Most Viewed in March 2012

This site had 17,283 visits in March 2012, from 13,428 unique visitors.

There follows a list of pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in March 2012. The faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents to another. Two of these index pages are just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction. The rank in brackets is from the previous month.

Especially gratifying is that many pages, including some personal favourites, have returned to the list now that Google has rediscovered them. Well may it continue, until the next time Google dislikes something about these pages and drops them from its database.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Licensed Memory in Windows Vista 8,213
2 (2) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 1,610
3 (3) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 957
4 (5) Kernel 588
5 (4) Win32 455
6 (8) NTDLL Functions 397
7 (10) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 329
8 (14) The Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 316
9   WPP Software Tracing in SERVICES.EXE 314
10 (9) Notes 298
11 (18) Boot Options: numproc 285
12 (6) Installed License Values 267
13 (25) BCD Elements 259
14 (11) Boot Options: pae 255
15 (19) SYSENTER and SYSEXIT in Windows 246
16 (7) Licensed Processors in Windows Vista 230
17 (12) ZwQueryLicenseValue 226
18 (16) Visual C++ 223
19   Kernel Versions 221
20 (20) Shell 207
21   The First Run Page in Internet Explorer 206
22 (23) BCD Objects 205
23 (17) The Windows Explorer Command Line 199
24   Windows Kernel Exports 198
25   SHELL32 Functions 195
26   Missing Icons in Notification Area 186
27   Boot Windows from a Network 180
28   SVCHOST 173
29 (23) Internet Explorer 167
30   The Boot Status Data Log 166
31   Boot Options: detecthal 165
32   The Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider 164
33   Boot Options: nx 163
34   About This Site 146
35   Software Analysis By Reverse Engineering 143
36   Internet Explorer Options 142
37 (22) What’s New? 139
38   C1XX Errors 133
39   Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure 131
40 (13) Operation Aurora 129
40   Boot Options: truncatememory 129
42   LINK /VERBOSE 127
43   HAL Versions 122
44 (21) LINK /IGNORE 118
44   Boot Options: kernel 118
46   Memory Limit for Hibernation Support 117
47   The x86 BIOS Emulator 109
48   Consultation 106
49   CPU Identification by the Windows Kernel 105
50   Feature Control in Internet Explorer 102
51   Viewing the Firmware Memory Map 101