Geoff Chappell - Software Analyst
The public symbol file NTKRPAMP.PDB for the original release of Windows 10 tells that the kernel is built with the KE.H header at
and draws from it the following type definitions:
Line Number | Type |
214 | enum _KOBJECTS |
311 | struct _KTHREAD_COUNTERS |
283 | enum _KPROCESS_STATE |
298 | enum _KTHREAD_STATE |
641 | struct _KSCB |
713 | struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP |
764 | struct _KNODE |
814 | struct _flags |
852 | union _KEXECUTE_OPTIONS |
871 | union _KSTACK_COUNT |
884 | struct _KPROCESS |
1134 | enum _KWAIT_BLOCK_STATE |
1145 | enum _KWAIT_STATE |
1270 | struct _KLOCK_ENTRY_LOCK_STATE |
1295 | struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1630 | struct _KTHREAD |
3432 | enum _KERNEL_STACK_LIMITS |
The _flags structure is the type of the _KNODE member named Flags. That _KNODE is defined first implies that _flags is defined within _KNODE. That _flags is not scoped to _KNODE is indirect evidence of compilation as C, not C++, in versions (such as 6.1) for which the public symbol files do not give the direct evidence of recording compilation with the -TC option. Either way, of course, the evidence is only of whatever source file was compiled to produce the public symbol files. The source files that contribute to the kernel’s code can have been compiled differently: study without source code does have limits to its definiteness.
The header KE.H is not known in any Device Driver Kit (DDK) or Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
More types are known from CLFSMGMT.LIB. Indeed, there is good expectation that the type information in this library is a complete reckoning of types defined in KE.H. This is because type information is in the library from the latter’s archiving of an object file that’s a by-product of creating a pre-compiled header. What’s recorded then is not the types that are used but the types that might be used. Moreover, the record of nested types is more detailed due to compilation as C++.
Line Number | Type |
214 | enum _KOBJECTS |
270 | enum _KAPC_ENVIRONMENT |
298 | enum _KTHREAD_STATE |
283 | enum _KPROCESS_STATE |
298 | enum _KTHREAD_STATE |
311 | struct _KTHREAD_COUNTERS |
325 | enum _KDUE_TIME_TYPE |
641 | struct _KSCB |
653 | anonymous struct in struct _KSCB |
693 | anonymous union in struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP_POLICY |
696 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP_POLICY |
702 | anonymous union in struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP_POLICY |
704 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP_POLICY |
713 | struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP |
727 | anonymous union in struct _KSCHEDULING_GROUP |
764 | struct _KNODE |
770 | anonymous struct in struct _KNODE |
796 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in struct _KNODE |
798 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in struct _KNODE |
800 | anonymous struct in struct _KNODE |
814 | struct _flags in anonymous tag in struct _KNODE |
852 | union _KEXECUTE_OPTIONS |
853 | anonymous struct in union _KEXECUTE_OPTIONS |
871 | union _KSTACK_COUNT |
873 | anonymous struct in union _KSTACK_COUNT |
884 | struct _KPROCESS |
961 | anonymous union in struct _KPROCESS |
962 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KPROCESS |
1128 | enum _ADJUST_REASON |
1134 | enum _KWAIT_BLOCK_STATE |
1145 | enum _KWAIT_STATE |
1162 | anonymous struct in union _KWAIT_STATUS_REGISTER |
1270 | struct _KLOCK_ENTRY_LOCK_STATE |
1271 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY_LOCK_STATE |
1272 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY_LOCK_STATE |
1281 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY_LOCK_STATE |
1295 | struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1297 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1387 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1389 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1391 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1393 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1398 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1400 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1404 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1406 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1413 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1495 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1498 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1499 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1501 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1508 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1522 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1557 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1569 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1589 | anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1591 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KLOCK_ENTRY |
1630 | struct _KTHREAD |
1712 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1713 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1772 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1772 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1805 | anonymous struct in struct _KTHREAD |
1828 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1830 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1859 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1868 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1905 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1910 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1915 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1920 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1932 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1933 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1970 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1972 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1980 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1982 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1986 | anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
1988 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2001 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2003 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2025 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2027 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2036 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2038 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2043 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2048 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2053 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2058 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2063 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2203 | anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2205 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KTHREAD |
2362 | struct _KPROFILE |
2367 | anonymous union in struct _KPROFILE |
2368 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KPROFILE |
2375 | anonymous struct in anonymous union in struct _KPROFILE |
3432 | enum _KERNEL_STACK_LIMITS |
3711 | struct _KTHREAD_VALUES |
4869 | enum _KTBFLUSH_TYPE |
4876 | enum _KTBFLUSH_TARGET |
5576 | anonymous struct in struct _KE_PRIVILEGED_PAGE_IDENTITY |
6696 | struct _KSHA256_PARALLEL |
6699 | anonymous union in struct _KSHA256_PARALLEL |
6731 | struct _KWAIT_CHAIN_ENTRY |