SHLWAPI Functions

The large table on this page is this study’s master list of functions that appear in the export directory of any known version of SHLWAPI. It gives for each function just brief summaries of the applicable SHLWAPI versions and of the function’s status with respect to Microsoft’s documentation.

This master list is the key to other lists. More detail on each function’s availability and documentation status is to be found by looking for the function in the history lists, according to the function’s first version and to whether it is exported by name or with an ordinal. A separate list covers usage by other executable modules distributed with Windows (though presently specific to Windows XP Service Pack 1). Some functions link directly to an attempt at alternative documentation.

Additional explanatory notes follow the table.

Function Applicable Versions Documentation Status
AppendMenuWrapW (36) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
AssocCopyVerbs (381) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
AssocCreate 5.0 and higher documented
AssocGetPerceivedType 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
AssocGetUrlAction (561) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
AssocIsDangerous 6.0 from Windows XP SP1, and higher documented
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyA (410) 5.0 and higher  
AssocMakeApplicationByKeyW (409) 5.0 and higher  
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationA (412) 5.0 and higher  
AssocMakeFileExtsToApplicationW (411) 5.0 and higher  
AssocMakeProgid (407) 5.0 and higher  
AssocMakeShell (408) 5.0 and higher  
AssocQueryKeyA 5.0 and higher documented
AssocQueryKeyW 5.0 and higher documented
AssocQueryStringA 5.0 and higher documented
AssocQueryStringW 5.0 and higher documented
AssocQueryStringByKeyA 5.0 and higher documented
AssocQueryStringByKeyW 5.0 and higher documented
CalculateAspectRatio (581) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
CallMsgFilterWrapW (332) 5.0 and higher  
CallWindowProcWrapW (37) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
CharLowerWrapW (38) 4.71 and higher documented
CharLowerBuffWrapW (39) 4.71 and higher  
CharLowerNoDBCSA (453) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
CharLowerNoDBCSW (454) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
CharNextWrapW (40) 4.71 and higher  
CharPrevWrapW (41) 4.71 and higher  
CharToOemWrapW (42) 4.71 and higher  
CharUpperWrapW (43) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
CharUpperBuffWrapW (44) 4.71 and higher documented
CharUpperNoDBCSA (451) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
CharUpperNoDBCSW (452) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
ChrCmpIA 4.71 and higher documented
ChrCmpIW 4.71 and higher documented
CLSIDFromProgIDWrap (435) 5.0 and higher  
CLSIDFromStringWrap (436) 5.0 and higher  
ColorAdjustLuma 5.0 and higher documented
ColorHLSToRGB 5.0 and higher documented
ColorRGBToHLS 5.0 and higher documented
CompareStringWrapW (45) 4.71 and higher documented
CompareStringAltW (159) 4.71 and higher  
ConnectToConnectionPoint (168) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
ConvertDIBSECTIONToThumbnail (580) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
CopyAcceleratorTableWrapW (46) 4.71 and higher  
CopyFileWrapW (112) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
CreateAcceleratorTableWrapW (47) 4.71 and higher  
CreateAllAccessSecurityAttributes (356) 5.0 and higher;
but not 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
and not 6.0 from Windows Server 2003 SP1 and SP2
CreateColorSpaceWrapW (543) 5.50 from Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2, and higher  
CreateDCWrapW (48) 4.71 and higher  
CreateDialogIndirectParamWrapW (393) 5.0 and higher  
CreateDialogParamWrapW (49) 4.71 and higher  
CreateDirectoryWrapW (50) 4.71 and higher  
CreateEventWrapW (51) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
CreateFileWrapW (52) 4.71 and higher documented
CreateFontWrapW (300) 5.0 and higher  
CreateFontIndirectWrapW (53) 4.71 and higher  
CreateICWrapW (54) 4.71 and higher  
CreateMetaFileWrapW (304) 5.0 and higher  
CreateMutexWrapW (305) 5.0 and higher  
CreateProcessWrapW (369) 5.0 and higher  
CreateSemaphoreWrapW (307) 5.0 and higher  
CreateSizedDIBSECTION (583) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
CreateURLFileContentsA (297) 5.0 and higher  
CreateURLFileContentsW (296) 5.0 and higher  
CreateWindowExWrapW (55) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DdeCreateStringHandleWrapW (372) 5.0 and higher  
DdeInitializeWrapW (371) 5.0 and higher  
DdeQueryStringWrapW (373) 5.0 and higher  
DefWindowProcWrapW (56) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DelayLoadFailureHook (547) 6.0 and higher  
DelayLoadFailureHook (569) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
DeleteFileWrapW (57) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DeleteMenuWrap (425) 5.0 and higher  
DestroyMenuWrap (426) 5.0 and higher  
DialogBoxIndirectParamWrapW (58) 4.71 and higher  
DialogBoxParamWrapW (59) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DispatchMessageWrapW (60) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DllGetVersion 4.70 and higher (documented)
DoesStringRoundTripA (364) 5.0 and higher  
DoesStringRoundTripW (365) 5.0 and higher  
DragQueryFileWrapW (318) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DrawTextWrapW (61) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DrawTextExWrapW (301) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
DupWideToAnsi (617) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
EndDialogWrap (392) 5.0 and higher  
EnumFontFamiliesWrapW (62) 4.71 and higher  
EnumFontFamiliesExWrapW (63) 4.71 and higher  
EnumResourceNamesWrapW (64) 4.71 and higher  
EventTraceHandler (255) 6.0 and higher  
ExpandEnvironmentStringsWrapW (306) 5.0 and higher  
ExtractIconWrapW (370) 5.0 and higher  
ExtractIconExWrapW (337) 5.0 and higher  
ExtTextOutWrapW (299) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
FactorAspectRatio (582) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
FDSA_DeleteItem (211) 5.0 and higher  
FDSA_Destroy (209) 5.0 and higher  
FDSA_Initialize (208) 5.0 and higher  
FDSA_InsertItem (210) 5.0 and higher  
FindFirstFileWrapW (65) 4.71 and higher  
FindNextFileWrapW (341) 5.0 and higher  
FindResourceWrapW (66) 4.71 and higher documented
FindWindowWrapW (67) 4.71 and higher  
FindWindowExWrapW (319) 5.0 and higher  
FixSlashesAndColonA (447) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
FixSlashesAndColonW (448) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
FormatMessageWrapW (68) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetAcceptLanguagesA (14) 4.71 and higher documented
GetAcceptLanguagesW (15) 4.71 and higher documented
GetCharacterPlacementWrapW (111) 4.71 and higher  
GetCharWidth32WrapW (110) 4.71 and higher  
GetClassInfoWrapW (69) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetClassInfoExWrapW (315) 5.0 and higher  
GetClassLongWrapW (70) 4.71 and higher  
GetClassNameWrapW (71) 4.71 and higher  
GetClipboardFormatNameWrapW (72) 4.71 and higher  
GetCurrentDirectoryWrapW (73) 4.71 and higher  
GetDateFormatWrapW (311) 5.0 and higher documented
GetDlgItemTextWrapW (74) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetEnvironmentVariableWrapW (442) 5.0 and higher  
GetFileAttributesWrapW (75) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetFileVersionInfoWrapW (351) 5.0 and higher  
GetFileVersionInfoSizeWrapW (350) 5.0 and higher  
GetFullPathNameWrapW (76) 4.71 and higher  
GetLocalInfoWrapW (77) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetLongPathNameWrapA (457) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
GetLongPathNameWrapW (458) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
GetMenuItemInfoWrapW (302) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetMenuPosFromID 4.71 and higher documented
GetMenuStringWrapW (78) 4.71 and higher  
GetMessageWrapW (79) 4.71 and higher  
GetMIMETypeSubKeyA (328) 5.0 and higher  
GetMIMETypeSubKeyW (329) 5.0 and higher  
GetModuleFileNameWrapW (80) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetModuleHandleWrapW (83) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetNumberFormatWrapW (339) 5.0 and higher  
GetObjectWrapW (84) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetOpenFileNameWrapW (403) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetPerfTime (250) 5.0 and higher  
GetPrivateProfileIntWrapW (85) 4.71 and higher  
GetPrivateProfileStringWrapW (312) 5.0 and higher  
GetPrivateProfileStructWrapW (368) 5.0 and higher  
GetProfileStringWrapW (86) 4.71 and higher  
GetPropWrapW (87) 4.71 and higher  
GetSaveFileNameWrapW (389) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetShellSecurityDescriptor (475) 5.50 and higher documented in 2004;
un-documented in 2006
GetShortPathNameWrapW (361) 5.0 and higher  
GetStringType3ExW (35) 4.71 and higher  
GetStringTypeExWrapW (88) 4.71 and higher  
GetSystemDirectoryWrapW (81) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetTempFileNameWrapW (89) 4.71 and higher  
GetTemplateInfoFromHandle (550) 6.0 and higher  
GetTempPathWrapW (90) 4.71 and higher  
GetTextExtentPoint32WrapW (91) 4.71 and higher  
GetTextFaceWrapW (92) 4.71 and higher  
GetTextMetricsWrapW (93) 4.71 and higher  
GetTimeFormatWrapW (310) 5.0 and higher documented
GetUIVersion (542) 6.0 and higher  
GetUserNameWrapW (362) 5.0 and higher  
GetWindowLongWrapW (94) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetWindowsDirectoryWrapW (97) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetWindowTextWrapW (95) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GetWindowTextLengthWrapW (96) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GlobalAddAtomWrapW (489) 5.50 and higher  
GlobalFindAtomWrapW (490) 5.50 and higher  
GUIDFromStringA (269) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
GUIDFromStringW (270) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
HashData 4.71 and higher documented
IConnectionPoint_InvokeWithCancel (283) 5.0 and higher  
IConnectionPoint_OnChanged (285) 5.0 and higher  
IConnectionPoint_SimpleInvoke (284) 5.0 and higher  
IContextMenu_Invoke (207) 5.0 and higher  
InsertMenuWrapW (98) 4.71 and higher  
InsertMenuItemWrapW (303) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
IntlStrEqWorkerA 4.70 and higher documented
IntlStrEqWorkerW 4.70 and higher documented
IsBadStringPtrWrapW (308) 5.0 and higher  
IsCharAlphaWrapW (25) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
IsCharAlphaNumericWrapW (28) 4.71 and higher documented
IsCharBlankW (30) 4.71 and higher  
IsCharCntrlW (32) 4.71 and higher  
IsCharDigitW (33) 4.71 and higher  
IsCharLowerWrapW (27) 4.71 and higher  
IsCharPunctW (31) 4.71 and higher  
IsCharSpaceA 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher documented
IsCharSpaceW (29) 4.71 and higher documented
IsCharUpperWrapW (26) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
IsCharXDigitW (34) 4.71 and higher  
IsDialogMessageWrapW (99) 4.71 and higher  
IShellFolder_CompareIDs (551) 6.0 and higher  
IShellFolder_EnumObjects (404) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
IShellFolder_GetDisplayNameOf (316) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
IShellFolder_ParseDisplayName (317) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
IShellFolder_ParseDisplayNameC (573) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
IsInternetESCEnabled (553) 6.0 from Windows Server 2003, and higher documented
IsInternetESCEnabled (562) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
IsOS (437) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IsQSForward (202) 5.0 and higher  
IStream_Copy (568) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
IStream_Read (184) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IStream_ReadPidl (512) 6.0 and higher documented in 2006
IStream_ReadStr (596) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
IStream_ReadStrLong (644) 6.1 and higher  
IStream_Reset (213) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IStream_Size (214) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IStream_Write (212) 5.0 and higher documented in 2006
IStream_WritePidl (513) 6.0 and higher documented in 2006
IStream_WriteStr (597) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
IStream_WriteStrLong (645) 6.1 and higher  
IUnknown_AtomicRelease (169) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeIndirect (288) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_CPContainerInvokeParam (286) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_CPContainerOnChanged (287) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_DoContextMenuPopup (546) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_EnableModeless (355) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_Exec (164) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_GetClassID (175) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_GetSite (256) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IUnknown_GetWindow (172) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IUnknown_HandleIRestrict (190) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_HasFocusIO (481) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_OnFocusChangeIS (509) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_OnFocusOCS (189) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_ProfferService (514) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_ProfferServiceOld (470) 5.50 and higher  
IUnknown_QueryService (176) 5.0 and higher documented
IUnknown_QueryServiceExec (484) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_QueryServiceForWebBrowserApp (538) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_QueryServicePropertyBag (536) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_QueryServiceQueryStatus (602) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
IUnknown_QueryStatus (163) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_RemoveBackReferences (611) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
IUnknown_Set (199) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IUnknown_SetOwner (173) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_SetSite (174) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
IUnknown_ShowBrowserBar (539) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorGlobal (638) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorIO (478) 6.0 and higher  
IUnknown_TranslateAcceleratorOCS (188) 5.0 and higher  
IUnknown_UIActivateIO (479) 6.0 and higher  
IWebBrowser_Navigate (574) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
IWebBrowser_Navigate2 (575) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
LoadAcceleratorsWrapW (100) 4.71 and higher  
LoadBitmapWrapW (101) 4.71 and higher  
LoadCursorWrapW (102) 4.71 and higher  
LoadIconWrapW (103) 4.71 and higher  
LoadImageWrapW (104) 4.71 and higher  
LoadLibraryWrapW (309) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
LoadLibraryExWrapW (105) 4.71 and higher  
LoadMenuWrapW (106) 4.71 and higher  
LoadStringWrapW (107) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
MapWin32ErrorToSTG (485) 6.0 and higher  
MayExecForward (201) 5.0 and higher  
MayQSForward (200) 5.0 and higher  
MessageBoxWrapW (340) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
MessageBoxIndirectWrapW (108) 4.71 and higher  
MIME_GetExtensionA (330) 5.0 and higher  
MIME_GetExtensionW (331) 5.0 and higher  
MLBuildResURLA (405) 5.0 and higher  
MLBuildResURLW (406) 5.0 and higher  
MLClearMLHInstance (431) 5.0 and higher  
MLFreeLibrary (418) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
MLGetUILanguage (376) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
MLHtmlHelpA (396) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
MLHtmlHelpW (398) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
MLIsMLHInstance (429) 5.0 and higher  
MLLoadLibraryA (377) 5.0 and higher documented
MLLoadLibraryW (378) 5.0 and higher documented
MLSetMLHInstance (430) 5.0 and higher  
MLWinHelpA (395) 5.0 and higher  
MLWinHelpW (397) 5.0 and higher  
ModeToCreateFileFlags (486) 6.0 and higher  
ModifyMenuWrapW (109) 4.71 and higher  
MoveFileWrapW (113) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
NextPathA (449) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
NextPathW (450) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
OemToCharWrapW (114) 4.71 and higher  
OpenEventWrapW (359) 5.0 and higher  
OutputDebugStringWrapW (115) 4.71 and higher documented
PageSetupDlgWrapW (401) 5.0 and higher  
ParseURLA (1) 4.70 and higher documented in 2004
ParseURLW (2) 4.70 and higher documented in 2004
PathAddBackslashA 4.70 and higher documented
PathAddBackslashW 4.70 and higher documented
PathAddExtensionA 4.70 and higher documented
PathAddExtensionW 4.70 and higher documented
PathAppendA 4.70 and higher documented
PathAppendW 4.70 and higher documented
PathBuildRootA 4.70 and higher documented
PathBuildRootW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCanonicalizeA 4.70 and higher documented
PathCanonicalizeW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCombineA 4.70 and higher documented
PathCombineW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCommonPrefixA 4.70 and higher documented
PathCommonPrefixW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCompactPathA 4.70 and higher documented
PathCompactPathW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCompactPathExA 4.70 and higher documented
PathCompactPathExW 4.70 and higher documented
PathCreateFromUrlA 4.71 and higher documented
PathCreateFromUrlW 4.71 and higher documented
PathCreateFromUrlAlloc 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
PathFileExistsA 4.70 and higher documented
PathFileExistsW 4.70 and higher documented
PathFileExistsAndAttributesA (445) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathFileExistsAndAttributesW (446) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathFileExistsDefExtA (3) 4.71 and higher  
PathFileExistsDefExtW (4) 4.71 and higher  
PathFileExistsDefExtAndAttributesW (511) 6.0 and higher  
PathFindExtensionA 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindExtensionW 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindFileNameA 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindFileNameW 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindNextComponentA 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindNextComponentW 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindOnPathA 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindOnPathW 4.70 and higher documented
PathFindOnPathExA (5) 4.71 and higher  
PathFindOnPathExW (6) 4.71 and higher  
PathFindSuffixArrayA 5.0 and higher documented
PathFindSuffixArrayW 5.0 and higher documented
PathGetArgsA 4.70 and higher documented
PathGetArgsW 4.70 and higher documented
PathGetCharTypeA 4.71 and higher documented
PathGetCharTypeW 4.71 and higher documented
PathGetDriveNumberA 4.70 and higher documented
PathGetDriveNumberW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsContentTypeA 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsContentTypeW 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsDirectoryA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsDirectoryW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsDirectoryEmptyA 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsDirectoryEmptyW 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsFileSpecA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsFileSpecW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsLFNFileSpecA 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsLFNFileSpecW 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsNetworkPathA 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsNetworkPathW 5.0 and higher documented
PathIsPrefixA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsPrefixW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsRelativeA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsRelativeW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsRootA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsRootW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsSameRootA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsSameRootW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsSystemFolderA 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsSystemFolderW 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsUNCA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsUNCW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsUNCServerA 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsUNCServerW 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsUNCServerShareA 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsUNCServerShareW 4.71 and higher documented
PathIsURLA 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsURLW 4.70 and higher documented
PathIsValidCharA (455) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathIsValidCharW (456) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathMakePrettyA 4.70 and higher documented
PathMakePrettyW 4.70 and higher documented
PathMakeSystemFolderA 4.71 and higher documented
PathMakeSystemFolderW 4.71 and higher documented
PathMatchSpecA 4.70 and higher documented
PathMatchSpecW 4.70 and higher documented
PathMatchSpecExA 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
PathMatchSpecExW 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
PathParseIconLocationA 4.70 and higher documented
PathParseIconLocationW 4.70 and higher documented
PathQuoteSpacesA 4.70 and higher documented
PathQuoteSpacesW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRelativePathToA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRelativePathToW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveArgsA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveArgsW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveBackslashA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveBackslashW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveBlanksA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveBlanksW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveExtensionA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveExtensionW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveFileSpecA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRemoveFileSpecW 4.70 and higher documented
PathRenameExtensionA 4.70 and higher documented
PathRenameExtensionW 4.70 and higher documented
PathSearchAndQualifyA 4.70 and higher documented
PathSearchAndQualifyW 4.70 and higher documented
PathSetDlgItemPathA 4.70 and higher documented
PathSetDlgItemPathW 4.70 and higher documented
PathSkipLeadingSlashes (170) 5.0 and higher  
PathSkipRootA 4.70 and higher documented
PathSkipRootW 4.70 and higher documented
PathStripPathA 4.70 and higher documented
PathStripPathW 4.70 and higher documented
PathStripToRootA 4.70 and higher documented
PathStripToRootW 4.70 and higher documented
PathUndecorateA 5.0 and higher documented
PathUndecorateW 5.0 and higher documented
PathUnExpandEnvStringsA 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
PathUnExpandEnvStringsW 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserA (465) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathUnExpandEnvStringsForUserW (466) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
PathUnExpandSystemEnvStrings (643) 6.1 and higher  
PathUnmakeSystemFolderA 4.71 and higher documented
PathUnmakeSystemFolderW 4.71 and higher documented
PathUnquoteSpacesA 4.70 and higher documented
PathUnquoteSpacesW 4.70 and higher documented
PeekMessageWrapW (116) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
PlaySoundWrapW (289) 5.0 and higher  
PostMessageWrapW (117) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
PostThreadMessageWrapW (118) 4.71 and higher  
PrettifyFileDescriptionW (492) 6.0 and higher  
PrintDlgWrapW (402) 5.0 and higher  
QISearch (219) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
QuerySourceCreateFromKey (544) 6.0 and higher  
QuerySourceCreateFromKeyEx (576) 6.1 and higher  
RegCreateKeyWrapW (119) 4.71 and higher  
RegCreateKeyExWrapW (120) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RegDeleteKeyWrapW (121) 4.71 and higher  
RegDeleteValueWrapW (347) 5.0 and higher  
RegEnumKeyWrapW (122) 4.71 and higher  
RegEnumKeyExWrapW (123) 4.71 and higher  
RegEnumValueWrapW (366) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterClassWrapW (131) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RegisterClassExWrapW (314) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterClipboardFormatWrapW (132) 4.71 and higher  
RegisterDefaultAcceptHeaders (13) 4.71 and higher  
RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeA (324) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterExtensionForMIMETypeW (325) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterGlobalHotkeyA (275) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterGlobalHotkeyW (274) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionA (320) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterMIMETypeForExtensionW (321) 5.0 and higher  
RegisterWindowMessageWrapW (133) 4.71 and higher  
RegOpenKeyWrapW (124) 4.71 and higher  
RegOpenKeyExWrapW (125) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RegQueryInfoKeyWrapW (126) 4.71 and higher  
RegQueryValueWrapW (127) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RegQueryValueExWrapW (128) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RegSetValueWrapW (129) 4.71 and higher  
RegSetValueExWrapW (130) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
RemoveDirectoryWrapW (360) 5.0 and higher  
RemovePropWrapW (134) 4.71 and higher  
RunIndirectRegCommand (468) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
RunRegCommand (469) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SearchPathWrapW (82) 4.71 and higher  
SendDlgItemMessageWrapW (135) 4.71 and higher  
SendMessageWrapW (136) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SendMessageTimeoutWrapW (434) 5.0 and higher  
SetCurrentDirectoryWrapW (137) 4.71 and higher  
SetDlgItemTextWrapW (138) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SetFileAttributesWrapW (338) 5.0 and higher  
SetMenuItemInfoWrapW (139) 4.71 and higher  
SetPropWrapW (140) 4.71 and higher  
SetWindowLongWrapW (141) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SetWindowsHookExWrapW (142) 4.71 and higher  
SetWindowTextWrapW (143) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHAboutInfoA (160) 4.71 and higher  
SHAboutInfoW (161) 4.71 and higher  
SHAddDataBlock (20) 4.71 and higher  
SHAllocShared (7) 4.71 and higher documented for settlement
SHAnsiToAnsi (345) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHAnsiToUnicode (215) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHAnsiToUnicodeCP (216) 5.0 and higher  
SHAnsiToUnicodeCPAlloc (600) 6.1 and higher  
SHAreIconsEqual (548) 6.0 and higher  
SHAutoComplete 5.0 and higher documented
SHBoolSystemParametersInfo (537) 6.0 and higher  
SHBrowseForFolderWrapW (333) 5.0 and higher  
SHCancelTimerQueueTimer (265) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHCancelUserWorkItems (293) 5.0 and higher  
SHChangeNotifyWrap (394) 5.0 and higher  
SHChangeTimerQueueTimer (264) 5.0 and higher  
SHCheckDiskForMediaA (374) 5.0 and higher  
SHCheckDiskForMediaW (375) 5.0 and higher  
SHCheckMenuItem (182) 5.0 and higher  
SHClearViewStatePropertyBag (616) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHCoCreateExtension (557) 6.0 from Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only  
SHCoCreateExtension (565) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHCoCreateInstanceAC (549) 6.0 and higher  
SHCoExtensionAllowed (556) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only  
SHCoExtensionAllowed (564) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHCoExtensionCollectStats (558) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
SHConvertGraphicsFile (488) 6.0 and higher  
SHCopyKeyA 5.0 and higher documented
SHCopyKeyW 5.0 and higher documented
SHCreateMemStream (12) 4.71 and higher documented in 2004
SHCreatePropertyBagOnCachedProfileSection (626) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHCreatePropertyBagOnMemory (477) 5.50 and higher  
SHCreatePropertyBagOnProfileSection (472) 5.50 and higher  
SHCreatePropertyBagOnRegKey (471) 5.50 and higher  
SHCreatePropertyStoreOnXML (621) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHCreateShellPalette 4.71 and higher documented
SHCreateStreamOnDllResourceW (627) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHCreateStreamOnFileA 5.0 and higher documented
SHCreateStreamOnFileW 5.0 and higher documented
SHCreateStreamOnFileAOld 5.0 from before Windows 2000 only  
SHCreateStreamOnFileWOld 5.0 from before Windows 2000 only  
SHCreateStreamOnFileEx 6.0 and higher documented
SHCreateStreamOnModuleResourceW (628) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHCreateStreamWrapper 5.0 and higher  
SHCreateThread (16) 4.71 and higher documented
SHCreateThreadRef 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
SHCreateThreadWithHandle (615) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHCreateTimerQueue (261) 5.0 and higher  
SHCreateWorkerWindowA (257) 5.0 and higher  
SHCreateWorkerWindowW (278) 5.0 and higher  
SHDefExtractIconWrapW (358) 5.0 and higher  
SHDefWindowProc (240) 5.0 and higher  
SHDeleteEmptyKeyA 4.70 and higher documented
SHDeleteEmptyKeyW 4.70 and higher documented
SHDeleteKeyA 4.70 and higher documented
SHDeleteKeyW 4.70 and higher documented
SHDeleteOrphanKeyA 4.70 and higher  
SHDeleteOrphanKeyW 4.70 and higher  
SHDeleteTimerQueue (262) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHDeleteValueA 4.70 and higher documented
SHDeleteValueW 4.70 and higher documented
SHDialogBox (277) 5.0 and higher  
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapA (380) 5.0 and higher  
Shell_GetCachedImageIndexWrapW (379) 5.0 and higher  
ShellExecuteExWrapW (335) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
ShellMessageBoxA 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
ShellMessageBoxWrapW (388) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHEnableMenuItem (181) 5.0 and higher  
SHEnumKeyExA 4.71 and higher documented
SHEnumKeyExW 4.71 and higher documented
SHEnumValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHEnumValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHEvaluateSystemCommandTemplate (552) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2, and higher  
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsA (459) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsW (460) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsAlloc (572) 6.1 and higher  
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserA (463) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHExpandEnvironmentStringsForUserW (464) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHFileOperationWrapW (336) 5.0 and higher  
SHFillRectClr (197) 5.0 and higher  
SHFindDataBlock (22) 4.71 and higher  
SHFlushSFCacheWrap (419) 5.0 and higher  
SHFormatDateTimeA (353) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHFormatDateTimeW (354) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHForwardContextMenuMsg (545) 6.0 and higher  
SHFreeDataBlockList (19) 4.71 and higher  
SHFreeShared (10) 4.71 and higher documented for settlement
SHGetAllAccessSA (554) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only  
SHGetAllAccessSA (563) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetAppCompatFlags (461) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHGetCurColorRes (193) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetFileDescriptionA (349) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetFileDescriptionW (348) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetFileInfoWrapW (313) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHGetIniStringW (294) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetIniStringUTF7W (473) 5.50 and higher  
SHGetInverseCMAP 4.71 and higher documented
SHGetMachineInfo (413) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetMenuFromID (192) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetNewLinkInfoWrapW (357) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetObjectCompatFlags (476) 5.50 and higher  
SHGetPathFromIDListWrapW (334) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHGetPerScreenResName (533) 6.0 and higher  
SHGetPrivateProfileInt (553) Windows XP SP2 and SP3 only  
SHGetPrivateProfileInt (562) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
SHGetPrivateProfileSection (554) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileSection (563) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
SHGetPrivateProfileSectionNames (555) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileSectionNames (564) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
SHGetPrivateProfileString (556) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileString (565) Windows 2003 Server SP1 and SP2 only
SHGetPrivateProfileStruct (557) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and SP3;
6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher
SHGetPrivateProfileStruct (566) 6.0 from Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher
SHGetRestriction (271) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetShellKey (491) 6.0 and higher  
SHGetShellKeyEx (635) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHGetSignatureInfo (559) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
SHGetSignatureInfoEx (642) 6.1 and higher  
SHGetSizeShared (641) 6.1 and higher  
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryA (443) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetSystemWindowsDirectoryW (444) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetThreadRef 5.0 and higher documented
SHGetUserToken (598) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHGetValueA 4.70 and higher documented
SHGetValueW 4.70 and higher documented
SHGetValueGoodBootA (205) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetValueGoodBootW (206) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetViewStatePropertyBag (515) 6.0 and higher documented for settlement
SHGetWebFolderFilePathA (440) 5.0 and higher  
SHGetWebFolderFilePathW (441) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterCreate (222) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterCreateNamedA (422) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterCreateNamedW (423) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterDecrement (424) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterDecrement (634) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHGlobalCounterGetValue (223) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterGetValue (632) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHGlobalCounterIncrement (224) 5.0 and higher  
SHGlobalCounterIncrement (633) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandA (415) 5.0 and higher  
SHHtmlHelpOnDemandW (414) 5.0 and higher  
SHInterlockedCompareExchange (342) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHInvokeCommand (363) 5.0 and higher  
SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenu (540) 6.0 and higher  
SHInvokeCommandOnContextMenuEx (639) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenu (541) 6.0 and higher  
SHInvokeCommandsOnContextMenuEx (640) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHInvokeCommandWithFlagsAndSite (571) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHInvokeDefaultCommand (279) 5.0 and higher  
SHIsChildOrSelf (204) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHIsEmptyStream (166) 5.0 and higher  
SHIsExpandableFolder (195) 5.0 and higher  
SHIsLowMemoryMachine 4.71 and higher documented
SHIsSameObject (171) 5.0 and higher  
SHLoadFromPropertyBag (187) 5.0 and higher  
SHLoadIndirectString (487) 6.0 and higher documented
SHLoadMenuPopup (177) 5.0 and higher  
SHLoadPersistedDataObject (421) 5.0 and higher  
SHLoadRawAccelerators (385) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHLoadRegUIStringA (438) 5.0 and higher  
SHLoadRegUIStringW (439) 5.0 and higher  
SHLockShared (8) 4.71 and higher documented for settlement
SHLockSharedEx (510) 6.0 and higher  
SHMapHandle (11) 4.71 and higher  
SHMenuIndexFromID (179) 5.0 and higher  
SHMessageBoxCheckA (185) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHMessageBoxCheckW (191) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHMessageBoxCheckExA (291) 5.0 and higher  
SHMessageBoxCheckExW (292) 5.0 and higher  
SHMessageBoxHelpA (482) 6.0 and higher  
SHMessageBoxHelpW (483) 6.0 and higher  
SHMirrorIcon (290) 5.0 and higher  
SHOpenRegStreamA 4.71 and higher documented
SHOpenRegStreamW 4.71 and higher documented
SHOpenRegStream2A 5.0 and higher documented
SHOpenRegStream2W 5.0 and higher documented
SHPackDispParams (282) 5.0 and higher  
SHPackDispParamsV (281) 5.0 and higher  
SHPersistDataObject (420) 5.0 and higher  
SHPinDllOfCLSID (236) 5.0 and higher  
SHPropagateMessage (178) 5.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_Delete (535) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOL (534) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadBOOLOld (498) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadBSTR (520) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadDWORD (507) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadGUID (505) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadInt (529) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadLONG (496) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTL (521) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadPOINTS (525) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadPropertyKey (614) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadRECTL (523) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadSHORT (527) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadStr (494) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadStrAlloc (567) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadStream (531) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadType (493) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadULONLONG (577) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_ReadUnknown (636) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteBOOL (499) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteBSTR 6.1 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteDWORD (508) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteGUID (506) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteInt (530) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteLONG (497) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTL (522) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WritePOINTS (526) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WritePropertyKey (613) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteRECTL (524) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteSHORT (528) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteStr (495) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteStream (532) 6.0 and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteULONGLONG (578) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHPropertyBag_WriteUnknown (637) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHQueryInfoKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHQueryInfoKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHQueryRawAccelerator (386) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHQueryRawAcceleratorMsg (387) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHQueryValueExA 4.70 and higher documented
SHQueryValueExW 4.70 and higher documented
SHQueueUserWorkItem (260) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHReadDataBlockList (18) 4.71 and higher  
SHRegCloseUSKey 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegCreateUSKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegCreateUSKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegDeleteEmptyUSKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegDeleteUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegDeleteUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegDuplicateHKey 5.0 and higher documented
SHRegEnumUSKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegEnumUSKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegEnumUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegEnumUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegGetBoolUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegGetBoolUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegGetBoolValueFromHKCUHKLM (630) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHRegGetCLSIDKeyA (343) 5.0 and higher  
SHRegGetCLSIDKeyW (344) 5.0 and higher  
SHRegGetIntW (280) 5.0 and higher documented
SHRegGetPathA 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
SHRegGetPathW 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
SHRegGetUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegGetUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegGetValueA 6.0 from Windows XP SP2, and higher documented in 2004
SHRegGetValueW 6.0 from Windows XP SP2, and higher documented in 2004
SHRegGetValueFromHKCUHKLM (629) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHRegisterClassA (183) 5.0 and higher  
SHRegisterClassW (237) 5.0 and higher  
SHRegisterValidateTemplate 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHRegisterWaitForSingleObject (258) 5.0 and higher  
SHRegOpenUSKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegOpenUSKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegQueryInfoUSKeyW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegQueryUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegQueryUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegSetPathA 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
SHRegSetPathW 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented
SHRegSetUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegSetUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegSetValue (631) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher documented
SHRegWriteUSValueA 4.71 and higher documented
SHRegWriteUSValueW 4.71 and higher documented
SHReleaseThreadRef 6.0 and higher documented
SHRemoveAllSubMenus (180) 5.0 and higher  
SHRemoveDataBlock (21) 4.71 and higher  
SHRemoveDefaultDialogFont (221) 5.0 and higher  
SHRestrictedMessageBox (384) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHRestrictionLookup (266) 5.0 and higher  
SHRunIndirectRegClientCommand (467) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
SHSafeQueryInterface (601) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHSearchMapInt (198) 5.0 and higher  
SHSendMessageBroadcastA (432) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHSendMessageBroadcastW (433) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHSetDefaultDialogFont (220) 5.0 and higher  
SHSetIniStringW (295) 5.0 and higher  
SHSetIniStringUTF7W (474) 5.50 and higher  
SHSetParentHwnd (167) 5.0 and higher  
SHSetThreadPoolLimits (272) 5.0 and higher  
SHSetThreadRef 5.0 and higher documented
SHSetTimerQueueTimer (263) 5.0 and higher documented in 2005-2006
SHSetValueA 4.70 and higher documented
SHSetValueW 4.70 and higher documented
SHSetWindowBits (165) 5.0 and higher  
SHSimulateDrop (186) 5.0 and higher  
SHSkipJunction 5.0 and higher documented
SHStrDupA 5.0 and higher documented
SHStrDupW 5.0 and higher documented
SHStringFromGUIDA (23) 4.71 and higher  
SHStringFromGUIDW (24) 4.71 and higher  
SHStripMneumonicA (203) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHStripMneumonicW (225) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHTerminateThreadPool (273) 5.0 and higher  
SHTruncateString (162) 5.0 and higher  
SHUnicodeToAnsi (217) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHUnicodeToAnsiCP (218) 5.0 and higher  
SHUnicodeToAnsiCPAlloc (599) 6.1 and higher  
SHUnicodeToUnicode (346) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
SHUnlockShared (9) 4.71 and higher documented for settlement
SHUnregisterClassesA (238) 5.0 and higher  
SHUnregisterClassesW (239) 5.0 and higher  
SHUnregisterWait (259) 5.0 and higher  
SHVerbExistsNA (196) 5.0 and higher  
SHWaitForSendMessageThread (194) 5.0 and higher  
SHWeakQueryInterface (267) 5.0 and higher  
SHWeakReleaseInterface (268) 5.0 and higher  
SHWindowsPolicy (618) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
SHWindowsPolicyGetValue (560) 6.0 from Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, and higher  
SHWinHelpOnDemandA (417) 5.0 and higher  
SHWinHelpOnDemandW (416) 5.0 and higher  
SHWriteDataBlockList (17) 4.71 and higher  
SKAllocValueW (519) 6.0 and higher  
SKDeleteValueW (518) 6.0 and higher  
SKGetValueW (516) 6.0 and higher  
SKSetValueW (517) 6.0 and higher  
StartDocWrapW (144) 4.71 and higher  
StopWatch_CheckMsg (246) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_DispatchTime (251) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_MarkFrameStart (247) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_MarkJavaStop (249) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_MarkSameFrameStart (248) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_SetMsgLastLocation (252) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatch_TimerHandler (245) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatchA (243) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatchW (244) 5.0 and higher  
StopWatchExA (253) 5.50 and higher  
StopWatchExW (254) 5.50 and higher  
StopWatchFlush (242) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
StopWatchMode (241) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
StrCatW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCatBuffA 5.0 and higher documented
StrCatBuffW 5.0 and higher documented
StrCatChainW 6.0 and higher documented
StrChrA 4.70 and higher documented
StrChrW 4.70 and higher documented
StrChrIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrChrIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrChrNW 6.0 and higher  
StrChrNIW 6.0 and higher  
StrCmpW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpCA (155) 4.71 and higher documented
StrCmpCW (156) 4.71 and higher documented
StrCmpIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpICA (157) 4.71 and higher documented
StrCmpICW (158) 4.71 and higher documented
StrCmpLogicalW 6.0 and higher documented
StrCmpNA 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpNW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpNCA (151) 4.71 and higher documented in 2004
StrCmpNCW (152) 4.71 and higher documented in 2004
StrCmpNIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpNIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCmpNICA (153) 4.71 and higher documented in 2004
StrCmpNICW (154) 4.71 and higher documented in 2004
StrCpyW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCpyNW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCpyNXA (399) 5.0 and higher  
StrCpyNXW (400) 5.0 and higher  
StrCSpnA 4.70 and higher documented
StrCSpnW 4.70 and higher documented
StrCSpnIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrCSpnIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrDupA 4.70 and higher documented
StrDupW 4.70 and higher documented
StrFormatByteSizeA 4.70 and higher documented
StrFormatByteSizeW 4.70 and higher documented
StrFormatByteSize64A 5.0 and higher documented
StrFormatByteSizeEx 6.0 from Windows Vista SP1, and higher  
StrFormatKBSizeA 5.0 and higher documented
StrFormatKBSizeW 5.0 and higher documented
StrFromTimeIntervalA 4.70 and higher documented
StrFromTimeIntervalW 4.70 and higher documented
StrIsCanonicalEqualA (605) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
StrIsCanonicalEqualW (606) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
StrIsCanonicalEqualNA (603) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
StrIsCanonicalEqualNW (604) 6.0 from Windows Vista, and higher  
StrIsIntlEqualA 4.70 and higher documented
StrIsIntlEqualW 4.70 and higher documented
StrNCatA 4.71 and higher documented
StrNCatW 4.71 and higher documented
StrPBrkA 4.70 and higher documented
StrPBrkW 4.70 and higher documented
StrRChrA 4.70 and higher documented
StrRChrW 4.70 and higher documented
StrRChrIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrRChrIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrRetToBSTR 6.0 and higher documented
StrRetToBufA 5.0 and higher documented
StrRetToBufW 5.0 and higher documented
StrRetToStrA 5.0 and higher documented
StrRetToStrW 5.0 and higher documented
StrRStrIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrRStrIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrSpnA 4.70 and higher documented
StrSpnW 4.70 and higher documented
StrStrA 4.70 and higher documented
StrStrW 4.70 and higher documented
StrStrIA 4.70 and higher documented
StrStrIW 4.70 and higher documented
StrStrNW 6.0 and higher  
StrStrNIW 6.0 and higher  
StrToIntA 4.70 and higher documented
StrToIntW 4.70 and higher documented
StrToInt64ExA 6.0 and higher documented
StrToInt64ExW 6.0 and higher documented
StrToIntExA 4.70 and higher documented
StrToIntExW 4.70 and higher documented
StrTrimA 4.71 and higher documented
StrTrimW 4.71 and higher documented
SystemParametersInfoWrapW (145) 4.71 and higher  
TrackPopupMenuExWrap (428) 5.0 and higher  
TrackPopupMenuWrap (427) 5.0 and higher  
TranslateAcceleratorWrapW (146) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
UnregisterClassWrapW (147) 4.71 and higher documented in 2005-2006
UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeA (326) 5.0 and higher  
UnregisterExtensionForMIMETypeW (327) 5.0 and higher  
UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionA (322) 5.0 and higher  
UnregisterMIMETypeForExtensionW (323) 5.0 and higher  
UrlApplySchemeA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlApplySchemeW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCanonicalizeA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCanonicalizeW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCombineA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCombineW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCompareA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCompareW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCrackW (480) 5.50 and higher  
UrlCreateFromPathA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlCreateFromPathW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlEscapeA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlEscapeW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlFixupW (462) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher documented in 2004
UrlGetLocationA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlGetLocationW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlGetPartA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlGetPartW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlHashA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlHashW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsNoHistoryA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsNoHistoryW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsOpaqueA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlIsOpaqueW 4.71 and higher documented
UrlUnescapeA 4.71 and higher documented
UrlUnescapeW 4.71 and higher documented
VerQueryValueWrapW (352) 5.0 and higher  
VkKeyScanWrapW (148) 4.71 and higher  
WhichPlatform (276) 5.0 and higher documented in 2004
WinHelpWrapW (149) 4.71 and higher  
WNetGetLastErrorWrapW (391) 5.0 and higher  
WNetRestoreConnectionWrapW (390) 5.0 and higher  
wnsprintfA 5.0 and higher documented
wnsprintfW 5.0 and higher documented
WritePrivateProfileStringWrapW (298) 5.0 and higher  
WritePrivateProfileStructWrapW (367) 5.0 and higher  
wvnsprintfA 5.0 and higher documented
wvnsprintfW 5.0 and higher documented
wvsprintfWrapW (150) 4.71 and higher  
ZoneCheckHost (234) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckHostEx (235) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckPathA (226) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckPathW (227) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlA (228) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlW (229) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlExA (230) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlExW (231) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheA (232) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneCheckUrlExCacheW (233) 5.0 and higher  
ZoneComputePaneSize (382) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
ZoneConfigureW (383) 5.0 from Windows 2000, and higher  
_SHGetInstanceExplorer@4 5.0 from before Windows 2000 only  


Familiarity is assumed with the Reading Guide for the Windows Shell Study.


Function names are reproduced from the export directory of the SHLWAPI.DLL executable, wherever possible. For functions that are not exported by name (i.e., are exported only by ordinal) from any known SHLWAPI version, names are inferred from symbol files that Microsoft supplies for customer support. If a function is known as an ordinal-only export from at least one SHLWAPI version, then even if later versions also export the function by name, the ordinal persists and is given in brackets immediately after the function’s name. An ordinal is also given in brackets even if a function is exported by name in all known SHLWAPI versions, provided that the ordinal breaks the auto-numbering of named exports and seems to persist across versions.


The SHLWAPI versions shown for each function are inferred from a study of known releases, making reasonable assumptions about likely continuity, especially to suppose that a function will exist in future versions or that a function exists in all (released) builds of a version if no counter-example is yet known.

Documentation Status

Except where otherwise stated, the reference version for Microsoft’s documentation is the January 2007 edition of the Windows Vista Software Development Kit (as distributed by Microsoft on MSDN Disc 3667), especially but not only under the heading Shell Lightweight Utility Functions. Some SHLWAPI functions are documented under headings that have no immediate relationship to SHLWAPI. For instance, some are documented as Shell Functions under Windows Shell. I expect this scattering occurs because the documentation models someone’s notions of functionality, regardless of where the functionality actually got implemented. However it comes about, it makes as good a reminder as any for caution: that a function is not marked above as “documented” (or is marked on other pages as “undocumented”) does not mean for certain that Microsoft does not document it, just that I haven’t yet found where.

Functions that were documented among the Settlement Program Interfaces in late 2002 are labelled specifically as “documented for settlement”. Some functions that predate the January 2004 edition of the MSDN Library on CD (which was the previous reference version for this study) and were not documented therein have got documented since. These are labelled as “documented” but with a year or range of years, according to whatever precision I happen to know. In particular, functions for which I noticed documentation when consulting the on-line MSDN Library in late 2004 are labelled “documented in 2004”.

One function is not documented specifically as an export from SHLWAPI but fits a general case described in the reading guide. It is indicated by enclosing the documentation status in brackets.