwiz.cpl, browsewm.dll, certwiz.ocx, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, dataclen.dll, diskcopy.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, fontview.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetmgr.dll, intl.cpl, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, main.cpl, migwiz.exe, moviemk.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, mstvca.dll, muisetup.exe, netplwiz.dll, plustab.dll, riprep.exe, rshx32.dll, rstrui.exe, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shmgrate.exe, shsvcs.dll, srrstr.dll, syncui.dll, sysprep.exe, themeui.dll, tiptsf.dll, tourstrt.exe, uihelper.dll, unregmp2.exe, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathBuildRootA | shell32.dll, url.dll |
PathBuildRootW | appwiz.cpl, certwiz.ocx, diskcopy.dll, inetmgr.dll, logui.ocx, shell32.dll, srchui.dll, uihelper.dll, w3ext.dll |
PathCanonicalizeA | csc.exe, fusion.dll, msoe.dll |
PathCanonicalizeW | fusion.dll, mshtml.dll, msobcomm.dll, msobmain.dll, oobebaln.exe, secedit.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, srchui.dll |
PathCombineA | iepeers.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, occache.dll, shdocvw.dll, wsdueng.dll |
PathCombineW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, dataclen.dll, ehdrop.dll, ehuihlp.dll, els.dll, explorer.exe, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, intl.cpl, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, muisetup.exe, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, rshx32.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shmgrate.exe, srrstr.dll, srsvc.dll, syncui.dll, webcheck.dll, wuv3is.dll |
PathCommonPrefixA | csc.exe |
PathCommonPrefixW | browseui.dll, journal.exe, logui.ocx, moviemk.exe, ntshrui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, themeui.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathCompactPathA | occache.dll, url.dll |
PathCompactPathW | browseui.dll, certwiz.ocx, cscui.dll, fde.dll, imadmui.dll, journal.exe, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, uihelper.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathCompactPathExA | |
PathCompactPathExW | cscui.dll, inetcomm.dll, irftp.exe, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, msoe.dll, pdialog.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, wbemcntl.dll, wiashext.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathCreateFromUrlA | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll, msoert2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, wininet.dll |
PathCreateFromUrlW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, fusion.dll, mshtml.dll, msoert2.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, srchctls.dll, srchui.dll, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll, webvw.dll |
PathFileExistsA | inetcomm.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, msppcnfg.exe, occache.dll, oeimport.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll |
PathFileExistsW | appwiz.cpl, aspnet_isapi.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, compatui.dll, custsat.dll, directdb.dll, explorer.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetmgr.dll, journal.exe, mqmig.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, mstime.dll, muisetup.exe, riprep.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, slayerxp.dll, sysdm.cpl, sysprep.exe, themeui.dll, tourstrt.exe, uihelper.dll, webcheck.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathFileExistsAndAttributesA | shell32.dll |
PathFileExistsAndAttributesW | browseui.dll, mydocs.dll, shell32.dll |
PathFileExistsDefExtA | |
PathFileExistsDefExtW | shell32.dll |
PathFileExistsDefExtAndAttributesW | shell32.dll |
PathFindExtensionA | alink.dll, cscomp.dll, inetcomm.dll, medctrro.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, msppmd5.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, wshext.dll |
PathFindExtensionW | apphelp.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, compatui.dll, console.dll, cscui.dll, dataclen.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, fontview.exe, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, iuengine.dll, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, msppmgr.dll, mstask.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, pchshell.dll, schedsvc.dll, sendmail.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, slayerxp.dll, srchui.dll, themeui.dll, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiashext.dll, wmplayer.exe, wshext.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathFindFileNameA | browseui.dll, cabview.dll, fusion.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, occache.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathFindFileNameW | admparse.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, dataclen.dll, docprop.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, explorer.exe, fontext.dll, fontview.exe, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, mstask.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, mydocs.dll, nbdoc.dll, netplwiz.dll, rshx32.dll, rstrui.exe, sendmail.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shsvcs.dll, srchui.dll, srrstr.dll, stobject.dll, syncui.dll, themeui.dll, tiptsf.dll, tourstrt.exe, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, w3ext.dll, webcheck.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathFindNextComponentA | |
PathFindNextComponentW | certwiz.ocx, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, shell32.dll, srrstr.dll |
PathFindOnPathA | url.dll |
PathFindOnPathW | shell32.dll, webcheck.dll |
PathFindOnPathExA | |
PathFindOnPathExW | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
PathFindSuffixArrayA | |
PathFindSuffixArrayW | journal.exe, shell32.dll |
PathGetArgsA | msoe.dll, shell32.dll |
PathGetArgsW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, rstrui.exe, runonce.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, tabbtn.dll, tabletpc.cpl, uihelper.dll |
PathGetCharTypeA | |
PathGetCharTypeW | appconf.dll, certwiz.ocx, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, shell32.dll, uihelper.dll |
PathGetDriveNumberA | occache.dll |
PathGetDriveNumberW | certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, compatui.dll, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, journal.exe, keymgr.dll, logui.ocx, msieftp.dll, msnmetal.dll, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, occache.dll, shell32.dll, syncui.dll, uihelper.dll, w3ext.dll |
PathIsContentTypeA | |
PathIsContentTypeW | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, inetcomm.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsDirectoryA | migwiz_a.exe, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsDirectoryW | appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, aspnet_isapi.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, custsat.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetmgr.dll, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, logui.ocx, migwiz.exe, mqmig.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, ntshrui.dll, riprep.exe, secedit.exe, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, syncui.dll, sysprep.exe, uihelper.dll, unregmp2.exe, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyA | |
PathIsDirectoryEmptyW | aspnet_isapi.dll, ieaksie.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsFileSpecA | msppcnfg.exe |
PathIsFileSpecW | icwconn1.exe, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, srchui.dll, themeui.dll |
PathIsLFNFileSpecA | |
PathIsLFNFileSpecW | shell32.dll |
PathIsNetworkPathA | |
PathIsNetworkPathW | appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, explorer.exe, inetmgr.dll, journal.exe, logui.ocx, shell32.dll, srchui.dll, uihelper.dll |
PathIsPrefixA | |
PathIsPrefixW | appwiz.cpl, cdfview.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, syncui.dll, urlmon.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathIsRelativeA | url.dll, wuaueng.dll |
PathIsRelativeW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, cdm.dll, certwiz.ocx, copymar.exe, cscomp.dll, fusion.dll, fxscfgwz.dll, fxsrtmtd.dll, fxsui.dll, helpctr.exe, inetmgr.dll, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, logui.ocx, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll |
PathIsRootA | migwiz_a.exe, msoe.dll, shell32.dll, wuaueng.dll |
PathIsRootW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdm.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, logui.ocx, lsasrv.dll, migwiz.exe, msieftp.dll, mydocs.dll, ntdsetup.dll, ntshrui.dll, rshx32.dll, secedit.exe, shell32.dll, syncui.dll, uihelper.dll, webvw.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll |
PathIsSameRootA | |
PathIsSameRootW | cscui.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsSystemFolderA | |
PathIsSystemFolderW | mydocs.dll |
PathIsUNCA | msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, wuaueng.dll |
PathIsUNCW | appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdm.dll, certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, factory.exe, fde.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, iuctl.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, rshx32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, srchui.dll, syncui.dll, sysprep.exe, tsuserex.dll, uihelper.dll, wbemcntl.dll, webvw.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll |
PathIsUNCServerA | urlmon.dll |
PathIsUNCServerW | browseui.dll, certwiz.ocx, cscui.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, journal.exe, netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsUNCServerShareA | |
PathIsUNCServerShareW | aspnet_isapi.dll, browseui.dll, certwiz.ocx, cscui.dll, inetmgr.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsURLA | msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
PathIsURLW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, cscomp.dll, fusion.dll, icwconn1.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msnmetal.dll, msobcomm.dll, msobmain.dll, msoe.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, pchshell.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, tabletpc.cpl, webcheck.dll |
PathIsValidCharA | |
PathIsValidCharW | query.dll, shell32.dll |
PathMakePrettyA | |
PathMakePrettyW | browseui.dll, fxscfgwz.dll, fxsui.dll, shell32.dll, uihelper.dll, w3ext.dll |
PathMakeSystemFolderA | |
PathMakeSystemFolderW | irmon.dll, shell32.dll, webvw.dll, wmpcore.dll |
PathMatchSpecA | |
PathMatchSpecW | appwiz.cpl, comdlg32.dll, netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
PathParseIconLocationA | |
PathParseIconLocationW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, netplwiz.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
PathQuoteSpacesA | url.dll, wshext.dll |
PathQuoteSpacesW | appwiz.cpl, cdfview.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, tabletpc.cpl, themeui.dll, uihelper.dll |
PathRelativePathToA | csc.exe |
PathRelativePathToW | shell32.dll |
PathRemoveArgsA | msoe.dll, url.dll |
PathRemoveArgsW | appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, shell32.dll, tabbtn.dll, tabletpc.cpl, uihelper.dll, wiashext.dll |
PathRemoveBackslashA | msoe.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
PathRemoveBackslashW | aspnet_isapi.dll, browseui.dll, compatui.dll, cscui.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetmgr.dll, iuengine.dll, journal.exe, moviemk.exe, msoe.dll, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, rshx32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathRemoveBlanksA | url.dll |
PathRemoveBlanksW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, els.dll, explorer.exe, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetmgr.dll, msieftp.dll, mydocs.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shmgrate.exe, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, unregmp2.exe, webcheck.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathRemoveExtensionA | browseui.dll, medctrro.exe, oeimport.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll |
PathRemoveExtensionW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, journal.exe, moviemk.exe, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, themeui.dll, webcheck.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiashext.dll |
PathRemoveFileSpecA | autodisc.dll, copymar.exe, ehdebug.dll, inetcomm.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, oeimport.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, wininet.dll, wsdueng.dll |
PathRemoveFileSpecW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, ehdrop.dll, ehtray.exe, ehuihlp.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, fontview.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetmgr.dll, iuctl.dll, journal.exe, logui.ocx, mqmig.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, mstask.dll, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, riprep.exe, rshx32.dll, rstrui.exe, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, syncui.dll, sysprep.exe, themeui.dll, tiptsf.dll, tourstrt.exe, uihelper.dll, unregmp2.exe, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathRenameExtensionA | occache.dll |
PathRenameExtensionW | directdb.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, fontview.exe, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, journal.exe, msdbx.dll, netplwiz.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
PathSearchAndQualifyA | |
PathSearchAndQualifyW | msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll |
PathSetDlgItemPathA | |
PathSetDlgItemPathW | compatui.dll, cscui.dll, rshx32.dll, shell32.dll |
PathSkipLeadingSlashes | |
PathSkipRootA | |
PathSkipRootW | cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx, comdlg32.dll, dskquota.dll, dskquoui.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, shell32.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathStripPathA | msnmetal.dll |
PathStripPathW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, fldrclnr.dll, inetcomm.dll, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shell32.dll, webcheck.dll |
PathStripToRootA | wuaueng.dll |
PathStripToRootW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdm.dll, cscui.dll, dskquoui.dll, explorer.exe, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, journal.exe, mydocs.dll, shell32.dll, srchui.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll, zipfldr.dll |
PathUndecorateA | urlmon.dll |
PathUndecorateW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA | |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW | factory.exe, setupmgr.exe, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserA | |
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserW | shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderA | |
PathUnmakeSystemFolderW | mydocs.dll, shell32.dll |
PathUnquoteSpacesA | msoe.dll, url.dll |
PathUnquoteSpacesW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iedkcs32.dll, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, runonce.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, tabbtn.dll, tabletpc.cpl, uihelper.dll |
PeekMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
PlaySoundWrapW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |
PostMessageWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
PostThreadMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll |
PrettifyFileDescriptionW | |
PrintDlgWrapW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
QISearch | appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, comctl32.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, desk.cpl, diskcopy.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, oobebaln.exe, photowiz.dll, plustab.dll, printui.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, themeui.dll, wpabaln.exe, zipfldr.dll |
QuerySourceCreateFromKey | shell32.dll |
RegCreateKeyWrapW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |
RegCreateKeyExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegDeleteKeyWrapW | autodisc.dll, browsewm.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
RegDeleteValueWrapW | browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegEnumKeyWrapW | iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
RegEnumKeyExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegEnumValueWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegisterClassWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcomm.dll, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegisterClassExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegisterDefaultAcceptHeaders | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeA | |
RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeW | |
RegisterGlobalHotkeyA | |
RegisterGlobalHotkeyW | shdocvw.dll |
RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionA | |
RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionW | |
RegisterWindowMessageWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
RegOpenKeyWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
RegOpenKeyExWrapW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, plustab.dll, proctexe.ocx, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW | browsewm.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RegQueryValueWrapW | inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
RegQueryValueExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msident.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, plustab.dll, proctexe.ocx, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll |
RegSetValueWrapW | inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
RegSetValueExWrapW | browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
RemoveDirectoryWrapW | cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
RemovePropWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
RunIndirectRegCommand | |
RunRegCommand | |
SearchPathWrapW | mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl |
SendDlgItemMessageWrapW | cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
SendMessageWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
SendMessageTimeoutWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msdbx.dll, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll |
SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW | inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
SetDlgItemTextWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
SetFileAttributesWrapW | cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
SetMenuItemInfoWrapW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
SetPropWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll |
SetWindowLongWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
SetWindowsHookExWrapW | browseui.dll, mshtml.dll |
SetWindowTextWrapW | admparse.dll, browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll, urlmon.dll, wininet.dll |
SHAboutInfoA | |
SHAboutInfoW | shdocvw.dll |
SHAddDataBlock | shell32.dll |
SHAllocShared | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHAnsiToAnsi | shell32.dll |
SHAnsiToUnicode | admparse.dll, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, compstui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, hmmapi.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msieftp.dll, msrating.dll, plustab.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHAnsiToUnicodeCP | cabview.dll, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shscrap.dll |
SHAreIconsEqual | explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
SHAutoComplete | appwiz.cpl, certwiz.ocx, compatui.dll, fxscfgwz.dll, fxsrtmtd.dll, fxsui.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msoe.dll, mydocs.dll, newdev.dll, risetup.exe, setupapi.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, srchui.dll, tabletpc.cpl, uihelper.dll |
SHBoolSystemParametersInfo | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHBrowseForFolderWrapW | browseui.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
SHCancelTimerQueueTimer | msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll |
SHCancelUserWorkItems | |
SHChangeNotifyWrap | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, plustab.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHChangeTimerQueueTimer | |
SHCheckDiskForMediaA | |
SHCheckDiskForMediaW | msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll |
SHCheckMenuItem | browseui.dll |
SHCoCreateInstanceAC | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHConvertGraphicsFile | shell32.dll, webvw.dll |
SHCopyKeyA | logonmgr.dll, msoe.dll |
SHCopyKeyW | browseui.dll, dfssvc.exe, inetcpl.cpl, msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll, shmgrate.exe |
SHCreateMemStream | browseui.dll, netplwiz.dll, photowiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHCreatePropertyBagOnMemory | netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
SHCreatePropertyBagOnProfileSection | shell32.dll |
SHCreatePropertyBagOnRegKey | netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHCreateShellPalette | browseui.dll, copymar.exe, msgina.dll, mshtml.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, pchshell.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, webvw.dll |
SHCreateStreamOnFileA | |
SHCreateStreamOnFileW | cdfview.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, msnmetal.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, ssmypics.scr |
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx | shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
SHCreateStreamWrapper | |
SHCreateThread | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, hnetwiz.dll, inetcpl.cpl, migwiz.exe, migwiz_a.exe, mshtml.dll, netplwiz.dll, photowiz.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, sysdm.cpl, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, zipfldr.dll |
SHCreateTimerQueue | |
SHCreateWorkerWindowA | |
SHCreateWorkerWindowW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHDefExtractIconWrapW | cdfview.dll |
SHDefWindowProc | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyA | |
SHDeleteEmptyKeyW | iedkcs32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
SHDeleteKeyA | browseui.dll, clusres.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msppcnfg.exe, msrating.dll, odbcconf.dll, plugin.ocx, remotesp.tsp, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, wininet.dll |
SHDeleteKeyW | appwiz.cpl, aspnet_isapi.dll, bldhives.exe, browseui.dll, catsrvut.dll, clcfgsrv.dll, cleanmgr.exe, desk.cpl, dfssvc.exe, dns.exe, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, intl.cpl, ipv6mon.dll, journal.exe, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, osuninst.dll, rcimlby.exe, riprep.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, srchctls.dll, srchui.dll, srrstr.dll, sysprep.exe, syssetup.dll, themeui.dll, tintsetp.exe, tsappcmp.dll, tsoc.dll, webcheck.dll, wiaservc.dll, wlbsctrl.dll, wlnotify.dll, wzcsvc.dll |
SHDeleteOrphanKeyA | shdocvw.dll, url.dll |
SHDeleteOrphanKeyW | |
SHDeleteTimerQueue | |
SHDeleteValueA | msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, shdocvw.dll, url.dll |
SHDeleteValueW | bldhives.exe, browseui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, factory.exe, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, journal.exe, msieftp.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, osuninst.dll, rstrui.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, srrstr.dll |
SHDialogBox | |
ShellExecuteExWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
ShellMessageBoxWrapW | |
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapA | |
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapW | mshtml.dll |
SHEnableMenuItem | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |
SHEnumKeyExA | msoe.dll |
SHEnumKeyExW | msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll |
SHEnumValueA | |
SHEnumValueW | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA | hmmapi.dll, shell32.dll |
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsW | browseui.dll, dataclen.dll, explorer.exe, mydocs.dll, plustab.dll, runonce.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA | |
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW | shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHFileOperationWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
SHFillRectClr | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
SHFindDataBlock | shell32.dll |
SHFlushSFCacheWrap | wininet.dll |
SHFormatDateTimeA | shdocvw.dll, shsvcs.dll, themeui.dll |
SHFormatDateTimeW | appwiz.cpl, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, cscui.dll, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, msieftp.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHForwardContextMenuMsg | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHFreeDataBlockList | shell32.dll |
SHFreeShared | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetAppCompatFlags | comdlg32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetCurColorRes | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, nusrmgr.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHGetFileDescriptionA | |
SHGetFileDescriptionW | shell32.dll, shsvcs.dll |
SHGetFileInfoWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcomm.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHGetIniStringW | ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHGetIniStringUTF7W | shell32.dll |
SHGetInverseCMAP | copymar.exe, mshtml.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll |
SHGetMachineInfo | explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, plustab.dll, shell32.dll, taskmgr.exe, webcheck.dll |
SHGetMenuFromID | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetNewLinkInfoWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
SHGetObjectCompatFlags | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll |
SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
SHGetPerScreenResName | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetRestriction | appwiz.cpl, iedkcs32.dll, plustab.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHGetShellKey | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryA | |
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW | shell32.dll |
SHGetThreadRef | browseui.dll, msieftp.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetValueA | hmmapi.dll, iexplore.exe, migwiz_a.exe, msident.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, oeimport.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, url.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
SHGetValueW | aaaamon.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, console.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, dataclen.dll, dskquoui.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, migwiz.exe, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, rstrui.exe, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, shsvcs.dll, srchui.dll, srrstr.dll, sysdm.cpl, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
SHGetValueGoodBootA | |
SHGetValueGoodBootW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetViewStatePropertyBag | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGetWebFolderFilePathA | |
SHGetWebFolderFilePathW | browseui.dll, iepeers.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHGlobalCounterCreate | browseui.dll, msrating.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGlobalCounterCreateNamedA | |
SHGlobalCounterCreateNamedW | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGlobalCounterDecrement | shell32.dll |
SHGlobalCounterGetValue | browseui.dll, msrating.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHGlobalCounterIncrement | msrating.dll, shell32.dll |
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandA | |
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHInterlockedCompareExchange | msieftp.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
SHInvokeCommand | |
SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenu | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, wiashext.dll |
SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenu | shell32.dll |
SHInvokeDefaultCommand | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHIsChildOrSelf | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, explorer.exe, pchshell.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHIsEmptyStream | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHIsExpandableFolder | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHIsLowMemoryMachine | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHIsSameObject | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHLoadFromPropertyBag | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHLoadIndirectString | browseui.dll, dsquery.dll, netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll, smlogcfg.dll, themeui.dll |
SHLoadMenuPopup | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
SHLoadPersistedDataObject | |
SHLoadRawAccelerators | |
SHLoadRegUIStringA | |
SHLoadRegUIStringW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, ieaksie.dll, mmcndmgr.dll, mmsys.cpl, netcfgx.dll, pdh.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, smlogcfg.dll, smlogsvc.exe, themeui.dll, wsecedit.dll |
SHLockShared | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHLockSharedEx | shell32.dll |
SHMapHandle | shell32.dll |
SHMenuIndexFromID | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHMessageBoxCheckA | iexplore.exe |
SHMessageBoxCheckW | browseui.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHMessageBoxCheckExA | |
SHMessageBoxCheckExW | explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, shell32.dll |
SHMessageBoxHelpA | |
SHMessageBoxHelpW | shell32.dll |
SHMirrorIcon | browseui.dll |
SHOpenRegStreamA | |
SHOpenRegStreamW | |
SHOpenRegStream2A | |
SHOpenRegStream2W | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPackDispParams | |
SHPackDispParamsV | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
SHPersistDataObject | |
SHPinDllOfCLSID | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropagateMessage | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, main.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_Delete | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOL | browseui.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOLOld | |
SHPropertyBag_ReadBSTR | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadDWORD | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadGUID | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadInt | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadLONG | |
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL | browseui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS | shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadRECTL | browseui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadSHORT | |
SHPropertyBag_ReadStr | browseui.dll, netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadStream | shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_ReadType | |
SHPropertyBag_WriteBOOL | browseui.dll, desk.cpl, netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteDWORD | browseui.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteGUID | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteInt | desk.cpl, netplwiz.dll, plustab.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteLONG | |
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTL | browseui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTS | shell32.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteRECTL | browseui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteSHORT | |
SHPropertyBag_WriteStr | netplwiz.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll |
SHPropertyBag_WriteStream | shell32.dll |
SHQueryInfoKeyA | msoe.dll |
SHQueryInfoKeyW | shell32.dll |
SHQueryRawAccelerator | |
SHQueryRawAcceleratorMsg | |
SHQueryValueExA | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHQueryValueExW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, msnspell.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHQueueUserWorkItem | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, msxml3.dll, printui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, themeui.dll, wininet.dll |
SHReadDataBlockList | shell32.dll |
SHRegCloseUSKey | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegCreateUSKeyA | |
SHRegCreateUSKeyW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA | |
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW | urlmon.dll |
SHRegDeleteUSValueA | |
SHRegDeleteUSValueW | msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegDuplicateHKey | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRegEnumUSKeyA | |
SHRegEnumUSKeyW | browseui.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegEnumUSValueA | |
SHRegEnumUSValueW | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA | iexplore.exe, msoeacct.dll |
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, comctl32.dll, comdlg32.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msnmetal.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, sysdm.cpl, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl |
SHRegGetCLSIDKeyW | browseui.dll, fldrclnr.dll, inetcpl.cpl, plustab.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRegGetIntW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |
SHRegGetPathA | |
SHRegGetPathW | themeui.dll |
SHRegGetUSValueA | msoert2.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegGetUSValueW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msnmetal.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, sysdm.cpl, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegisterClassA | |
SHRegisterClassW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRegisterValidateTemplate | shell32.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll |
SHRegisterWaitForSingleObject | |
SHRegOpenUSKeyA | browseui.dll |
SHRegOpenUSKeyW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA | |
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW | shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegQueryUSValueA | |
SHRegQueryUSValueW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHRegSetPathA | |
SHRegSetPathW | plustab.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHRegSetUSValueA | |
SHRegSetUSValueW | browseui.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, sysdm.cpl, themeui.dll, tourstrt.exe |
SHRegWriteUSValueA | |
SHRegWriteUSValueW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
SHReleaseThreadRef | shimgvw.dll |
SHRemoveAllSubMenus | |
SHRemoveDataBlock | shell32.dll |
SHRemoveDefaultDialogFont | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRestrictedMessageBox | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRestrictionLookup | comdlg32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll |
SHSearchMapInt | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHSendMessageBroadcastA | msoe.dll |
SHSendMessageBroadcastW | explorer.exe, inetcpl.cpl, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shmgrate.exe |
SHSetDefaultDialogFont | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHSetIniStringW | admparse.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, shdocvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHSetIniStringUTF7W | shell32.dll |
SHSetParentHwnd | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHSetThreadPoolLimits | |
SHSetThreadRef | browseui.dll |
SHSetTimerQueueTimer | msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHSetValueA | msident.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, oeimport.dll, shdocvw.dll, shimgvw.dll, url.dll, wininet.dll |
SHSetValueW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, console.dll, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, explorer.exe, factory.exe, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msobcomm.dll, msobmain.dll, netplwiz.dll, riprep.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, srrstr.dll, sysprep.exe, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, wininet.dll |
SHSetWindowBits | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll |
SHSimulateDrop | browseui.dll, cabview.dll, printui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiashext.dll |
SHSkipJunction | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHStrDupA | shimgvw.dll |
SHStrDupW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, netplwiz.dll, printui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, srchui.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHStringFromGUIDA | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
SHStringFromGUIDW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, fldrclnr.dll, msieftp.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wlnotify.dll |
SHStripMneumonicA | |
SHStripMneumonicW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
SHTerminateThreadPool | |
SHTruncateString | |
SHUnicodeToAnsi | admparse.dll, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, comdlg32.dll, explorer.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msxml3.dll, plustab.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shsvcs.dll, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHUnicodeToAnsiCP | browseui.dll, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHUnicodeToUnicode | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, cleanmgr.exe, comdlg32.dll, compstui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, msieftp.dll, plustab.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, tapi32.dll, tapisnap.dll, themeui.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, zipfldr.dll |
SHUnlockShared | browseui.dll, cscui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHUnregisterClassesA | |
SHUnregisterClassesW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHUnregisterWait | |
SHVerbExistsNA | |
SHWaitForSendMessageThread | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
SHWeakQueryInterface | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHWeakReleaseInterface | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SHWinHelpOnDemandA | msrating.dll, occache.dll, url.dll |
SHWinHelpOnDemandW | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
SHWriteDataBlockList | shell32.dll |
SKAllocValueW | shell32.dll |
SKDeleteValueW | shell32.dll |
SKGetValueW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
SKSetValueW | browseui.dll, shell32.dll |
StartDocWrapW | iepeers.dll |
StopWatch_CheckMsg | browseui.dll |
StopWatch_DispatchTime | browseui.dll |
StopWatch_MarkFrameStart | browseui.dll |
StopWatch_MarkJavaStop | shdocvw.dll |
StopWatch_MarkSameFrameStart | shdocvw.dll |
StopWatch_SetMsgLastLocation | browseui.dll |
StopWatch_TimerHandler | browseui.dll |
StopWatchA | iexplore.exe, shdocvw.dll |
StopWatchW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shell32.dll |
StopWatchExA | |
StopWatchExW | |
StopWatchFlush | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
StopWatchMode | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iexplore.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
StrCatW | aclui.dll, admparse.dll, appconf.dll, appmgr.dll, appwiz.cpl, batmeter.dll, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, camocx.dll, cdfview.dll, certmgr.dll, certtmpl.dll, cladmwiz.dll, clcfgsrv.dll, comctl32.dll, compatui.dll, compstui.dll, copy2gac.exe, credui.dll, cscui.dll, desk.cpl, deskadp.dll, deskmon.dll, deskperf.dll, devmgr.dll, dfrgsnap.dll, dfrgui.dll, dfsgui.dll, diskcopy.dll, dmdlgs.dll, dmdskmgr.dll, docprop.dll, docprop2.dll, dpvoice.dll, dskquoui.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, filemgmt.dll, fldrclnr.dll, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, fxscfgwz.dll, fxsui.dll, fxswzrd.dll, hdwwiz.cpl, hnetwiz.dll, icmui.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, irprops.cpl, joy.cpl, keymgr.dll, main.cpl, migwiz.exe, mlang.dll, mmc.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msident.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, msrating.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, muisetup.exe, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, netshell.dll, newdev.dll, ntmsmgr.dll, ntshrui.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, objsel.dll, photowiz.dll, plustab.dll, powercfg.cpl, printui.dll, psisdecd.dll,, rasautou.exe, rasdlg.dll, rasphone.exe, risetup.exe, rtcdll.dll, sapi.cpl, sendmail.dll, setupapi.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, slayerxp.dll, smlogcfg.dll, srchui.dll, sti_ci.dll, stobject.dll, syncui.dll, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, vssui.dll, w3ext.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiadefui.dll, wiashext.dll, wininet.dll, wsecedit.dll, wzcdlg.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrCatBuffA | copymar.exe, hmmapi.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, occache.dll, pchshell.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, wininet.dll |
StrCatBuffW | autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, comctl32.dll, comdlg32.dll, copymar.exe, explorer.exe, factory.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fusion.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msdinst.exe, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msobmain.dll, mstime.dll, netplwiz.dll, nusrmgr.cpl, plustab.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, sysdm.cpl, sysprep.exe, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, urlmon.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrCatChainW | shell32.dll |
StrChrA | binlsvc.dll, conf.exe, helpsvc.exe, hhctrl.ocx, hhsetup.dll, hmmapi.dll, inetcomm.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msoert2.dll, msxml3.dll, occache.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
StrChrW | aclui.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, binlsvc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, cdm.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, dskquota.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, factory.exe, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, grpconv.exe, hhctrl.ocx, hnetwiz.dll, hotplug.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msobcomm.dll, msobmain.dll, msoert2.dll, netplwiz.dll, pdialog.exe, plustab.dll, regedit.exe, rigpsnap.dll, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, rshx32.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, syncui.dll, sysdm.cpl, sysprep.exe, tabletoc.dll, tabletpc.cpl, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrChrIA | hhctrl.ocx, inetcomm.dll, migwiz_a.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
StrChrIW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, iedkcs32.dll, migwiz.exe, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, webvw.dll, wiascr.dll |
StrChrNW | |
StrChrNIW | |
StrCmpW | admparse.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, binlsvc.dll, browseui.dll, cleanmgr.exe, comdlg32.dll, dataclen.dll, desk.cpl, directdb.dll, docprop2.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, hhctrl.ocx, hnetwiz.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuengine.dll, jsproxy.dll, logonmgr.dll, migwiz.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, plustab.dll, popc.dll, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shmedia.dll, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, tourstrt.exe, urlmon.dll, w3ext.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
StrCmpCA | urlmon.dll |
StrCmpCW | explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
StrCmpIW | admparse.dll, appconf.dll, autodisc.dll, binlsvc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, clcfgsrv.dll, clusres.dll, comctl32.dll, comdlg32.dll, copy2gac.exe, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, desk.cpl, directdb.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, dxtrans.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fusion.dll, hhctrl.ocx, hnetwiz.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, jsproxy.dll, logonmgr.dll, migwiz.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msieftp.dll, msimn.exe, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msobmain.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msoert2.dll, mstime.dll, msxml3.dll, mydocs.dll, ncxpnt.dll, netplwiz.dll, pchshell.dll, plustab.dll, popc.dll, risetup.exe, rstrui.exe, safrslv.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, srrstr.dll, sysdm.cpl, tapi32.dll, tdc.ocx, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
StrCmpICA | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, webvw.dll |
StrCmpICW | browseui.dll, explorer.exe, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, urlmon.dll, webvw.dll |
StrCmpLogicalW | shell32.dll |
StrCmpNA | fusion.dll, hhctrl.ocx, inetcomm.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, wininet.dll |
StrCmpNW | appwiz.cpl, admparse.dll, bootcfg.exe, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, copymar.exe, drvqry.exe, dskquoui.dll, dsquery.dll, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, iedkcs32.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, riprep.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shsvcs.dll, tapi32.dll |
StrCmpNCA | msxml3.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
StrCmpNCW | shell32.dll |
StrCmpNIA | aclayers.dll, binlsvc.dll, conf.exe, fldrclnr.dll, hhctrl.ocx, inetcomm.dll, logonmgr.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msoert2.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, occache.dll, oeimport.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wsdueng.dll |
StrCmpNIW | appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, binlsvc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, cscui.dll, dataclen.dll, devmgr.dll, dxtrans.dll, explorer.exe, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, hhctrl.ocx, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, logman.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msobshel.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, pchshell.dll, pdh.dll, plustab.dll, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, rstrui.exe, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, tdc.ocx, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wiascr.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrCmpNICA | msxml3.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
StrCmpNICW | explorer.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
StrCpyW | admparse.dll, appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cdfview.dll, cleanmgr.exe, copy2gac.exe, cscui.dll, directdb.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, hnetwiz.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetmgr.dll, logui.ocx, migwiz.exe, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msident.dll, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, mstask.dll, mstime.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, plustab.dll, psisdecd.dll,, risetup.exe, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, themeui.dll, uihelper.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, w3ext.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiascr.dll, wininet.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrCpyNW | admparse.dll, appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, browsewm.dll, cabview.dll, cdfview.dll, clcfgsrv.dll, cleanmgr.exe, comdlg32.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, desk.cpl, devmgr.dll, dsquery.dll, dsuiext.dll, dxtrans.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fusion.dll, gcdef.dll, hhctrl.ocx, hnetwiz.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, migwiz.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msoert2.dll, mstime.dll, mydocs.dll, ncxpnt.dll, netplwiz.dll, occache.dll, plustab.dll, rstrui.exe, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, srrstr.dll, synceng.dll, sysdm.cpl, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, tourstrt.exe, unregmp2.exe, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiascr.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrCpyNXA | |
StrCpyNXW | |
StrCSpnA | webcheck.dll |
StrCSpnW | admparse.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
StrCSpnIA | |
StrCSpnIW | mstime.dll |
StrDupA | autodisc.dll, inetcomm.dll, migwiz_a.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msrating.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
StrDupW | admparse.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, clusres.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, docprop2.dll, explorer.exe, gcdef.dll, iepeers.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetmgr.dll, migwiz.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, netplwiz.dll, riprep.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, tabletpc.cpl, themeui.dll, uihelper.dll, urlmon.dll, w3ext.dll, webcheck.dll |
StrFormatByteSizeA | msieftp.dll, msoe.dll, webcheck.dll |
StrFormatByteSizeW | cdfview.dll, cmprops.dll, inetcomm.dll, journal.exe, msieftp.dll, msnmetal.dll, printui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, sysdm.cpl, taskmgr.exe, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiadefui.dll, wiashext.dll, wmplayer.exe |
StrFormatByteSize64A | fxsadmin.dll |
StrFormatKBSizeA | |
StrFormatKBSizeW | cabview.dll, cleanmgr.exe, cscui.dll, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrFromTimeIntervalA | |
StrFromTimeIntervalW | shdocvw.dll, wmplayer.exe |
StrIsIntlEqualA | |
StrIsIntlEqualW | |
StrNCatA | msoe.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
StrNCatW | cdfview.dll, custsat.dll, devmgr.dll, fusion.dll, gcdef.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, shell32.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
StrPBrkA | hhctrl.ocx |
StrPBrkW | ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, uihelper.dll, webvw.dll |
StrRChrA | logonmgr.dll, msnmetal.dll, msxml3.dll, pchshell.dll, shell32.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
StrRChrW | appwiz.cpl, sysdm.cpl, aclui.dll, admparse.dll, browseui.dll, cdm.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, devmgr.dll, fontext.dll, fusion.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, imadmui.dll, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, mshtml.dll, msnmetal.dll, mstime.dll, regedit.exe, rigpsnap.dll, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, sysprep.exe, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuauserv.dll |
StrRChrIA | logonmgr.dll, shell32.dll |
StrRChrIW | msoe.dll, muisetup.exe, shell32.dll, wiascr.dll |
StrRetToBSTR | shell32.dll |
StrRetToBufA | occache.dll |
StrRetToBufW | appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cabview.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, docprop2.dll, dskquoui.dll, ehuihlp.dll, explorer.exe, fldrclnr.dll, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, mydocs.dll, netplwiz.dll, netshell.dll, ntshrui.dll, pdialog.exe, photowiz.dll, printui.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, srchui.dll, themeui.dll, webvw.dll, wiashext.dll, wmpshell.dll, wmpstub.exe, zipfldr.dll |
StrRetToStrA | |
StrRetToStrW | compatui.dll, explorer.exe, iedkcs32.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, webvw.dll |
StrRStrIA | aclayers.dll, shell32.dll |
StrRStrIW | browseui.dll, ieaksie.dll, msnmetal.dll, shell32.dll |
StrSpnA | webcheck.dll |
StrSpnW | admparse.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, msobmain.dll, mstime.dll, shdocvw.dll |
StrStrA | directdb.dll, fusion.dll, hhctrl.ocx, inetcomm.dll, msdbx.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msxml3.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
StrStrW | browseui.dll, comdlg32.dll, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, desk.cpl, factory.exe, gpedit.dll, hnetwiz.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, sysdm.cpl, sysprep.exe,themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrStrIA | binlsvc.dll, directdb.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcomm.dll, logonmgr.dll, logonui.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msoe.dll, msoert2.dll, occache.dll, script_a.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, update.exe, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wsdueng.dll |
StrStrIW | appwiz.cpl, binlsvc.dll, browseui.dll, cleanmgr.exe, copymar.exe, desk.cpl, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, gpedit.dll, helpsvc.exe, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, imadmui.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, msdinst.exe, msgina.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msobshel.dll, msoe.dll, mstime.dll, muisetup.exe, oobebaln.exe, rastls.dll, regedit.exe, riprep.exe, risetup.exe, script.dll, setupmgr.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmgrate.exe, srchui.dll, srrstr.dll, sysprep.exe, taskmgr.exe, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, tlntadmn.exe, tsuserex.dll, webvw.dll, wininet.dll, wmic.exe |
StrStrNW | |
StrStrNIW | |
StrToIntA | diskcopy.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msxml3.dll, occache.dll, shell32.dll, url.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll, wsdueng.dll |
StrToIntW | admparse.dll, appconf.dll, appwiz.cpl, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, certwiz.ocx cleanmgr.exe, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, desk.cpl, devmgr.dll, diskcopy.dll, dsuiext.dll, explorer.exe, fusion.dll, grpconv.exe, hnetwiz.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, inetmgr.dll, iuengine.dll, journal.exe, main.cpl, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msnmetal.dll, msoeacct.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netplwiz.dll, photowiz.dll, regedit.exe, rstrui.exe, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shmgrate.exe, stobject.dll, syncui.dll, sysdm.cpl, tabletpc.cpl, tapi32.dll, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll, wsecedit.dll, wuauclt.exe, wuaueng.dll, wuv3is.dll, zipfldr.dll |
StrToInt64ExA | |
StrToInt64ExW | journal.exe |
StrToIntExA | directdb.dll, msdbx.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
StrToIntExW | autodisc.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuengine.dll, msinfo.dll, msmom.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, sysdm.cpl, tabletpc.cpl, themeui.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe |
StrTrimA | msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll |
StrTrimW | accwiz.exe, evtgprov.dll, ieakeng.dll, iedkcs32.dll, mshtml.dll, msmom.dll, msnmetal.dll, msobmain.dll, mstsmmc.dll, sctasks.exe, shdocvw.dll, syssetup.dll, tsuserex.dll, webcheck.dll, wiaacmgr.exe |
SystemParametersInfoWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, mstime.dll, plustab.dll, spsrx.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
TrackPopupMenuExWrap | browseui.dll |
TrackPopupMenuWrap | browseui.dll, inetcpl.cpl, mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, webvw.dll |
TranslateAcceleratorWrapW | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll |
UnregisterClassWrapW | msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, spsrx.dll, webvw.dll |
UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeA | |
UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeW | |
UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionA | |
UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionW | |
UrlApplySchemeA | msrating.dll |
UrlApplySchemeW | mshtml.dll, msoe.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
UrlCanonicalizeA | msoert2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
UrlCanonicalizeW | browseui.dll, fusion.dll, helpctr.exe, mscorie.dll, mscorld.dll, mscorsvr.dll, mscorwks.dll, mshtml.dll, msoert2.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, ntmarta.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, wininet.dll |
UrlCombineA | msxml3.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
UrlCombineW | dxtmsft.dll, fusion.dll, inetcomm.dll, iuctl.dll, iuengine.dll, msieftp.dll, msnmetal.dll, netplwiz.dll, proctexe.ocx, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll, wuaueng.dll |
UrlCompareA | |
UrlCompareW | mshtml.dll, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll |
UrlCrackW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll |
UrlCreateFromPathA | |
UrlCreateFromPathW | browseui.dll, inetmgr.dll, mshtml.dll, msnmetal.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, webvw.dll |
UrlEscapeA | msoe.dll |
UrlEscapeW | ahui.exe, browseui.dll, fusion.dll, mscorsvr.dll, mscorwks.dll, msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll |
UrlFixupW | browseui.dll, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll |
UrlGetLocationA | urlmon.dll |
UrlGetLocationW | mshtml.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
UrlGetPartA | msoeacct.dll, urlmon.dll |
UrlGetPartW | fusion.dll, helpctr.exe, iuengine.dll, moviemk.exe, mshtml.dll, msnmetal.dll, netplwiz.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll, wuaueng.dll |
UrlHashA | |
UrlHashW | msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll |
UrlIsA | shell32.dll |
UrlIsW | comdlg32.dll, fusion.dll, mmsys.cpl, mscorie.dll, mscorld.dll, mshtml.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, vsavb7rt.dll |
UrlIsNoHistoryA | |
UrlIsNoHistoryW | shdocvw.dll |
UrlIsOpaqueA | |
UrlIsOpaqueW | mshtml.dll |
UrlUnescapeA | browseui.dll, inetcomm.dll, msoe.dll, msxml3.dll, shdocvw.dll, urlmon.dll, winhttp.dll, wininet.dll |
UrlUnescapeW | ahui.exe, browseui.dll, dsuiext.dll, fusion.dll, iepeers.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msinfo.dll, msmom.dll, msxml2.dll, msxml3.dll, netfxcfg.dll, netfxcfgprov.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, urlmon.dll |
VerQueryValueWrapW | mshtml.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll, spsrx.dll |
VkKeyScanWrapW | mshtml.dll |
WhichPlatform | browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcpl.cpl, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll |
WinHelpWrapW | mshtml.dll, plustab.dll, sapi.cpl, shdocvw.dll |
WNetGetLastErrorWrapW | browseui.dll |
WNetRestoreConnectionWrapW | |
wnsprintfA | autodisc.dll, copy2gac.exe, copymar.exe, custsat.dll, dwwin.exe, fusion.dll, hmmapi.dll, iepeers.dll, iexplore.exe, inetcomm.dll, inetcpl.cpl, jnwdui.dll, logonmgr.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msoe.dll, msoeacct.dll, msrating.dll, occache.dll, popc.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shimgvw.dll, shsvcs.dll, themeui.dll, urlmon.dll, wabfind.dll, webcheck.dll, wininet.dll |
wnsprintfW | admparse.dll, appwiz.cpl, autodisc.dll, browseui.dll, cdfview.dll, clcfgsrv.dll, comdlg32.dll, compstui.dll, copymar.exe, cscui.dll, custsat.dll, els.dll, explorer.exe, factory.exe, fldrclnr.dll, fusion.dll, hotplug.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, iepeers.dll, inetcpl.cpl, iuctl.dll, jnwdui.dll, journal.exe, msdbx.dll, mshtml.dll, msieftp.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, msnspell.dll, msobmain.dll, mstime.dll, mydocs.dll, ncxpnt.dll, netplwiz.dll, ntshrui.dll, photowiz.dll, plustab.dll, popc.dll, printui.dll, runonce.exe, safrslv.dll, sendmail.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, shgina.dll, shimgvw.dll, shmedia.dll, shmgrate.exe, srchui.dll, stobject.dll, sysdm.cpl, sysprep.exe, tabletpc.cpl, taskmgr.exe, themeui.dll, timedate.cpl, urlmon.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll, wiaacmgr.exe, wiadefui.dll, wininet.dll, wlnotify.dll, zipfldr.dll |
WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW | admparse.dll, cdfview.dll, ieakeng.dll, ieaksie.dll, iedkcs32.dll, inetcpl.cpl, msmom.dll, shdocvw.dll, webcheck.dll, webvw.dll |
WritePrivateProfileStructWrapW | shdocvw.dll |
wvnsprintfA | copymar.exe, msgrocm.dll, msmom.dll, msn6.exe, msnmetal.dll, shdocvw.dll, wininet.dll |
wvnsprintfW | comdlg32.dll, copy2gac.exe, copymar.exe, ehrec.exe, ehsched.exe, fusion.dll, fxscfgwz.dll, gpupdate.exe, iedkcs32.dll, msgrocm.dll, mstime.dll, ntprint.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll, syssetup.dll, themeui.dll, wlbs.exe |
wvsprintfWrapW | mshtml.dll, mshtmled.dll, webvw.dll |
ZoneCheckHost | msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
ZoneCheckHostEx | |
ZoneCheckPathA | |
ZoneCheckPathW | |
ZoneCheckUrlA | |
ZoneCheckUrlW | shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
ZoneCheckUrlExA | |
ZoneCheckUrlExW | mshtml.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheA | |
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheW | |
ZoneComputePaneSize | msieftp.dll, shdocvw.dll, shell32.dll |
ZoneConfigureW | browseui.dll, shdocvw.dll |