Most Viewed in May 2012

This site had 17,607 visits in May 2012, from 13,769 unique visitors.

There follows a list of pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in May 2012. The faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents to another. Two of these index pages are just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction. The rank in brackets is from the previous month.

It’s somewhere between a pleasure and a relief that views of the article Licensed Memory in 32-Bit Windows Vista have dropped to the lowest since early 2009 when the article was fresh. Since that article is mostly accessed through links from other sites rather than through search engines—views held up well even through periods when Google lost almost all knowledge of this site—I infer that interest in the article’s topic is finally waning as 64-bit Windows supersedes 32-bit in ordinary use. In some ways, I wish I never had written that article (and very nearly didn't write it, in 2009, having sat on the material since 2007). The article has undeniably brought many readers who would never otherwise have found the site, but it has also in its time brought hate mail (including through anonymisers) and has demonstrated very well how readily the Internet supports those who would reproduce the work of others as their own.

Something quirky in this month’s logs is an almost complete slump in access from China, which has for many years been a reliable second in the list of hits by country but this month ties with Yemen very nearly at the bottom of the list.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Licensed Memory in Windows Vista 4,530
2 (2) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 1,291
3 (3) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 1,181
4 (4) The First Run Page in Internet Explorer 479
5 (5) Win32 385
6 (8) The Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 380
7 (7) Kernel 344
8 (6) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 339
9 (9) Boot Options: detecthal 310
10 (12) Boot Options: numproc 295
11 (26) Boot Options: nx 289
12 (14) The Windows Explorer Command Line 280
13 (23) Boot Windows from a Network 275
14 (10) NTDLL Functions 271
15 (33) WPP Software Tracing in SERVICES.EXE 268
16 (28) KERNEL32 Functions 267
17 (11) Installed License Values 263
18 (16) SYSENTER and SYSEXIT in Windows 257
19 (13) Notes 248
19 (18) SHELL32 Functions 248
21 (15) Shell 234
22 (21) Visual C++ 226
23 (19) BCD Elements 219
24 (39) LINK /IGNORE 216
25 (17) Kernel Versions 214
26 (31) Boot Options: pae 211
27 (22) The Boot Status Data Log 209
28 (20) HAL Versions 196
29 (24) Missing Icons in Notification Area 188
30 (32) Windows Kernel Exports 179
31 (35) Feature Control in Internet Explorer 178
32 (30) Internet Explorer 171
33 (37) SVCHOST 168
34 (33) Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure 159
35 (25) BCD Objects 158
35 (27) Licensed Processors in Windows Vista 158
35 (35) The Service Control Manager Eventlog Provider 158
38   Windows Policy Identifiers 156
39 (56) Disable Global Hot Keys 155
40 (38) Install a Boot Logo for Windows XP 148
41 (55) Predefined C++ Types 144
42 (53) The x86 BIOS Emulator 142
43   Viewing the Firmware Memory Map 139
44 (42) What’s New? 136
45 (48) Internet Explorer Options 134
46 (29) ZwQueryLicenseValue 130
47 (40) Software Analysis By Reverse Engineering 128
48 (43) CPU Identification by the Windows Kernel 121
49 (44) About This Site 114
50   ADVAPI32 Functions 113
51 (50) C1XX Errors 110
51 (52) Boot Options: kernel 110
53 (41) Memory Limit for Hibernation Support 108
54 (45) COMCTL32 Versions 105
54 (59) Internet Explorer Registry API 105
56   DWMAPI Functions 104
57 (63) Multiple Web Sites on One Machine 101