Most Viewed in April 2017

This site had 20,044 visits in March 2017, from 14,212 unique visitors. The list below is of pages that were each viewed at least 100 times in April 2017.

Rank Page Visits
1 (1) Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst 4,127
2 (2) Licensed Memory in Windows Vista 1,302
3 (3) The Windows Explorer Command Line 1,062
4 (4) KERNEL32 Functions 913
5 (5) Edit Boot Options in Windows Vista 819
6 (6) The First Run Page in Internet Explorer 605
7   Notes on Internet Explorer 604
8 (7) NTDLL Functions 491
9 (10) Kernel 439
10 (8) ADVAPI32 Functions 435
11 (9) Kernel Versions 430
12 (11) Win32 397
13 (22) NTDLL Versions 294
14 (43) America Online Exploits Bug in Own Software 289
15 (17) BCD Elements 279
16 (13) Boot Configuration Data (BCD) 277
17 (18) SHELL32 Functions 266
18 (18) Shell 256
19 (14) Visual C++ 252
20 (15) Boot Options: nx 232
21 (20) Consultation 231
21 (23) The API Set Schema 231
23 (26) About This Site 228
24 (24) Notes 207
25 (30) What’s New? 205
26 (29) BCD Objects 204
27 (25) The Advanced Boot Options Menu in Windows Vista 200
28 (28) Windows Diagnostic Infrastructure 184
29 (33) Boot Options: detecthal 181
30 (38) Feedback 177
30 (36) The Boot Status Data Log 177
32 (42) Problems With Tables in Expression Web 171
33 (32) Internet Explorer 165
34 (31) KERNEL32 Versions 159
35 (35) Terms 158
36 (38) Windows API Sets 157
37 (34) Windows Kernel Exports 152
38 (41) Disable Global Hot Keys 149
39 (44) Software Analysis By Reverse Engineering 146
40 (40) KERNELBASE Functions 133
40   COMCTL32 Versions 133
42 (46) Boot Options: truncatememory 130
42 (50) Diagnostic Provider for SERVICES.EXE 130
44 (47) Feature Control in Internet Explorer 129
45 (55) API Sets Added For Windows 10.0 126
46 (61) Boot Options: numproc 120
47 (37) Native API Functions 119
50 (54) SYSENTER and SYSEXIT in Windows 114
51 (64) LINK /IGNORE 113
52 (51) DWMAPI Functions 112
53 (49) SVCHOST 108
54   NTDLL 105
54 (58) KPCR 105
56 (69) PEB 104
57 (64) ZwQuerySystemInformation 103
58 (44) Script Languages in Internet Explorer 102
59 (12) MSHTML Versions 100

The faded titles are just index pages which I presume are viewed only or mainly on the way to others, especially while moving from one Table of Contents (TOC) to another. One of those index pages is just the skimpiest of placeholders, pending my writing an introduction, which I likely never will get round to. The TOCs are omitted entirely. The rank in brackets is from the previous month.