Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst
All the many functions in the API-MS-Win-Security-Base-L1-1-0 set are exports from ADVAPI32:
- AccessCheck
- AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW
- AccessCheckByType
- AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW
- AccessCheckByTypeResultList
- AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW
- AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW
- AddAccessAllowedAce
- AddAccessAllowedAceEx
- AddAccessAllowedObjectAce
- AddAccessDeniedAce
- AddAccessDeniedAceEx
- AddAccessDeniedObjectAce
- AddAce
- AddAuditAccessAce
- AddAuditAccessAceEx
- AddAuditAccessObjectAce
- AddMandatoryAce
- AdjustTokenGroups
- AdjustTokenPrivileges
- AllocateAndInitializeSid
- AllocateLocallyUniqueId
- AreAllAccessesGranted
- AreAnyAccessesGranted
- CheckTokenMembership
- ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity
- CopySid
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurity
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx
- CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance
- CreateRestrictedToken
- CreateWellKnownSid
- DeleteAce
- DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity
- DuplicateToken
- DuplicateTokenEx
- EqualDomainSid
- EqualPrefixSid
- EqualSid
- FindFirstFreeAce
- FreeSid
- GetAce
- GetAclInformation
- GetFileSecurityW
- GetKernelObjectSecurity
- GetLengthSid
- GetPrivateObjectSecurity
- GetSecurityDescriptorControl
- GetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- GetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- GetSecurityDescriptorLength
- GetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl
- GetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- GetSidIdentifierAuthority
- GetSidLengthRequired
- GetSidSubAuthority
- GetSidSubAuthorityCount
- GetTokenInformation
- GetWindowsAccountDomainSid
- ImpersonateAnonymousToken
- ImpersonateLoggedOnUser
- ImpersonateSelf
- InitializeAcl
- InitializeSecurityDescriptor
- InitializeSid
- IsTokenRestricted
- IsValidAcl
- IsValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor
- IsValidSecurityDescriptor
- IsValidSid
- IsWellKnownSid
- MakeAbsoluteSD
- MakeAbsoluteSD2
- MakeSelfRelativeSD
- MapGenericMask
- ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW
- ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW
- ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW
- ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW
- PrivilegeCheck
- PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW
- QuerySecurityAccessMask
- RevertToSelf
- SetAclInformation
- SetFileSecurityW
- SetKernelObjectSecurity
- SetPrivateObjectSecurity
- SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx
- SetSecurityAccessMask
- SetSecurityDescriptorControl
- SetSecurityDescriptorDacl
- SetSecurityDescriptorGroup
- SetSecurityDescriptorOwner
- SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl
- SetSecurityDescriptorSacl
- SetTokenInformation
The implementations in ADVAPI32 version 6.1 and higher are just stubs which transfer
the handling to wherever the schema redirects the API Set.
New Locations
Non-trivial implementations of all functions in this API Set are exported from
KERNELBASE version 6.1 and higher.
Schema Redirection
The Windows 7 schema redirects this API Set to KERNELBASE. Thus:
- high-level executables, which do not use the API Set, continue to import these
functions from ADVAPI32;
- low-level executables have their imports from the API Set redirected to KERNELBASE;
- as a particular case of the preceding, the stub implementations in ADVAPI32
import from underlying implementations in KERNELBASE.