KERNEL32 Functions

The large table on this page lists all the functions—there are nearing 2,000 of them, depending how you count—that appear in the export directory of any known version of KERNEL32.DLL. For each function, the table gives just a brief summary of the applicable KERNEL32 versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation.

Describing the applicable versions is complicated by the use of the name Windows for two operating systems. The Windows that runs on DOS came first and is referred to below as Windows. The Windows that survives today began as Windows NT and is referred to below as NT even though it has long superseded the other Windows.

Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
AcquireSRWLockExclusive 6.0 and higher documented
AcquireSRWLockShared 6.0 and higher documented
AcquireStateLock 6.2 only  
ActivateActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
ActivateActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
AddAtomA 3.51 and higher documented
AddAtomW 3.51 and higher documented
AddConsoleAliasA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
AddConsoleAliasW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
AddDllDirectory 6.2 and higher documented
AddIntegrityLabelToBoundaryDescriptor 6.1 and higher  
AddLocalAlternateComputerNameA 5.1 and higher documented
AddLocalAlternateComputerNameW 5.1 and higher documented
AddRefActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
AddRefActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
AddResourceAttributeAce 6.2 and higher documented
AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor 6.0 and higher documented
AddScopedPolicyIDAce 6.2 and higher documented
AddSecureMemoryCacheCallback 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
AddVectoredContinueHandler 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
AddVectoredExceptionHandler 5.1 and higher documented
AdjustCalendarDate 6.0 and higher documented
AllocConsole 3.51 and higher documented
AllocLSCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
AllocMappedBuffer (38) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
AllocSLCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
AllocateUserPhysicalPages 5.0 and higher documented
AllocateUserPhysicalPagesNuma 6.0 and higher documented
AppContainerDeriveSidFromMoniker 6.2 only  
AppContainerFreeMemory 6.2 only  
AppContainerLookupDisplayNameMrtReference 6.2 only  
AppContainerLookupMoniker 6.2 only  
AppContainerRegisterSid 6.2 only  
AppContainerUnregisterSid 6.2 only  
AppXFreeMemory 6.2 only  
AppXGetApplicationData 6.2 only  
AppXGetDevelopmentMode 6.2 only  
AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested 6.2 and higher  
AppXGetOSMinVersion 6.2 only  
AppXGetPackageCapabilities 6.2 only  
AppXGetPackageSid 6.2 only  
AppXGetPackageState 6.2 only  
AppXLookupDisplayName 6.2 only  
AppXLookupMoniker 6.2 only  
AppXSetPackageState 6.2 only  
ApplicationRecoveryFinished 6.0 and higher documented
ApplicationRecoveryInProgress 6.0 and higher documented
AreFileApisANSI 3.51 and higher documented
AssignProcessToJobObject 5.0 and higher documented
AttachConsole 5.1 and higher documented
BackupRead 3.51 and higher documented
BackupSeek 3.51 and higher documented
BackupWrite 3.51 and higher documented
BaseAttachCompleteThunk 3.51 to 5.0 (NT only)  
BaseCheckAppcompatCache 5.1 and higher  
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx 6.1 and higher  
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheExWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseCheckElevation 6.2 and higher  
BaseCheckRunApp 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, to 6.3  
BaseCleanupAppcompatCache 5.1 only  
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport 5.1 and higher  
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupportWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseDestroyVDMEnvironment 6.2 and higher  
BaseDllReadWriteIniFile 6.1 and higher  
BaseDumpAppcompatCache 5.1 and higher  
BaseDumpAppcompatCacheWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseElevationPostProcessing 6.2 and higher  
BaseFlushAppcompatCache 5.1 and higher  
BaseFlushAppcompatCacheWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseFormatObjectAttributes 6.1 and higher  
BaseFormatTimeOut 6.1 and higher  
BaseFreeAppCompatDataForProcessWorker 6.3 and higher  
BaseGenerateAppCompatData 6.0 and higher  
BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory 6.1 and higher  
BaseInitAppcompatCache 5.1 only  
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupport 5.1 and higher  
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupportWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabled 5.2 and higher  
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabledWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseIsDosApplication 6.2 and higher  
BaseProcessInitPostImport 5.1 and 5.2  
BaseProcessStart 5.2 only (x64 only)  
BaseQueryModuleData some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
BaseReadAppCompatDataForProcessWorker 6.3 and higher  
BaseSetLastNTError 6.1 and higher  
BaseThreadInitThunk 6.0 and higher  
BaseThreadStart 5.2 only (x64 only)  
BaseUpdateAppcompatCache 5.1 and higher  
BaseUpdateAppcompatCacheWorker 6.2 and higher  
BaseUpdateVDMEntry 6.2 and higher  
BaseVerifyUnicodeString 6.1 and higher  
BaseWriteErrorElevationRequiredEvent 6.2 and higher  
Basep8BitStringToDynamicUnicodeString 6.1 and higher  
BasepAllocateActivationContextActivationBlock 6.1 and higher  
BasepAnsiStringToDynamicUnicodeString 6.1 and higher  
BasepAppCompatHookDLL 6.2 only  
BasepAppContainerEnvironmentExtension 6.2 and higher  
BasepAppXExtension 6.2 and higher  
BasepCheckAppCompat 6.1 and higher  
BasepCheckBadapp 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, to 6.3  
BasepCheckWebBladeHashes 6.2 and higher  
BasepCheckWinSaferRestrictions some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
BasepConstructSxsCreateProcessMessage 6.2 and higher  
BasepCopyEncryption 6.2 and higher  
BasepFreeActivationContextActivationBlock 6.1 and higher  
BasepFreeAppCompatData 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
BasepGetAppCompatData 6.2 and higher  
BasepGetComputerNameFromNtPath 6.2 and higher  
BasepGetExeArchType 6.2 and higher  
BasepIsProcessAllowed 6.2 and higher  
BasepMapModuleHandle 6.1 and higher  
BasepNotifyLoadStringResource 6.2 and higher  
BasepPostSuccessAppXExtension 6.2 and higher  
BasepProcessInvalidImage 6.2 and higher  
BasepQueryAppCompat 6.2 and higher  
BasepReleaseAppXContext 6.2 and higher  
BasepReleaseSxsCreateProcessUtilityStruct 6.2 and higher  
BasepReportFault 6.2 and higher  
BasepSetFileEncryptionCompression 6.2 and higher  
Beep 3.51 and higher documented
BeginUpdateResourceA 3.51 and higher documented
BeginUpdateResourceW 3.51 and higher documented
BindIoCompletionCallback 5.0 and higher documented
BoostFileCache (101) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
BuildCommDCBA 3.51 and higher documented
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA 3.51 and higher documented
BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW 3.51 and higher documented
BuildCommDCBW 3.51 and higher documented
CallNamedPipeA 3.51 and higher documented
CallNamedPipeW 3.51 and higher documented
Callback12 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback16 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback20 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback24 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback28 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback32 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback36 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback4 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback40 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback44 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback48 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback52 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback56 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback60 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback64 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Callback8 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CallbackMayRunLong 6.0 and higher documented
CalloutOnFiberStack 6.3 and higher  
CancelDeviceWakeupRequest 4.10 and higher  
CancelIo 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
CancelIoEx 6.0 and higher documented
CancelSynchronousIo 6.0 and higher documented
CancelThreadpoolIo 6.0 and higher documented
CancelTimerQueueTimer 5.0 and higher  
CancelWaitableTimer 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
CeipIsOptedIn 6.2 and higher documented
ChangeTimerQueueTimer 5.0 and higher documented
CheckAllowDecryptedRemoteDestinationPolicy 6.2 and higher  
CheckElevation 6.0 and higher  
CheckElevationEnabled 6.0 and higher  
CheckForReadOnlyResource 6.0 and higher  
CheckForReadOnlyResourceFilter 6.2 and higher  
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3A 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented for settlement
CheckNameLegalDOS8Dot3W 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented for settlement
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
CheckTokenCapability 6.2 and higher documented
CheckTokenMembershipEx 6.2 and higher documented
ClearCommBreak 3.51 and higher documented
ClearCommError 3.51 and higher documented
CloseConsoleHandle 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
CloseHandle 3.51 and higher documented
ClosePackageInfo 6.2 and higher documented
ClosePrivateNamespace 6.0 and higher documented
CloseProfileUserMapping 3.51 and higher  
CloseState 6.2 and higher  
CloseStateAtom 6.2 only  
CloseStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
CloseStateContainer 6.2 only  
CloseStateLock 6.2 only  
CloseSystemHandle 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CloseThreadpool 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolIo 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolTimer 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolWait 6.0 and higher documented
CloseThreadpoolWork 6.0 and higher documented
CmdBatNotification 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
CommConfigDialogA 3.51 and higher documented
CommConfigDialogW 3.51 and higher documented
CommitStateAtom 6.2 only  
Common32ThkLS (45) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CommonUnimpStub (17) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CompareCalendarDates 6.0 and higher  
CompareFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
CompareStringA 3.51 and higher documented
CompareStringEx 6.0 and higher documented
CompareStringOrdinal 6.0 and higher documented
CompareStringW 3.51 and higher documented
ConnectNamedPipe 3.51 and higher documented
ConsoleIMERoutine 5.2 and 6.0 (x64 only)  
ConsoleMenuControl 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ContinueDebugEvent 3.51 and higher documented
ConvertCalDateTimeToSystemTime 6.0 and higher documented
ConvertDefaultLocale 3.51 and higher documented
ConvertFiberToThread 5.1 and higher documented
ConvertNLSDayOfWeekToWin32DayOfWeek 6.0 and higher  
ConvertSystemTimeToCalDateTime 6.0 and higher documented
ConvertThreadToFiber 3.51 from Windows NT 3.51 SP5, and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
ConvertThreadToFiberEx 5.2 and higher documented
ConvertToGlobalHandle 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CopyContext 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
CopyExtendedContext 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
CopyFile2 6.2 and higher documented
CopyFileA 3.51 and higher documented
CopyFileExA 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
CopyFileExW 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
CopyFileTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
CopyFileTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
CopyFileW 3.51 and higher documented
CopyLZFile 5.1 and higher documented
CreateActCtxA 5.1 and higher documented
CreateActCtxW 5.1 and higher documented
CreateActCtxWWorker 6.2 and higher  
CreateBoundaryDescriptorA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateBoundaryDescriptorW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateConsoleScreenBuffer 3.51 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryExA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryExW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateEventA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateEventExA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateEventExW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateEventW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateFiber 3.51 from Windows NT 3.51 SP5, and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
CreateFiberEx 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP2, and higher documented
CreateFile2 6.2 and higher documented
CreateFileA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateFileMappingA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateFileMappingFromApp 6.2 and higher documented
CreateFileMappingNumaA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateFileMappingNumaW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateFileMappingW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateFileTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateFileTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateFileW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateHardLinkA 5.0 and higher documented
CreateHardLinkTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateHardLinkTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateHardLinkW 5.0 and higher documented
CreateIoCompletionPort 3.51 and higher documented
CreateJobObjectA 5.0 and higher documented
CreateJobObjectW 5.0 and higher documented
CreateJobSet 5.1 and higher  
CreateKernelThread 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
CreateMailslotA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateMailslotW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateMemoryResourceNotification 5.1 and higher documented
CreateMutexA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateMutexExA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateMutexExW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateMutexW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateNamedPipeA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateNamedPipeW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateNlsSecurityDescriptor 5.1 from Windows XP SP1 to 5.2  
CreatePipe 3.51 and higher documented
CreatePrivateNamespaceA 6.0 and higher documented
CreatePrivateNamespaceW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateProcessA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateProcessAsUserA 10.0 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
CreateProcessAsUserW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
CreateProcessInternalA 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP3, and higher  
CreateProcessInternalW 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP3, and higher  
CreateProcessInternalWSecure some 5.0 and 5.1 only;
begins in 5.0 from Windows 2000 SP4;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2
CreateProcessW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateRemoteThread 3.51 and higher documented
CreateRemoteThreadEx 6.1 and higher documented
CreateSemaphoreA 3.51 and higher documented
CreateSemaphoreExA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateSemaphoreExW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateSemaphoreW 3.51 and higher documented
CreateSocketHandle 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT, x86 only)
CreateStateAtom 6.2 only  
CreateStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
CreateStateContainer 6.2 only  
CreateStateLock 6.2 only  
CreateStateSubcontainer 6.2 only  
CreateSymbolicLinkA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateSymbolicLinkTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateSymbolicLinkW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateTapePartition 3.51 and higher documented
CreateThread 3.51 and higher documented
CreateThreadpool 6.0 and higher documented
CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup 6.0 and higher documented
CreateThreadpoolIo 6.0 and higher documented
CreateThreadpoolTimer 6.0 and higher documented
CreateThreadpoolWait 6.0 and higher documented
CreateThreadpoolWork 6.0 and higher documented
CreateTimerQueue 5.0 and higher documented
CreateTimerQueueTimer 5.0 and higher documented
CreateToolhelp32Snapshot 4.0 and higher documented
CreateUmsCompletionList 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
CreateUmsThreadContext 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
CreateVirtualBuffer 3.51 to 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1 (NT only)  
CreateWaitableTimerA 4.0 (NT) and higher documented
CreateWaitableTimerExA 6.0 and higher documented
CreateWaitableTimerExW 6.0 and higher documented
CreateWaitableTimerW 4.0 (NT) and higher documented
CtrlRoutine 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64);
6.1 and higher (x86)
DeactivateActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
DeactivateActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
DebugActiveProcess 3.51 and higher documented
DebugActiveProcessStop 5.1 and higher documented
DebugBreak 3.51 and higher documented
DebugBreakProcess 5.1 and higher documented
DebugSetProcessKillOnExit 5.1 and higher documented
DecodePointer some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
DecodeSystemPointer some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
DefineDosDeviceA 3.51 and higher documented
DefineDosDeviceW 3.51 and higher documented
DelayLoadFailureHook 5.0 and higher  
DeleteAtom 3.51 and higher documented
DeleteBoundaryDescriptor 6.0 and higher documented
DeleteCriticalSection 3.51 and higher documented
DeleteFiber 3.51 from Windows NT 3.51 SP5, and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
DeleteFileA 3.51 and higher documented
DeleteFileTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
DeleteFileTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
DeleteFileW 3.51 and higher documented
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList 6.0 and higher documented
DeleteStateAtomValue 6.2 only  
DeleteStateContainer 6.2 only  
DeleteStateContainerValue 6.2 only  
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier 6.3 and higher documented
DeleteTimerQueue 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteTimerQueueEx 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteTimerQueueTimer 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteUmsCompletionList 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
DeleteUmsThreadContext 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
DeleteVolumeMountPointA 5.0 and higher documented
DeleteVolumeMountPointW 5.0 and higher documented
DequeueUmsCompletionListItems 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
DeviceIoControl 3.51 and higher documented
DisableThreadLibraryCalls 3.51 and higher documented
DisableThreadProfiling 6.1 and higher documented
DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback 6.0 and higher documented
DiscardVirtualMemory 10.0 and higher documented
DisconnectNamedPipe 3.51 and higher documented
DisposeLZ32Handle (22) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
DnsHostnameToComputerNameA 5.0 and higher documented
DnsHostnameToComputerNameExW 6.3 and higher  
DnsHostnameToComputerNameW 5.0 and higher documented
DosDateTimeToFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
DosFileHandleToWin32Handle (20) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
DosPathToSessionPathA 5.0 and higher  
DosPathToSessionPathW 5.0 and higher  
DuplicateConsoleHandle 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
DuplicateEncryptionInfoFileExt 6.2 and higher  
DuplicateHandle 3.51 and higher documented
DuplicateStateContainerHandle 6.2 only  
EnableThreadProfiling 6.1 and higher documented
EncodePointer some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
EncodeSystemPointer some 5.1 and 5.2, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP2;
begins in 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1
EndUpdateResourceA 3.51 and higher documented
EndUpdateResourceW 3.51 and higher documented
EnterCriticalSection 3.51 and higher documented
EnterSynchronizationBarrier 6.3 and higher documented
EnterUmsSchedulingMode 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
EnumCalendarInfoA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumCalendarInfoExA 4.10 and higher documented
EnumCalendarInfoExEx 6.0 and higher documented
EnumCalendarInfoExW 4.10 and higher documented
EnumCalendarInfoW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumDateFormatsA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumDateFormatsExA 4.10 and higher documented
EnumDateFormatsExEx 6.0 and higher documented
EnumDateFormatsExW 4.10 and higher documented
EnumDateFormatsW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesA 4.90 and higher documented
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW 4.90 and higher documented
EnumResourceLanguagesA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumResourceLanguagesExA 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceLanguagesExW 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceLanguagesW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumResourceNamesA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumResourceNamesExA 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceNamesExW 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceNamesW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumResourceTypesA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumResourceTypesExA 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceTypesExW 6.0 and higher documented
EnumResourceTypesW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumSystemCodePagesA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumSystemCodePagesW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumSystemFirmwareTables 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
EnumSystemGeoID 4.90 only (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT)
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsA 4.90 and higher documented
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW 4.90 and higher documented
EnumSystemLocalesA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumSystemLocalesEx 6.0 and higher documented
EnumSystemLocalesW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumTimeFormatsA 3.51 and higher documented
EnumTimeFormatsEx 6.0 and higher documented
EnumTimeFormatsW 3.51 and higher documented
EnumUILanguagesA 4.90 and higher documented
EnumUILanguagesW 4.90 and higher documented
EnumerateLocalComputerNamesA 5.1 and higher  
EnumerateLocalComputerNamesW 5.1 and higher  
EnumerateStateAtomValues 6.2 only  
EnumerateStateContainerItems 6.2 only  
EraseTape 3.51 and higher documented
EscapeCommFunction 3.51 and higher documented
ExecuteUmsThread 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
ExitProcess 3.51 and higher documented
ExitThread 3.51 and higher documented
ExitVDM 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA 3.51 and higher documented
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW 3.51 and higher documented
ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryA 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ExpungeConsoleCommandHistoryW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ExtendVirtualBuffer 3.51 to 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1 (NT only)  
FT_Exit0 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit12 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit16 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit20 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit24 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit28 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit32 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit36 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit4 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit40 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit44 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit48 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit52 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit56 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Exit8 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Prolog 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_PrologPrime (89) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FT_Thunk 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FatalAppExitA 3.51 and higher documented
FatalAppExitW 3.51 and higher documented
FatalExit 3.51 and higher documented
FileTimeToDosDateTime 3.51 and higher documented
FileTimeToLocalFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
FileTimeToSystemTime 3.51 and higher documented
FillConsoleOutputAttribute 3.51 and higher documented
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA 3.51 and higher documented
FillConsoleOutputCharacterW 3.51 and higher documented
FindActCtxSectionGuid 5.1 and higher documented
FindActCtxSectionGuidWorker 6.2 and higher  
FindActCtxSectionStringA 5.1 and higher documented
FindActCtxSectionStringW 5.1 and higher documented
FindActCtxSectionStringWWorker 6.2 and higher  
FindAtomA 3.51 and higher documented
FindAtomW 3.51 and higher documented
FindClose 3.51 and higher documented
FindCloseChangeNotification 3.51 and higher documented
FindFirstChangeNotificationA 3.51 and higher documented
FindFirstChangeNotificationW 3.51 and higher documented
FindFirstFileA 3.51 and higher documented
FindFirstFileExA 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
FindFirstFileExW 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
FindFirstFileNameTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
FindFirstFileNameW 6.0 and higher documented
FindFirstFileTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
FindFirstFileTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
FindFirstFileW 3.51 and higher documented
FindFirstStreamTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
FindFirstStreamW 5.2 and higher documented
FindFirstVolumeA 5.0 and higher documented
FindFirstVolumeMountPointA 5.0 and higher documented
FindFirstVolumeMountPointW 5.0 and higher documented
FindFirstVolumeW 5.0 and higher documented
FindNLSString 6.0 and higher documented
FindNLSStringEx 6.0 and higher documented
FindNextChangeNotification 3.51 and higher documented
FindNextFileA 3.51 and higher documented
FindNextFileNameW 6.0 and higher documented
FindNextFileW 3.51 and higher documented
FindNextStreamW 5.2 and higher documented
FindNextVolumeA 5.0 and higher documented
FindNextVolumeMountPointA 5.0 and higher documented
FindNextVolumeMountPointW 5.0 and higher documented
FindNextVolumeW 5.0 and higher documented
FindPackagesByPackageFamily 6.3 and higher documented
FindResourceA 3.51 and higher documented
FindResourceExA 3.51 and higher documented
FindResourceExW 3.51 and higher documented
FindResourceW 3.51 and higher documented
FindStringOrdinal 6.1 and higher documented
FindVolumeClose 5.0 and higher documented
FindVolumeMountPointClose 5.0 and higher documented
FlsAlloc 5.2 and higher documented
FlsFree 5.2 and higher documented
FlsGetValue 5.2 and higher documented
FlsSetValue 5.2 and higher documented
FlushConsoleInputBuffer 3.51 and higher documented
FlushFileBuffers 3.51 and higher documented
FlushInstructionCache 3.51 and higher documented
FlushProcessWriteBuffers 6.0 and higher documented
FlushViewOfFile 3.51 and higher documented
FoldStringA 3.51 and higher documented
FoldStringW 3.51 and higher documented
FormatApplicationUserModelId 6.3 and higher documented
FormatMessageA 3.51 and higher documented
FormatMessageW 3.51 and higher documented
FreeConsole 3.51 and higher documented
FreeEnvironmentStringsA 3.51 and higher documented
FreeEnvironmentStringsW 3.51 and higher documented
FreeLSCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FreeLibrary 3.51 and higher documented
FreeLibrary16 (36) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FreeLibraryAndExitThread 3.51 and higher documented
FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns 6.0 and higher documented
FreeMappedBuffer (39) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FreeMemoryJobObject 10.0 and higher documented
FreeResource 3.51 and higher documented for settlement
FreeSLCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
FreeUserPhysicalPages 5.0 and higher documented
FreeVirtualBuffer 3.51 to 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1 (NT only)  
GDIReallyCares (23) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent 3.51 and higher documented
GetACP 3.51 and higher documented
GetActiveProcessorCount 6.1 and higher documented
GetActiveProcessorGroupCount 6.1 and higher documented
GetAppContainerAce 6.2 and higher  
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath 6.2 and higher documented
GetApplicationRecoveryCallback 6.0 and higher documented
GetApplicationRecoveryCallbackWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetApplicationRestartSettings 6.0 and higher documented
GetApplicationRestartSettingsWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetApplicationUserModelId 6.2 and higher documented
GetAtomNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetAtomNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetBinaryType 3.51 and higher documented
GetBinaryTypeA 3.51 and higher documented
GetBinaryTypeW 3.51 and higher documented
GetCPFileNameFromRegistry 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, to 6.0  
GetCPInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetCPInfoExA 4.10 and higher documented
GetCPInfoExW 4.10 and higher documented
GetCachedSigningLevel 6.2 and higher  
GetCalendarDateFormat 6.0 and higher  
GetCalendarDateFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetCalendarDaysInMonth 6.0 and higher  
GetCalendarDifferenceInDays 6.0 and higher  
GetCalendarInfoA 4.10 and higher documented
GetCalendarInfoEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetCalendarInfoW 4.10 and higher documented
GetCalendarMonthsInYear 6.0 and higher  
GetCalendarSupportedDateRange 6.0 and higher documented
GetCalendarWeekNumber 6.0 and higher  
GetComPlusPackageInstallStatus 5.1 and higher documented
GetCommConfig 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommMask 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommModemStatus 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommProperties 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommState 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommTimeouts 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommandLineA 3.51 and higher documented
GetCommandLineW 3.51 and higher documented
GetCompressedFileSizeA 3.51 and higher documented
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
GetCompressedFileSizeTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
GetCompressedFileSizeW 3.51 and higher documented
GetComputerNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetComputerNameExA 5.0 and higher documented
GetComputerNameExW 5.0 and higher documented
GetComputerNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleAliasA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasExesA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasExesLengthW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasExesW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasesA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasesLengthA 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasesLengthW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleAliasesW 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleCP 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleCharType 5.0 and higher  
GetConsoleCommandHistoryA 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthA 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleCommandHistoryLengthW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleCommandHistoryW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleCursorInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleCursorMode 5.0 and higher  
GetConsoleDisplayMode 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleFontInfo 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleFontSize 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetConsoleHardwareState 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleHistoryInfo 6.0 and higher documented
GetConsoleInputExeNameA 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleInputExeNameW 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleInputWaitHandle 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameA 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleKeyboardLayoutNameW 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
GetConsoleMode 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleNlsMode 5.0 and higher  
GetConsoleOriginalTitleA 6.0 and higher documented
GetConsoleOriginalTitleW 6.0 and higher documented
GetConsoleOutputCP 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleProcessList 5.1 and higher documented
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetConsoleSelectionInfo 5.1 and higher documented
GetConsoleTitleA 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleTitleW 3.51 and higher documented
GetConsoleWindow 5.0 and higher documented
GetCryptApiExponentValue (120) 4.10 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetCurrencyFormatA 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrencyFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetCurrencyFormatW 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
GetCurrentActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentConsoleFont 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
GetCurrentConsoleFontEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetCurrentDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentPackageFamilyName 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentPackageFullName 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentPackageId 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentPackageInfo 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentPackagePath 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentProcess 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentProcessId 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentProcessorNumber 5.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetCurrentThread 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentThreadId 3.51 and higher documented
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits 6.2 and higher documented
GetCurrentUmsThread 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
GetDateFormatA 3.51 and higher documented
GetDateFormatAWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetDateFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetDateFormatW 3.51 and higher documented
GetDateFormatWWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetDaylightFlag 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetDefaultCommConfigA 3.51 and higher documented
GetDefaultCommConfigW 3.51 and higher documented
GetDefaultSortKeySize 5.0 to 5.2  
GetDevicePowerState 4.10 and higher documented
GetDiskFreeSpaceA 3.51 and higher documented
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA 4.0 from Windows 95 OSR2, and higher documented
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW 4.0 from Windows 95 OSR2, and higher documented
GetDiskFreeSpaceW 3.51 and higher documented
GetDllDirectoryA 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetDllDirectoryW 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetDriveTypeA 3.51 and higher documented
GetDriveTypeW 3.51 and higher documented
GetDurationFormat 6.0 and higher documented
GetDurationFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 6.0 and higher documented
GetEnabledExtendedFeatures 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
GetEnabledXStateFeatures 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
GetEncryptedFileVersionExt 6.3 and higher  
GetEnvironmentStrings 3.51 and higher documented
GetEnvironmentStringsA 3.51 and higher documented
GetEnvironmentStringsW 3.51 and higher documented
GetEnvironmentVariableA 3.51 and higher documented
GetEnvironmentVariableW 3.51 and higher documented
GetEraNameCountedString 6.1 and higher  
GetErrorMode 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows);
6.0 and higher (NT)
GetExitCodeProcess 3.51 and higher documented
GetExitCodeThread 3.51 and higher documented
GetExpandedNameA 5.1 and higher documented
GetExpandedNameW 5.1 and higher documented
GetExtendedContextLength 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
GetExtendedFeaturesMask 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
GetFileAttributesA 3.51 and higher documented
GetFileAttributesExA 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
GetFileAttributesExW 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
GetFileAttributesTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileAttributesTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileAttributesW 3.51 and higher documented
GetFileBandwidthReservation 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileInformationByHandle 3.51 and higher documented
GetFileInformationByHandleEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileMUIInfo 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileMUIPath 6.0 and higher documented
GetFileSize 3.51 and higher documented
GetFileSizeEx 5.0 and higher documented
GetFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
GetFileType 3.51 and higher documented
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA 6.0 and higher documented
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW 6.0 and higher documented
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA 5.1 and higher documented
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA 6.2 and higher documented
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW 6.2 and higher documented
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW 5.1 and higher documented
GetFirmwareType 6.2 and higher documented
GetFullPathNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetFullPathNameTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
GetFullPathNameTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
GetFullPathNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetGeoInfoA 4.90 only (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT)
GetGeoInfoW 4.90 only (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT)
GetHandleContext 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT, x86 only)
GetHandleInformation 3.51 and higher documented
GetHivePath 6.2 only  
GetLSCallbackTarget 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetLSCallbackTemplate 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetLargePageMinimum 5.2 and higher documented
GetLargestConsoleWindowSize 3.51 and higher documented
GetLastError 3.51 and higher documented
GetLinguistLangSize 5.0 to 5.2  
GetLocalTime 3.51 and higher documented
GetLocaleInfoA 3.51 and higher documented
GetLocaleInfoEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetLocaleInfoW 3.51 and higher documented
GetLogicalDriveStringsA 3.51 and higher documented
GetLogicalDriveStringsW 3.51 and higher documented
GetLogicalDrives 3.51 and higher documented
GetLogicalProcessorInformation 5.1 from Windows XP SP3, and higher documented
GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetLongPathNameA 4.10 and higher documented
GetLongPathNameTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
GetLongPathNameTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
GetLongPathNameW 4.10 and higher documented
GetMailslotInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetMaximumProcessorCount 6.1 and higher documented
GetMaximumProcessorGroupCount 6.1 and higher documented
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities 6.2 and higher documented
GetModuleFileNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetModuleFileNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetModuleHandleA 3.51 and higher documented
GetModuleHandleExA 5.1 and higher documented
GetModuleHandleExW 5.1 and higher documented
GetModuleHandleW 3.51 and higher documented
GetModuleNameFromProc (123) 4.90 only  
GetNLSVersion 5.2 and higher documented
GetNLSVersionEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeAttribute 6.0 and higher  
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameA 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeClientProcessId 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeClientSessionId 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeHandleStateA 3.51 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeHandleStateW 3.51 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeServerProcessId 6.0 and higher documented
GetNamedPipeServerSessionId 6.0 and higher documented
GetNativeSystemInfo 5.1 and higher documented
GetNextUmsListItem 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
GetNextVDMCommand 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetNlsSectionName 5.0 to 5.2  
GetNumaAvailableMemory 5.1 only  
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNode 5.1 and higher documented
GetNumaAvailableMemoryNodeEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetNumaHighestNodeNumber 5.1 and higher documented
GetNumaNodeNumberFromHandle 6.1 and higher documented
GetNumaNodeProcessorMask 5.1 and higher documented
GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetNumaProcessorMap 5.1 only  
GetNumaProcessorNode 5.1 and higher documented
GetNumaProcessorNodeEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetNumaProximityNode 6.0 and higher documented
GetNumaProximityNodeEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetNumberFormatA 3.51 and higher documented
GetNumberFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetNumberFormatW 3.51 and higher documented
GetNumberOfConsoleFonts 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents 3.51 and higher documented
GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons 3.51 and higher documented
GetOEMCP 3.51 and higher documented
GetOverlappedResult 3.51 and higher documented
GetOverlappedResultEx 6.2 and higher documented
GetPK16SysVar (92) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetPackageApplicationIds 6.3 and higher documented
GetPackageFamilyName 6.2 and higher documented
GetPackageFullName 6.2 and higher documented
GetPackageId 6.2 and higher documented
GetPackageInfo 6.2 and higher documented
GetPackagePath 6.2 and higher documented
GetPackagePathByFullName 6.3 and higher documented
GetPackagesByPackageFamily 6.2 and higher documented
GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
GetPriorityClass 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileIntA 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileIntW 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileSectionA 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesA 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileSectionW 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileStringA 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileStringW 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileStructA 3.51 and higher documented
GetPrivateProfileStructW 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcAddress 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcAddress16 (37) 4.0 (Windows) to 4.90  
GetProcessAffinityMask 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessDEPPolicy some 5.1 and 6.0, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP3;
begins in 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1
GetProcessDefaultCpuSets 10.0 and higher documented
GetProcessDword (18) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetProcessFlags 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetProcessGroupAffinity 6.1 and higher documented
GetProcessHandleCount 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetProcessHeap 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessHeaps 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessId 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetProcessIdOfThread 5.2 and higher documented
GetProcessInformation 6.2 and higher documented
GetProcessIoCounters 5.0 and higher documented
GetProcessMitigationPolicy 6.2 and higher documented
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages 6.1 and higher documented
GetProcessPriorityBoost 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
GetProcessShutdownParameters 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessTimes 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessUserModeExceptionPolicy 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1 only  
GetProcessVersion 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessWorkingSetSize 3.51 and higher documented
GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx 5.2 and higher documented
GetProcessorSystemCycleTime 6.1 and higher documented
GetProductInfo 6.0 and higher documented
GetProductName 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetProfileIntA 3.51 and higher documented
GetProfileIntW 3.51 and higher documented
GetProfileSectionA 3.51 and higher documented
GetProfileSectionW 3.51 and higher documented
GetProfileStringA 3.51 and higher documented
GetProfileStringW 3.51 and higher documented
GetQueuedCompletionStatus 3.51 and higher documented
GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime 6.2 only  
GetSLCallbackTarget 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetSLCallbackTemplate 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetSerializedAtomBytes 6.2 only  
GetShortPathNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetShortPathNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetStagedPackagePathByFullName 6.3 and higher documented
GetStartupInfoA 3.51 and higher documented
GetStartupInfoW 3.51 and higher documented
GetStateContainerDepth 6.2 only  
GetStateFolder 6.2 and higher  
GetStateRootFolder 6.2 only  
GetStateSettingsFolder 6.2 only  
GetStateVersion 6.2 only  
GetStdHandle 3.51 and higher documented
GetStringScripts 6.0 and higher documented
GetStringTypeA 3.51 and higher documented
GetStringTypeExA 3.51 and higher documented
GetStringTypeExW 3.51 and higher documented
GetStringTypeW 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemAppDataFolder 6.2 only  
GetSystemAppDataKey 6.2 and higher  
GetSystemCpuSetInformation 10.0 and higher documented
GetSystemDEPPolicy some 5.1 and 6.0, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP3;
begins in 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1
GetSystemDefaultLCID 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemDefaultLangID 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemDefaultLocaleName 6.0 and higher documented
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage 4.90 and higher documented
GetSystemDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemFileCacheSize 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
GetSystemFirmwareTable 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
GetSystemInfo 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemPowerStatus 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages 6.0 and higher documented
GetSystemRegistryQuota 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetSystemTime 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemTimeAdjustment 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime 6.2 and higher documented
GetSystemTimes 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA 5.0 and higher documented
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW 5.0 and higher documented
GetSystemWow64DirectoryA 5.1 and higher documented
GetSystemWow64DirectoryW 5.1 and higher documented
GetTapeParameters 3.51 and higher documented
GetTapePosition 3.51 and higher documented
GetTapeStatus 3.51 and higher documented
GetTempFileNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GetTempFileNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GetTempPathA 3.51 and higher documented
GetTempPathW 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadContext 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadErrorMode 6.1 and higher documented
GetThreadGroupAffinity 6.1 and higher documented
GetThreadIOPendingFlag 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
GetThreadId 5.2 and higher documented
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx 6.1 and higher documented
GetThreadInformation 6.2 and higher documented
GetThreadLocale 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages 6.0 and higher documented
GetThreadPriority 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadPriorityBoost 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
GetThreadSelectedCpuSets 10.0 and higher documented
GetThreadSelectorEntry 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadTimes 3.51 and higher documented
GetThreadUILanguage 6.0 and higher documented
GetThunkBuff (52) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetThunkStuff (53) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetTickCount 3.51 and higher documented
GetTickCount64 6.0 and higher documented
GetTimeFormatA 3.51 and higher documented
GetTimeFormatAWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetTimeFormatEx 6.0 and higher documented
GetTimeFormatW 3.51 and higher documented
GetTimeFormatWWorker 6.2 and higher  
GetTimeZoneInformation 3.51 and higher documented
GetTimeZoneInformationForYear 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
GetUILanguageInfo 6.0 and higher documented
GetUmsCompletionListEvent 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
GetUmsSystemThreadInformation 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
GetUserDefaultLCID 3.51 and higher documented
GetUserDefaultLangID 3.51 and higher documented
GetUserDefaultLocaleName 6.0 and higher documented
GetUserDefaultUILanguage 4.90 and higher documented
GetUserGeoID 4.90 only (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT)
GetUserPreferredUILanguages 6.0 and higher documented
GetVDMCurrentDirectories 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
GetVersion 3.51 and higher documented
GetVersionExA 3.51 and higher documented
GetVersionExW 3.51 and higher documented
GetVolumeInformationA 3.51 and higher documented
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW 6.0 and higher documented
GetVolumeInformationW 3.51 and higher documented
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointA 5.0 and higher documented
GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW 5.0 and higher documented
GetVolumePathNameA 5.0 and higher documented
GetVolumePathNameW 5.0 and higher documented
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameA 5.1 and higher documented
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW 5.1 and higher documented
GetWin16DOSEnv (34) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GetWindowsDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
GetWindowsDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
GetWriteWatch 4.10 and higher documented
GetXStateFeaturesMask 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
GetpWin16Lock (93) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalAddAtomA 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalAddAtomExA 6.2 and higher documented
GlobalAddAtomExW 6.2 and higher documented
GlobalAddAtomW 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalAlloc16 (24) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalCompact 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalDeleteAtom 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFindAtomA 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFindAtomW 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFix 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFix16 (27) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalFlags 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFree 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalFree16 (31) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalGetAtomNameA 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalGetAtomNameW 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalHandle 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalLock 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalLock16 (25) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalMemoryStatus 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalMemoryStatusEx 5.0 and higher documented
GlobalReAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalSize 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalSize16 (32) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalUnWire 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalUnWire16 (30) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalUnfix 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalUnfix16 (28) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalUnlock 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalUnlock16 (26) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
GlobalWire 3.51 and higher documented
GlobalWire16 (29) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
Heap32First 4.0 and higher documented
Heap32ListFirst 4.0 and higher documented
Heap32ListNext 4.0 and higher documented
Heap32Next 4.0 and higher documented
HeapAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
HeapCompact 3.51 and higher documented
HeapCreate 3.51 and higher documented
HeapCreateTagsW 3.51 to 5.2 (NT only)  
HeapDestroy 3.51 and higher documented
HeapExtend 3.51 to 5.2 (NT only)  
HeapFree 3.51 and higher documented
HeapLock 3.51 and higher documented
HeapQueryInformation 5.1 and higher documented
HeapQueryTagW 3.51 to 5.2 (NT only)  
HeapReAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
HeapSetFlags 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
HeapSetInformation 5.1 and higher documented
HeapSize 3.51 and higher documented
HeapSummary 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
HeapUnlock 3.51 and higher documented
HeapUsage 3.51 to 5.2 (NT only)  
HeapValidate 3.51 and higher documented
HeapWalk 3.51 and higher documented
HouseCleanLogicallyDeadHandles (33) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
IdnToAscii 6.0 and higher documented
IdnToNameprepUnicode 6.0 and higher documented
IdnToUnicode 6.0 and higher documented
InitAtomTable 3.51 and higher documented
InitOnceBeginInitialize 6.0 and higher documented
InitOnceComplete 6.0 and higher documented
InitOnceExecuteOnce 6.0 and higher documented
InitOnceInitialize 6.0 and higher documented
InitializeConditionVariable 6.0 and higher documented
InitializeContext 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
InitializeCriticalSection 3.51 and higher documented
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP3, and higher documented
InitializeCriticalSectionEx 6.0 and higher documented
InitializeExtendedContext 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList 6.0 and higher documented
InitializeSListHead 5.1 and higher documented
InitializeSRWLock 6.0 and higher documented
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier 6.3 and higher documented
InstallELAMCertificateInfo 6.3 and higher documented
InterlockedCompareExchange 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedCompareExchange64 5.2 and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedDecrement 3.51 and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedExchange 3.51 and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedExchangeAdd 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedFlushSList 5.1 and higher documented
InterlockedIncrement 3.51 and higher (x86 only) documented
InterlockedPopEntrySList 5.1 and higher documented
InterlockedPushEntrySList 5.1 and higher documented
InterlockedPushListSList 6.0 and higher  
InterlockedPushListSListEx 6.2 and higher documented
InvalidateConsoleDIBits 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
InvalidateNLSCache 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
IsBadCodePtr 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadHugeReadPtr 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadHugeWritePtr 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadReadPtr 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadStringPtrA 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadStringPtrW 3.51 and higher documented
IsBadWritePtr 3.51 and higher documented
IsCalendarLeapDay 6.0 and higher  
IsCalendarLeapMonth 6.0 and higher  
IsCalendarLeapYear 6.0 and higher documented
IsDBCSLeadByte 3.51 and higher documented
IsDBCSLeadByteEx 3.51 and higher documented
IsDebuggerPresent 3.51 and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
IsLSCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
IsNLSDefinedString 5.2 and higher documented
IsNativeVhdBoot 6.2 and higher documented
IsNormalizedString 6.0 and higher documented
IsProcessCritical 6.3 and higher documented
IsProcessInJob 5.1 and higher documented
IsProcessorFeaturePresent 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
IsSLCallback 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
IsSystemResumeAutomatic 4.10 and higher documented
IsThreadAFiber 6.0 and higher documented
IsThreadId (71) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
IsThreadpoolTimerSet 6.0 and higher documented
IsTimeZoneRedirectionEnabled 5.2 to 6.1  
IsValidCalDateTime 6.0 and higher  
IsValidCodePage 3.51 and higher documented
IsValidLanguageGroup 4.90 and higher documented
IsValidLocale 3.51 and higher documented
IsValidLocaleName 6.0 and higher documented
IsValidNLSVersion 6.2 and higher documented
IsValidUILanguage 5.1 and 5.2  
IsWow64Process 5.1 and higher documented
K32EmptyWorkingSet 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumDeviceDrivers 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumPageFilesA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumPageFilesW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumProcessModules 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumProcessModulesEx 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32EnumProcesses 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetMappedFileNameA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetMappedFileNameW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetModuleBaseNameA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetModuleBaseNameW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetModuleFileNameExA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetModuleFileNameExW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetModuleInformation 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetPerformanceInfo 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetProcessImageFileNameA 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetProcessImageFileNameW 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetProcessMemoryInfo 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetWsChanges 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32GetWsChangesEx 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32QueryWorkingSet 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32QueryWorkingSetEx 6.1 and higher documented (PSAPI)
K32Thk1632Epilog 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
K32Thk1632Prolog 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
K32_NtCreateFile 4.10 and 4.90  
K32_RtlNtStatusToDosError 4.10 and 4.90  
LCIDToLocaleName 6.0 and higher documented
LCMapStringA 3.51 and higher documented
LCMapStringEx 6.0 and higher documented
LCMapStringW 3.51 and higher documented
LZClose 5.1 and higher documented
LZCloseFile 5.1 and higher  
LZCopy 5.1 and higher documented
LZCreateFileW 5.1 and higher  
LZDone 5.1 and higher documented
LZInit 5.1 and higher documented
LZOpenFileA 5.1 and higher documented
LZOpenFileW 5.1 and higher documented
LZRead 5.1 and higher documented
LZSeek 5.1 and higher documented
LZStart 5.1 and higher documented
LeaveCriticalSection 3.51 and higher documented
LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns 6.0 and higher documented
LoadAppInitDlls 6.1 and higher  
LoadLibrary16 (35) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
LoadLibraryA 3.51 and higher documented
LoadLibraryExA 3.51 and higher documented
LoadLibraryExW 3.51 and higher documented
LoadLibraryW 3.51 and higher documented
LoadModule 3.51 and higher documented
LoadPackagedLibrary 6.2 and higher documented
LoadResource 3.51 and higher documented
LoadStringBaseExW 6.0 and higher  
LoadStringBaseW 6.0 and higher  
LocalAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
LocalCompact 3.51 and higher documented
LocalFileTimeToFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
LocalFlags 3.51 and higher documented
LocalFree 3.51 and higher documented
LocalHandle 3.51 and higher documented
LocalLock 3.51 and higher documented
LocalReAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
LocalShrink 3.51 and higher documented
LocalSize 3.51 and higher documented
LocalUnlock 3.51 and higher documented
LocaleNameToLCID 6.0 and higher documented
LocateExtendedFeature 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
LocateLegacyContext 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
LocateXStateFeature 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
LockFile 3.51 and higher documented
LockFileEx 3.51 and higher documented
LockResource 3.51 and higher documented
LogApiThkLSF (42) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
LogApiThkSL (44) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
LogCBThkSL (47) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MakeCriticalSectionGlobal 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHInstLS 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHInstLS_PN 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHInstSL 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHInstSL_PN 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHModuleLS 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapHModuleSL 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapSL 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapSLFix 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
MapUserPhysicalPages 5.0 and higher documented
MapUserPhysicalPagesScatter 5.0 and higher documented
MapViewOfFile 3.51 and higher documented
MapViewOfFileEx 3.51 and higher documented
MapViewOfFileExNuma 6.0 and higher documented
MapViewOfFileFromApp 6.2 and higher documented
Module32First 4.0 and higher documented
Module32FirstW 5.0 and higher documented
Module32Next 4.0 and higher documented
Module32NextW 5.0 and higher documented
MoveFileA 3.51 and higher documented
MoveFileExA 3.51 and higher documented
MoveFileExW 3.51 and higher documented
MoveFileTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
MoveFileTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
MoveFileW 3.51 and higher documented
MoveFileWithProgressA 5.0 and higher documented
MoveFileWithProgressW 5.0 and higher documented
MulDiv 3.51 and higher documented
MultiByteToWideChar 3.51 and higher documented
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA 5.2 and higher documented
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW 5.2 and higher documented
NlsCheckPolicy 6.0 and higher  
NlsConvertIntegerToString 5.0 to 6.0  
NlsEventDataDescCreate 6.0 and higher  
NlsGetCacheUpdateCount 5.0 and higher  
NlsResetProcessLocale 5.0 to 5.2  
NlsUpdateLocale 6.0 and higher  
NlsUpdateSystemLocale 6.0 and higher  
NlsWriteEtwEvent 6.0 and higher  
NormalizeString 6.0 and higher documented
NotifyMountMgr 6.1 and higher  
NotifyNLSUserCache 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
NotifyUILanguageChange 6.0 and higher  
NtVdm64CreateProcessInternalW 6.2 and higher  
NumaVirtualQueryNode 5.1 only  
OOBEComplete 6.3 and higher documented
OT_32ThkLSF (40) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
OfferVirtualMemory 10.0 and higher documented
OpenConsoleW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
OpenConsoleWStub 6.2 and higher  
OpenDataFile 5.0 to 5.2  
OpenEventA 3.51 and higher documented
OpenEventW 3.51 and higher documented
OpenFile 3.51 and higher documented
OpenFileById 6.0 and higher documented
OpenFileMappingA 3.51 and higher documented
OpenFileMappingW 3.51 and higher documented
OpenJobObjectA 5.0 and higher documented
OpenJobObjectW 5.0 and higher documented
OpenMutexA 3.51 and higher documented
OpenMutexW 3.51 and higher documented
OpenPackageInfoByFullName 6.2 and higher documented
OpenPrivateNamespaceA 6.0 and higher documented
OpenPrivateNamespaceW 6.0 and higher documented
OpenProcess 3.51 and higher documented
OpenProcessToken 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
OpenProfileUserMapping 3.51 and higher  
OpenSemaphoreA 3.51 and higher documented
OpenSemaphoreW 3.51 and higher documented
OpenState 6.2 and higher  
OpenStateAtom 6.2 only  
OpenStateExplicit 6.2 and higher  
OpenThread 4.90 and higher documented
OpenThreadToken 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
OpenVxDHandle 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
OpenWaitableTimerA 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
OpenWaitableTimerW 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
OutputDebugStringA 3.51 and higher documented
OutputDebugStringW 3.51 and higher documented
OverrideRoamingDataModificationTimesInRange 6.2 only  
PK16FNF (91) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
PackageFamilyNameFromFullName 6.2 and higher documented
PackageFamilyNameFromId 6.2 and higher documented
PackageFullNameFromId 6.2 and higher documented
PackageIdFromFullName 6.2 and higher documented
PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamilyName 6.2 and higher documented
ParseApplicationUserModelId 6.3 and higher documented
PeekConsoleInputA 3.51 and higher documented
PeekConsoleInputW 3.51 and higher documented
PeekNamedPipe 3.51 and higher documented
PostQueuedCompletionStatus 3.51 and higher documented
PowerClearRequest 6.1 and higher documented
PowerCreateRequest 6.1 and higher documented
PowerSetRequest 6.1 and higher documented
PrefetchVirtualMemory 6.2 and higher documented
PrepareTape 3.51 and higher documented
PrivCopyFileExW 5.0 and higher  
PrivMoveFileIdentityW 5.0 and higher  
Process32First 4.0 and higher documented
Process32FirstW 5.0 and higher documented
Process32Next 4.0 and higher documented
Process32NextW 5.0 and higher documented
ProcessIdToSessionId 5.0 and higher documented
PssCaptureSnapshot 6.3 and higher documented
PssDuplicateSnapshot 6.3 and higher documented
PssFreeSnapshot 6.3 and higher documented
PssQuerySnapshot 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerCreate 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerFree 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerGetPosition 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerRewind 6.3 and higher  
PssWalkMarkerSeek 6.3 and higher  
PssWalkMarkerSeekToBeginning 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerSetPosition 6.3 and higher documented
PssWalkMarkerTell 6.3 and higher  
PssWalkSnapshot 6.3 and higher documented
PublishStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
PulseEvent 3.51 and higher documented
PurgeComm 3.51 and higher documented
QT_Thunk 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
QT_ThunkPrime (90) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
QueryActCtxSettingsW 6.0 and higher documented
QueryActCtxSettingsWWorker 6.2 and higher  
QueryActCtxW 5.1 and higher documented
QueryActCtxWWorker 6.2 and higher  
QueryDepthSList 5.1 and higher documented
QueryDosDeviceA 3.51 and higher documented
QueryDosDeviceW 3.51 and higher documented
QueryFullProcessImageNameA 6.0 and higher documented
QueryFullProcessImageNameW 6.0 and higher documented
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime 6.0 and higher documented
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx 6.1 and higher documented
QueryInformationJobObject 5.0 and higher documented
QueryIoRateControlInformationJobObject 10.0 and higher documented
QueryMemoryResourceNotification 5.1 and higher documented
QueryNumberOfEventLogRecords 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
QueryOldestEventLogRecord 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
QueryPerformanceCounter 3.51 and higher documented
QueryPerformanceFrequency 3.51 and higher documented
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
QueryProcessCycleTime 6.0 and higher documented
QueryProtectedPolicy 10.0 and higher documented
QueryStateAtomValueInfo 6.2 only  
QueryStateContainerItemInfo 6.2 only  
QueryThreadCycleTime 6.0 and higher documented
QueryThreadProfiling 6.1 and higher documented
QueryThreadpoolStackInformation 6.1 and higher documented
QueryUmsThreadInformation 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime 6.1 and higher documented
QueueUserAPC 4.0 and higher documented
QueueUserWorkItem 5.0 and higher documented
QueryWin31IniFilesMappedToRegistry 3.51 to 5.1 (NT only)  
QuirkGetData2Worker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkGetDataWorker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabled2Worker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabled3Worker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage2Worker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage3Worker 10.0 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledForPackage4Worker 10.0 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledForPackageWorker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledForProcessWorker 6.3 and higher  
QuirkIsEnabledWorker 6.3 and higher  
RPCHACKORAMA (104) 4.10 and 4.90  
RaiseException 3.51 and higher documented
RaiseFailFastException 6.1 and higher documented
RaiseInvalid16BitExeError 6.2 and higher  
ReOpenFile 5.2 and higher documented
ReadConsoleA 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleInputA 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleInputExA 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
ReadConsoleInputExW 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
ReadConsoleInputW 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleOutputA 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleOutputAttribute 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleOutputW 3.51 and higher documented
ReadConsoleW 3.51 and higher documented
ReadDirectoryChangesW 3.51 from Windows NT 3.51 SP5, and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
ReadFile 3.51 and higher documented
ReadFileEx 3.51 and higher documented
ReadFileScatter 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP3, and higher documented
ReadProcessMemory 3.51 and higher documented
ReadStateAtomValue 6.2 only  
ReadStateContainerValue 6.2 only  
ReadThreadProfilingData 6.1 and higher documented
ReclaimVirtualMemory 10.0 and higher documented
RefreshDaylightInformation (99) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
RegCloseKey 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegCopyTreeW 6.2 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegCreateKeyExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegCreateKeyExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteKeyExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteKeyExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteTreeA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteTreeW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteValueA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDeleteValueW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegEnumKeyExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegEnumKeyExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegEnumValueA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegEnumValueW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegFlushKey 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegGetKeySecurity 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegGetValueA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegGetValueW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegKrnGetGlobalState 6.1 only  
RegKrnInitialize 6.1 only  
RegLoadKeyA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegLoadKeyW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegLoadMUIStringA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegLoadMUIStringW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegOpenCurrentUser 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegOpenKeyExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegOpenKeyExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegOpenUserClassesRoot 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegQueryInfoKeyA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegQueryInfoKeyW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegQueryValueExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegQueryValueExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegRestoreKeyA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegRestoreKeyW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegSaveKeyExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegSaveKeyExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegSetKeySecurity 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegSetValueExA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegSetValueExW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegUnLoadKeyA 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegUnLoadKeyW 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
RegisterApplicationRecoveryCallback 6.0 and higher documented
RegisterApplicationRestart 6.0 and higher documented
RegisterBadMemoryNotification 6.2 and higher documented
RegisterConsoleIME 5.0 and higher  
RegisterConsoleOS2 5.0 and higher  
RegisterConsoleVDM 3.51 and higher;
NT only
RegisterServiceProcess 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
RegisterStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
RegisterStateLock 6.2 only  
RegisterSysMsgHandler 4.10 and 4.90  
RegisterWaitForInputIdle 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
RegisterWaitForSingleObject 5.0 and higher documented
RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx 5.0 and higher  
RegisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted 6.3 and higher documented
RegisterWowBaseHandlers 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
RegisterWowExec 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ReinitializeCriticalSection 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ReleaseActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
ReleaseActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
ReleaseMutex 3.51 and higher documented
ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns 6.0 and higher documented
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive 6.0 and higher documented
ReleaseSRWLockShared 6.0 and higher documented
ReleaseSemaphore 3.51 and higher documented
ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns 6.0 and higher documented
ReleaseStateLock 6.2 only  
ReleaseThunkLock (48) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
RemoveDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
RemoveDirectoryTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
RemoveDirectoryTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
RemoveDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
RemoveDllDirectory 6.2 and higher documented
RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameA 5.1 and higher  
RemoveLocalAlternateComputerNameW 5.1 and higher  
RemoveSecureMemoryCacheCallback 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
RemoveVectoredContinueHandler 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler 5.1 and higher documented
ReplaceFile 5.0 and higher documented
ReplaceFileA 5.0 and higher documented
ReplaceFileW 5.0 and higher documented
ReplacePartitionUnit 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher (x86 only)  
RequestDeviceWakeup 4.10 and higher  
RequestWakeupLatency 4.10 and higher documented
ResetEvent 3.51 and higher documented
ResetNLSUserInfoCache 4.10 and 4.90  
ResetState 6.2 only  
ResetWriteWatch 4.10 and higher documented
ResolveDelayLoadedAPI 6.2 and higher documented
ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll 6.2 and higher documented
ResolveLocaleName 6.1 and higher documented
RestoreLastError 5.1 and higher  
RestoreThunkLock (49) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ResumeThread 3.51 and higher documented
RtlAddFunctionTable 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlCaptureContext 5.1 and higher documented
RtlCaptureStackBackTrace 5.1 and higher documented
RtlCompareMemory 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented (WDK)
RtlCopyMemory 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented (WDK)
RtlConvertLongToLargeInteger (84) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger (85) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlDeleteFunctionTable 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlEnlargedIntegerDivide (76) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply (73) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlEnlargedUnsignedDivide (75) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlEnlargedUnsignedMultiply (74) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (78) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlExtendedMagicDivide (77) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlFillMemory 3.51 and higher documented (WDK)
RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlLargeIntegerAdd (72) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLargeIntegerArithmeticShift (81) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLargeIntegerNegate (82) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLargeIntegerShiftLeft (79) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLargeIntegerShiftRight (80) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (83) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WDK)
RtlLookupFunctionEntry 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlMoveMemory 3.51 and higher documented (WDK)
RtlPcToFileHeader 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64);
10.0 and higher (x86)
RtlRaiseException 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
RtlRestoreContext 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlUnwind 3.51 and higher documented for settlement
RtlUnwindEx 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlVirtualUnwind 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only) documented
RtlZeroMemory 3.51 and higher documented (WDK)
SMapLS 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_12 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_16 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_20 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_24 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_28 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_32 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_36 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_40 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SMapLS_IP_EBP_8 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SSCall (88) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SSOnBigStack (87) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_12 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_16 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_20 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_24 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_28 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_32 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_36 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_40 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SUnMapLS_IP_EBP_8 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA 3.51 and higher documented
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW 3.51 and higher documented
SearchPathA 3.51 and higher documented
SearchPathW 3.51 and higher documented
SetCPGlobal 5.0 to 5.2  
SetCachedSigningLevel 6.2 and higher  
SetCalendarInfoA 4.10 and higher documented
SetCalendarInfoW 4.10 and higher documented
SetClientTimeZoneInformation 5.1 to 6.1  
SetComPlusPackageInstallStatus 5.1 and higher  
SetCommBreak 3.51 and higher documented
SetCommConfig 3.51 and higher documented
SetCommMask 3.51 and higher documented
SetCommState 3.51 and higher documented
SetCommTimeouts 3.51 and higher documented
SetComputerNameA 3.51 and higher documented
SetComputerNameEx2W 6.3 and higher  
SetComputerNameExA 5.0 and higher documented
SetComputerNameExW 5.0 and higher documented
SetComputerNameW 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleCP 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleCommandHistoryMode 3.51 to 5.2 (NT only)  
SetConsoleCtrlHandler 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleCursor 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleCursorInfo 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleCursorMode 5.0 and higher  
SetConsoleCursorPosition 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleDisplayMode 3.51 and higher (NT only) documented
SetConsoleFont 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleHardwareState 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleHistoryInfo 6.0 and higher documented
SetConsoleIcon 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleInputExeNameA 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleInputExeNameW 4.0 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleKeyShortcuts 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleLocalEUDC 5.0 and higher  
SetConsoleMaximumWindowSize 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleMenuClose 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleMode 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleNlsMode 5.0 and higher  
SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsA 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleNumberOfCommandsW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleOS2OemFormat 5.0 and higher  
SetConsoleOutputCP 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsolePalette 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx 6.0 and higher documented
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleTextAttribute 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleTitleA 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleTitleW 3.51 and higher documented
SetConsoleWindowInfo 3.51 and higher documented
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP3, and higher documented
SetCurrentConsoleFontEx 6.0 and higher documented
SetCurrentDirectoryA 3.51 and higher documented
SetCurrentDirectoryW 3.51 and higher documented
SetDaylightFlag 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
SetDefaultCommConfigA 3.51 and higher documented
SetDefaultCommConfigW 3.51 and higher documented
SetDefaultDllDirectories 6.2 and higher documented
SetDllDirectoryA 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
SetDllDirectoryW 5.1 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation 6.0 and higher documented
SetEndOfFile 3.51 and higher documented
SetEnvironmentStringsA 5.2 and higher  
SetEnvironmentStringsW 5.2 and higher  
SetEnvironmentVariableA 3.51 and higher documented
SetEnvironmentVariableW 3.51 and higher documented
SetErrorMode 3.51 and higher documented
SetEvent 3.51 and higher documented
SetEventWhenCallbackReturns 6.0 and higher documented
SetExtendedFeaturesMask 6.1 before Windows 7 SP1 documented
SetFileApisToANSI 3.51 and higher documented
SetFileApisToOEM 3.51 and higher documented
SetFileAttributesA 3.51 and higher documented
SetFileAttributesTransactedA 6.0 and higher documented
SetFileAttributesTransactedW 6.0 and higher documented
SetFileAttributesW 3.51 and higher documented
SetFileBandwidthReservation 6.0 and higher documented
SetFileCompletionNotificationModes 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP2, and higher documented
SetFileInformationByHandle 6.0 and higher documented
SetFileIoOverlappedRange 6.0 and higher documented
SetFilePointer 3.51 and higher documented
SetFilePointerEx 5.0 and higher documented
SetFileShortNameA 5.1 and higher documented
SetFileShortNameW 5.1 and higher documented
SetFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
SetFileValidData 5.1 and higher documented
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableA 5.1 and higher documented
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA 6.2 and higher documented
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW 6.2 and higher documented
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableW 5.1 and higher documented
SetHandleContext 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT, x86 only)
SetHandleCount 3.51 and higher documented
SetHandleInformation 3.51 and higher documented
SetInformationJobObject 5.0 and higher documented
SetIoRateControlInformationJobObject 10.0 and higher documented
SetLastConsoleEventActive 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetLastError 3.51 and higher documented
SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameA 5.1 and higher  
SetLocalPrimaryComputerNameW 5.1 and higher  
SetLocalTime 3.51 and higher documented
SetLocaleInfoA 3.51 and higher documented
SetLocaleInfoW 3.51 and higher documented
SetMailslotInfo 3.51 and higher documented
SetMessageWaitingIndicator 4.10 and higher  
SetNamedPipeAttribute 6.0 and higher  
SetNamedPipeHandleState 3.51 and higher documented
SetPriorityClass 3.51 and higher documented
SetProcessAffinityMask 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher documented
SetProcessDEPPolicy some 5.1 and 6.0, and higher;
begins in 5.1 from Windows XP SP3;
begins in 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1
SetProcessDefaultCpuSets 10.0 and higher documented
SetProcessInformation 6.2 and higher documented
SetProcessMitigationPolicy 6.2 and higher documented
SetProcessPreferredUILanguages 6.1 and higher documented
SetProcessPriorityBoost 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SetProcessShutdownParameters 3.51 and higher documented
SetProcessUserModeExceptionPolicy 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1 only  
SetProcessWorkingSetSize 3.51 and higher documented
SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx 5.2 and higher documented
SetProtectedPolicy 10.0 and higher documented
SetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime 6.2 only  
SetSearchPathMode 6.0 from Windows Vista SP2, and higher documented
SetStateVersion 6.2 only  
SetStdHandle 3.51 and higher documented
SetStdHandleEx 6.0 and higher  
SetSystemFileCacheSize 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
SetSystemPowerState 3.51 and higher documented
SetSystemTime 3.51 and higher documented
SetSystemTimeAdjustment 3.51 and higher documented
SetTapeParameters 3.51 and higher documented
SetTapePosition 3.51 and higher documented
SetTaskmonControl (122) 4.10 and 4.90  
SetTermsrvAppInstallMode 5.0 and higher  
SetThreadAffinityMask 3.51 and higher documented
SetThreadContext 3.51 and higher documented
SetThreadErrorMode 6.1 and higher documented
SetThreadExecutionState 4.10 and higher documented
SetThreadGroupAffinity 6.1 and higher documented
SetThreadIdealProcessor 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx 6.1 and higher documented
SetThreadInformation 6.2 and higher documented
SetThreadLocale 3.51 and higher documented
SetThreadPreferredUILanguages 6.0 and higher documented
SetThreadPriority 3.51 and higher documented
SetThreadPriorityBoost 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SetThreadSelectedCpuSets 10.0 and higher documented
SetThreadStackGuarantee 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
SetThreadToken 6.1 and higher;
earlier in ADVAPI32
documented (ADVAPI32)
SetThreadUILanguage 5.1 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolStackInformation 6.1 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum 6.0 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum 6.0 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolTimer 6.0 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolTimerEx 6.2 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolWait 6.0 and higher documented
SetThreadpoolWaitEx 6.2 and higher documentation
SetTimeZoneInformation 3.51 and higher documented
SetTimerQueueTimer 5.0 and higher  
SetUmsThreadInformation 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter 3.51 and higher documented
SetUserGeoID 4.90 only (Windows);
5.1 and higher (NT)
SetVDMCurrentDirectories 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SetVolumeLabelA 3.51 and higher documented
SetVolumeLabelW 3.51 and higher documented
SetVolumeMountPointA 5.0 and higher documented
SetVolumeMountPointW 5.0 and higher documented
SetVolumeMountPointWStub 6.2 and higher  
SetWaitableTimer 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SetWaitableTimerEx 6.1 and higher documented
SetXStateFeaturesMask 6.1 from Windows 7 SP1, and higher documented
SetupComm 3.51 and higher documented
ShowConsoleCursor 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
SignalObjectAndWait 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SignalSysMsgHandlers 4.10 and 4.90  
SizeofResource 3.51 and higher documented
Sleep 3.51 and higher documented
SleepConditionVariableCS 6.0 and higher documented
SleepConditionVariableSRW 6.0 and higher documented
SleepEx 3.51 and higher documented
SortCloseHandle 6.1 and higher  
SortGetHandle 6.1 and higher  
StartThreadpoolIo 6.0 and higher documented
SubmitThreadpoolWork 6.0 and higher documented
SubscribeStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
SuspendThread 3.51 and higher documented
SwitchToFiber 3.51 from Windows NT 3.51 SP5, and higher (NT);
4.10 to 4.90 (Windows)
SwitchToThread 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
SystemTimeToFileTime 3.51 and higher documented
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime 3.51 and higher documented
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx 6.2 and higher documented
TerminateJobObject 5.0 and higher documented
TerminateProcess 3.51 and higher documented
TerminateThread 3.51 and higher documented
TerminateThreadEx (100) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
TermsrvAppInstallMode 5.0 and higher  
TermsrvConvertSysRootToUserDir 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvCreateRegEntry 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvDeleteKey 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvDeleteValue 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvGetPreSetValue 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryA 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvOpenRegEntry 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvOpenUserClasses 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvRestoreKey 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvSetKeySecurity 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvSetValueKey 6.2 and higher  
TermsrvSyncUserIniFileExt 6.2 and higher  
Thread32First 4.0 and higher documented
Thread32Next 4.0 and higher documented
ThunkConnect32 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ThunkConnect32NonLocking (121) 4.10 and 4.90  
ThunkInitLS (43) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ThunkInitLSF (41) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ThunkInitSL (46) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
ThunkTheTemplateHandle (19) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
TlsAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
TlsAllocGlobal (102) 4.10 and 4.90  
TlsAllocInternal 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
TlsFree 3.51 and higher documented
TlsFreeGlobal (103) 4.10 and 4.90  
TlsFreeInternal 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
TlsGetValue 3.51 and higher documented
TlsSetValue 3.51 and higher documented
Toolhelp32ReadProcessMemory 4.0 and higher documented
TransactNamedPipe 3.51 and higher documented
TransmitCommChar 3.51 and higher documented
TrimVirtualBuffer 3.51 to 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1 (NT only)  
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive 6.1 and higher documented
TryAcquireSRWLockShared 6.1 and higher documented
TryEnterCriticalSection 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback 6.0 and higher documented
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime 5.1 and higher documented
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx 6.2 and higher documented
UTRegister 4.0 and higher  
UTUnRegister 4.0 and higher  
UmsThreadYield 6.1 and higher (x64 only) documented
UnMapLS 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
UnMapLSFixArray 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
UnhandledExceptionFilter 3.51 and higher documented
UninitializeCriticalSection 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
UnlockFile 3.51 and higher documented
UnlockFileEx 3.51 and higher documented
UnmapViewOfFile 3.51 and higher documented
UnmapViewOfFileEx 6.2 and higher  
UnregisterApplicationRecoveryCallback 6.0 and higher documented
UnregisterApplicationRestart 6.0 and higher documented
UnregisterBadMemoryNotification 6.2 and higher documented
UnregisterConsoleIME 5.0 and higher  
UnregisterStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
UnregisterStateLock 6.2 only  
UnregisterWait 5.0 and higher documented
UnregisterWaitEx 5.0 and higher documented
UnregisterWaitUntilOOBECompleted 6.3 and higher documented
UnsubscribeStateChangeNotification 6.2 only  
UpdateCalendarDayOfWeek 6.0 and higher documented
UpdateProcThreadAttribute 6.0 and higher documented
UpdateResourceA 3.51 and higher documented
UpdateResourceW 3.51 and higher documented
VDMConsoleOperation 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
VDMOperationStarted 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
ValidateLCType 5.0 to 5.2  
ValidateLocale 5.0 to 5.2  
VerLanguageNameA 3.51 and higher documented
VerLanguageNameW 3.51 and higher documented
VerSetConditionMask 5.0 and higher documented
VerifyConsoleIoHandle 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
VerifyScripts 6.0 and higher documented
VerifyVersionInfoA 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT only) documented
VerifyVersionInfoW 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP4, and higher (NT only) documented
VirtualAlloc 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualAllocEx 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
VirtualAllocExNuma 6.0 and higher documented
VirtualBufferExceptionHandler 3.51 to 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1 (NT only)  
VirtualFree 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualFreeEx 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0, and higher documented
VirtualLock 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualProtect 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualProtectEx 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualQuery 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualQueryEx 3.51 and higher documented
VirtualUnlock 3.51 and higher documented
VxDCall (1) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall1 (2) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall2 (3) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall3 (4) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall4 (5) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall5 (6) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall6 (7) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall7 (8) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
VxDCall8 (9) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
W32S_BackTo32 (51) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
WOWCallback16 (54) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWCallback16Ex (55) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWDirectedYield16 (67) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
WOWGetDescriptor (70) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
WOWGetVDMPointer (56) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGetVDMPointerFix (68) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGetVDMPointerUnfix (69) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalAlloc16 (59) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalAllocLock16 (63) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalFree16 (62) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalLock16 (60) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalLockSize16 (65) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalUnlock16 (61) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWGlobalUnlockFree16 (64) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWHandle16 (58) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWHandle32 (57) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only) documented (WOW32)
WOWYield16 (66) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId 5.1 and higher documented
WaitCommEvent 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForDebugEvent 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForDebugEventEx 10.0 and higher documentation
WaitForMultipleObjects 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForSingleObject 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForSingleObjectEx 3.51 and higher documented
WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks 6.0 and higher documented
WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks 6.0 and higher documented
WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks 6.0 and higher documented
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks 6.0 and higher documented
WaitNamedPipeA 3.51 and higher documented
WaitNamedPipeW 3.51 and higher documented
WakeAllConditionVariable 6.0 and higher documented
WakeConditionVariable 6.0 and higher documented
WerGetFlags 6.0 and higher documented
WerGetFlagsWorker 10.0 and higher  
WerRegisterFile 6.0 and higher documented
WerRegisterFileWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerRegisterMemoryBlock 6.0 and higher documented
WerRegisterMemoryBlockWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule 6.1 and higher documented
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerSetFlags 6.0 and higher documented
WerSetFlagsWorker 10.0 and higher  
WerUnregisterFile 6.0 and higher documented
WerUnregisterFileWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerUnregisterMemoryBlock 6.0 and higher documented
WerUnregisterMemoryBlockWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModule 6.1 and higher documented
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerpCleanupMessageMapping 6.0 and higher  
WerpGetDebugger 6.2 and higher  
WerpInitiateRemoteRecovery 6.0 and higher  
WerpLaunchAeDebug 6.2 and higher  
WerpNotifyLoadStringResource 6.0 and higher  
WerpNotifyLoadStringResourceEx 6.0 and higher  
WerpNotifyLoadStringResourceWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerpNotifyUseStringResource 6.0 and higher  
WerpNotifyUseStringResourceWorker 6.2 and higher  
WerpStringLookup 6.0 and higher  
WideCharToMultiByte 3.51 and higher documented
Win32HandleToDosFileHandle (21) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
WinExec 3.51 and higher documented
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
Wow64EnableWow64FsRedirection 5.2 and higher documented
Wow64GetThreadContext 6.0 and higher documented
Wow64GetThreadSelectorEntry 6.1 and higher documented
Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
Wow64SetThreadContext 6.0 and higher documented
Wow64SuspendThread 6.0 and higher documented
WriteConsoleA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleInputA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleInputVDMA 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
WriteConsoleInputVDMW 3.51 and higher (NT only)  
WriteConsoleInputW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleOutputA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleOutputW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteConsoleW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteFile 3.51 and higher documented
WriteFileEx 3.51 and higher documented
WriteFileGather 4.0 from Windows NT 4.0 SP3, and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileSectionA 3.51 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileSectionW 3.51 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileStringA 3.51 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileStringW 3.51 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileStructA 3.51 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileStructW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteProcessMemory 3.51 and higher documented
WriteProfileSectionA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteProfileSectionW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteProfileStringA 3.51 and higher documented
WriteProfileStringW 3.51 and higher documented
WriteStateAtomValue 6.2 only  
WriteStateContainerValue 6.2 only  
WriteTapemark 3.51 and higher documented
ZombifyActCtx 5.1 and higher documented
ZombifyActCtxWorker 6.2 and higher  
_CheckNotSysLevel (94) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_ConfirmSysLevel (95) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_ConfirmWin16Lock (96) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_DebugOut 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_DebugPrintf 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_EnterSysLevel (97) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_LeaveSysLevel (98) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
_LeaveSysLevel_NoThk (86) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
__C_specific_handler 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
__chkstk 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
__misaligned_access 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
_hread 3.51 and higher documented
_hwrite 3.51 and higher documented
_lclose 3.51 and higher documented
_lcreat 3.51 and higher documented
_llseek 3.51 and higher documented
_local_unwind 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
_lopen 3.51 and higher documented
_lread 3.51 and higher documented
_lwrite 3.51 and higher documented
dprintf 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32CharToOemA (10) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32CharToOemBuffA (11) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32LoadStringA (14) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32OemToCharA (12) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32OemToCharBuffA (13) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32iswctype (117) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32towupper (118) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32wcscmp (114) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32wcsicmp (106) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32wcsncmp (115) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32wcsupr (107) 4.10 and 4.90  
k32wsprintfA (15) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
k32wvsprintfA (16) 4.0 to 4.90 (Windows only)  
lstrcat 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcatA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcatW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrchrA (108) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrchrW (113) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrcmp 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcmpA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcmpW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcmpi 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcmpiA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcmpiW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpy 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpyA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpyW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpyn 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpynA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcpynW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrcspnA (109) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrlen 3.51 and higher documented
lstrlenA 3.51 and higher documented
lstrlenW 3.51 and higher documented
lstrncpyA (110) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrncpyW (116) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrrchrA (111) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrstrA (112) 4.10 and 4.90  
lstrtolW (105) 4.10 and 4.90  
timeBeginPeriod 6.2 and higher documented (WINMM)
timeEndPeriod 6.2 and higher documented (WINMM)
timeGetDevCaps 6.2 and higher documented (WINMM)
timeGetSystemTime 6.2 and higher documented (WINMM)
timeGetTime 6.2 and higher documented (WINMM)
uaw_lstrcmpW 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_lstrcmpiW 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_lstrlenW 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_wcschr 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_wcscpy 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_wcsicmp 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_wcslen 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  
uaw_wcsrchr 5.2 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher (x64 only)  


Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the KERNEL32 executable. All exports from NT builds of KERNEL32 are by name, but builds for the Windows that runs on MS-DOS export many functions by ordinal. Microsoft’s names for these are inferred from a Windows Me symbol file supplied with the Windows 2000 DDK. The ordinal is given in brackets after the name.

It perhaps must be stressed that a function’s presence in the export directory does not mean that the function is implemented non-trivially or that it will work satisfactorily if called, just that it can be imported from other modules, and be called, for better or worse. That a function is exported from some version does not mean that Microsoft supports its use in that version.


The KERNEL32 versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of public releases such as I have managed to find on old MSDN discs or have since downloaded from free Microsoft websites. My holdings are incomplete and I anyway have no time (or interest in) examining pre-release builds or hotfixes. Of necessity then, the table makes what I hope are reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all (released) builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known. If you want more accurate or comprehensive information, try getting it from Microsoft.

This study refers to applicable products and service packs in ascending order of versions and build numbers. Be aware that this is not chronological order. A quick list of the studied versions, in ascending order, is:

3.51 Windows NT 3.51 original and SP5
4.0 Windows 95 original and OSR2
Windows NT 4.0 original, and SP3 to SP6
4.10 Windows 98 original and SE
4.90 Windows Me
5.0 Windows 2000 original and SP1 to SP4
5.1 Windows XP original and SP1 to SP3
5.2 Windows Server 2003 original, SP1 and SP2
6.0 Windows Vista original, SP1 and SP2
6.1 Windows 7 original and SP1
6.2 Windows 8
6.3 Windows 8.1
10.0 Windows 10

KERNEL32 exists in both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows. The latter provides both a 64-bit (x64) KERNEL32 in the System32 directory and a 32-bit (wow64) KERNEL32 in the SysWOW64 directory. The 32-bit KERNEL32 in 64-bit Windows differs from the 32-bit (x86) KERNEL32 in 32-bit Windows, but not by much. Indeed, both have the same exports: in the table, “x86” stands for both the x86 and wow64 builds.

Documentation Status

This study’s reference version of Microsoft’s documentation is the Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.51 Service Pack 1, apparently released in August 2009. The build date shown on the opening pages of this documentation is 22nd June 2009.

Choosing one reference edition is not ideal for all purposes. Functions inevitably will be added for versions released afterwards, and will typically not be listed above as documented until a new reference edition is adopted. There is also a loss of history. Of interest to many is that Microsoft sometimes does not document new functions until years have passed: that a function is marked above as documented does not mean it has always been documented, only that it is documented in the chosen reference edition. Of interest perhaps only to historians is that even documented functions are sometimes discontinued, meaning specifically that later versions do not export them. Do not rely on me to have searched old editions of the SDK or MSDN Library to find whether discontinued functions ever were documented.

Note anyway that only rarely does Microsoft record in its documentation any note of when a function changed from undocumented to documented. Even where some hint might be discerned, it’s not obviously reliable. However, one change of status for several hundred Windows API functions was formally announced and is tracked above: functions marked “documented for settlement” were listed as Settlement Program Interfaces in late 2002.

Almost all functions that are exported from KERNEL32 in currently supported Windows versions are documented, even as being exported from KERNEL32. Unfortunately, although the SDK documentation does have a Windows API Reference with a master list of Functions in Alphabetical Order, a moment’s checking shows it to be unreliable as a master list. (For instance, it misses ActivateActCtx, which is only the fourth documented function in the list above.) Pages for KERNEL32 functions are scattered all over Microsoft’s documentation, under all sorts of headings. That a function is not marked above as “documented” does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

Some KERNEL32 functions are not formally documented as being importable from KERNEL32 but are documented as being importable from some other DLL. Where this is known, the name of that other DLL is given in brackets.

Where the name given in brackets is WDK, the function has a kernel-mode equivalent that is documented in the Windows Driver Kit. Though the WDK documentation of these functions looks to be intended only for their use in ring 0, it is as good for when they are called as KERNEL32 functions.