Exports Added For NTDLL 5.2

The table below lists the 148 exports that are new to NTDLL for version 5.2, i.e., Windows Server 2003. One general point to note is that this version’s first service pack is the first release of Windows for the x64 platform, and brings many new functions that are specific to the x64 or wow64 builds. Another is the addition of many functions for Event Tracing for Windows, many of which had been implemented in ADVAPI32 before its version 5.2 and move back to ADVAPI32 in the next version.

Documentation status is conveyed by colour coding. If you browse with scripting enabled, hovering over any text that has a background colour should produce a tooltip that explains the formatting. NTDLL exports that have all along had their own non-trivial documentation as exports from NTDLL are shown with no background colour. So too are the NTDLL implementations of documented functions and variables from the C Run-Time Library. If the whole of the documentation is just that the function is reserved or obsolete, without even giving a prototype, then the function is highlighted red or highlighted pink, respectively. Functions that look to be completely undocumented are highlighted yellow. If a function is documented now but is known not to have been documented immediately, especially in the contemporaneous Software Development Kit (SDK), then it is shaded yellow to retain some of its previous status as undocumented. If the delayed documentation came specifically from the function’s listing among the Settlement Program Interfaces in late 2002, then the shading is less yellow since Microsoft at least acknowledged that the documentation was late. An undocumented function is highlighted orange, as semi-documented, if it is at least declared in one or another header file from an SDK or, exceptionally, a Windows Driver Kit (WDK). NTDLL is low-level enough that some functions are documented in the Windows Driver Kit (WDK), typically as exports from the NT kernel for use by ring 0 software such as device drivers, but sometimes with non-specific talk of being callable from user mode. Such functions are shaded blue if they seem always to have had such documentation, but a brighter blue if the WDK documentation was not immediate. A function is shaded grey if it seems not to be documented but is known to be the entire low-level implementation of some function in a higher-level DLL such as KERNEL32 or ADVAPI32. Identifying these is a work in progress.

Function Remarks
EtwControlTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function ControlTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwControlTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function ControlTraceW in 5.2 only
EtwCreateTraceInstanceId forwarded from ADVAPI32 function CreateTraceInstanceId in 5.2 and higher
EtwEnableTrace discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function EnableTrace in 5.2 only
EtwEnumerateTraceGuids discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function EnumerateTraceGuids in 5.2 only
EtwFlushTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function FlushTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwFlushTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function FlushTraceW in 5.2 only
EtwGetTraceEnableFlags forwarded from ADVAPI32 function GetTraceEnableFlags in 5.2 and higher
EtwGetTraceEnableLevel forwarded from ADVAPI32 function GetTraceEnableLevel in 5.2 and higher
EtwGetTraceLoggerHandle forwarded from ADVAPI32 function GetTraceLoggerHandle in 5.2 and higher
EtwNotificationRegistrationA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function WmiNotificationRegistrationA in 5.2 only
EtwNotificationRegistrationW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function WmiNotificationRegistrationW in 5.2 only
EtwQueryAllTracesA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function QueryAllTracesA in 5.2 only
EtwQueryAllTracesW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function QueryAllTracesW in 5.2 only
EtwQueryTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function QueryTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwQueryTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function QueryTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwReceiveNotificationsA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function WmiReceiveNotificationsA in 5.2 only
EtwReceiveNotificationsW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function WmiReceiveNotificationsW in 5.2 only
EtwRegisterTraceGuidsA forwarded from ADVAPI32 function RegisterTraceGuidsA in 5.2 and higher
EtwRegisterTraceGuidsW forwarded from ADVAPI32 function RegisterTraceGuidsW in 5.2 and higher
EtwStartTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function StartTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwStartTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function StartTraceW in 5.2 only
EtwStopTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function StopTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwStopTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function StopTraceW in 5.2 only
EtwTraceEvent discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function TraceEvent in 5.2 only
EtwTraceMessage forwarded from ADVAPI32 function TraceMessage in 5.2 and higher
EtwTraceMessageVa forwarded from ADVAPI32 function TraceMessageVa in 5.2 and higher
EtwUnregisterTraceGuids forwarded from ADVAPI32 function UnregisterTraceGuids in 5.2 and higher
EtwUpdateTraceA discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function UpdateTraceA in 5.2 only
EtwUpdateTraceW discontinued in 6.0;
forwarded from ADVAPI32 function UpdateTraceW in 5.2 only
EtwpGetTraceBuffer discontinued in 6.0
EtwpSetHWConfigFunction discontinued in 6.0
ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListEnd begins from SP1
ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListFault begins from SP1
ExpInterlockedPopEntrySListResume begins from SP1
LdrGetKnownDllSectionHandle begins from SP1;
x64 only
LdrOpenImageFileOptionsKey begins from SP1
LdrProcessInitializationComplete begins from SP1;
x64 only
LdrQueryImageFileKeyOption begins from SP1
NtApphelpCacheControl declared in Windows 10 WDK
NtGetCurrentProcessorNumber forwarded from KERNEL32 function GetCurrentProcessorNumber in 5.2 before Windows Server 2003 SP1;
undocumented until 2004-2006;
not declared
NtWaitForMultipleObjects32 begins from SP1
NtWow64CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrAllocateMessagePointer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrCaptureMessageString begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrClientCallServer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrClientConnectToServer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrGetProcessId begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrIdentifyAlertableThread begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64CsrNewThread begins from SP1;
wow64 only;
discontinued in 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1
NtWow64CsrSetPriorityClass begins from SP1;
wow64 only;
discontinued in 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1
NtWow64DebuggerCall begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64GetNativeSystemInformation begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64QueryInformationProcess64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64QueryVirtualMemory64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
NtWow64ReadVirtualMemory64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
RtlAcquirePrivilege begins from SP1
RtlAddFunctionTable begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler begins from SP1;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function AddVectoredContinueHandler in corresponding 5.2, and higher
RtlAllocateActivationContextStack begins from SP1
RtlCopyMemory begins from SP1;
x64 only;
x86 support by macro in terms of memcpy function
RtlCopyMemoryNonTemporal begins from SP1;
x64 only;
x86 support by macro as RtlCopyMemory
RtlDeleteFunctionTable begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus begins from SP1
RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus begins from SP1
RtlFormatMessageEx begins from SP1
RtlFreeActivationContextStack begins from SP1
RtlGetCriticalSectionRecursionCount begins from SP1
RtlGetCurrentProcessorNumber begins from SP1;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function GetCurrentProcessorNumber in corresponding 5.2, and higher
RtlGetFunctionTableListHead begins from SP1;
x64 only;
undocumented until 2004-2006;
documentation withdrawn in 2007-2008
RtlImageNtHeaderEx declared in Windows 10 WDK
RtlInsertElementGenericTableFull declared for Windows 2000 and higher;
conditionally redefined by macro as RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl
RtlInsertElementGenericTableFullAvl declaration requires Windows XP and higher
RtlInstallFunctionTableCallback begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlInterlockedCompareExchange64 x86 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function InterlockedCompareExchange64 in 5.2 and higher;
forwarded from KERNELBASE function InterlockedCompareExchange64 in 6.1 and higher
RtlIsCriticalSectionLocked begins from SP1
RtlIsCriticalSectionLockedByThread begins from SP1
RtlLookupElementGenericTableFull declaration requires Windows 2000 and higher;
conditionally redefined by macro as RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl
RtlLookupElementGenericTableFullAvl declaration requires Windows XP and higher
RtlLookupFunctionEntry begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlLookupFunctionTable begins from SP1;
x64 only
RtlReleasePrivilege begins from SP1
RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler begins from SP1;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function RemoveVectoredContinueHandler in corresponding 5.2, and higher
RtlRestoreContext begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlSetUnhandledExceptionFilter begins from SP1
RtlUnwindEx begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlVirtualUnwind begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 in 5.2 and 6.0
RtlWow64EnableFsRedirectionEx begins from SP1
ZwAddDriverEntry declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwDeleteDriverEntry declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwEnumerateDriverEntries declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwGetCurrentProcessorNumber declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwLoadKeyEx declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwModifyDriverEntry declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwQueryDriverEntryOrder declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwQueryOpenSubKeysEx declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwSetDriverEntryOrder declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwUnloadKey2 declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwWaitForMultipleObjects32 begins from SP1;
declared in Windows 10 WDK
ZwWow64CsrAllocateCaptureBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrAllocateMessagePointer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrCaptureMessageString begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrClientCallServer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrClientConnectToServer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrFreeCaptureBuffer begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrGetProcessId begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrIdentifyAlertableThread begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrNewThread begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64CsrSetPriorityClass begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64DebuggerCall begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64GetNativeSystemInformation begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64QueryInformationProcess64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64QueryVirtualMemory64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
ZwWow64ReadVirtualMemory64 begins from SP1;
wow64 only
__C_specific_handler begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function __C_specific_handler in 5.2 and higher
__chkstk begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function __chkstk in 5.2 and higher
__misaligned_access begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function __misaligned_access in 5.2 and higher
_local_unwind begins from SP1;
x64 only;
forwarded from KERNEL32 function _local_unwind in 5.2 and higher
_setjmp begins from SP1;
x64 only
_setjmpex begins from SP1;
x64 only
longjmp begins from SP1;
x64 only


Version 5.2 discontinues some exports:

More were discontinued in the first service pack. In terms of version numbers, however, all are first discontinued in the version 5.1 from Windows XP SP2.