KERNELBASE 6.1 Named Exports

The table below lists all the functions that are exported from KERNELBASE version 6.1. These functions are the original exports, though the nature of KERNELBASE is that most have a previous existence as exports from other modules. For this first version those other modules are only KERNEL32 and ADVAPI32.

Function Remarks
AccessCheck also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AccessCheckByType also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AccessCheckByTypeResultList also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmByHandleW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AccessCheckByTypeResultListAndAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AcquireSRWLockExclusive forwarded to NTDLL function RtlAcquireSRWLockExclusive;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
AcquireSRWLockShared forwarded to NTDLL function RtlAcquireSRWLockShared;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
AddAccessAllowedAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AddAccessAllowedAceEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddAccessAllowedObjectAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddAccessDeniedAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AddAccessDeniedAceEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddAccessDeniedObjectAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AddAuditAccessAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AddAuditAccessAceEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddAuditAccessObjectAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
AddMandatoryAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
AdjustTokenGroups also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AdjustTokenPrivileges also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AllocateAndInitializeSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AllocateLocallyUniqueId also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AreAllAccessesGranted also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AreAnyAccessesGranted also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
AreFileApisANSI also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
BaseGetProcessDllPath discontinued in 6.2
BaseGetProcessExePath discontinued in 6.2
BaseInvalidateDllSearchPathCache discontinued in 6.2
BaseInvalidateProcessSearchPathCache discontinued in 6.2
BaseReleaseProcessDllPath discontinued in 6.2
BaseReleaseProcessExePath discontinued in 6.2
Beep also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
BemCopyReference discontinued in 10.0
BemCreateContractFrom discontinued in 10.0
BemCreateReference discontinued in 10.0
BemFreeContract discontinued in 10.0
BemFreeReference discontinued in 10.0
CallbackMayRunLong also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CancelIoEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CancelThreadpoolIo forwarded to NTDLL function TpCancelAsyncIoOperation;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CancelWaitableTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
ChangeTimerQueueTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
CheckTokenMembership also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
CloseHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CloseThreadpool forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleasePool;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseCleanupGroup;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseCleanupGroupMembers;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolIo forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseIoCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolTimer forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseTimer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolWait forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseWait;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseThreadpoolWork forwarded to NTDLL function TpReleaseWork;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CompareFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CompareStringA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CompareStringEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CompareStringOrdinal also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CompareStringW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ConnectNamedPipe also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ConvertDefaultLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
CopySid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateEventA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateEventExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateEventExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateEventW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateFileA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateFileMappingNumaW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateFileMappingW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateFileW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateIoCompletionPort also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateMutexA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateMutexExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateMutexExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateMutexW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateNamedPipeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreatePipe also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityWithMultipleInheritance also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher
CreateRemoteThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateRestrictedToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
CreateSemaphoreExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateThreadpool also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThreadpoolIo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThreadpoolTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThreadpoolWait also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateThreadpoolWork also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateTimerQueue also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
CreateTimerQueueTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
CreateWaitableTimerExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateWellKnownSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.0 and higher
DebugBreak also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DecodePointer forwarded to NTDLL function RtlDecodePointer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1, some 5.2, and higher
DecodeSystemPointer forwarded to NTDLL function RtlDecodeSystemPointer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1, some 5.2, and higher
DefineDosDeviceW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DeleteAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
DeleteCriticalSection forwarded to NTDLL function RtlDeleteCriticalSection;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DeleteFileA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DeleteFileW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DeleteProcThreadAttributeList also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
DeleteTimerQueueEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
DeleteTimerQueueTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
DeleteVolumeMountPointW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
DeviceIoControl also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DisableThreadLibraryCalls also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback forwarded to NTDLL function TpDisassociateCallback;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
DisconnectNamedPipe also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DuplicateHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DuplicateToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
DuplicateTokenEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 4.0 and higher (NT) and 4.80 and higher (Windows)
EncodePointer forwarded to NTDLL function RtlEncodePointer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1, some 5.2, and higher
EncodeSystemPointer forwarded to NTDLL function RtlEncodeSystemPointer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1, some 5.2, and higher
EnterCriticalSection forwarded to NTDLL function RtlEnterCriticalSection;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumCalendarInfoExEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumCalendarInfoExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
EnumCalendarInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumDateFormatsExEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumDateFormatsExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
EnumDateFormatsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumLanguageGroupLocalesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
EnumSystemCodePagesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumSystemLanguageGroupsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
EnumSystemLocalesA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumSystemLocalesEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumSystemLocalesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumTimeFormatsEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumTimeFormatsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EnumUILanguagesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
EqualDomainSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.0 and higher
EqualPrefixSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
EqualSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ExitProcess forwarded to NTDLL function RtlExitUserProcess in 6.1 and higher (x64) and 6.2 and higher (x86);
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ExitThread forwarded to NTDLL function RtlExitUserThread;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ExpandEnvironmentStringsA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ExpandEnvironmentStringsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FatalAppExitA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FatalAppExitW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FileTimeToLocalFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FileTimeToSystemTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindClose also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindCloseChangeNotification also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstChangeNotificationA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstChangeNotificationW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstFileA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstFileExA also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
FindFirstFileExW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
FindFirstFileW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstFreeAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
FindFirstVolumeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
FindNLSString also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
FindNLSStringEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
FindNextChangeNotification also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindNextFileA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindNextFileW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindNextVolumeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
FindResourceExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindStringOrdinal also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
FindVolumeClose also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
FlsAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
FlsFree also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
FlsGetValue also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
FlsSetValue also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
FlushFileBuffers also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FlushProcessWriteBuffers forwarded to NTDLL function NtFlushProcessWriteBuffers;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
FlushViewOfFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FoldStringW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FormatMessageA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FormatMessageW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeEnvironmentStringsA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeEnvironmentStringsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeLibrary also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeLibraryAndExitThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns forwarded to NTDLL function TpCallbackUnloadDllOnCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
FreeResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetACP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetAce also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetAclInformation also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCPFileNameFromRegistry also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1 to 6.0
GetCPInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCPInfoExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
GetCalendarInfoEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetCalendarInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
GetCommandLineA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommandLineW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetComputerNameExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetComputerNameExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetCurrencyFormatEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetCurrencyFormatW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentProcess also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentProcessId also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentThreadId also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDiskFreeSpaceA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDiskFreeSpaceExA also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
GetDiskFreeSpaceExW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
GetDiskFreeSpaceW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDriveTypeA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDriveTypeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDynamicTimeZoneInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetEnvironmentStrings also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetEnvironmentStringsA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetEnvironmentStringsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetEnvironmentVariableA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetEnvironmentVariableW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetErrorMode also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (Windows) and 6.0 and higher (NT)
GetExitCodeProcess also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetExitCodeThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileAttributesA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileAttributesExA also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
GetFileAttributesExW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
GetFileAttributesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileInformationByHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileMUIInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetFileMUIPath also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetFileSecurityW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileSize also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileSizeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFileType also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFinalPathNameByHandleA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetFinalPathNameByHandleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetFullPathNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetFullPathNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetHandleInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetKernelObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLastError also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLengthSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLocalTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLocaleInfoA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLocaleInfoEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetLocaleInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLogicalDriveStringsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLogicalDrives also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetLogicalProcessorInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1 and higher
GetLogicalProcessorInformationEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetLongPathNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
GetLongPathNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
GetModuleFileNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetModuleFileNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetModuleHandleA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetModuleHandleExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
GetModuleHandleExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
GetModuleHandleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetNLSVersion also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetNLSVersionEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetNamedPipeAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetNamedPipeClientComputerNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetNumberFormatEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetNumberFormatW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetOEMCP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetOverlappedResult also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetPriorityClass also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetPrivateObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetProcAddress also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetProcessHeap also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetProcessHeaps also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetProcessId also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1 and higher
GetProcessIdOfThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetProcessPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetProcessTimes also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetProcessVersion also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetQueuedCompletionStatus also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorControl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorLength also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorRMControl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetShortPathNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSidIdentifierAuthority also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSidLengthRequired also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSidSubAuthority also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSidSubAuthorityCount also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetStartupInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetStdHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetStringTypeA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetStringTypeExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetStringTypeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemDefaultLCID also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemDefaultLangID also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemDefaultLocaleName also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetSystemDefaultUILanguage also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
GetSystemDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetSystemTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemTimeAdjustment also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetTempFileNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetThreadId also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetThreadLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetThreadPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetThreadPriority also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetThreadPriorityBoost also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
GetThreadUILanguage also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetTickCount also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetTickCount64 also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetTimeZoneInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetTimeZoneInformationForYear also exported from KERNEL32 in some 6.0 and higher
GetTokenInformation also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
GetUILanguageInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetUserDefaultLCID also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetUserDefaultLangID also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetUserDefaultLocaleName also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetUserDefaultUILanguage also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
GetUserPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetVersion also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetVersionExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetVersionExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetVolumeInformationByHandleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetVolumeInformationW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetVolumePathNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetWindowsAccountDomainSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.0 and higher
GetWindowsDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetWindowsDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GlobalAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GlobalFree also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GlobalMemoryStatusEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
HeapAlloc forwarded to NTDLL function RtlAllocateHeap;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapCompact also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapCreate also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapDestroy also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapFree forwarded to NTDLL function RtlFreeHeap;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapLock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapQueryInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
HeapReAlloc forwarded to NTDLL function RtlReAllocateHeap;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapSetInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
HeapSize forwarded to NTDLL function RtlSizeHeap;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapSummary also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapUnlock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapValidate also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
HeapWalk also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ImpersonateAnonymousToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ImpersonateSelf also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
InitializeAcl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
InitializeCriticalSection forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInitializeCriticalSection;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
InitializeCriticalSectionEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitializeProcThreadAttributeList also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitializeSListHead forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInitializeSListHead;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
InitializeSRWLock forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInitializeSRWLock;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitializeSecurityDescriptor also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
InitializeSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
InterlockedCompareExchange x86 only;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedCompareExchange64 x86 only;
forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedDecrement x86 only;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedExchange x86 only;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedExchangeAdd x86 only;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedFlushSList forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedFlushSList;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
InterlockedIncrement x86 only;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher (x86 only)
InterlockedPopEntrySList forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedPopEntrySList;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
InterlockedPushEntrySList forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedPushEntrySList;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
InterlockedPushListSList forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedPushListSList;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InvalidateTzSpecificCache discontinued in 6.2
IsDBCSLeadByte also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
IsDBCSLeadByteEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
IsDebuggerPresent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher (NT) and 4.10 and higher (Windows)
IsNLSDefinedString also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
IsProcessInJob also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
IsThreadpoolTimerSet forwarded to NTDLL function TpIsTimerSet;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IsTokenRestricted also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
IsValidAcl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
IsValidCodePage also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
IsValidLanguageGroup also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 and higher
IsValidLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
IsValidLocaleName also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IsValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
IsValidSecurityDescriptor also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
IsValidSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
IsWellKnownSid also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.0 and higher
IsWow64Process also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
LCIDToLocaleName also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
LCMapStringA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LCMapStringEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
LCMapStringW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LeaveCriticalSection forwarded to NTDLL function RtlLeaveCriticalSection;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns forwarded to NTDLL function TpCallbackLeaveCriticalSectionOnCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
LoadLibraryExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LoadLibraryExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LoadResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LoadStringA also exported from USER32 in versions not yet enumerated
LoadStringBaseExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
LoadStringW also exported from USER32 in versions not yet enumerated
LocalAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocalFileTimeToFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocalFree also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocalLock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocalReAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocalUnlock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LocaleNameToLCID also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
LockFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LockFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
LockResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
MakeAbsoluteSD also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
MakeAbsoluteSD2 also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
MakeSelfRelativeSD also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
MapGenericMask also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
MapViewOfFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
MapViewOfFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
MapViewOfFileExNuma also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
MultiByteToWideChar also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathA also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
NeedCurrentDirectoryForExePathW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
NlsCheckPolicy also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
NlsEventDataDescCreate also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
NlsGetCacheUpdateCount also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
NlsUpdateLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
NlsUpdateSystemLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
NlsWriteEtwEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
NotifyMountMgr also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenEventA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenEventW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenFileMappingW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenMutexW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenProcess also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenProcessToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
OpenSemaphoreW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OpenThreadToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
OpenWaitableTimerW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
OutputDebugStringA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
OutputDebugStringW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
PeekNamedPipe also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
PostQueuedCompletionStatus also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
PrivilegeCheck also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
ProcessIdToSessionId also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
PulseEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
QueryDepthSList forwarded to NTDLL function RtlQueryDepthSList;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
QueryDosDeviceW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
QueryPerformanceCounter forwarded to NTDLL function RtlQueryPerformanceCounter;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
QueryPerformanceFrequency forwarded to NTDLL function RtlQueryPerformanceFrequency;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
QueryProcessAffinityUpdateMode also exported from KERNEL32 in some 6.0 and higher
QuerySecurityAccessMask also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
QueueUserAPC also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher
RaiseException also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadFileScatter also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
ReadProcessMemory also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
RegisterWaitForSingleObjectEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
ReleaseMutex also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns forwarded to NTDLL function TpCallbackReleaseMutexOnCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
ReleaseSRWLockExclusive forwarded to NTDLL function RtlReleaseSRWLockExclusive;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
ReleaseSRWLockShared forwarded to NTDLL function RtlReleaseSRWLockShared;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
ReleaseSemaphore also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns forwarded to NTDLL function TpCallbackReleaseSemaphoreOnCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
RemoveDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
RemoveDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ResetEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ResolveLocaleName also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
ResumeThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
RevertToSelf also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SearchPathW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetAclInformation also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCalendarInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
SetCriticalSectionSpinCount forwarded to NTDLL function RtlSetCriticalSectionSpinCount;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
SetCurrentDirectoryA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCurrentDirectoryW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetEndOfFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetEnvironmentStringsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
SetEnvironmentVariableA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetEnvironmentVariableW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetErrorMode also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetEventWhenCallbackReturns forwarded to NTDLL function TpCallbackSetEventOnCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetFileApisToANSI also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileApisToOEM also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileAttributesA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileAttributesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileInformationByHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetFilePointer also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFilePointerEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
SetFileSecurityW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetFileValidData also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
SetHandleCount also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetHandleInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetKernelObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetLastError forwarded to NTDLL function RtlSetLastWin32Error;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetLocalTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetLocaleInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetNamedPipeHandleState also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetPriorityClass also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetPrivateObjectSecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
SetProcessAffinityUpdateMode also exported from KERNEL32 in some 6.0 and higher
SetProcessShutdownParameters also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetSecurityAccessMask also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorControl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetStdHandle also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetStdHandleEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetThreadLocale also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetThreadPriority also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetThreadPriorityBoost also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
SetThreadStackGuarantee also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
SetThreadToken also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
SetThreadpoolStackInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetPoolMaxThreads;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetThreadpoolTimer forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetTimer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetThreadpoolWait forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetWait;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetTokenInformation also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
SetWaitableTimer also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
SizeofResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
Sleep also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SleepEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
StartThreadpoolIo forwarded to NTDLL function TpStartAsyncIoOperation;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SubmitThreadpoolWork forwarded to NTDLL function TpPostWork;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SuspendThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SwitchToThread also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
SystemTimeToFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TerminateProcess also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TerminateThread also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TlsAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TlsFree also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TlsGetValue also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TlsSetValue also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TransactNamedPipe also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive forwarded to NTDLL function RtlTryAcquireSRWLockExclusive;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
TryAcquireSRWLockShared forwarded to NTDLL function RtlTryAcquireSRWLockShared;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
TryEnterCriticalSection forwarded to NTDLL function RtlTryEnterCriticalSection;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
UnlockFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
UnlockFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
UnmapViewOfFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
UnregisterWaitEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
UpdateProcThreadAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
VerLanguageNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VerLanguageNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualAlloc also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualAllocEx also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
VirtualAllocExNuma also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
VirtualFree also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualFreeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
VirtualProtect also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualProtectEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualQuery also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualQueryEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitForMultipleObjectsEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitForSingleObject also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitForSingleObjectEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks forwarded to NTDLL function TpWaitForIoCompletion;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks forwarded to NTDLL function TpWaitForTimer;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks forwarded to NTDLL function TpWaitForWait;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks forwarded to NTDLL function TpWaitForWork;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WaitNamedPipeW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WideCharToMultiByte also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
WriteFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteFileGather also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
WriteProcessMemory also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
__C_specific_handler x64 only;
forwarded to NTDLL;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher (x64 only)
__chkstk x64 only;
forwarded to NTDLL;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher (x64 only)
__misaligned_access x64 only;
forwarded to NTDLL;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher (x64 only)
_local_unwind x64 only;
forwarded to NTDLL;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher (x64 only)
lstrcmp also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcmpA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcmpW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcmpi also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcmpiA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcmpiW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcpyn also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcpynA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrcpynW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrlen also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrlenA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
lstrlenW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher