SharedDataFlags in KUSER_SHARED_DATA

The KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure defines the layout of a data area that the kernel places at a pre-set address for sharing with user-mode software. Windows Vista introduced a set of ULONG bit fields in union with a SharedDataFlags member at offset 0x02F0. Not only have most subsequent versions added bits but Windows 8 redefined two of them.

Mask Definition Versions
ULONG DbgErrorPortPresent : 1;
6.0 and higher
ULONG DbgElevationEnabled : 1;
6.0 and higher
ULONG DbgVirtEnabled : 1;
6.0 and higher
ULONG DbgInstallerDetectEnabled : 1;
6.0 and higher
ULONG DbgSystemDllRelocated : 1;
6.0 to 6.1
ULONG DbgLkgEnabled : 1;
6.2 and higher
ULONG DbgDynProcessorEnabled : 1;
6.1 and higher
ULONG DbgSEHValidationEnabled : 1;
6.1 only
ULONG DbgConsoleBrokerEnabled : 1;
6.2 and higher
ULONG DbgSecureBootEnabled : 1;
6.2 and higher
ULONG DbgMultiSessionSku : 1;
10.0 and higher
ULONG DbgMultiUsersInSessionSku : 1;
1607 and higher
ULONG DbgStateSeparationEnabled : 1;
1709 and higher
ULONG SpareBits : 27;
6.0 to 6.1
ULONG SpareBits : 25;
6.1 only
ULONG SpareBits : 24;
6.2 to 6.3
ULONG SpareBits : 23;
10.0 to 1511
ULONG SpareBits : 22;
1607 to 1703
ULONG SpareBits : 21;
1709 and higher

A comment in the C-language definition of KUSER_SHARED_DATA from NTDDK.H says that these “are for the debugger only” and directs programmers to “Use the bit definitions instead.” These evaluate as:

In the Windows Driver Kit (WDK) for Windows Vista, DbgSystemDllRelocated is defined as a bit field but with no corresponding macro.