Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst
All functions in the API-MS-Win-Core-ProcessEnvironment-L1-1-0 set are exports
from KERNEL32:
- ExpandEnvironmentStringsA
- ExpandEnvironmentStringsW
- FreeEnvironmentStringsA
- FreeEnvironmentStringsW
- GetCommandLineA
- GetCommandLineW
- GetCurrentDirectoryA
- GetCurrentDirectoryW
- GetEnvironmentStrings
- GetEnvironmentStringsA
- GetEnvironmentStringsW
- GetEnvironmentVariableA
- GetEnvironmentVariableW
- GetStdHandle
- SearchPathW
- SetCurrentDirectoryA
- SetCurrentDirectoryW
- SetEnvironmentStringsW
- SetEnvironmentVariableA
- SetEnvironmentVariableW
- SetStdHandle
- SetStdHandleEx
The implementations in KERNEL32 version 6.1 and higher are just stubs which transfer
the handling to wherever the schema redirects the API Set.
New Locations
Non-trivial implementations of all functions in this API Set are exported from
KERNELBASE version 6.1 and higher.
Schema Redirection
The Windows 7 schema redirects this API Set to KERNELBASE. Thus:
- high-level executables, which do not use the API Set, continue to import these
functions from KERNEL32;
- low-level executables have their imports from the API Set redirected to KERNELBASE;
- as a particular case of the preceding, the stub implementations in KERNEL32
import from underlying implementations in KERNELBASE.