Exports Added For ADVAPI32 5.2

The table below lists all the functions that are first exported from ADVAPI32 by name in some build of version 5.2, i.e., for Windows Server 2003.

Function Remarks
ElfReportEventAndSourceW begins in SP1
I_QueryTagInformation begins in SP1;
forwarded to API-MS-Win-Service-winsvc-L1-1-0 in 6.1 only;
forwarded to api-ms-win-service-private-l1-1-0 in 6.2 and higher
RegConnectRegistryExA begins in SP1
RegConnectRegistryExW begins in SP1
RegDeleteKeyExA begins in SP1;
implemented as jump to API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteKeyExW begins in SP1;
implemented as jump to API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0 in 6.1 and higher
RegDisableReflectionKey begins in SP1
RegEnableReflectionKey begins in SP1
RegGetValueA begins in SP1;
implemented as jump to API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0 in 6.1 and higher
RegGetValueW begins in SP1;
implemented as jump to API-MS-Win-Core-LocalRegistry-L1-1-0 in 6.1 and higher
RegQueryReflectionKey begins in SP1