Exports Added For KERNELBASE 6.2

The table below lists all the functions that first appear as KERNELBASE exports in version 6.2, i.e., for Windows 8.

Function Remarks
ActivateActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
AddDllDirectory also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
AddRefActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
AddResourceAttributeAce also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
AddSIDToBoundaryDescriptor also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
AddScopedPolicyIDAce also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
AddVectoredContinueHandler forwarded to NTDLL function RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
AddVectoredExceptionHandler forwarded to NTDLL function RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
AllocConsole also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
AttachConsole also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseCheckAppcompatCache also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseCheckAppcompatCacheEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
BaseCleanupAppcompatCacheSupport also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseDumpAppcompatCache also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseFlushAppcompatCache also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseFormatObjectAttributes also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
BaseInitAppcompatCacheSupport also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
BaseIsAppcompatInfrastructureDisabled also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
BaseUpdateAppcompatCache also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
CancelIo also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
CancelSynchronousIo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1 and higher
CheckTokenCapability also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
CheckTokenMembershipEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
ChrCmpIA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
ChrCmpIW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
ClearCommBreak also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ClearCommError also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ClosePrivateNamespace also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CloseTrace also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
ContinueDebugEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ControlTraceA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
ControlTraceW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
CopyFile2 also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
CopyFileExW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
CreateActCtxW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
CreateBoundaryDescriptorW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateConsoleScreenBuffer also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateDirectoryExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateFile2 also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
CreateFileMappingFromApp also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
CreateHardLinkW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
CreateMemoryResourceNotification also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
CreatePrivateNamespaceW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CreateProcessA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateProcessAsUserW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
CreateProcessInternalA also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.0 and higher
CreateProcessInternalW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.0 and higher
CreateProcessW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
CreateSymbolicLinkW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
CtrlRoutine also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher (x64) and 6.1 and higher (x86)
DeactivateActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
DebugActiveProcess also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
DebugActiveProcessStop also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
DelayLoadFailureHook also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
DeleteBoundaryDescriptor also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
DeleteSynchronizationBarrier forwarded to NTDLL function RtlDeleteBarrier;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.3 and higher
EmptyWorkingSet also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnableTraceEx2 also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.1 and higher
EnterSynchronizationBarrier also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.3 and higher
EnumDeviceDrivers also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumPageFilesA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumPageFilesW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumProcessModules also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumProcessModulesEx also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumProcesses also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
EnumResourceLanguagesExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumResourceLanguagesExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumResourceNamesExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumResourceNamesExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumResourceTypesExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumResourceTypesExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
EnumSystemFirmwareTables also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
EnumSystemGeoID also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 only (Windows) and 5.1 and higher (NT)
EnumerateTraceGuidsEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EscapeCommFunction also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
EventAccessControl also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventAccessQuery also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventAccessRemove also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventActivityIdControl forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventActivityIdControl;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventEnabled forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventEnabled;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventProviderEnabled forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventProviderEnabled;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventRegister forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventRegister;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventSetInformation forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventSetInformation
EventUnregister forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventUnregister;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventWrite forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventWrite;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventWriteEx forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventWriteEx;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.1 and higher
EventWriteString forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventWriteString;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
EventWriteTransfer forwarded to NTDLL function EtwEventWriteTransfer;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
FillConsoleOutputAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FillConsoleOutputCharacterA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FillConsoleOutputCharacterW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FindActCtxSectionGuid also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
FindActCtxSectionStringW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
FlushConsoleInputBuffer also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FlushInstructionCache also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
FreeConsole also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetAppContainerAce also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetAppContainerNamedObjectPath also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetApplicationRecoveryCallback also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetApplicationRestartSettings also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetCachedSigningLevel also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetCommConfig also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommMask also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommModemStatus also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommProperties also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommState also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCommTimeouts also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleCP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleCursorInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleInputExeNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
GetConsoleInputExeNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
GetConsoleMode also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleOutputCP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetConsoleTitleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetCurrentActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
GetCurrentProcessorNumber forwarded to NTDLL function RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumber;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx forwarded to NTDLL function RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumberEx;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetCurrentThreadStackLimits also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetDateFormatA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDateFormatEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetDateFormatW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetDeviceDriverFileNameA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetDeviceDriverFileNameW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetFileInformationByHandleEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetGeoInfoW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 only (Windows) and 5.1 and higher (NT)
GetLargePageMinimum also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetLargestConsoleWindowSize also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetMappedFileNameA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetMappedFileNameW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetModuleBaseNameA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetModuleBaseNameW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetModuleFileNameExA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetModuleFileNameExW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetModuleInformation also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetNativeSystemInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
GetNumaHighestNodeNumber also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
GetNumaNodeProcessorMaskEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetOverlappedResultEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetPerformanceInfo also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetProcessGroupAffinity also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetProcessHandleCount also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.1 and higher
GetProcessImageFileNameA also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetProcessImageFileNameW also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetProcessMemoryInfo also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetProcessMitigationPolicy also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
GetProductInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetStringScripts also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetSystemFileCacheSize also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
GetSystemFirmwareTable also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
GetTempPathW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetThreadContext also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetThreadGroupAffinity also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetThreadIdealProcessorEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
GetThreadTimes also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetTimeFormatA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetTimeFormatEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
GetTimeFormatW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
GetTraceEnableFlags forwarded to NTDLL function EtwGetTraceEnableFlags;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
GetTraceEnableLevel forwarded to NTDLL function EtwGetTraceEnableLevel;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
GetTraceLoggerHandle forwarded to NTDLL function EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
GetUserGeoID also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 only (Windows) and 5.1 and higher (NT)
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
GetWriteWatch also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
GetWsChanges also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
GetWsChangesEx also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
IdnToAscii also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IdnToNameprepUnicode also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IdnToUnicode also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitOnceBeginInitialize also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitOnceComplete also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitOnceExecuteOnce also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitOnceInitialize forwarded to NTDLL function RtlRunOnceInitialize;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitializeConditionVariable forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInitializeConditionVariable;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
InitializeProcessForWsWatch also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
InitializeSynchronizationBarrier also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.3 and higher
InterlockedPushListSListEx forwarded to NTDLL function RtlInterlockedPushListSListEx;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
IsCharBlankW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsCharCntrlW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsCharDigitW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsCharPunctW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsCharSpaceA also exported from SHLWAPI in some 6.0 and higher
IsCharSpaceW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsCharXDigitW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
IsInternetESCEnabled also exported from SHLWAPI in some 6.0 and higher
IsNormalizedString also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IsProcessorFeaturePresent also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
IsThreadAFiber also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
IsTimeZoneRedirectionEnabled also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 to 6.1
IsValidNLSVersion also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
K32EmptyWorkingSet also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumDeviceDrivers also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumPageFilesA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumPageFilesW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumProcessModules also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumProcessModulesEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32EnumProcesses also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverBaseNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetDeviceDriverFileNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetMappedFileNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetMappedFileNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetModuleBaseNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetModuleBaseNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetModuleFileNameExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetModuleFileNameExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetModuleInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetPerformanceInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetProcessImageFileNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetProcessImageFileNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetProcessMemoryInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetWsChanges also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32GetWsChangesEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32InitializeProcessForWsWatch also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32QueryWorkingSet also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
K32QueryWorkingSetEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
LoadAppInitDlls also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
MapViewOfFileFromApp also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
MoveFileExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
MoveFileWithProgressW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
NormalizeString also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
OpenPrivateNamespaceW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
OpenTraceW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
ParseURLA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
ParseURLW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAddBackslashA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAddBackslashW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAddExtensionA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAddExtensionW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAppendA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathAppendW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCanonicalizeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCanonicalizeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCleanupSpec discontinued in 10.0
PathCombineA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCombineW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCommonPrefixA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCommonPrefixW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathCreateFromUrlA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc also exported from SHLWAPI in some 6.0 and higher
PathCreateFromUrlW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathFileExistsA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFileExistsW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindExtensionA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindExtensionW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindFileNameA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindFileNameW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindNextComponentA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathFindNextComponentW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathGetArgsA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathGetArgsW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathGetCharTypeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathGetCharTypeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathGetDriveNumberA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathGetDriveNumberW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsExe discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 4.0 and higher
PathIsFileSpecA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsFileSpecW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsLFNFileSpecA also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
PathIsLFNFileSpecW also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
PathIsPrefixA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsPrefixW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsRelativeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsRelativeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsRootA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsRootW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsSameRootA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsSameRootW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsUNCA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsUNCServerA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathIsUNCServerShareA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathIsUNCServerShareW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathIsUNCServerW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
PathIsUNCW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsURLA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsURLW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathIsValidCharA also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
PathIsValidCharW also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
PathMatchSpecA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathMatchSpecExA also exported from SHLWAPI in some 6.0 and higher
PathMatchSpecExW also exported from SHLWAPI in some 6.0 and higher
PathMatchSpecW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathParseIconLocationA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathParseIconLocationW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathQuoteSpacesA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathQuoteSpacesW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRelativePathToA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRelativePathToW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveBackslashA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveBackslashW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveBlanksA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveBlanksW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveExtensionA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveExtensionW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveFileSpecA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRemoveFileSpecW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRenameExtensionA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathRenameExtensionW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathSearchAndQualifyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathSearchAndQualifyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathSkipRootA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathSkipRootW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathStripPathA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathStripPathW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathStripToRootA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathStripToRootW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
PathUnquoteSpacesA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PathUnquoteSpacesW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
PeekConsoleInputA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
PeekConsoleInputW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
PrefetchVirtualMemory also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
PrivCopyFileExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
ProcessTrace also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
PurgeComm also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
QISearch also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
QueryActCtxSettingsW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryActCtxW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
QueryAllTracesA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
QueryAllTracesW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
QueryFullProcessImageNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryFullProcessImageNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryIdleProcessorCycleTimeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
QueryMemoryResourceNotification also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
QueryProcessCycleTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryThreadCycleTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime forwarded to NTDLL function RtlQueryUnbiasedInterruptTime;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
QueryWorkingSet also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
QueryWorkingSetEx also exported from PSAPI in versions not yet enumerated
QueueUserWorkItem also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
ReOpenFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
ReadConsoleA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleInputA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleInputExA also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
ReadConsoleInputExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
ReadConsoleInputW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleOutputW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadConsoleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ReadDirectoryChangesW also exported from KERNEL32 in some 3.51 and higher (NT) and 4.10 and higher (Windows)
RegCloseKey also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegCopyTreeW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
RegCreateKeyExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegCreateKeyExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteKeyExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.2 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteKeyExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.2 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteTreeA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteTreeW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteValueA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDeleteValueW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegDisablePredefinedCacheEx also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.1 and in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegEnumKeyExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegEnumKeyExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegEnumValueA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegEnumValueW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegFlushKey also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegGetKeySecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegGetValueA also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.2 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegGetValueW also exported from ADVAPI32 in some 5.2 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegLoadAppKeyA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
RegLoadAppKeyW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher
RegLoadKeyA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegLoadKeyW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegLoadMUIStringA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegLoadMUIStringW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegNotifyChangeKeyValue also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegOpenCurrentUser also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegOpenKeyExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegOpenKeyExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegOpenUserClassesRoot also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegQueryInfoKeyA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegQueryInfoKeyW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegQueryValueExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegQueryValueExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegRestoreKeyA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegRestoreKeyW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegSaveKeyExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegSaveKeyExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegSetKeySecurity also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegSetValueExA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegSetValueExW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegUnLoadKeyA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegUnLoadKeyW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 3.51 and higher;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
RegisterTraceGuidsA forwarded to NTDLL function EtwRegisterTraceGuidsA;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
RegisterTraceGuidsW forwarded to NTDLL function EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
ReleaseActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
RemoveDllDirectory also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
RemoveTraceCallback also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
RemoveVectoredContinueHandler forwarded to NTDLL function RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler;
also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
RemoveVectoredExceptionHandler forwarded to NTDLL function RtlRemoveVectoredExceptionHandler;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
ReplaceFileW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
ResetWriteWatch also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.10 and higher
ResolveDelayLoadedAPI also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
ResolveDelayLoadsFromDll also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
RestoreLastError forwarded to NTDLL function RtlRestoreLastWin32Error;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
SHCoCreateInstance also exported from SHELL32 in 4.0 and higher
SHCreateDirectoryExW discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 5.0 and higher
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsW also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
SHGetDesktopFolder discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher
SHGetFileInfoW discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher, but only some 4.0
SHGetFolderLocation discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 5.0 and higher
SHGetFolderPathA discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 5.0 and higher
SHGetFolderPathAndSubDirW discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 6.0 and higher
SHGetFolderPathW discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 5.0 and higher
SHGetInstanceExplorer discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher
SHGetKnownFolderPath discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in some 6.0 and higher
SHGetSpecialFolderPathA discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 4.71 and higher
SHGetSpecialFolderPathW discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 4.0 and higher
SHLoadIndirectString also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
SHRegCloseUSKey also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegCreateUSKeyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegCreateUSKeyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegDeleteUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegDeleteUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegEnumUSKeyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegEnumUSKeyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegEnumUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegEnumUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegGetUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegGetUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegOpenUSKeyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegOpenUSKeyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegQueryUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegQueryUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegSetUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegSetUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegWriteUSValueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHRegWriteUSValueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SHSetKnownFolderPath discontinued in 10.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in some 6.0 and higher
SHTruncateString also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SearchPathA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCachedSigningLevel also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
SetClientTimeZoneInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
SetCommBreak also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCommConfig also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCommMask also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCommState also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetCommTimeouts also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetComputerNameExW also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleCP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleCtrlHandler also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleCursorInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleCursorPosition also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleInputExeNameA also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
SetConsoleInputExeNameW also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.0 and higher (NT only)
SetConsoleMode also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleOutputCP also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleTextAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleTitleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetConsoleWindowInfo also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetDefaultDllDirectories also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
SetDynamicTimeZoneInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetLastConsoleEventActive also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher (NT only)
SetProcessMitigationPolicy also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
SetProcessPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and higher
SetSystemFileCacheSize also exported from KERNEL32 in some 5.2 and higher
SetSystemTime also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetThreadContext also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetThreadGroupAffinity also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
SetThreadIdealProcessorEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
SetThreadPreferredUILanguages also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SetThreadUILanguage also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher
SetThreadpoolTimerEx forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetTimerEx;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
SetThreadpoolWaitEx forwarded to NTDLL function TpSetWaitEx;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
SetTimeZoneInformation also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetTraceCallback also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
SetUnhandledExceptionFilter also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SetUserGeoID also exported from KERNEL32 in 4.90 only (Windows) and 5.1 and higher (NT)
SetupComm also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
SignalObjectAndWait also exported from KERNEL32 in some 4.0 and higher
SleepConditionVariableCS also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
SleepConditionVariableSRW also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
StartTraceA also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
StartTraceW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
StopTraceW also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher
StrCSpnA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCSpnIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCSpnIW also exported from COMCTL32 in some 4.0 and higher;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCSpnW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCatBuffA also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
StrCatBuffW also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
StrCatChainW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrChrA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrChrIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrChrIW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrChrNIW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrChrNW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrChrW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpCA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpCW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpICA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpICW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpIW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpLogicalW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrCmpNA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpNCA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpNCW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpNIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpNICA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpNICW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrCmpNIW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpNW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCmpW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCpyNW also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 to some 6.0 (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrCpyNXA also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
StrCpyNXW also exported from SHLWAPI in 5.0 and higher
StrDupA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrDupW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrIsIntlEqualA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrIsIntlEqualW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrPBrkA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrPBrkW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRChrA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRChrIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRChrIW also exported from COMCTL32 in some 4.0 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRChrW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRStrIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrRStrIW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrSpnA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrSpnW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrStrA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrStrIA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrStrIW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrStrNIW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrStrNW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrStrW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHELL32 in 1.30 and higher (NT only);
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrToInt64ExA also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrToInt64ExW also exported from SHLWAPI in 6.0 and higher
StrToIntA also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrToIntExA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrToIntExW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrToIntW also exported from COMCTL32 in 3.50 and higher, except some 4.0;
also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.70 and higher
StrTrimA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
StrTrimW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTimeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
TraceEvent forwarded to NTDLL function EtwLogTraceEvent;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
TraceMessage forwarded to NTDLL function EtwTraceMessage;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher
TraceMessageVa forwarded to NTDLL function EtwTraceMessageVa;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.1 and higher
TraceSetInformation also exported from ADVAPI32 in 6.1 and higher
TransmitCommChar also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTimeEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
UnhandledExceptionFilter also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
UnmapViewOfFileEx also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.2 and higher
UnregisterTraceGuids forwarded to NTDLL function EtwUnregisterTraceGuids;
also exported from ADVAPI32 in 5.0 and higher
UrlApplySchemeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlApplySchemeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCanonicalizeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCanonicalizeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCombineA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCombineW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCompareA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCompareW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCreateFromPathA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlCreateFromPathW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlEscapeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlEscapeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlFixupW also exported from SHLWAPI in some 5.0 and higher
UrlGetLocationA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlGetLocationW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlGetPartA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlGetPartW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlHashA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlHashW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsNoHistoryA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsNoHistoryW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsOpaqueA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsOpaqueW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlIsW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlUnescapeA also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
UrlUnescapeW also exported from SHLWAPI in 4.71 and higher
VerSetConditionMask forwarded to NTDLL;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.0 and higher
VerifyScripts also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
VirtualLock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
VirtualUnlock also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitCommEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WaitForDebugEvent also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WakeAllConditionVariable forwarded to NTDLL function RtlWakeAllConditionVariable;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WakeByAddressAll forwarded to NTDLL function RtlWakeAddressAll
WakeByAddressSingle forwarded to NTDLL function RtlWakeAddressSingle
WakeConditionVariable forwarded to NTDLL function RtlWakeConditionVariable;
also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerRegisterFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerRegisterMemoryBlock also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerRegisterRuntimeExceptionModule also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
WerUnregisterFile also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerUnregisterMemoryBlock also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerUnregisterRuntimeExceptionModule also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.1 and higher
WerpNotifyLoadStringResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WerpNotifyUseStringResource also exported from KERNEL32 in 6.0 and higher
WriteConsoleA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleInputA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleInputW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleOutputW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
WriteConsoleW also exported from KERNEL32 in 3.51 and higher
ZombifyActCtx also exported from KERNEL32 in 5.1 and higher


Though version 6.2 is only the second for KERNELBASE, it stops exporting the following: