Ordinal-Only Exports Added For KERNEL32 4.10

The table below lists all the ordinal-only exports that first appear in KERNEL32 version 4.10, i.e., for Windows 98. These all continue into the version for Windows Me. None are ever exported from any NT version. None seem to be currently documented, if they ever were.

Ordinal Function
102 TlsAllocGlobal
103 TlsFreeGlobal
105 lstrtolW
106 k32wcsicmp
107 k32wcsupr
108 lstrchrA
109 lstrcspnA
110 lstrncpyA
111 lstrrchrA
112 lstrstrA
113 lstrchrW
114 k32wcscmp
115 k32wcsncmp
116 lstrncpyW
117 k32iswctype
119 k32towupper
120 GetCryptApiExponentValue
121 ThunkConnect32NonLocking
122 SetTaskmonControl