Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst
The table below lists all the functions that first appear as KERNEL32 exports in version 6.2, i.e., for Windows 8.
The functions that are highlighted yellow appear to be undocumented, as far as shows up in a search online today (12th March 2016).
Function | Remarks |
AcquireStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
ActivateActCtxWorker | |
AddDllDirectory | forwarded to API-MS-Win-Core-LibraryLoader-L1-1-0; documented for earlier versions (Windows Vista and higher) if KB2533623 installed |
AddRefActCtxWorker | implemented as jump to NTDLL function RtlAddRefActivationContext |
AddResourceAttributeAce | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
AddScopedPolicyIDAce | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
AppContainerDeriveSidFromMoniker | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppContainerFreeMemory | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppContainerLookupDisplayNameMrtReference | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppContainerLookupMoniker | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppContainerRegisterSid | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppContainerUnregisterSid | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXFreeMemory | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetApplicationData | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetDevelopmentMode | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetOSMaxVersionTested | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
AppXGetOSMinVersion | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetPackageCapabilities | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetPackageSid | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXGetPackageState | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXLookupDisplayName | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXLookupMoniker | discontinued in 6.3 |
AppXSetPackageState | discontinued in 6.3 |
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheExWorker | |
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheWorker | |
BaseCheckElevation | |
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupportWorker | |
BaseDestroyVDMEnvironment | |
BaseDumpAppcompatCacheWorker | |
BaseElevationPostProcessing | |
BaseFlushAppcompatCacheWorker | |
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupportWorker | |
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabledWorker | |
BaseIsDosApplication | |
BaseUpdateAppcompatCacheWorker | |
BaseUpdateVDMEntry | |
BaseWriteErrorElevationRequiredEvent | |
BasepAppCompatHookDLL | discontinued in 6.3 |
BasepAppContainerEnvironmentExtension | |
BasepAppXExtension | |
BasepCheckWebBladeHashes | |
BasepConstructSxsCreateProcessMessage | |
BasepCopyEncryption | |
BasepGetAppCompatData | |
BasepGetComputerNameFromNtPath | |
BasepGetExeArchType | |
BasepIsProcessAllowed | |
BasepNotifyLoadStringResource | |
BasepPostSuccessAppXExtension | implemented as jump to KERNELBASE function AppXPostSuccessExtension in 6.3 and higher |
BasepProcessInvalidImage | |
BasepQueryAppCompat | |
BasepReleaseAppXContext | implemented as jump to KERNELBASE function AppXReleaseAppXContext in 6.3 and higher |
BasepReleaseSxsCreateProcessUtilityStruct | |
BasepReportFault | |
BasepSetFileEncryptionCompression | |
CeipIsOptedIn | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 10.0 and higher; documentation requires Windows 8.1 and higher |
CheckAllowDecryptedRemoteDestinationPolicy | |
CheckForReadOnlyResourceFilter | |
CheckTokenCapability | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
CheckTokenMembershipEx | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
ClosePackageInfo | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
CloseState | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
CloseStateAtom | discontinued in 6.3 |
CloseStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
CloseStateContainer | discontinued in 6.3 |
CloseStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
CommitStateAtom | discontinued in 6.3 |
CopyFile2 | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-0 in 6.2 only; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-file-l2-1-1 in 6.3 and higher |
CreateActCtxWWorker | |
CreateFile2 | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-0 in 6.2 only; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-1 in 6.3 and higher |
CreateFileMappingFromApp | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-1 |
CreateStateAtom | discontinued in 6.3 |
CreateStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
CreateStateContainer | discontinued in 6.3 |
CreateStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
CreateStateSubcontainer | discontinued in 6.3 |
DeactivateActCtxWorker | |
DeleteStateAtomValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
DeleteStateContainer | discontinued in 6.3 |
DeleteStateContainerValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
DuplicateEncryptionInfoFileExt | |
DuplicateStateContainerHandle | discontinued in 6.3 |
EnumerateStateAtomValues | discontinued in 6.3 |
EnumerateStateContainerItems | discontinued in 6.3 |
FindActCtxSectionGuidWorker | |
FindActCtxSectionStringWWorker | |
GetAppContainerAce | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-appcontainer-l1-1-0 |
GetApplicationRecoveryCallbackWorker | |
GetApplicationRestartSettingsWorker | |
GetApplicationUserModelId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher; documented without version information |
GetCachedSigningLevel | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
GetCurrentActCtxWorker | |
GetCurrentApplicationUserModelId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher; documented without version information |
GetCurrentPackageFamilyName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetCurrentPackageFullName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetCurrentPackageId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetCurrentPackageInfo | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetCurrentPackagePath | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits | forwarded to API-MS-Win-Core-ProcessThreads-L1-1-0 |
GetDateFormatAWorker | |
GetDateFormatWWorker | |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA | |
GetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW | |
GetFirmwareType | |
GetHivePath | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetMemoryErrorHandlingCapabilities | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2 in 6.3 and higher |
GetOverlappedResultEx | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-io-l1-1-1 |
GetPackageFamilyName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetPackageFullName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetPackageId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetPackageInfo | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetPackagePath | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetPackagesByPackageFamily | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetProcessInformation | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-3 in 10.0 and higher |
GetProcessMitigationPolicy | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1 |
GetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetSerializedAtomBytes | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetStateContainerDepth | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetStateFolder | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetStateRootFolder | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetStateSettingsFolder | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetStateVersion | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetSystemAppDataFolder | discontinued in 6.3 |
GetSystemAppDataKey | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-0 in 6.2 only; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1 in 6.3 and higher |
GetThreadInformation | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2 in 6.3 and higher |
GetTimeFormatAWorker | |
GetTimeFormatWWorker | |
GlobalAddAtomExA | documented without version information |
GlobalAddAtomExW | documented without version information |
InterlockedPushListSListEx | forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedPushListSListEx |
IsNativeVhdBoot | |
IsValidNLSVersion | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-0 in 6.2 only; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1 in 6.3 and higher |
LoadPackagedLibrary | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-libraryloader-l2-1-0 in 10.0 and higher |
MapViewOfFileFromApp | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-1 |
NtVdm64CreateProcessInternalW | |
OpenConsoleWStub | |
OpenPackageInfoByFullName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
OpenState | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
OpenStateAtom | discontinued in 6.3 |
OpenStateExplicit | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
OverrideRoamingDataModificationTimesInRange | discontinued in 6.3 |
PackageFamilyNameFromFullName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
PackageFamilyNameFromId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
PackageFullNameFromId | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
PackageIdFromFullName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
PackageNameAndPublisherIdFromFamliyName | forwarded to KERNELBASE in 6.3 and higher |
PrefetchVirtualMemory | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-1 |
PublishStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
QueryActCtxSettingsWWorker | |
QueryActCtxWWorker | |
QueryStateAtomValueInfo | discontinued in 6.3 |
QueryStateContainerItemInfo | discontinued in 6.3 |
RaiseInvalid16BitExeError | |
ReadStateAtomValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
ReadStateContainerValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
RegCopyTreeW | also named export from ADVAPI32 6.0 and higher; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0 |
RegisterBadMemoryNotification | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2 in 6.3 and higher |
RegisterStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
RegisterStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
ReleaseActCtxWorker | implemented as jump to NTDLL function RtlReleaseActivationContext |
ReleaseStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
RemoveDllDirectory | forwarded to API-MS-Win-Core-LibraryLoader-L1-1-0; documented for earlier versions (Windows Vista and higher) if KB2533623 installed |
ResetState | discontinued in 6.3 |
ResolveDelayLoadedAPI | forwarded to NTDLL function LdrResolveDelayLoadedAPI; documented without version information |
ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll | forwarded to NTDLL function LdrResolveDelayLoadsFromDll; documented without version information |
SetCachedSigningLevel | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-security-base-l1-2-0 |
SetDefaultDllDirectories | forwarded to API-MS-Win-Core-LibraryLoader-L1-1-0; documented for earlier versions (Windows Vista and higher) if KB2533623 installed |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExA | |
SetFirmwareEnvironmentVariableExW | |
SetProcessInformation | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-3 in 10.0 and higher |
SetProcessMitigationPolicy | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-1 |
SetRoamingLastObservedChangeTime | discontinued in 6.3 |
SetStateVersion | discontinued in 6.3 |
SetThreadInformation | implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-processthreads-l1-1-2 in 6.3 and higher |
SetThreadpoolTimerEx | forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetTimerEx; documented for Windows Vista and higher |
SetThreadpoolWaitEx | forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetWaitEx; documented as requiring Windows 10 and higher |
SetVolumeMountPointWStub | |
SubscribeStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0; documented for Windows 7 and higher |
TermsrvConvertSysRootToUserDir | |
TermsrvCreateRegEntry | |
TermsrvDeleteKey | |
TermsrvDeleteValue | |
TermsrvGetPreSetValue | |
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryA | |
TermsrvGetWindowsDirectoryW | |
TermsrvOpenRegEntry | |
TermsrvOpenUserClasses | |
TermsrvRestoreKey | |
TermsrvSetKeySecurity | |
TermsrvSetValueKey | |
TermsrvSyncUserIniFileExt | |
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-timezone-l1-1-0; documented for Windows 7 and higher |
UnmapViewOfFileEx | forwarded to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-1 |
UnregisterBadMemoryNotification | implemented as wrapper around NTDLL function RtlUnsubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification in 6.2 only; implemented as jump to api-ms-win-core-memory-l1-1-2 in 6.3 and higher |
UnregisterStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
UnregisterStateLock | discontinued in 6.3 |
UnsubscribeStateChangeNotification | discontinued in 6.3 |
WerRegisterFileWorker | |
WerRegisterMemoryBlockWorker | |
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker | |
WerUnregisterFileWorker | |
WerUnregisterMemoryBlockWorker | |
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModuleWorker | |
WerpGetDebugger | |
WerpLaunchAeDebug | |
WerpNotifyLoadStringResourceWorker | |
WerpNotifyUseStringResourceWorker | |
WriteStateAtomValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
WriteStateContainerValue | discontinued in 6.3 |
ZombifyActCtxWorker | implemented as wrapper around NTDLL function RtlZombifyActivationContext |
timeBeginPeriod | |
timeEndPeriod | |
timeGetDevCaps | |
timeGetSystemTime | |
timeGetTime |
Version 6.2 discontinues some exports: